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I. Life Science 生命科学

The Five Senses


Sport injuries



Do you know any kind of sport injuries? Have you suffered from any of them?

·Big question to think about while you read

What are sprains and fractures?

Sprains occur when a muscle is pulled too far. The result can be a break or a tear of a ligament. Sprains can sometimes happen as the result of an injury, such as a fall.

Sprains can also happen when you do not warm up your muscles before you exercise.

A broken bone often occurs as the result of an accident. A broken bone is called a fracture. How can you tell if a bone is broken? The pain in the area is very strong. You cannot move the part that is broken. The part that is broken begins to swell or grow bigger.

In most cases, you should not move because a bone may be broken Get someone's help to call an ambulance immediately.

You will be taken to a hospital nearby to check whether or not you have a broken bone. To check this, you will normally get an X-ray. An X-ray is a black and white picture of the bones taken with a special machine. It lets a doctor see if a bone is broken. (178 words)

·Reflection questions on what you read

1. What are the differences between sprains and fractures?

2. How can a doctor tell whether there's a broken bone or not?

3. What should you do if a sprain occurs?

4. Which one do you think is more serious, a sprain or a broken bone?

Measuring speed



Do you notice that some animals move faster than others? Have you ever thought about why they can move faster?

·Big question to think about while you read

How do you define the word "fast"?

Content Vocabulary

1. distance n. the amount of space between two places or things 距离

2. motor n. the basic unit for measuring length 米

3. kilometer n. a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1,000 meters 公里

4. athlete n. someone who competes in sports competitions, especially running,

jumping, and throwing 运动员

5. compare v. to examine and note the similarities or differences of 比较

The movements of our bodies help us to go from one place to another. For example, when you go to school, you can walk, run,ride a bike, or ride in a car or a bus. You must cover a certain distance. Distance is the amount of space between two places.

Did you know that the distance from one place to another can be measured in meters? But if you need to measure distances that are longer than 1,000 meters, then it is usual to measure them in kilometers.

Sometimes we measure the time it takes to travel a certain distance. This is called speed. Speed is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds.

When an athlete covers a distance of 100 meters in ten seconds, we know that the athlete can run very fast. It takes an average person around twenty seconds to run 100 meters. The athlete runs the distance much faster than the average person. How fast can you run 100 meters?

Which are the fastest animals?

Animals move at different speeds. Some animals move faster than others. Compares how fast or slow different animals move.

Which athletes are the fastest?

Athletes spend many hours in training and practice in different sports. Coaches teach athletes how to improve their speed and strength. As a result, athletes develop strong bodies and muscles.

Some athletes move very fast. They take part in races to see who is the fastest at certain sports. The Olympic Games is the largest sports competition in the world. (254 words)·Reflection questions on what you read

1. How can we calculate a moving object's speed?

2. What units of measurement do people use to measure distance?

3. What units of measurement do people use to measure speed?

4. Why do athletes have to spend many hours in training and practice in different sports?

5. Please name at least 3 Olympics sports where athletes take part in to compete for speed.

The locomotive system



How much do you know about your body? Do you know what's happening in your body when you're walking, jumping and running?

·Big question to think about while you read

What exactly is the locomotive system?

We have learned how receptors on our sense organs send messages to the brain, which then responds to the signals. The response from the brain can be a movement of the body.

Most of the movements of our bodies occur because we want them to happen. These are called voluntary movements. If we want to kick a ball, we have to think about doing it. Our brain receives the message, and immediately our foot kicks the ball.

Other movements are called involuntary3 movements. Certain muscles in our bodies work without us having to think about them. For example, the muscles that move food through our digestive system4 are involuntary. They work even while we are sleeping.

Bones and muscles

Bones make up the skeleton and support the body. But bones do not move on their own. They need muscles to move. Muscles move every part of the body, such as the head, fingers, legs, and toes, and even our eyes and tongue.

Muscles are made out of many stretchy, elastic cells and fibers. Muscles function like rubber bands that stretch and relax in the body.

Muscles work in pairs. One muscle pulls the bone forward, and another muscle pulls the bone back. When one muscle is working (contracting), the other muscle is relaxing. Your muscle pairs work together to move.

The place where one bone joins another is called a joint6. Joints allow movement and give the skeleton its ability to bend, twist, and turn.

Tissues called ligaments hold bones together at joints. Bones, muscles, and ligaments make up the locomotive system. This system gives the body its form and allows it to move. (274 words)

·Reflection questions on what you read

l. What's the difference between voluntary and involuntary movements?

2. Please give 3 more examples of involuntary movements.

3. How do the muscles help you to move?

4. What's a joint? Please give an example.

5. There are many athletes who suffer from ligament injuries and cannot take part in

competitions anymore. What will happen if there is a broken ligament?

The ear and the hearing



We hear a lot of sounds every day. Have you ever wondered how we can hear sounds? What's the nature of sounds?

·Big question to think about while you read

We hear many different sounds in our everyday life. We hear the wind blowing through the trees, rain hitting our roofs, people talking, babies crying, cars moving, and birds singing, among many other sounds.

What makes sound?

A movement is needed to produce a sound. This movement is called a vibration.

When a guitar string is pulled, the string begins to vibrate. This means it moves quickly back and forth. This vibration creates the guitar sound that we hear. The vibration passes through the air until it reaches the receptors in our ears.

The vibrating object is the source that emits sound. Air is one example of a medium through which sound can travel.

Sound can travel through different media. It can travel through a solid, a liquid, and a gas. Sound travels more quickly through solids and liquids than gas.

How do we hear?

We hear sounds through our ears, which are our sound receptors. Our ears are divided into three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear.

Sounds that travel through the air enter our outer ear. The outer ear catches the sound and moves it to the eardrum3. The eardrum is a very thin membrane that covers the middle part of the ear. When sound hits the eardrum, it begins to vibrate. The vibrations reach three tiny bones called ossicles4, which then begin to vibrate. From these bones, the sound reaches the cochlea, which is filled with liquid. The liquid begins to vibrate in the inner ear. It is this liquid that carries sound to a special nerve that transports messages to the brain. Your brain then helps you understand the sound you hear.

Sounds are useful in helping us become aware of things around us. For example, a school bell tells us that school is starting. A fire alarm warns us of a fire. (312 words) ·Reflection questions on what you read

1. Please give 3 more examples of how sounds help people become aware of things around.

2. How many objects are there vibrating before we hear the guitar sound according to the

text? Please list them out in order.

3. Can we hear the sound if we play the guitar in space? Why or why not?

4. What is a medium? How does it work to carry sound?

5. In what way can the cochlea and ossicles help to carry sound?

The eyes and the vision



Have you ever wondered why we can see things? Why can we tell different colors apart?

·Big question to think about while you read

Content Vocabulary

1, artificial (adj.): not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural 人造的

2. crystalline lens: a biconvex transparent elastic structure in the eye situated behind the iris,

serving to focus images on the retina 晶状体

3. retina (n. ): the area at the back of your eye that receives light and sends an image of what you

see to your brain 视网膜

4, optic nerve: the second cranial nerve, which provides a sensory pathway from the retina to the brain 视神经

5. register (v.): to put someone's or something's name on an official list 纪录

6. ultraviolet ray: ultraviolet light cannot be seen by people, but is responsible for making your

skin darker when you are in the sun 紫外线

7. surgery (n.): medical treatment in which a surgeon cuts open your body to repair or remove

something inside 手术

8. Braille (n.): form of printing for blind people, with raised parts that they can read by touching

the paper with their fingers 盲人用点字法

sun, or from an artificial one, such as an electric light, a candle, or a flashlight.

In the picture, you can see the inside of an eye. Light enters our eyes through the small black circle, which is called the pupil.

When it is dark, the pupil becomes larger so that it can get more light to see. When there is a lot of light, the pupil gets smaller to prevent too much light from coming into the eye.

Behind the pupil, there is a lens called the crystalline lens. This lens changes its shape so that objects that are near or far away can be seen clearly. From the lens, the light rays then travel to the light receptors on the inner part of the

eye called the retina. From there, signals go to

the brain through the optic nerve. The brain then

registers what you see.

Our eyes are in constant contact with dirt and

germs in the air. Tears help to clean our eyes and

keep them moist. However, you should follow

these points to take proper care of your eyes.

Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.

Wash your hands often.

Wear sunglasses outdoors to protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays.

Do not spend long periods of time in front of a TV or a computer screen. This strains your

eyes. Look away from the screen often and blink your eyes.

To function well, our eyes need vitamin A. This vitamin is found in foods such as carrots, spinach, broccoli, and liver.

Nowadays, if a person cannot see well, there are ways to correct poor vision. It can be helped in most cases by wearing glasses or contact lenses or from eye surgery.

People who cannot see are called blind. Many blind people develop a strong sense of touch to make up for the loss of their eyesight. Many of them learn to read a special system called Braille8. They feel the different letters of this alphabet with their fingers in order to read. A Braille alphabet is shown below. (368 words)

·Reflection questions on what you read

l. What is the function of a pupil?

2. According to the text, if a person is short-sighted, then which part of his eyes is not working


3. Where can we find vitamin A?

4. What can help us to correct poor vision?

5. What is Braille? How does it help blind people to read?

Our brain and our senses


Do you know the brain helps us to hear, feel and see things? How does the brain help us to do these?

·Big question to think about while you read

Our brain controls what our bodies do. We use our brain to move, think, feel, and remember, among many other actions.

Our brain is in charge of registering facts and data from the outside world. Our brain quickly analyzes a situation and relates the data to similar experiences within our memory. It then sends an immediate response to the body.

Our brain sends and receives messages through our nerves. The nerves are the pathways that lead to and from our brain. They go through our whole body. When we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch something, this information travels through our nerves to our brain. Our brain then sends messages to other parts of our bodies. This information passes back and forth very quickly.

For example, if you are walking and you hear your name, you will quickly turn around. Your sense of hearing received a message and sent it to the brain. The brain processed the information, and it sent a message to your body to respond.

What is our sense of touch?

Skin covers all of the body, and it is in direct contact with the outside world. Through our skin, we can feel pleasant or unpleasant sensations6. We feel if something is hot, cold, smooth or rough. We can also feel if the weather is warm, cold, wet, or dry.

The skin protects the organs inside the body and helps to maintain the body's temperature. Human skin provides good protection because it is quite strong and waterproof, and it acts as an insulating shield for the body.

Our skin is in constant contact with the world around us. It can protect us from bright sunlight and extremes of temperature. We can protect our skin from cold, heat, or rain by wearing proper clothing. The sun's rays can harm our skin, but we can protect it by wearing a hat and using sunscreen. We should also protect our skin from germs by washing often with soap and water.

How does our sense of taste work?

Our sense of taste mainly comes from our tongue. Our tongue allows us to enjoy the different foods that we eat. There are many small taste buds on our tongue that connect to our nervous system. When the taste buds come into contact with different foods, they register how a food tastes. They send messages to the brain.

People used to think that groups of taste buds--sweet, sour, salty, or bitter--were located on certain parts of our tongue. However, we now know that this is not true. Every part of the tongue has taste buds for every taste.

Our tongue allows us to taste things, but it is also important for chewing our food. In addition, our tongue plays an important role in helping us form sounds and words in order to speak.

In order to taste food, we not only use our sense of taste, but we also use our sense of smell. How does our sense of smell work?

Our sense of smell can detect chemicals that float in the air around us. There are special receptors in the nose that detect these chemicals. The receptors carry messages to the brain through the olfactory nerve7.

Some of the taste of food comes in through the nose. When you chew food, chemicals are released into your mouth, and some enter into your nose. Your tongue cannot identify complex food flavors as easily as your nose can. Therefore, the nose has an important role in tasting.

When you have a cold, your nose gets blocked up, and the chemicals from the food cannot get through to the olfactory nerve. This is why when you have a cold, food may seem tasteless.

Many animals have a better sense of smell than humans. Humans have about 350 types of smell receptors, whereas rats have about 1,000 receptors. Rats need a keen sense of smell to find food. A shark can smell drops of blood from 1.5 kilometers away. Dogs have an acute sense of smell. If you look at a dog's brain, over one-third of it is dedicated to smelling. This is in contrast to humans, who have sight as their main sense. (702 words) ·Reflection questions on what you read

1. What is the function of the skin?

2. What can we do to protect our skin?

3. What are taste buds for?

4. Why does food become tasteless when you have a cold?

5. In some cases, some brain-injured patients may lose their sense of smell or taste. Can you

explain the causes of that based on what you've learned from the passage?


I. Life Science 生命科学 The Five Senses 视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉和触觉是人类最基本的五种感觉,即五官感觉。我们通过它们感知外界物体,获取与机体生存紧密相关的重要信息,从而对所处环境作出分析判断。五感在我们的日常生活中扮演了至关重要的角色。 Sport injuries 肌肉是支撑人体活动的重要部分,我们要小心保护,防止肌肉受伤。 ·Warm-up Do you know any kind of sport injuries? Have you suffered from any of them? ·Big question to think about while you read What are sprains and fractures? Sprains occur when a muscle is pulled too far. The result can be a break or a tear of a ligament. Sprains can sometimes happen as the result of an injury, such as a fall. Sprains can also happen when you do not warm up your muscles before you exercise. A broken bone often occurs as the result of an accident. A broken bone is called a fracture. How can you tell if a bone is broken? The pain in the area is very strong. You cannot move the part that is broken. The part that is broken begins to swell or grow bigger. In most cases, you should not move because a bone may be broken Get someone's help to call an ambulance immediately. You will be taken to a hospital nearby to check whether or not you have a broken bone. To check this, you will normally get an X-ray. An X-ray is a black and white picture of the bones taken with a special machine. It lets a doctor see if a bone is broken. (178 words) ·Reflection questions on what you read 1. What are the differences between sprains and fractures? 2. How can a doctor tell whether there's a broken bone or not? 3. What should you do if a sprain occurs? 4. Which one do you think is more serious, a sprain or a broken bone?


《分析化学》阅读材料03 摘自Analytical Chemistry (FECS) ●In the Br?sted-Lowry theory, an acid is a proton donor and a base is a proton acceptor. Each acid is related to its conjugate base and vice versa: Acid = base + proton Therefore, the conjugate base of a strong acid must be a weak base and the conjugate base of a weak acid must be a strong base. Together they form a couple, and an acid without its conjugate base is a meaningless concept. In order to release a proton, the acid must find a base to accept it. In an aqueous solution, the proton, H+, having an extremely small ionic radius, cannot exist as such. It is hydrated, forming the hydronium ion H3O+ and higher hydrates. Thus, an acid-base equilibrium is not a simple dissociation equilibrium, but the result of a proton transfer reaction in which there are at least two reagents and two products. Such a process is also called protolysis. The overall reaction is expressed by: HX + H2O = H3O+ + X-. The overall equilibrium constant is K = [H3O+][X-]/[HX][H2O]. The acid dissociation constant Ka is given by: Ka = K[H2O] = [H3O+][X-]/[HX]. Ka reflects not only the acid strength of HX, but also the base strength of water. This why different acid dissociation constants are observed for the same acid in different solvent. ●Similar proton transfer reactions exist in all solvents possessing proton donor and acceptor properties. Proton transfer reactions are extremely fast. This makes them very suitable for analytical applications and acid-base reactions have found wide use in volumetric methods and other analytical techniques. ●The pH value is a measure for the acidity or basicity of a solution, aqueous or nonaqueous. ●Acid-base indicators are chemical substances with acid-base properties, having different colors in their protonated and deprotonated forms. ● A most important application of acid-base systems is related to the property of such a system to act as a buffer. Many chemical reactions produce protons (in aqueous solutions hydroniums) or hydroxide ions. If these products remain in the system, a corresponding pH change is observed. However, if a buffer is present in the solution it reacts with the liberated hydrogen or hydroxide ions so that only a relative small change of pH occurs. Buffer consist of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base. The most efficient buffer for a given pH consists of a 1:1 ratio of the protonated and deprotonated forms of a weak acid (with pKa = pH). This cannot always be achieved, but if we wish to prepare a solution of a certain pH, we select a weak acid with a pKa value close to the desired pH. Buffer solution resists changes in pH upon adding of strong acids or strong bases. Depending on the relative concentrations of the acid and base forms of the buffer, the system can resist small or large additions of strong acid or base. This buffer capacity is defined as the number of moles of strong acid of base required to change the pH of 1 L of buffer solution by one pH unit. Solutions with high or low pH values, formed as a result of dissolution of large quantities of a strong base or acid, are characterized by a large buffer capacity, although the electrolyte practically consists of only one of the conjugate forms (e.g., HCl or NaOH solutions). ● A general requirement for all volumetric methods is that the titration process is fast and that it proceeds in a definite stoichiometric ratio, the endpoint of the reaction must by easy to detect and the reaction should be specific and not influenced by other constituents of the solution, i.e., there should be no interference. Question: 1. A H3PO4 solution is brought to pH = 7.00 by the addition of NaOH. Calculate the concentration of the various forms of orthophosphate if the total phosphate concentration in buffer is 0.200 mol /L. pKa1 = 2.16, pKa2 = 7.21, pKa3 = 12.32. 2. A buffer solution is prepared from acid, HA, Ka = 5 10-5, and its salt. The concentration of HA in the buffer is 0.25 mol / L. To 100 mL of the buffer added 5.0 mmol of NaOH, and the pH of the resulting solution is 5.60. What was the pH of the original buffer? 3.It is desired to change the pH of 100 mL of 0.100 mol / L HCl from 1.00 to 4.40 by the addition of sodium acetate, CH3COONa3H2O. How much solid sodium acetate salt must be added in grams? Assume no volume change for the solution as the result of the addition. 4.What is the buffer capacity of a solution which is 0.100 mol / L of NH3 and 0.200 of NH4Cl? 5.Calculate the pH of each of the following solution: (a) Water in equilibrium with CO2 of the air; pKa1 = 6.38, pKa2 = 10.25. (b) Water as in part (a) brought to pH = 7.00 with NaOH and allowed to regain equilibrium with CO2. 6. Derive the following expression for the pH at the first stoichiometric point in the titration of a mixture of two weak acid: HA, the stronger, Ka1, concentration C1; HB, the weaker, Ka2, concentration C2: pH = 1/2 (pKa1 + pKa2) – 1/2 lg (C1/C2)


初中英语趣味阅读理解题4 Henry was an office worker in a big city. Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyed traveling in his holidays. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an advertisement in a newspaper. “Enjoy count ry life. Spend a few weeks at West Hill Farm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse riding. Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting.” “This sounds a good idea,” he thought. “I?ll spend a month at West Hill Farm. I think I can enjoy horse riding, walking and fishi ng. They?ll make a change from sitting by the seaside and swimming.” He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that he would like to spend all of July there. Then on the first of July, he left for West Hill Farm. But four days later, he returned home. “What was wrong with West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him. “Didn?t you enjoy country life?” “Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another problem.” “Oh. What?” “Well,” he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died, and we had r oast mutton for dinner.” “What's wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.” “I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.” “Lucky you!”


英语趣味阅读练习 (一)Someone Can Send Them To Me Mr Jones had a few days’holiday, so he said, “I’m goingto the mountains by train.”He put on his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the station and got into the train.He had a beautiful hat, and he often put his head out of the window during the trip(旅途)and looked at the mountains.But the wind pulled his off. Mr Jones quickly took his old bag up and threw it out of the window too.The other people in the carriage laughed.“Is your bag going to bring your beautiful hat back?”they asked. “No, ”Mr Jones answered, “but there’s no name and no address in my hat, and there’s a name and an address on my bag.Someone’s going to find both of them near each other, and he’s going to send me the bag and the hat.” 判断对错: ()1.Mr Jones had a day’s holiday. ()2.Mr Jones went to the mountains bike. ()3.The wind pulled his old hat off. ()4.There was a name and an address on the bag. ()5.The people in the carriage laughed at Mr Jones. ()6.Hisbag could get his hat back. ()7.Someone sent the hat and the bag to Mr Jones. (二)They’ll Give Y ou A Helping Hand In a New Y ork street a small truck hit a big tree.The truck was full of glasses and they were all broken now.The driver came out of the truck and looked at the broken glasses.He was very sad.And people in the street were sorry for him. Then an old man walked to the driver, looked at him for a few minutes and said, “My poor boy! I think you must pay a lot for it.” “Y es.”was the sad answer. “Well, well, ”said the old man, “hold out your hat- here’s some money for you; and I can say some of these people will give you a helping hand, too.” Then he walked away.The driver held out his hat and over a hundred people came and put their money in it.At last the driver took out a bag and put all the money in.Then he looked at the people and said, “Well, thank you very much, but I don’t understand.That old man is my boss.” 根据正文短文内容选择正确答案。 1.The truck hit ______. A.something B.some glasses C.an old man D.the driver 2.The driver was ______ when he looked at the glasses.


上海市第八届小学生科普英语趣味实践活动 低年级组 复赛试卷 (总分:100分;时间:45分钟) 在“答题卡”上认真填写学校、姓名和准考证号码,答题选项用2B 笔涂,填写有误者不计成绩 Part I Vocabulary (词汇):每题2分,共24分 ? Guess who I am?(猜猜我是谁?) 1. I’m an insect. I can hop, walk, and fly. My long hind legs are used for hopping. My short front legs are used to hold prey and to walk. Name : 2. I live in North America. I have black fur around my eyes which looks like a mask, and grey and black rings on my tail. Name : 3. I am a black and white bird, with pointed wings and a tail with two points. I spend winter in Africa, and fly to northern countries for summer. Name : 4. We look like plants, and we don ’t move around a lot like most animals, but we are animals. The branches you see are in fact groups of us. Name : ? Label the teeth. ( 填上正确的牙齿名称 ) 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ A. root B. enamel C. dentine D. nerves A. swallow B. raccoon C. coral D. grasshopper ⑤ ⑥ ⑧ ⑦


计算机专业英语阅读材料 计算机英语(1) Desktop Pattern In the graphical user interface of Microsoft Windows 98,a graphical pattern-called wallpaper-displayed on the desktop (the background "beneath" windows, icons, and dialog boxes). The pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user. To change the desktop pattern, choose Display from the Control Panel. 桌面图案 在Microsoft Windows 98的图形用户界面中,一种显示在桌面上称为壁纸(Wallpaper )的图形图案(窗口、图标和对话框后面的背景),屏幕背景可由用户选择图案样式或画面。要改变桌面图案时,从控制面板上选择显示方式。 计算机英语(2) Federated Database In scientific networking ,a collaborative database (part of a collaborator) in which scientists pool their knowledge and discoveries .Federated databases are one proposed solution to the Grand Challenges——problems that are so complex that they far outstrip the capabilities of individual scientists ,or even individual research institutions ,to tackle them independently. 联合式数据库 在科学联网中,科学家们汇集其知识和发现的一种合作数据库(合作的一部分)。联合数据库是对种种重大挑战问题(Grand Challenges)的一种建议性的解决方案——这些问题太复杂,以致于超出单个科学家的能力,甚至单个研究所都无法来单独解决它们。 计算机英语(3) Collapse When creating an outline or viewing a directory tree (such as in the Windows Explorer ),the process of hiding all the outline levels or subdirectories below the selected outline heading or directory. 折叠 当生成一个题纲或观察一个目录树(如在Windows资源管理器中)时,在选定的题纲标题或目录下隐藏所有的题纲层或子目录的过程。 计算机英语(4) Collision In local area networks (LANs) ,a garbled transmission that results when two or more workstations transmit to the same network cable at exactly the same time . Networks have means of preventing collisions. 冲突 在局域网(LANs)中,当两个或多个工作站恰好在同时向同一个网络线路上传送(数据)时产生的错乱传输。网络拥

新译林版初中英语七年级下册课外趣味阅读及练习试题 全册

新译林7BUNIT1英语课外趣味阅读及练习题 课外趣味阅读 同义词趣味巧辨析 assert, affirm, allege, maintain, testify, claim 这些动词均含有“断言,声称”之意。 assert :主观意味强,指自认为某事就是如此,而不管事实如何。 affirm :侧重在作出断言时表现出的坚定与不可动摇的态度。 allege :多指无真凭实据,不提供证据的断言或宣称。 maintain与assert近义,但前者指坚决维护某种主张或观点。 testify :多指在法庭作证,庄严地宣称自己所说属实。 claim :可与assert换用,但语气弱一些,侧重指行为自己的权利提出要求他人承认。 幽默故事 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be


A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet. “What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived. “My cow’s ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what's the matter with her. She’s lying down and won’t eat. She’s making a strange noise.” The vet looked over the cow. "She’s certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine." He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better." “How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked. The vet gave him a tube and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That’ll make it." The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried. “How’s your cow?” the vet asked. “No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.” “Oh?” the vet said, "Why?" “I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills down it.” “And?” the vet asked. “The cow blew first,” the farmer said. 1. In the story, the vet must be _________. A. the farmer's friend B. a milk factory C. a hospital for cows D. a doctor for animals 2.The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______ A. couldn't lie down B. didn't eat the pills C. couldn't make any noise D. was ill 3.What medicine did the vet give the farmer? A. Bottle of pills. B. A long tube. C. Two pills. D. A small box. 4.The vet taught the farmer how _________. A. to blow the tube B. to make the cow take the pills C. to take the medicine D. to put the tube in his mouth 5.Which of the following is true? A. The farmer ate the pills himself. B. The cow got better after taking the medicine. C. The vet came to help the farmer change the cow the next day. D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.


材料科学与工程专业英语第三版翻译以及答案 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

UNIT 1 一、材料根深蒂固于我们生活的程度可能远远的超过了我们的想象,交通、装修、制衣、通信、娱乐(recreation)和食品生产,事实上(virtually),我们生活中的方方面面或多或少受到了材料的影响。历史上,社会的发展和进步和生产材料的能力以及操纵材料来实现他们的需求密切(intimately)相关,事实上,早期的文明就是通过材料发展的能力来命名的(石器时代、青铜时代、铁器时代)。 二、早期的人类仅仅使用(access)了非常有限数量的材料,比如自然的石头、木头、粘土(clay)、兽皮等等。随着时间的发展,通过使用技术来生产获得的材料比自然的材料具有更加优秀的性能。这些性材料包括了陶瓷(pottery)以及各种各样的金属,而且他们还发现通过添加其他物质和改变加热温度可以改变材料的性能。此时,材料的应用(utilization)完全就是一个选择的过程,也就是说,在一系列有限的材料中,根据材料的优点来选择最合适的材料,直到最近的时间内,科学家才理解了材料的基本结构以及它们的性能的关系。在过去的100年间对这些知识的获得,使对材料性质的研究变得非常时髦起来。因此,为了满足我们现代而且复杂的社会,成千上万具有不同性质的材料被研发出来,包括了金属、塑料、玻璃和纤维。 三、由于很多新的技术的发展,使我们获得了合适的材料并且使得我们的存在变得更为舒适。对一种材料性质的理解的进步往往是技术的发展的先兆,例如:如果没有合适并且没有不昂贵的钢材,或者没有其他可以替代(substitute)的东西,汽车就不可能被生产,在现代、复杂的(sophisticated)电子设备依赖于半导体(semiconducting)材料四、有时,将材料科学与工程划分为材料科学和材料工程这两个副学科(subdiscipline)是非常有用的,严格的来说,材料科学是研究材料的性能以及结构的关系,与此相反,材料工程则是基于材料结构和性能的关系,来设计和生产具有预定性


Henry was an office worker in a big city. Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyedtraveling in hisholidays. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw anadvertisement in a newspaper.“Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West HillFarm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse riding.Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting.” “This sounds a good idea,” he thought. “I?ll spend a month at West Hill Farm.Ithink I canenjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. They?llmake a change from sittingby the seaside andswimming.” He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that hewould like to spend all of Julythere. Then on the first of July, he left for West HillFarm. But four days later, he returned home. “What was wrong with West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him.“Didn?tyou enjoycountry life?” “Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another problem.”“Oh. What?” “Well,” he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died, and wehad roast muttonfor dinner.”“What's wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.” “I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.”“Lucky you!” “You don't understand,” Henry said. “On the t hird day a pigdied and we hadroast pork fordinner.” “Let me finish,” Henry said. “On the fourth day the farmer died, and I didn'tdare (敢)stay fordinner!” 1.How did Henry find out about the farm? A. He saw it in a newspaper advertisement. B. His best friend told him.

英语阅读 趣味幽默篇

Section II 趣味幽默篇 Passage 13 Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyed traveling in his holidays. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an advertisement in a newspaper. “Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West Hill Farm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse riding. Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting.” “This sounds a good idea,” he thought. “I’ll spend a month at West Hill Farm. I think I can enjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. They’ll make a change from sitting by the seaside and swimming.” He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that he would like to spend all of July there. Then on the first of July, he left for West Hill Farm. But four days later, he returned home. “What was wrong with West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him. “Didn’t you enjoy country life?” “Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another problem.” “Oh. What?” “Well,” he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died, and we had roast mutton for dinner.” “What's wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.” “I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.” “Lucky you!” “You don't understand,” Henry said. “On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.” “A different meat every day,” Ed said loudly, “ and you are complaining!” “Let me finish,” Henry said. “On the fourth day the farmer died, and I didn't dare (敢)stay for dinner!” 1.How did Henry find out about the farm? A. He saw it in a newspaper advertisement. B. His best friend told him. C. He wrote to the farmer. D. Maybe he learned it from the radio. 2. Henry came back home several days later because ______________. A. he didn't like the country life at all B. the farmer wasn’t friendly to him C. his holiday was over D. he thought he might have to eat the farmer 3. “…and you are complaining!”, the word “complain” means __________. A.夸奖 B.说三道四 C.抱怨 D.故弄玄虚 4.Which of the following sentences is true? A. Ed could eat a different kind of meat every day. B. Henry thought he could enjoy a change. C. Henry couldn't think of anything else to do, so he went to the farm. D. The farmer died because of the bad meat he ate. 5.Which is the best title for the passage? A. What a beautiful farm! B. Have a good time. C.A short holiday D. Henry and the farmer. Passage 14 After returning from her round trip, the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway owes me 12 pounds,” she said to Harry Jenks, the young man working at the office.” You sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me 12 pounds.”

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