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New Horizon College English Test

Band One (A)


Paper One

Part I Listening Comprehension: (20%)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you’ll hear ten short conversations. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation

and question will be read only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer

to each question.

1. A. Changing her clothes. B. Driving her car

C. Having a meal.

D. Typing an essay.

2. A. She cannot read. B. Nobody can tell.

C. She has no watch.

D. She is too sorry.

3. A. He's a boat builder. B. He smokes a pipe.

C. He paints watercolors.

D. He's a plumber.

4. A. She goes to bed early. B. She is alone.

C. She is not tired.

D. She is single.

5. A. Return some books. B. Go home.

C. Read Matthew's book.

D. Leave class early.

6. A. She's careless.

B. She likes George very much.

C. She's not concerned with George's health.

D. None is correct

7. A. The speed limit was not clearly marked.

B. The speed limit is 10 miles per hour.

C. The speed limit is 40 miles per hour.

D. The speed limit is 50 miles per hour.

8. A. On the grass. B. Near the pool.

C. At home.

D. On his bike.

9. A. Philadelphia. B. California.

C. Florida.

D. Arizona.

10. A. Jason Daniels isn't home right how.

B. The caller dialed the wrong number.

C. Jason Daniels can't come to the phone right now.

D. Jason Daniels doesn't want to speak to the calls.

Section B

Directions: In this section you'll hear a short passage. The passage will be read once. At the end of the passage, you'll hear five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.

11. A. He's a tourist guide. B. He" a businessman.

C. He's an interpreter

D. He's a schoolteacher.

12. A. English and French. B. Gentian and Greek.

C. German and French

D. English and Greek

13. A. He could not speak Greek B. He could speak English only

C. He could not afford a holiday

D. He was not familiar with Athens

14. A. One month B. Several weeks

C. A few days

D. The passage does not say

15. A. Mr. Brown had a wonderful time in Greece

B. Mr. Brown’s Greek was good enough

C. Mr. Brown did not speak Greek well

D. Even Greeks had trouble with their own language

Section C

Directions: There is a passage with ten blanks in this section. You’ll hear the passage read twice.

Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you have heard.

Now I’d like to talk to you about the (1) ______ exam. The exam will be held next Thursday, the last day of exam week. (2) ______ to bring along two or three pens in (3) ______ you run out of ink. Unlike the mid-term this test will not include multiple-choice questions. It will (4) _____ entir ely of essays. You’ll have to answer three of the five essay questions. The exam will be comprehensive, which means you will be (5) _____ for all of the subject (6) _____ we’ve covered in class. I would suggest you (7) _____ the textbook as well as your cl ass notes. The final will count for 50% of your grade in the (8) _____ ; the research project will count for (9) _____ ; and the mid-term 30%. I’ll be in my office almost all day on Tuesday of next week. If you (10) _____ into any problem, please feel free to stop in. Good luck with your studying and I’ll see you on Thursday.

Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: Read the following passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.

Text 1

On a practical level, teachers need a wide variety of skills and abilities. They have to


新视野大学英语四级 【学分】3学分 【课程名称】大学英语四级 【总学时】 75学时【讲授学时】 75学时 【开课学期】秋季学期/春季学期 一、教学目标 通过本级别课程的学习,应达到学习跨文化交际课程所需的英语水平和进入应用能力教学阶段英语学习的水平。具体要求如下: 1.词汇:领会式掌握4200词,复用式词汇2500词。具备基本构词法和识别生词的能力。 2.阅读:精读量:30000词;泛读量:130000词。 一般阅读:70wpm;快速阅读:100wpm。 能读懂语言难度中等的一般性题材、生词不超过5%的文章,掌握基本的阅读 技能;借助英语辞典能阅读一般难度的专业文章。 3.听力:能听懂英语讲课以及简短会话、谈话和讲座,听懂中心意思、要点和有关细节,领会作者的观点和态度;对于语速130—150词,听一遍即可听懂。 4.写作:能在阅读与课文难度相仿的书面材料时做出笔记、回答问题和写出提纲;能就一定话题或提纲在半小时内写出120-150词的短文;能写短信和便条。表 达意思清楚,无重大语言错误。 5.口语:能进行简单的日常对话;能就教材内容作简短回答和复述;能就熟悉话题作简短发言,且意思表达清楚。 6.翻译:能翻译难度低于课文的英语文章,理解正确,译文达意,译速为每小时300英语词;能将内容熟悉的汉语译成英语,译文达意,无重大的语言错误,译速 每小时250汉字。 二、课程描述 大学英语四级,一个学期共讲授8个单元。每一个单元包括三个部分,每部分包含一篇课文和相关的练习。课文选材注重趣味性、信息性、可思性、时代性和前瞻性,题材广泛,内容丰富,主要涉及语言、文化、习俗、伦理、信息、科学、社会焦点等等。每一个单元侧


计算机考试试题及答案 计算机考试试题及答案 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的号码写在题干后面的括号内。 1.关于操作系统的叙述( )是不正确的。 A.“管理资源的程序” B.“管理用户程序执行的程序” C.“能使系统资源提高效率的程序” D.“能方便用户编程的程序” 2.操作系统的发展过程是( ) A.设备驱动程序组成的原始操作系统,管理程序,操作系统 B.原始操作系统,操作系统,管理程序 C.管理程序,原始操作系统,操作系统 D.管理程序,操作系统,原始操作系统 3.用户程序中的输入,输出操作实际上是由( )完成。 A.程序设计语言 B.编译系统 C.操作系统 D.标准库程序 4.计算机系统中判别是否有中断事件发生应是在( ) A.进程切换时 B.执行完一条指令后 C.执行P操作后 D.由用户态转入核心态时 5.设计批处理多道系统时,首先要考虑的是( ) A.灵活性和可适应性 B.系统效率和吞吐量

C.交互性和响应时间 D.实时性和可*性 6.若当前进程因时间片用完而让出处理机时,该进程应转变为( )状态。 A.就绪 B.等待 C.运行 D.完成 7.支持程序浮动的地址转换机制是( ) A.页式地址转换 B.段式地址转换 C.静态重定位 D.动态重定位 8.在可变分区存储管理中,最优适应分配算法要求对空闲区表项按( )进行排列。 A.地址从大到小 B.地址从小到大 C.尺寸从大到小 D.尺寸从小到大 9.逻辑文件存放在到存储介质上时,采用的组织形式是与( )有关的。 A.逻辑文件结构 B.存储介质特性 C.主存储器管理方式 D.分配外设方式 10.文件的保密是指防止文件被( ) A.篡改 B.破坏 C.窃取 D.删除 11.对磁盘进行移臂调度的目的是为了缩短( )时间。 A.寻找 B.延迟 C.传送 D.启动 12.启动外设前必须组织好通道程序,通道程序是由若干( )组成。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe1044239.html,W B.CSW C.CAW D.PSW 13.一种既有利于短小作业又兼顾到长作业的作业调度算法是( ) A.先来先服务 B.轮转 C.最高响应比优先 D.均衡调度


山东英才学院教学点大学英语试卷(A)年级:2015级专业:国际贸易学年: 2016学期 (本试题满分100分,时间120 分钟) Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure 词汇与语法知识(共20小题,每题1分,共20分) 1. With the rise of the production cost, eggs are now sold _____price. A. for a higher B. for a more expensive C. at a higher D. at a more expensive 2. At Christmas, many American towns have very large trees ______up outdoors. A. set B. setting C. setted D. to set 3. Without electronic computers, much of today’s advanced technology_______. A will not have been achieved B. would not have been achieved C. have not have been achieved D. had not been achieved 4.__________, the football match will be played next Wednesday. A. Weather permits B. Weather permitting C. Weather permitted D. Weather permit 5. There is no ________asking him, for he knows nothing about the accident. A. point of B. point in C. position of D. position in 6.We are all _____to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don’t do a good job. A. called in B. called out C. called upon D. called forward 7. Some people may have the same ________of education as a BA, even though they don’t have a diploma. A. amount B. number C. quality D. deal 8. The shirt cost me _______$ 20, but I cannot remember the exact price.


Unit 4 一.Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. A. He is seeking help. B. He is offering advice. C. He is trying to look calm. D. He is having an interview. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies. C. She tends to work whole-heartedly. D. She is not willing to start a project. A. Send in her CV by email. B. Send in her CV by mail. C. Call the company. D. Visit the company in person. A. She has accepted the offer. B. She has declined the offer. C. She is interested in becoming an accountant. D. She will leave the current job for more money. A. She should keep the present job. B. She might as well find a new job. C. She might as well find an online job. D. She should perfect her present position 二.Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. There are various types of questions asked at a job interview. Most job interviews start with chit-chat type of questions. They are designed to break the ice and get the conversation flowing. Examples are questions like"Did it take you long to get here","Did you find the place all right","Were you able to find parking " Most of these just require a"yes, no problem" type of response ; you can elaborate if you wish. However, ensure that you don’t provide information that will give them a bad impression . If you say something like"It took me ages to get here. The traffic was so bad; I hate traveling to this side of town", it would not make a good impression. If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday . More questions will be asked to find out a bit more about you. They might be historical questions regarding your previous


新视野大学英语读写教程预备级1课后翻译答案 UNIT1 SectionA TranslationV 1.ItisreportedthatheisverRrichandthatheisamanwhotradesinweapons. 据报道,他非常富有,是做武器交易的。 2.MenorwomenofanRcountrRshouldbeagainstwarasitcandestroRthecountrR. 任何国家的人,无论男女,都反对战争,因为战争会毁灭国家。 3.PeoplecallNobelamanofpeaceandamanfulloflove 人们称诺贝尔是一个致力于和平事业的人和一个富有爱心的人 4.ItisverRdangeroustocrosstheriverduringtherainingseason. 在雨季度过那条河非常危险 5.Hedidnotknowwhattodo,asitwasnewtohimtobuildroadsthroughmountains. 他不知所措,因为对他来说开山修路是件新鲜事 TranslationVI 1.诺贝尔在最合适不过的时候发明了他的炸药。 AlfredNobelinventedhiseRplosiveataperfectmomentintime. 2.他要考虑在他逝后让人们用最佳的方法使用他的遗产。 HewantedtothinkofthebestwaRforpeopletousehismoneRafterhisdeath 3.全世界按照他所希望的方式怀念他,铭记他:诺贝尔,一个致力于和平事业 的人。 TheworldthinksofhimthewaRhewantedtoberemembered:Nobel,amanofpeace 4.他做出决定,在他去世之后,他的遗产应当用来奖励那些在科学、文学和世 界和平等领域做出卓越贡献的人。 Hedecidedthatafterhedied,hismoneRshouldbeusedforaprizetohonorpeoplewhodi dgreatthingsinscience,writing,andworldpeace 5.最早的诺贝尔奖在1901年授予的,这个奖项不久便成会人们在上述领域所获 得的最高荣誉。 ThefirstNobelPrizeswereawardedin1901,andtheRverRsoonbecamethegreatestho northatapersoncouldreceiveinthesefields UNIT2 SectionA TranslationV 1.Hehasvisited20countries,asheisinterestedinallsortsofculturesandcustoms. 因为他对各种文化和习俗感兴趣,他访问过20个国家 2.Nobelpreferredpeopletorememberhimasamanofpeace. 诺贝尔希望人们把他当作热爱和平的人来记住他 3.ButnoteverRonewouldagreewithRouthatmenandwomenhavethesameabilities. 但不是人人都同意你的观点,认为男人和女人具有同样的能力 4.ThatisaverRgoodeRampleofhowthelanguagehaschangedasaresultofthewomen’ smovement. 这是一个很好的例子,说明在妇女运动的影响下语言是如何变化的 5.ThedifferencesbetweentheseResinlanguageare,infact,presentinanRkindoflanguag e. 两性在语言上的差异,实际上是所有语言中都有的 TranslationVI


一单项选择题 试题1 试题: 计算机病毒的主要特征是(A )。 A. 传染性、隐藏性、破坏性和潜伏性 B. 造成计算机器件永久实效 C. 格式化磁盘 D. 只会感染不会致病 试题2 试题: 下列叙述中正确的是( B )。 A. 计算机病毒只能传染给执行文件 B. 计算机软件是指存储在软盘中的程序 C. 计算机每次启动的过程相同,RAM中的所有信息在关机后不会丢失 D. 硬盘虽然装在主机箱内,但它属于外存 试题3 试题: 计算机病毒是一种( B )。 A. 一种微生物 B. 程序 C. 硬件缺陷 D. 网络有害信息 试题4 试题: 对于网络中的计算机病毒,常见的传播途径是( D )。 A. 软件下载 B. E-mail C. 网络游戏 D. 以上都有可能 试题5 试题: 以下( D )现象不可以作为检测计算机病毒的参考。 A. 数据神秘的丢失,文件名不能辨认 B. 有规律的出现异常信息 C. 磁盘的空间突然小了,或不识别磁盘设备

D. 网络突然断掉 试题6 试题: 下面关于计算机病毒,正确的说法是( A )。 A. 计算机病毒是一种人为特制的具有破坏性的程序 B. 计算机病毒可以烧毁计算机的电子元件 C. 计算机病毒是一种传染性极强的生物细菌 D. 计算机病毒一旦产生,便无法消除 试题7 试题: 双倍速CD-ROM 驱动器的数据传输速率为(A )。 A. 300KB/S B. 128KB/S C. 150KB/S D. 250KB/S 试题8 试题: 以下不是图像文件格式的为( C )。 A. JPG B. BMP C. MP3 D. GIF 试题9 试题: 自然界中常见的光能够由( B )三种颜色混合而成。 A. 红、黄、绿 B. 红、绿、蓝 C. 澄、蓝、紫 D. 白、红、绿 试题10 试题: ( A )规定了不同厂家的电子乐器和计算机连接的方案和设备间数据传输协议。 A. MIDI B. MP3 C. H.261


trial: Quiz details Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. 14. B. 12. C. 20. D. 17. 2. A. He trains people who work for UNICEF. B. He hands out books about AIDS prevention. C. He teaches groups of other kids about AIDS. D. He asks people to give money for AIDS patients. 3. A. AIDS is so serious that it can lead to immediate death. B. AIDS is not something that should be taught to children. C. AIDS is a problem that young people should learn more about. D. AIDS is a problem for adults, but not for children. 4.

1. A. They hand out books on AIDS. B. They run films on AIDS. C. They put on plays about AIDS. D. They tell stories about AIDS. 2. A. To local markets. B. To small shops. C. To cinemas. D. To families. 3. A. How to prevent and treat AIDS. B. How to seek help from the hospital. C. How to help people with AIDS. D. How to teach children about AIDS. 4. A. It should be popular. B. It should be interesting. C. It should be easy to understand. D. It should be clear.


新视野第三册1单元测试(本单元配有答案)Part 1 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) (每小题:4 分) Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. Language is a way to communicate with each other. We started to learn language when we were born. However, people are used to speaking their native language, so immigrants are having many problems between the first generation and the second generation because they don't have the same native language. Also, the second generation is losing their identity. Especially in America, there are many immigrants that came from different countries to succeed in the States. Because they suffer in lots of areas such as getting a job and trying to speak English, they want their children to speak English, not only at school, but also at home in order to be more successful. Because of this situation, their children are losing their ethnic identity and, even more, they are ignoring their parents whose English is not very good. I think most immigrants are trying to preserve their native language in their new country, but this doesn't help very much in getting a good job. My aunt didn't teach Korean to her children in order to help them succeed in the US; she did so, hopefully, to help them establish a Korean identity. Though the second generation is born in the new country, they often get confused about their identity. My cousins told me that when they visited Korea a few years ago, they felt different from other Koreans. They could even feel it just strolling around the street because they wore different clothes. We must realize that language is important and valuable for many reasons. Immigrants should make an effort not to be ignored by their children and to make their children understand their heritage by teaching them the parents' language. This is important in helping the second generation establish their identity. 1.Which people are having trouble with language? A. Natives. B. People of the 2nd generation.


Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the Initial Letters Provided) (每小题:分) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 1.When the police caught up with him, Mr. Foster had to (Suggested first letter(s): con ) 2.After five years of careful study, he is going to (Suggested first letter(s): qua ) 3.Because of my frequent suggestions, finally Ken agreed to (Suggested first letter(s): acc ) 4. wife. (Suggested first letter(s): con ) 5.After the explosion, the area has been out of (Suggested first letter(s): bo ) 6.To be a good art critic, when commenting on a painting, the

(Suggested first letter(s): obj ) 7.Because of the gathering storm and high waves, they (Suggested first letter(s): des ) 8.But I must admit that I read his suggestion with some (Suggested first letter(s): re ) 9. which led ultimately to some changes in the government policy. (Suggested first letter(s): pro ) 10. home but also abroad. (Suggested first letter(s): vir ) Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure (每小题:分) Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.The mere fact _____________ most people believe a nuclear war would be madness doesn't mean it will not occur.


计算机基础知识参考试题及答案解析 一、单选题 1.下列叙述中,正确的是 A)计算机的体积越大,其功能越强 B)CD-ROM的容量比硬盘的容量大 C)存储器具有记忆功能,故其中的信息任何时候都不会丢失 D)CPU是中央处理器的简称 【答案】D) 【解析】中央处理器:Central Processing Unit,缩写为CPU,主要包括运算器(ALU)和控制器(CU)两大部件。 2.下列字符中,其ASCII码值最小的一个是()。 A)控制符 B)9 C)A D)a 【答案】A) 【解析】在ASCII码表中,根据码值由小到大的排列顺序是:控制符、数字符、大写英文字母、小写英文字母。 3.一条指令必须包括 A)操作码和地址码B)信息和数据 C)时间和信息D)以上都不是 【答案】A) 【解析】一条指令就是对计算机下达的命令,必须包括操作码和地址码(或称操作数)两部分。前者指出该指令完成操作的类型,后者指出参与操作的数据和操作结果存放的位置。 4.以下哪一项不是预防计算机病毒的措施? A)建立备份B)专机专用 C)不上网D)定期检查 【答案】C) 【解析】网络是病毒传播的最大来源,预防计算机病毒的措施很多,但是采用不上网的措施显然是防卫过度。 5.计算机操作系统通常具有的5大功能是()。 A)CPU的管理、显示器管理、键盘管理、打印机管理和鼠标器管理

B)硬盘管理、软盘驱动器管理、CPU的管理、显示器管理和键盘管理 C)CPU的管理、存储管理、文件管理、设备管理和作业管理 D)启动、打印、显示、文件存取和关机 【答案】 C) 【解析】计算机操作系统通常具有的5大功能是CPU的管理、存储管理、文件管理、设备管理和作业管理。 6.微机上广泛使用的Windows2000是()。 A)多用户多任务操作系统 B)单用户多任务操作系统 C)实时操作系统 D)多用户分时操作系统 【答案】B) 【解析】Microsoft公司开发的DOS是一单用户单任务系统,而Windows操作系统则是一单用户多任务系统,经过十几年的发展,已从Windows 发展到目前的Windows NT、Windows 2000、Windows XP和Vista。 7.为了提高软件开发效率,开发软件时应尽量采用()。 A)汇编语言 B)机器语言 C)指令系统 D)高级语言 【答案】D) 【解析】高级语言的使用,大大提高了编写程序的效率,改善了程序的可读性。 8.CPU能够直接访问的存储器是 A)软盘B)硬盘 C)RAM D)CD-ROM 【答案】C) 【解析】 CPU读取和写入数据都是通过内存来完成的。 9.下列各存储器中,存取速度最快的一种是()。 A)Cache B)动态RAM(DRAM) C)CD-ROM D)硬盘 【答案】A) 【解析】所谓Cache,即高速缓冲存储器,是位于CPU和主存储器DRAM(Dynamic RAM)之间的规模较小的但速度很高的存储器,通常由SRAM组成。 10.SRAM指的是()。 A)静态随机存储器 B)静态只读存储器

2016级大学英语 I 期末考试题型及分值(新视野)

2016级大学英语I 期末考试题型及分值 (新视野) I.Writing (15 分) 选题范围尽量贴近所学单元的主题。 II.Listening (25 分,每题1分)(视听说课本内容占10分) 基本按照四级新题型。课本内容来自《视听说I》所学单元的 Further Listening部分。 (1)Section A: 新闻3篇,共7题。(课外) (2)Section B: 长对话2个。每个对话后各有4个问题,一共8题。 (1篇<4分>来自视听说所学单元,1篇来自课外) (3)Section C: 短文3篇。共10题。(2篇<共6分>来自视听说所 学单元+ 1篇课外) III.Reading (40 分)(课本的内容占20分) 1)Word Bank :15选10型填空阅读(10 分,每空1分) Direction: 共10题。范围来自所学读写单元课后Section A和 《综合训练册》相应单元的练习题。 2)Locating信息匹配题(10 分,每题1分) Direction: 共10题。所选材料来自课外。10个句子,找出每 个句子信息所对应的段落。

3)In-depth reading (20 分,每题2分) Direction: 2篇,每篇5个问题,共10题。课内1篇+ 课外1篇,课内的范围来自于《综合训练册》相应读写单元的选择题型篇章阅读。 IV. English-to-Chinese Translation (10分) (课本内容占10分)“英译汉”段落翻译。 要求:本题为翻译一段约80-100字的英语段落。材料选自所学读写单元text A的课文某段落。 V.Chinese-to-English Translation (10分) (课本内容占10分)“汉译英”段落翻译。 要求:本题为翻译一段约120字的汉语段落,考察长句翻译的技巧,语言点的运用和语内连贯的处理。材料选自所学 读写单元text A的课后练习& 《综合训练册》相应单 元的汉译英段落翻译习题。 提示:凡是来自读写课堂所学内容均指教学计划内的1,3,5,6,7单元的Section A部分,不选自Section B部分。 此范围课本内容和课外内容的比例是 5 : 5 。

新视野第三版第三册期末测试词汇与语法题库Vocabulary and Structure

Unit 1 Part 15 Vocabulary and Structure Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 1. The company may be reluctant to ________ too far from the basic terms of this agreement, but there are a number of things that are negotiable. A. deviate B. disconnect C. detach D. distract Correct answer: A 2. As manager of our computer department, I ________ your employee, John Doe, for the prompt and polite service he provided to us last week. A. comment B. celebrate C. claim D. commend Correct answer: D 3. Let us be exact in what we say so as to ________ any possibility of misunderstanding. A. reply B. alleviate C. preclude D. proclaim Correct answer: C 4. She has remained loyal to him throughout his ________. A. shortcoming B. misfortune C. circuit D. tragedy Correct answer: B 5. The company has been developing in a big way and is gaining ________ internationally. A. prestige B. dedication C. humanity D. persecution Correct answer: A 6. The glamorous actress always went shopping with many ________ crowding round her. A. participants B. managers C. statesmen D. attendants Correct answer: D


新视野大学英语三级模拟试题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) Directions: In this section, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly. For questions 1–7, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions 8–10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Youth of Today —No savings, no pension, huge debts — Leaving school or university means financial independence — but does it also mean debt? Some experts say the young should take some care. It is life, but not as we know it. As this year’s school leavers and graduate s in Britain move on to further education or work, tasting financial independence for the first time, they show signs of being entirely different to previous generations in their attitudes to money, according to information collected by Cash. Used to debt but more affluent than previous generations, the current crop of 16- to 24-year-olds is a complex sector of society. But if they can handle their debts, these 7.5 million young adults have the potential to become quite sophisticated on money matters. Cash looked for the financial hallmarks of this group. They are going to be big spenders and will be targeted heavily by retailers. “The market for products and services aimed at this group has continued to thrive,” concludes research organization Mintel in its recent report for retailers “Selling to and Profi ting from the Under 25s”. This is “partly because the period during which people are young, free and single, unencumbered (不受妨碍的)by parents and /or children has expanded to the late twenties and early thirties,”it says. While 13 percent of the population regularly pays their utility(公共设施), credit card and other bills late, this proportion rises to a remarkable 64 percent for 18- to 24-year-olds, according to research conducted among 1,000 adults by https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe1044239.html,. In theory, this suggests that more than 4 million of them are heading for such poor credit ratings that they will find it difficult to borrow in the future. But lenders may become more flexible in their lending terms rather than lose out on this huge sector of the consumer market. Nearly one in three (28 percent) of people under 35 “do not consider their future financial position”, according to research from Accenture H R Services. Although half of 18- to 25-year-olds want to own their home some day, they see almost insurmountable hurdles, according to Mintel: “For those who had not yet bought their own property, the prospect of trying to do so seemed daunting — if not impossible —financially.” Or could it be that their future prosperity will depend on whether they inherit property from their parents? They regard as necessities many items which were seen as luxuries by their parents at the same age. More than nine out of 10 have their own mobile phone. “Some looked on their phone as a kind of security blanket, feeling lost without it,” says Mintel. A car is seen as “vital” by 64 percent

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