当前位置:文档之家› 2001英语周考模拟试题三




第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)

1. What do we learn about the man?

A. He slept well on the plane.

B. He had a long trip.

C. He had a meeting.

2. Why will the woman stay home in the evening?

A. To wait for a call.

B. To watch a ball game on TV.

C. To have dinner with a friend.

3. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?

A. A school bag.

B. A record.

C. A theatre ticket.

4. What does the man mainly do in his spare time?

A. Learn a language.

B. Do some sports.

C. Play the piano.

5. What did the woman like doing when she was young?

A. Riding a bicycle with friends.

B. Traveling the country.

C. Reading alone.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分)

听下面一段材料,回答第6 和第7 题。

6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a hotel.

B. At a booking office.

C. At a friend’s house.

7. What will the man probably do in a few days?

A. Fly to another country.

B. Come to the same hotel.

C. Drive here to visit friends.


8. What did the man worry about at the beginning of the conversation?

A. He might not find everything he wanted.

B. He might not have enough money with him.

C. He might not be able to carry the shopping.

9. How much should the man pay?

A. $ 5

B. $ 75

C. $ 75.05.

10. What did the woman do in the end?

A. She charged the man a little less.

B. She asked the man to pay her later.

C. She made a mistake in adding up the cost.


11. Where are the speakers?

A. In a classroom.

B. In a theatre.

C. In an office.

12. Why does the man plan to leave early?

A. He is going on vacation.

B. He is going to a performance.

C. He is going to the post office.

13. What does the woman offer to do?

A. Clean the office.

B. Pick up the man’s son.

C. Finish the man’s work.


14. How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?

A. Angry.

B. Surprised.

C. Sad.

15. What size bag does the woman want?

A. A 24-inch bag.

B. A 29-inch bag.

C. A 32-inch bag.

16. When will the woman leave for Mexico?

A. On Thursday.

B. On Friday.

C. On Saturday.

17. Where does the man work?

A. At a mail order company.

B. At an international travel service.

C. At the airport information desk.


18. Why did the woman not go to college?

A. She didn’t pass the exam.

B. She wasn’t interested in college.

C. She couldn’t afford college education.

19. What job does the woman say she did?

A. She was a bus conductor.

B. She was a shop assistant.

C. She was a housekeeper.

20. What did the woman think of her friend’s college life?

A. It was busy.

B. It was wonderful.

C. It was dull.


21. ___ here, come and have a cup of tea.

A. Passing

B. To pass

C. Pass

D. Having passed

22. The number 9.11 is a special number, _____, I think, that will be remembered by the Americans forever.

A. what

B. it

C. which

D. one

23. Many people are still in ________ habit of writing silly things in _________ public places.

A. the; the

B. 不填;不填

C. the; 不填

D. 不填;the

24. It was the ability to do the job ________ matters not where you come from or what you are.

A. one

B. it

C. this

D. that

25.—I say, Harry. What did you say to the laid-off worker just now?

—Nothing. I _______to myself.

A.had only talked B.am only talking C.have just talked D.was just talking 26. After Japan marked the Diaoyu Island as its own land on a new map, some citizens ________an anti-Japanese movement.

A. called on

B. called in

C. called off

D. called for

27. The most destructive natural disaster, tsunami, came unexpectedly _____ the tourists could leave the coast.

A. after

B. while

C. when


28. As is known to all, _____Yang Liwei has become a space hero is ______we have expected.

A. that; which

B. what; that

C. what; which

D. that; what

29. -- I have a stomachache. I think I have got some bad food at lunch today.

-- But we ate at the same place, ______ my stomach is fine?

A.What about

B. How come

C. So what

D. What if

30.When you are physically ______ to weather changes, maybe it's a sign that you are getting aged.


B. attractive

C. conscious

D. sensitive

31.______ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of China.


B. Convinced

C. To convince

D. Having convinced

32.I'd like to know everything about the accident. Would you please describe it _______?

A.in brief

B. in detail

C. in general

D. in short

33.Emotion eaters often ______ food right after having a bad experience.

A.pick up

B. call for

C. turn to

D. feed on

34.Reading ______ be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you to read, you probably ______ have fun,

A.must, may not

B. shall, mustn't

C. would, can't

D. can, won't

35.-- He failed his oral English test.

-- He _____ happy now if he _____ hard.

A.would be, had worked

B. is ,worked

C. would have been , had worked

D. is, had worked

第三部分: 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

Charlie and Jackie joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. They both worked very hard. After several years, the boss made Jackie sales manager but Charlie 36 a salesman. One day Charlie could not 37 it any' more. He handed in his resignation letter (辞职信) to the boss and complained that the boss did not 38 hard working employees, but only raised those who tried to please him. He thought that it was really 39 .

The boss knew that Charlie had spared no 40 for the company all these years, but in order to help Charlie to realize the 41 between him and Jackie, the boss asked Charlie to do the 42 . "Go and find out if there is anyone selling watermelons in the market." Charlie went, returned and 43 said, "Yes." The boss asked, "How much per kg?" Charlie went back to the market to ask and returned to 44 , "$ 12 per kg."

The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the 45 question. Jackie went, returned and said, "Boss, only one person selling watermelons. $ 12 per kg, $ 100 for 10 kg. He has a 46 of 340 melons. On the table are 58 melons, and every melon weighs about 15 kg, 47 from the South two days ago. They are fresh, red, and of good 48 ."

Charlie was 49 and he realized the difference between himself and Jackie. He decided not to 50 but to learn from Jackie.

My dear friends, you know, a more 51 person is more observant, thinks more and understands in 52 . For the same matter, he sees several years ahead, 53 you see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, so how could you 54 ?

Think! How far have you seen ahead in your life? How 55 in depth are you?

36. A. made B. became C. remained D. kept

37. A. take B. do C. get D. put

38. A. enjoy B. meet C. repay D. value

39. A. unusual B. unfair C. careless D. selfless

40. A. rest B. trouble C. effect D. effort

41. A. competition B. relationship C. difference D. distance

42. A. following B. finding C. shopping D. searching

43. A. still B. again C. even D. only

44. A. offer B. answer C. remind D. repeat

45. A. difficult B. familiar C. same D. simple

46. A. total B. lot C. pile D. number

47. A. taken B. come C. bought D. heard

48. A. value B. quality C. condition D. shape

49. A. struck B. moved C. puzzled D. encouraged

50. A. stay B. stop C. work D. leave

51. A. important B. intelligent C. successful D. hardworking

52. A. time B. depth C. need D. common

53. A. while B. though C. unless D. since

54. A. see B. think C. know D. win

55. A. hopeful B. thoughtful C. helpful D. meaningful



In 2003, the government banned Internet cafes from receiving customers under18. However, Shanghai plans to bring online games as well as cartoons and comics to its scho ols. “The influence of online games on young people cannot be ignored, ”said Weng Tiehui, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (SMEC). “We should choose the right game for them as online games are becoming part of their life.”

School teachers shared the same idea. "My students are like studying machines who are busy with homework all day," said Chen Hong, who is a teacher of Chinese in Shanghai Weiyu Middle School . "We should find ways to let them relax and online games may be a good way to do this."

"In role-playing games, you imagine yourself as a hero who fights against outlaws and saves their victims," said Shen Xia, a teacher from Shanghai Hongxing Middle School. "That is a good feeling for a kid. They gain success and confidence from the game. But the important thing is to make sure they don’t become escapists, mixing up reality and the imaginary world. "

"Multi-media has proven to be an effective teaching tool. Students enjoy learning something while they are playing games,’’ said Yan, an expert on education from the Shanghai Educational Press Group , "Online games will be a new teaching method in which they can learn at the same time as entertaining themselves. "

"I have dreamed that one day students will have courses via online games, "Yan added.

"The idea is practical, "Li Lijun, director of the Public Relations Department of Shanda, China’s online game giant; told the Shanghai Star. “If it proves to be successful, it will start a revolution in educational theory and practice. "

56. The above writing is most likely to appear in _________.

A. an official paper

B. a government notice

C. a newspaper

D. a meeting memo (备忘录)

57. According to Weng Tiehui, deputy director of the SMEC, __________.

A. it is not practical to forbid young people playing online games completely

B. online games have strong influence on young people so they should be banned

C. young people can't go without online games which are becoming part of their life

D. internet cafes should be allowed to receive customers under 18

58. According to the teachers and experts, online games have the following advantages EXCEPT


A. online games will let their students relax after busy work

B. online games will make their students become a hero

C. online games wilt bring good experiences to their students

D. online games will become an effective teaching tool

59. What is the purpose of the above writing?

A. To inform its readers of some information.

B. To argue about the advantages and disadvantages of online games.

C. To give some comments on online games.

D. To give a support to online games.


Since 1989, Dave Thomas, who died at age 69, was one of the most recognizable faces on TV. He appeared in more than 800 commercials (商业广告) for the hamburger chain named for his daughter. “As long as it works,” he said in 1991, “I’ll continue to do those commercials.”

Even though he was successful, Thomas remained troubled by his childhood. “He still won’t let anyone see his feet, which are out of shape because he never had proper-fitting shoes,” Wendy said in 1993. Born to a single mother, he was adopted as a baby by Rex and Auleva Thomas of Kalamazoo in Michigan. After Auleva died when he was 5, Thomas spent years on the road as Rex traveled around seeking construction work. “He fed me,” Thomas said, “and if I got out of line, he’d beat me.”

Moving out on his own at 15, Thomas worked, first as a waiter, in many restaurants. But he had something much better in mind. “I thought if I owned a restaurant,” he said, “I could eat for free.” A 1956 meeting with Harland Sanders led Thomas to a career as the manager of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant that made him a millionaire in 1968.

In 1969, after breaking with Sanders, Thomas started the first Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers, in Columbus, Ohio, which set itself apart by serving made-to-order burgers. With 6,000 restaurants worldwide, the chain now makes $ 6 billion a year in sales.

Although troubled by his own experience with adoption, Thomas, married since 1954 to Lorraine, 66, and with four grown kids besides Wendy, felt it could offer a future for other children. He started the Dave Thomas Foundation (基金会) for Adoption in 1992. In 1993, Thomas, who had left school at 15, graduated from Coconut Creek High School in Florida. He even took Lorraine to the graduation dance party. The kids voted him Most Likely to Succeed.

“The Dave you saw on TV was the real Dave,” says friend Pat Williams. “He wasn’t a great actor or a great speaker. He was just Joe Everybody.”

60. What is the article mainly about?

A. The life of Dave Thomas.

B. The dream of Dave Thomas.

C. The schooling of Dave Thomas.

D. The growth of Dave Thomas’s business.

61 What do we know about his childhood?

A. He lived a poor life.

B. He had caring parents.

C. He stayed in one place.

D. He didn’t go to school.

62. Choose the right time order of the following events in Thomas’s life.

a. graduated from high school

b. started his own business

c. became a millionaire

d. started a foundation

e. met Harland Sanders

A. e, b, c, d, a

B. a, e, c, b, d

C. e, c, b, d, a

D. a, e, b, c, d

63. “He was just Joe Everybody.” (in the last paragraph) means ______.

A. Dave was famous

B. Dave was ordinary

C. Dave was showy

D. Dave was shy


Driving Offence Points System

What is Driving Offence Points System?

After the introduction of this system, certain traffic offences will earn the driver points besides other punishment. If a driver makes any of these offences, the points will be recorded. When the driver gets a certain number of points, he will be forbidden to drive for a certain amount of time.

What are the purposes of this system?

This is a system designed to make road much safer. It can improve standards of driving and reduce the accident rates.

Which traffic offences will result in Driving Offence points?

Of course, not all traffic offences are covered by this system. Only those that have direct effect on road safety are included. There are altogether fourteen items.

Code Offence Points

1 Causing death by dangerous driving 10

2 Dangerous driving 10

3 Careless driving 5

4 Driving after drinking or taking drugs 10

5 Driving over speed limit by more than 15 km/hour 3

6 Driving in a motor race on the road 10

7 Failing to stop after an accident 3

8 Failing to give information after an accident 3

9 Failing to report an accident 3

10 Failing to obey directions of police officers 3

11 Crossing double white lines 3

12 Failing to obey traffic signals 3

13 Failing to give way to walkers at a crosswalk/ Failing to stop for


people walking

14 Failing to stop at school crossing 3

What will happen if you have got up to 10 points?

If you have got 10 points or above, but still less 15 points, you will receive a warning letter from the Transport Department. This letter will tell your record of Driving Offence Points and remind you of the result of getting more points. It is hoped that this warning will change your driving behavior for the better.

What will happen if you have got 15 points?

If you have got 15 points or more within two years, a court will take away your driving license. The first time you are found guilty you will not be able to drive for three months, but if you are caught a second time you will not be able to drive for six months.

64. The underlined word“Offence”(paragraph 1)refers to ________.

A. a driving habit

B. an official of road safety

C. bad behavior in the office

D. an action against the traffic law

65. The Driving Offence Points __________.

A. is a system that helps to improve the driving standards

B. are points earned because of dangerous driving

C. shows traffic offences of different kinds

D. is a guide dealing with traffic offences

66. How many points will you earn if you drive through a red light?

A. 3 points

B. 5 points

C. 8 points

D. 10 points

67. What will happen to you if you are caught driving dangerously and two months later you are caught driving after drinking?

A. Your license will be taken away.

B. You will be taken to the police station.

C. You will not be able to drive for 6 months.

D. You will not be able to drive for 3 month


In the United States many have been told that anyone can become rich and successful if he works hard and has some good luck. Yet, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is. That is what “Keeping up with the Joneses” is about. It is the story of someone who tries to look as rich and as successful as his neighbors.

The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American by the name of Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself: He began earning $125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. Young Momand was very proud of his riches. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City. But just moving there was not enough. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.

It was like a race, but one could never finish this race because one was always trying to keep up. Momand and his wife could not do that. The race ended for them when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They left their wealthy neighborhood and moved back to an apartment in New York City.

Momand looked around and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it “Keeping up with the Joneses”,because “Jones”is a very common name in the United States.“Keeping

up with the Joneses” came to mean keeping up with the people around you. Momand's series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.

People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. That is one reason why they read the “right”books, go to the “right” universities and eat in the “right” restaurants.

Every city has an area where people want to live because others will think better of them if they do. And there are “Joneses” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses, because no matter what one does, Mr Jones seems always to be ahead.

68.The writer of the passage believes ______.

A.anyone in the United States can become rich but might be poor soon

B.anyone in the United States can become rich if he works hard and has good luck

C.he can become rich in the future though he is not lucky enough

D.anyone in the United States who works hard can become rich

69.It can be inferred from the story that rich people ______

A.like to live outside New York City B.like to live in New York City

C.like to live in apartments D.like to have many neighbors

70.Arthur Momand used the name“Jones”in his series of short stories because Jones is ______. A.an important name B.a popular name in the United States

C.his neighbor's name D.not a good name

71.Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because ______.

A.they want to be as rich as their neighbors

B.they want others to know or to think that they are rich

C.they don't want others to know they are rich D.they want to be happy


Have you ever seen any students whose trousers hang so low you can see their underwear? What do you think of that? Fashionable? Some of today's teenagers are big fans of such a look. But recently this trend has been at the center of an argument in Italian middle schools.

The headmaster of a school in central Italy has asked students to stop wearing low-rise jeans that expose underwear and parts of the body. His request came after a class trip, when he saw one boy's baggy trousers slide to his feet. He pointed out that this way of dressing is not suitable for school.

But in Italy, a nation that takes fashion very seriously, the suggestion caused a debate among parents, teachers and students. The issue is whether the headmaster's request will limit students' freedom— or whether dress in Italian schools is too casual.

A parents' group praised the move in favor of good taste, while others advised schools to stop worrying about fashion and fix up old school buildings.

“We do not want to kick fashion out,” the headmaster explained, “but extrems (极端) of fashion like this are not right in school.” Many other schools have now requested that their students also stop wearing such trousers.

Most students have simply ignored the request. Ludovica Gaudio, 14, wore extremely low trousers exposing orange underwear in class. It was cold, so she wore a matching orange scarf.

Another 14-year-old said she would probably respect the request, simply for practical reasons. “I

don't really feel comfortable in those sort of jeans,” said Sarah Lattanzi, “in winter, when dressed like that, it's quite cold and I am afraid my stomach will ache.”

72. What led to the argument in Italian middle schools?

A. Students' crazy for fashions.

B. Clothes that are too exposing.

C. Students' ignoring dress codes(着装规则)

D. Students' underwear.

73. Which of the following supports the headmaster's request?

A. Fashion should be taken seriously.

B. Fashion should not be followed in school.

C. Students should have their freedom in choosing what they wear.

D. Students should be encouraged to have good taste in clothes.

74. The argument against the headmaster's request is that ________.

A. schools should pay attention to things more important than students' clothes

B. fashion should not be followed in school

C. dress in Italian schools is too casual

D. low-rise jeans can do harm to youngster's health

75The purpose of this story is to ________

A. show Chinese students that wearing very fashionable clothes in school is under attack in other countries, too.

B. show that dress code is necessary even in a country like Italy

C. tell us that a debate started in Italian middle schools over the way students dress in school

D. let us see that Italian students react differently to schools' requests.

第五部分: 短文改错

Money is used to buy which people need. 76. ____________________ Most of the money today is made from 77. ____________________ metal or paper. But people used to using 78. ___________________ all kinds of things like money. In China 79. ____________________ cloth and silvers were used. The first 80. ____________________ metal coin were made in China. They 81. ____________________ were round and have a hole in the center. 82. _____________________ Late the Chinese thought of ways to improve 83. _____________________ money. They began to use paper money. Money has 84. _____________________ a interesting history from the days of shell 85. _____________________ money till today.






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