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Computer Science and Technology


Curriculum /Course Description



College of Computer/

College of International Education,

Shenyang Aerospace University




The mission of the Computer Scienceand Technology Program is tocultivate senior engineering and technical personnel who possesses comprehensive professional abilities after mastering the skills and techniques in hardware, software and application aspects of modern computer areas. The program focuses onthe training of the practical and engineering ability for students. Students will be well prepared to go in for the careers concerning academic research, education, enterprise and management immediately upon graduation in such areas as the scientific computing, computer teaching, computer engineering, hardware design and development of software and system integration.

Programs Educational Objectives

1. To have a certain natural science and humanistic science basic theory knowledge, the good

humanistic quality.

2. Prepare students to have the capabilities of preliminary scientific research, technology

development and organizational management, utilize complementary non-technical skills such as communication skills, teamwork, leadership, ethical and societal responsibility considerations.

3. Provide students with applied engineering experiences through hands-on laboratory

courses, internships, and cooperative education experience.

4. To systematically understand and achieve the basic theory and application knowledge in

Computer Science and technology.

5. To master the skills and techniques in hardware, software and application with practical


6. To gain perfect programming and application development ability.

7. To find a good career or job in IT field.

Computer Science and Technology

Medium of Education: English

Comprehensive Chinese Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ/Ⅴ/Chinese for Science and Technology This course is aimed at developing students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also focuses on improving basic communication competence in Chinese language.

Introduction to China

This course introduces students to the characteristics of China’s social development, Chinese history, and culture, Chinese traditional thinking inheritance and innovation of Chinese life changes, China’s contribution to human civilization, and various manifestations of China’s modernization. It also introduces the students to China’s ideology of past, present, and future.

Introduction to Chinese Law

This course introduces students to Chinese legal tradition and law, such as constitutionalism and rule of law, administrative law, civil law, marriage law, succession law, criminal law, and the procedural law. The course also focuses on fundamental and practical aspects of the Chinese law to familiarize international students about legal issues in China.

Advanced MathematicsⅠ/Ⅱ

This course is designed to introduce the student to the main ideas of calculus. It is divided into two semesters.

C Programming Language

C Programming Language is a professional basic and pilot course of Computer Science & Technology.

Here we’ll learn about the basic steps of programming using a kind of high-level programming language tool, C. We’ll learn relevant knowledge of grammar about C programming language, and based on which , learn how to analyze a specific question, how to design suitable data structure, how to design appropriate algorithm, how to edit, compile and debug a program , and at the end, to get the expected result with this high-level programming language. At the same time, We’ll know the essential procedure to deal with a question with a programming language, and lay a sound foundation for later study.

College PhysicsⅠ

This course is the introduction to classical mechanics, electromagnetism and special relativity. In classical mechanics, it includes motion in one and two dimensions,Newton’s laws of

motion and their applications, work and energy, linear momentum and collisions,rotational motion, and principles of conservation. In electromagnetism, it covers a study of electric charges, forces, and fie ld, Coulomb’slaw, electric potential and electric potential energy, electric current, electric circuits, and an introductionto magnetism. In special relativity, it includesframe of reference, Galilean transformation, Michelson, Morley experiment, postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time dilation, relativity of simultaneity in addition to velocities, variation of mass with velocity, Mass energy equation.

Discrete Mathematics

Discrete mathematics is the part of mathematics devoted to the study of discrete objects. Discrete mathematics is the gateway to more advanced courses in all parts of mathematical sciences. Itprovides the mathematical foundations for many computer science courses including data structures, algorithms, database theory ,formal languages, computer security and so on . Here we will cover propositional logic, quantifier logic , basic structures ,and will focus on relations , algebraic structures , lattice and Boolean algebra .The course is to teach mathematical reasoning and problem solving ,rather than a discrete set of skills.

College Physics II

This course introduces students to the laws of thermodynamics, wave motion, optics, and quantum physics. The student will learn about heat behaviors critical to understanding of engines and furnaces, metallurgy, geothermal system, etc. Amathematical description of wave motion will be introduced. The student will also learn about that light can be viewed as either a particle or a wave. The three primary topics examined are interference, diffraction, and polarization. These phenomena can’t be adequately explained with ray optics, but can be understood if light is viewed as a wave. For quantum physics, it introduces underlying ideas of quantum theory and the wave-particle nature of matter, and discusses applications of quantum theoryincluding the photoelectric effect, the Compton Effect, and x-rays.

Linear Algebra

This course encompasses the study of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vectors in the plane and space, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner products, eigenvalues values and eigenvectors. Students will learn to recognize and express the mathematical ideas graphically, numerically, and symbolically.

Algorithm and Data Structure

This is an undergraduate level course on commondata structure used in programming. This course introduces some classical algorithms based on these data structures, which are described in C Language. It includes the following contents: linear list, array, graph, finding list, some ranking algorithms, key path algorithms, shortest path algorithms, minimum cost spanning tree algorithms, etc. This course is mainly based on lecture, and accompanied by some supplementary computer experiments. Students can practice their abilities about using different kinds of data structures and coding abilities.

Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis

Fundamentals of circuit analysis is the first professional basic course for telecommunication engineering and computer science major undergraduate students. It covers fundamentals of knowledge necessary in this field, such as basic concepts and laws for circuits, mesh and nodal analysis, circuit theorems, first-order circuit analysis, AC steady-state circuit analysis, single-phase and three-phase circuits.


This course is a technical basic course of Higher School, it focuses on training students' ability to analyze and solve problems. Through the curriculum learning, let students learn to read classic electronic circuit principle diagram and understand the composition and working principle of each part. Also able to qualitative or quantitative analysis /estimates the each part of circuit performance. Students can be roughly selected design scheme of circuit, Selects the related components and learn to install debug the circuit. So this course to strengthen introduced the basic concepts and basic unit of the circuit is and set up the training link. Courses also strengthen the basic principle and basic analysis method, Subsequent through experiment or design courses to cultivate students’ practical ability.

Object Oriented Programming and Java

This course will give students the essentials of object-oriented programming in Java. Students will learn to formulate algorithms, to solve problems and to implement those solutions with a Java program that employs objects and classes. The student will be introduced to object-oriented design, applications, and class construction, methods and message passing, arrays, string-processing, file processing, and some event-handling and graphical user interface programming. This course is designed for students with some prior programming experience. Experiments provide the opportunity to explore these concepts

includingencapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, graphical interface, multi-threading and network communications.

Digital Circuit

Digital logic is a compulsory course, degree course, and exam course for the undergraduate of electronic specialties. Digital logic also is the first discipline basic course directly related to many industry control systems. Through studying this course the students should master the basic concept of digital logic circuit, basic principles, basic methods and basic circuits. The students should learn the basic design method of the digital system and related technology. The students should be able to finish preliminary analysis and design of simple digital systems. Here we will learn about the logic algebra fundamental. We will focus on the basic analysis and design method of combinational circuits, sequential circuits, and pulse circuits. Digital laboratories can provide the opportunity to connect several typical logic circuits.

Probability and Statistics

This course provides an elementary introduction to probability and statistics with applications.

Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture

In this course, we will learn the fundamentals of computer organization and architecture, from basic concepts, to the principles of improving and designing for, the performance of computer system. We will cover computer evolution and performance, computer system, central processing unit and its control, parallel processing basics, as well as some necessary groundwork knowledge such as number system. Along with classroom teaching, a few hands-on experiments will be carried out to reinforce the students’ understanding.

Operating Systems

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of operating system design and implementation. The lectures present the central ideas and concepts and explain how they are manifested in real operating systems.The course divides into four major sections including process and thread management, memory management, I/O systems and storage management. Topics in the section of process and thread management include process concept, operations on process, process synchronization, inter process communication, CPU scheduling, deadlocks and threads. Topics in the section of memory management include contiguous memory allocation, segmentation, paging and virtual memory. Topics in the section of storage

management includedisk management and file systems. Topics in the section of I/O systems include I/O hardware, application I/O interface, kernel I/O subsystem, transforming I/O requests to hardware operations. The class work also consists of a series of four programming labexperiments in order to improve students' understanding of the theoretical knowledge in lectures.

Computer Networks

This is a technical fundamental course for undergraduate students in the Computer Science and Technology program and is offered as an introduction to Computer Networks. We will discuss five layers of Computer networks which include physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer.

Computer Graphics

Computer Graphicsis a professional compulsory course for C.S. &T.. The course introduces many important data structures, fundamental algorithms and techniques for 2D and 3D computer graphics that are useful for presenting data visually on a computer.We will start by studying the basic process of drawing primitive objects on a display (lines, circles, polygons). And then look at the process of building two and three dimension mathematical models of more complex objects, manipulating and combining these models, and projecting the models onto a two dimensional image space. Along the way we'll also spend some time on windowing systems and on drawing more complex primitive objects such as curves and surfaces. The course covers the following topics: the basic concepts of computer graphics, development and application of computer graphics, the composition of the graphics system,basic graphics generation algorithm,graphics transformation, curves and surfaces, Open Gl Programming Fundamentals.

Micro-controller’s Principle and Application

This course introduces students to microprocessor and micro-controller technologies covering the theory of micro-controller architecture, instruction set, assembly language programming, analogy and digital peripherals, interrupts, parallel and serial interfacing. The 8-bit Intel 8051 micro-controller is selected for laboratory training sessions.

Principles of Database System

This course is a required course for computer majors.This course covers fundamentals of database architecture, database management systems, and database systems,principles and

methodologies of database design, and techniques for database application development. It will help students to develop an understanding of database models with the emphasis on relational database, the concept and mathematical foundations of relational database, the formalization of relations, the SQL database definition/manipulation language, transaction management, and entity relationship database design method.

Software Engineering

Building large software systems is hard, and the building large software systems that is actually work is even harder. As an important basic course of college computer specialty, it covers the techniques for dealing with the complexity of software systems development. It is dedicated to designing, implementing, and modifying software so that it is of high quality, affordable, standard and measurable. It is a systematic approach to every link of software development includes system architecture analysis, design, implementation, test, maintenance, and system architecture design and software project management. After the studying of this course, students can be qualified for the job of Large and medium-sized software project development or management independently.

Computer Chinese

This course is designed to introduce the Chinese expression of the computer concept and principle, such as the computer system composition, code mode, network communication, computer graphics, quantum computing, cloud computing and other modern computer concept and principle. In addition, the relations of computer to modern society are discussed also. Through studying above curricula content, the students are expected to acquire elementary ability of reading and comprehending computer specialty Chinese literature.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

This course introduces to students the basics of artificial intelligence, which includes problem solving, knowledge representation and reasoning, learning methods, and some application topics such as computer vision and natural language processing.

The objective of this class is to teach modern AI. Students learn about the basic techniques and tricks of the trade. After finishing the class students should understand the role of knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning in intelligent-system engineering, appreciate the role of problem solving, vision, and language in understanding human intelligence from a computational perspective, and be able to develop intelligent systems by assembling solutions to concrete computational problems.

Digital image processing

Digital image processing has relation with many research areas, from which the students can grasp the basic concepts, ideas, methods, and applications of digital image processing. The course can be divided into two phases. In the first phase, basic knowledge of digital image is introduced, and the usual techniques for image generation and spatial enhancement are discussed. In the second phase, techniques to improve the image quality are analyzed, and they are image transformation, frequency enhancement, color image, image recovery, and so on. The course can help the students improve their abilities to analyze and resolve problems, and prepare their future research & develop work related with digital image processing. Assessment of the course includes examinationand homework.

Information Security

The aim of this course is to provide attendees with a thorough understanding of the issues associated with the protocol, principle and method of information systems. We will learn the different aspects of information security such as crypto, access control and protocols. Student will be able to speak about a multitude of security attacks and the defensive strategies used to combat them and evaluate security in information processing systems (operating systems and applications, networks, and so on).


来华留学生管理规定 第一条为加强外国来华留学生(以下简称“留学生”)经费的管理,规范政府和学校之间的经费关系,特制定本办法。 第二条本办法所称留学生经费是指按照国家有关规定,对享受我国政府奖学金的留学生所设立的专项经费。 第三条留学生经费实行“包干使用、专款专用、节余留用、超支不补”的原则。 第四条我国政府为留学生提供的奖学金,包括生活费、学杂费、住宿费、医疗费、其他费用等。 第五条留学生的生活费按以下规定执行: (一)凡享受我国政府全额奖学金的留学生(以下简称“奖学金生”),在华学习期间,由所在学校发给每人一定数额的生活费,用 于支付留学生伙食费用及日常生活的零星开支。生活费以人民币支付,具体标准按国家教委、财政部的有关规定执行。所需经费由国 家教委按奖学金生人数和不同类别标准核拨。 (二)在华学习时间满一学年的学生第一个月加发1个月的生活费,不满一学年的第一个月加发半个月的生活费,作为安置和冬装补助 费用。 (三)生活费自学生入学之日起发给,当月15日(含15日)之前注册的,发给全月生活费;15日以后注册的,发给半个月生活费。毕 业生发至学校确定的毕业之日以后的半个月。对临时决定休学、退 学或结业回国的,如已领取当月生活费,不再收回。在学校规定的 假期之内离校休假时,生活费照发;对未经学校批准逾期不归者,不 发给超假期间的生活费。 (四)奖学金生在华学习期间,如带配偶、子女,其配偶和子女的一切费用,均由派遣方或学生本人自理。

第六条留学生的学杂费按以下规定执行: (一)国家教委按奖学金生人数和不同类别标准核拨给学校相应的学杂费,用于与学生教学相关方面的支出。 (二)学校根据教学计划组织学生实习,其各项费用开支标准参照中国学生外出实习的有关规定执行。 (三)留学生要求进行超出学校教学计划的专业实习时,所需一切费用由本人自理。 (四)奖学金生来华、结业回国、学习中途出境休假以及退学、休学回国的国际往返旅费均由派遣方或学生本人负担。另有协议者,按协议办理。 (五)来华和结业的奖学金生应尽可能选择距离所在院校最近的出入境口岸或国际交通工具终、始点入出境。自出入境口岸至所在学校的城市间旅费,由所在学校按火车硬座(通宵乘坐火车可购买硬卧)、轮船三等舱位开支报销。途中伙食费用及行李超重费用自理。 (六)奖学金生根据教学安排在我国境内转学的城市间旅费,由转学前所在学校按上述规定开支报销。 (七)对品学兼优的留学生,可由学校发给奖品或奖状,所需经费在学杂费中开支。 第七条留学生的住宿费由国家教委按奖学金生人数和不同类别标准核拨给学校,由学校集中掌握,用于留学生宿舍的日常运转和管理、服务、设备更新(单台件5万元以下)及维修等项支出。 第八条留学生的医疗费按以下规定执行: (一)国家教委按奖学金生人数核拨给学校相应的医疗费,用于学生门诊、住院医疗、必要的体检等支出。核拨标准按每人每月35元计算,由学校统筹使用。 (二)留学生需住院治疗时,应安排住一般外宾病房。


2016级国际经济与贸易(留学生)专业培养方案 培养目标 培养具有开放的国际视野和宽广的学科背景,了解当代中国的政治、经济、文化和社会,掌握国际经济贸易的理论知识和实务技能,胜任外经贸企业及政府部门工作,能够参与并促进中国与其所在国之间友好合作关系的复合型高素质专门人才。 培养要求 学生主要掌握国际经济学方面的基本理论和基础知识,受到国际贸易、国际投资和国际经济合作等方面业务的基本训练,具有对外经济贸易领域工作的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识与能力。 1.了解当代中国的政治、经济、文化和社会,熟悉中国在经济领域的相关方针、政策和法规; 2.掌握国际经济贸易的基本理论和基础知识; 3.具有处理国际经济贸易实务的基本技能; 4.了解本学科的理论前沿和发展动态; 5.具备较高的外语水平和较强的计算机应用能力。 专业主干课程 国际贸易学中国对外经济贸易国际贸易实务国际营销学国际商务英语国际商法国际电子商务国际贸易专题 教学特色课程 中国经济中国金融中国财政计量经济学国际金融学国际服务贸易国际商务 计划学制4年最低毕业学分140++授予学位经济学学士学科专业类别经济与贸易类所依托的主干学科应用经济学

课程设置与学分分布 1.通识课程 27.5学分 (1)思政类必修 9学分 课程号课程名称学分周学时年级学期 021E0020 中国近现代史纲要 2.5 2.0-1.0 一秋冬 021E0040 马克思主义基本原理概论 2.5 2.0-1.0 二秋冬,春夏 031E0031 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 4.0 3.0-2.0 三秋冬,春夏 (2)外语类必修 9学分 课程号课程名称学分周学时年级学期 汉语(乙)Ⅰ 3.0 3.0-0.0 一秋冬 中国概况 3.0 3.0-0.0 一秋冬,春夏 汉语(乙)Ⅱ 3.0 3.0-0.0 一春夏 (3)计算机类必修 5学分 A)组一 3学分 在以下课程中选一门 课程号课程名称学分周学时年级学期 211G0200 Python程序设计 3.0 2.0-2.0 一春夏 211G0210 C程序设计 3.0 2.0-2.0 一春夏 211G0220 Java程序设计 3.0 2.0-2.0 一春夏 B)组二 2学分 在以下课程中选一门 课程号课程名称学分周学时年级学期 211G0230 计算机科学基础 2.0 2.0-0.0 一秋冬 211G0240 科学计算基础 2.0 2.0-0.0 一秋冬 (4)其他通识课程选修 4.5学分 通识选修课程包括人文社科组课程、科学技术组课程,以及通识核心课程(课程号带“S”)、新生研讨课程(课程号带“X”)。其中,人文社科组课程包括:历史与文化类(课程号带“H”)、文学与艺术类(课程号带“I”)、沟通与领导类(课程号带“J”)、经济与社会类(课程号带“L”),科学技术组课程包括:科学与研究类(课程号带“K”)、技术与设计类(课程号带“M”)。 2.学科基础课程必修 31学分 课程号课程名称学分周学时年级学期 821T0030 微积分(乙)Ⅰ 4.5 4.0-1.0 一秋冬


社会学专业硕士研究生培养方案(留学生) (专业代码:030301) 一、培养目标与学习年限 1.培养目标 以马克思主义的历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义理论为指导,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。具备严谨的治学态度和良好的学术作风。具有团结合作精神和坚持真理的科学品质。德才兼备,身心健康。在本学科方面具有坚实的理论基础和系统的专门知识、掌握社会学的基本知识和基础理论,熟练地运用社会学的调查与研究方法。具有独立从事本学科某一研究领域的研究能力,并能提出独到见解,较为熟练地掌握一门外语,能利用专业外文资料。培养从事社会学理论、社会工作、社区工作的教学和科研工作的高层次专门人才。同时能够适应国家相关机关或企事业单位的需求,从事与专业相关的社会保障、社会福利、社会工作、社区工作、新闻媒体等实际工作。 2.学习年限 一般为三年,最长不超过五年。在完成培养要求的前提下,少数学业优秀的研究生可以申请提前毕业。 二、学科专业与研究方向 社会学是一门重要的基础性学科,在教育部的学科分类系统中属于社会学一级学科下面的二级学科。 (一)学科专业 学科门类:法学(03) 一级专业:社会学(0303) 二级学科:社会学(030301) (二)研究方向 1.文化社会学 2. 民俗社会学 3. 社会发展与社会现代化 (三)授予学位 法学硕士 三、课程设置与学分要求 课程设置包括必修课程(学位公共课、学位基础课、学位专业课和学术前沿专题讲座)、选修课程(专业选修课和跨专业、跨学科课程)、补修课程和实践环节与科研工作四类。硕

士研究生应修最低总学分不少于35学分。各类课程学分要求如下: 1.必修课程(不少于27学分) (1)学位公共课(不少于7学分,由研究生院统一开设) (2)学位基础课(不少于9学分,每位硕士生根据导师要求选修3门课。每门学位基础课为54学时,计3学分。) (3)学位专业课(不少于9学分,每位硕士生根据导师要求选修3门课。每门学位基础课为54学时,计3学分。) (4)学术前沿专题讲座(2学分) 研究生在学期间应至少参加15次的国内外学术讲座和学术会议,或参加按学科专业组织的专题讨论,考查方式为提交会议论文或学术文章,本环节计2学分。 2.选修课程(不少于6学分,每位硕士生选修3门课,其中1门为专业外语;1门为跨专业或跨学科的课程。每门选修课为36学时,计2学分。) 3.跨专业和以同等学力入学的研究生需补修“中国社会思想史”、“西方社会思想史”2门本科主干课程。补修课程列入个人培养计划,考核合格即可,不计学分,但成绩记入档案并注明“本科”字样。 4.实践环节与科研工作(2学分) (1)教育实习或社会实践 1学分 (2)科研工作 1学分 四、培养方式与考核方式 (一)培养方式 课程将采用主讲教师与研讨式教学相结合的方式,学生在认真准备的基础上参与课堂教学过程。学生应认真阅读导师组和导师制定书目,按时完成读书报告、资料翻译、学术评论、学年论文等作业。在此基础上,扩大阅读范围,建构良好的专业基础。学生在选定的与毕业论文相关的社会调查地点进行不少于1个月的社会调查,并在此基础上完成社会调查报 告,学位论 文必须有社会调查资料支持。学生应积极申报“内蒙古师范大学研究生科研创新基金项目”或参与导师承担的科研课题,在研究实践中提高从事专业研究的能力和水平。 (二)考核方式 研究生按照培养计划的规定,完成课程学习和必修环节,成绩合格,完成毕业(学位)论文并通过答辩,德智体合格,准予毕业并颁发毕业证书。经审核符合学位条例规定的研究生,授予法学硕士学位。


外国留学生日常管理规定 Daily Administration Regulations 第一部分外国留学生日常行为规范 Part One Behavior Norms 一、课堂行为规范: Ⅰ The Behavior Criterion in Classroom: 1、学生应该做到不旷课、不迟到、不早退。上课期间不得进入教室,可在课间进入教室,向老师说明迟到原因,并向老师表示歉意。 1. Students should not be absent or late, or leave early. The latecomer cannot go into the classroom during the class, he or she may go into the classroom during the break, and explain the reason and apologize to the teacher. 2、开始上课前,所有学生应起立向老师致意问好,老师给予回应后方可坐下。 2. All students should stand up and regard to the teacher before the class, then sit down after the teacher’s response. 3、学生主动协助老师做好课前课后的教学活动,听从老师安排,如:课前擦黑板、清理讲台、安放演示仪器及挂图。课后听从老师安排做好教室的清洁工作、试验仪器的摆放、标本的送还等工作。 3. Students should assist teachers on their own initiative to erase blackboard, clean up dais, emplace demo instrument and wall map before class, and clean up classroom, put test instrument and take back specimen after class. 4、学生应尊重老师,举手示意回答问题。衣着装扮要得体、言行举止要文明礼貌。 4. Students should regard teachers and raise their hands to answer the questions. The dress should be decent. The words and deeds should be polite. 5、学生上课认真听讲,按时完成作业、实验报告和教师提出的各项要求。上课时应关闭手机、禁止说闲话、吃东西,不准看与此课无关的书籍、报纸或做其他课程的作业;未经老师同意不得擅自走动和出入。对严重影响课堂教学秩序者,教师有权要求其离开教室,并按旷课处理,并给与警告处分。 5. Students must be serious-minded in class and finish schoolwork, experiment report and each request by teachers on schedule. Turn off cell phone during class. No claver during class. No dine and wine during class. Forbid reading books and newspapers or schoolwork that is irrespective with the class. Forbid going around, in and out the classroom without teachers’ permission. Teachers have the right to ask the student, who disturbs the class to be off the classroom as absenteeism, and give the student warning punishment. 6、教室内有人上课时,不得在门外大声讲话和喧哗,不得敲门、推门,更不得随意出入、找人、取物,如有违反给与警告处分 6. Warning punishments are judged for these violators who make big noises outside the classroom during a class, and call on somebody, in and out to fetch something at will. 7、教学楼和教室内、禁止吸烟,禁止吵闹、喧哗,打扰他人上课或休息。自习时间亦同上要求,保持肃静,如有违反给与警告处分。 7. Warning punishments are judged for these violators who smoke and make hullabaloo in the teaching building and classroom even if in the study time. 8、私人书籍和用具不应留在教室内,要妥善保管,严禁占座,因为个人保管不善而丢


国际金融中英文版 Chapter 2: Payments among Nations Single-Choice Questions 1. A country ' s balance of payments records: 一个国家的国际收支平衡 记录了 B a. The value of all exports of goods and services from that country for a period of time. b. All flows of value between that c ountry ' s residents and residents of the rest of the world during a period of time. 在—— 定时间段里,一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动 c. All flows of financial assets that cross that country during a period of time. s boi d. All flows of goods into that country during a period of tim e. 2. A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里 的贷项是A a. An item for which the country must be paid. 一个国家必须收 取的条款 b. An item for which the country must pay. c. Any imported item. d. An item that creates a monetary claim owed to a foreigner. 3. Every international exchange of value is entered into the balance-of- payments accounts __________________ t ime(s). 每一次国际 等价交换都记进国际收支帐户2次 B a. 1 b. 2


留学生管理规定 为更加规范地做好我校的留学生管理工作,根据教育部、外交部、 公安部联合颁发的《高等学校接受外国留学生管理规定》的要求和有关规定,并结合我校的实际情况,特制订本规定。 一、科研外事处留学生办公室是我校留学生工作的归口管理机 构,统一负责留学生的日常管理和教学管理工作。 二、留学生应自觉遵守“中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法” 及其“实施细则”、“中华人民共和国国家安全法”以及“中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定”和各项校纪校规。 三、留学生应在每学期开学的第一周内持入学通知书到留学生办 公室办理注册手续。因故不能按时注册者,须事先书面请假。逾期半个月不注册者,将给予通报;逾期一个月不注册者,将按自动退学处理。 四、留学生应严格遵守课堂纪律,按时上课,不得迟到、早退或 旷课。上课时不准抽烟、随意出入教室或有其它妨碍课堂秩序的行为。在自习时间应认真学习,保持安静,不能影响或妨碍他人学习。对于违反学校规章者,任课教师将给予批评教育;经批评教育仍无改进或情节严重者,由任课老师通知科研外事处,按有关规定给予通报批评或必要的纪律处分。 五、留学生因病因事不能参加教学活动,应事先办理请假手续,

病假应有正规医院医生的诊断证明。因请假所缺的课程由留学生自行 补齐。未请假或请假未获得批准而缺课,将被视为旷课,对旷课留学 生将视情节轻重给予必要的纪律处分。 六、留学生按学校规定的寒、暑假和中国的节假日放假。留学生 本国的节假日学校不放假,学生如需参加活动应事先请假,每次时间 不超过3天,每年不超过2次。 七、对违反考勤制度的处理:对于违反学校规章者,任课教师 及科研外事处,按有关规定给予批评或必要的纪律处分。如仍不改正, 将不发结业证书。留学生单科缺课(包括病假、事假及旷课)时数累 计达该课程总课时的1/3者,取消其该门课程的考试资格;一学期内 缺课时数累计达所修课程课时总数的1/3者,取消全部所修课程的考试资格,不发结业证书。 八、留学生应按学校规定在校内留学生公寓住宿,按规定缴纳住 宿费,必须到居住地公安机关办理有关手续。不得损坏、拆卸、改装 宿舍楼内设备,损坏或遗失公物要赔偿,要注意节约用水用电,遵守 用电规定、注意用电安全。 九、鼓励留学生与我校的中国同学友好相处 , 团结友爱 , 互相 帮助 , 相互学习 , 积极参加和开展各项文体活动。 十、本规定自二零零八年二月起执行,由科研外事处负责解释。


商务英语专业留学生培养方案 一、学制与学位 (一)学制和修业年限 本科专业基本学制为四年,在校修业年限为3~6年。 (二)最低毕业学分和授予的学位 本专业最低毕业总学分为134.5学分,授予文学士学位。 二、主干学科与主要课程 主干学科:英语语言文学 主要课程简介 1. 基础英语 总学时:414 周学时:6 学分:23 开课学期:1、2、3、4 内容简介:该课程为专业基础课,是本专业的重要课程之一。教学任务旨在英语基础知识和基本技能方面对学生进行全面、严格地训练,培养学生综合运用英语的技能,使学生具有较强的听、说、读、写能力以及初步的翻译能力。在教学环节中注重培养学生的语言实际运用能力,为学生准确而熟练地掌握和运用英语语言,学好其余的专业课打下扎实的语言基础。 参考教材:《综合教程》(1-4册)何兆熊上海外语教育出版社 参考书目:《综合英语教程》(1—4册)邹为诚高等教育出版社 《现代大学英语》杨立民外语教学与研究出版社

《新编大学英语》应惠兰外语教学与研究出版社 2. 高级英语 总学时:136 周学时:4 学分:8 开课学期:5、6 内容简介:该课程旨在巩固和深化词汇、语法、语音等知识,使学生熟练掌握基本构词以及一定数量的同义词,扩大词汇量,培养学生分析和欣赏文章的能力,学习和了解有关文章结构、语言特点以及各种写作技巧的知识。教学重点放在文章内容和语言风格的讲授上。 参考教材:《高级英语》张汉熙外语教学与研究出版社 参考书目:《英语》(五、六、七、八册)黄源深上海外语教育出版社 《新编英语教程》(五、六册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社 3.商务英语阅读 总课时:68 周学时:2 学分:4 开课学期:5、6 内容简介:本课程通过阅读和分析与经济和商务有关的文章,使学生能够基本掌握商务报刊文章的特点,提高阅读和分析能力,最终从整体上提高英语语言水平以及语言欣赏和运用的能力。培养学生收集、整理和研究国际商务信息的能力,锻炼其逻辑思维能力,扩大其国际商务背景知识。 参考教材:《商务英语阅读》(英文版)陈苏东、陈建平总主编,王关富主编高等教育出版社 参考书目:《商务英语阅读教程》翁凤翔上海外语教育出版社 4.商务英语写作 总课时:68 周学时:2 学分:4 开课学期:5、6 内容简介:本课程的总体目标是通过学习商务英语写作,学生们能够运用商务信函进行沟通和交流;并能够在实际商业运作,尤其是商务谈判中,发挥一定优势,帮助其解决问题;


复旦大学2018级外国留学生本科生新生 入学须知 The Registration Guide for 2018 New International Undergraduate Students Fudan University

复旦大学2018级外国留学生本科生新生入学须知 一、入学准备 1. 入境签证 关于签证和居留许可,新生请务必申请学习签证(X1或X2签证)入境,具体信息请认真阅读一同寄送的《2018年复旦大学留学生新生签证&住宿指南》。 2. 查询学号 8月1日起,新生可访问复旦大学外国留学生工作处网站查询学号(https://www.doczj.com/doc/fa9637694.html,/QueryStuNo/),以便预订留学生公寓和访问迎新系统。 3. 支付学费 新生请于8月20日至9月28日登录https://www.doczj.com/doc/fa9637694.html,/wszf.htm,并按照指示网上支付学费。学费按学年支付,学费标准请浏览我校财务处网站收费公示https://www.doczj.com/doc/fa9637694.html,/。 办理缴费过程中,若有疑问,请与复旦大学财务处联系。 联系电话:+86-21-65648170 邮箱:hyj@https://www.doczj.com/doc/fa9637694.html, 4.住宿安排 新生可选择入住留学生公寓,也可以选择校外住宿。 留学生公寓需网上预订(https://www.doczj.com/doc/fa9637694.html,/house.htm)。预定时间为8月6日上午9:00至8月8日上午9:00(北京时间)。因房

间数量有限,先到先得。网上预订住房时需输入学号。 关于校内、校外住宿其他信息,请认真阅读《复旦大学留学生新生签证&住宿指南》。 5.来校交通 学校不提供接机或接站服务,请同学们自行到校。 (1)前往复旦大学正门(上海市杨浦区邯郸路220号) 浦东机场:机场四线到五角场站,换乘出租车,约35元;乘坐出租车,约200元。 虹桥机场/虹桥火车站:轨道交通10号线到国权路站或江湾体育场站,换乘出租车,约20元;乘坐出租车,约100元。 上海火车站:轨道交通3号线到大柏树站,换乘出租车,约20元;乘坐出租车,约50元。 (2)前往复旦大学留学生公寓(上海市杨浦区武东路57号)浦东机场:机场四线到五角场站,换乘出租车,约35元;乘坐出租车,约200元。 虹桥机场/虹桥火车站:轨道交通10号线到国权路站或江湾体育场站,换乘出租车,约20元;直接乘坐出租车,约100元。 上海火车站:轨道交通3号线到江湾镇站,换乘出租车,约20元;直接乘坐出租车,约50元。 ★搭乘出租车时,请选择具有合法营运标识的车辆,按照计价器显示的金额付费,并且保留好发票。以上费用是在路况正常的情况下产生的费用,如果遇到道路阻塞和夜晚,费用会有所增加。


外国来华留学生经费管理办法 【法规类别】外国来华留学生 【发文字号】教财[1995]79号 【失效依据】教育部、国务院学位委员会、国家语委关于宣布失效一批规范性文件的通知教育部、国务院学位委员会关于宣布失效一批规范性文件的通知 【发布部门】国家教育委员会(已更名)财政部 【发布日期】1995.12.29 【实施日期】1996.09.01 【时效性】失效 【效力级别】部门规章 关于颁发《外国来华留学生经费管理办法》的通知 (教财[1995]79号) 有关省、自治区、直辖市教委、教育厅、文教办、财政厅(局),北京市、广东省高教厅(局),国务院有关部委教育司(局)、财政司(局),有关高等院校: 现将《外国来华留学生经费管理办法》印发给你们,请遵照执行。 附件:外国来华留学生经费管理办法 国家教育委员会 财政部 一九九五年十二月二十九日

附件: 外国来华留学生经费管理办法 第一条为加强外国来华留学生(以下简称“留学生”)经费的管理,规范政府和学校之间的经费关系,特制定本办法。 第二条本办法所称留学生经费是指按照国家有关规定,对享受我国政府奖学金的留学生所设立的专项经费。 第三条留学生经费实行“包干使用、专款专用、节余留用、超支不补”的原则。 第四条我国政府为留学生提供的奖学金,包括生活费、学杂费、住宿费、医疗费、其他费用等。 第五条留学生的生活费按以下规定执行: (一)凡享受我国政府全额奖学金的留学生(以下简称“奖学金生”),在华学习期间,由所在学校发给每人一定数额的生活费,用于支付留学生伙食费用及日常生活的零星开支。生活费以人民币支付,具体标准按国家教委、财政部的有关规定执行。所需经费由国家教委按奖学金生人数和不同类别标准核拨。 (二)在华学习时间满一学年的学生每一个月加发一个月的生活费,不满一学年的第一个月加发半个月的生活费,作为安置和冬装补助费用。


PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分,答错不扣分1. If perfect markets existed, resources would be more mobile and could therefore be transferred to those countries more willing to pay a high price for them. ( T ) 2. The forward contract can hedge future receivables or payables in foreign currencies to insulate the firm against exchange rate risk. ( T ) 3. The primary objective of the multinational corporation is still the same primary objective of any firm, i.e., to maximize shareholder wealth. ( T ) 4. A low inflation rate tends to increase imports and decrease exports, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. ( F ) 5. A capital account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places upward pressure on that home currency’s value. ( F ) 6. The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. ( T ) 7. Covered interest arbitrage is plausible when the forward premium reflect the interest rate differential between two countries specified by the interest rate parity formula.( F ) 8.The total impact of transaction exposure is on the overall value of the firm. ( F ) 9. A put option is an option to sell-by the buyer of the option-a stated number of units of the underlying instrument at a specified price per unit during a specified period. ( T ) 10. Futures must be marked-to-market. Options are not. ( T ) PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分,答错不扣分 1. If inflation in a foreign country differs from inflation in the home country, the exchange rate will adjust to maintain equal( purchasing power ) 2. Speculators who expect a currency to ( appreciate ) could purchase currency futures contracts for that currency. 3. Covered interest arbitrage involves the short-term investment in a foreign currency that is covered by a ( forward contract ) to sell that currency when the investment matures. 4. (Appreciation/ Revalue )of RMB reduces inflows since the foreign demand for our goods is reduced and foreign competition is increased. 5. ( PPP ) suggests a relationship between the inflation differential of two countries and the percentage change in the spot exchange rate over time. 6. IFE is based on nominal interest rate ( differentials ), which are influenced by expected inflation. 7. Transaction exposure is a subset of economic exposure. Economic exposure includes any form by which the firm’s ( value ) will be affected. 8. The option writer is obligated to buy the underlying commodity at a stated price if a ( put option ) is exercised 9. There are three types of long-term international bonds. They are Global bonds , ( eurobonds ) and ( foreign bonds ). 10. Any good secondary market for finance instruments must have an efficient clearing system. Most Eurobonds are cleared through either ( Euroclear ) or Cedel. PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分 1. Assume the following information: A Bank B Bank Bid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796 Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800 Given this information, is locational arbitrage possible?If so, explain the steps involved in locational arbitrage, and compute the profit from this arbitrage if you had $1,000,000 to use. (5%) ANSWER: Yes!One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802.With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank.These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500. 2. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the British pound is $1.90.How will this spot rate adjust in two years if the United Kingdom experiences an inflation rate of 7 percent per year while the United


南昌大学外国留学生管理规定(试行 南昌大学外国留学生管理规定(试行)作者:ncu时间:2014-03-04访问量:南昌大学外国留学生管理规定(试行) 第一章总则 第一条为贯彻国家关于“深化改革,加强管理,保证质量,积极稳妥发展”的留学生教育方针,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障留学生身心健康,根据我国相关法律法规,结合学校实际,制定本规定. 第二条本规定所称外国留学生是指持外国护照在我国高等学校注 册接受学历教育或非学历教育的外国公民. 第三条学生在学校学习期间依法履行下列义务: (一)遵守中国法律法规; (二)遵守南昌大学校纪校规; (三)努力学习,完成规定学业; (四)养成良好的品德和行为习惯,尊敬师长,讲文明,有礼貌; (五)按规定缴纳学费及有关费用; (六)法律、法规规定的其他义务. 第二章学籍管理 第四条入学与注册 (一)新生须按时到校,因故不能按期入学者,应提前15日说明原因并在入学后办理补假手续.未办手续者,视为旷课.开学后两周内未报到者,取消其入学资格. (二)每学期开学时,学生应按学校规定的报到日期办理注册手 续并足额缴纳学杂费.不能如期注册者,应提前15日告知国际交流学

院并补办相关手续.学生未办理请假手续或请假逾期两周以上未注册者,视为放弃学籍,按自动退学处理.未按学校规定缴纳学杂费或者有 其他不符合注册条件的,不予注册,并按有关规定处理,由学校通知出入境管理部门取消其学生签证或居留许可. (三)凡休学、保留学籍或因其它原因离校的学生,未经批准复学,不予注册. (四)未请假或请假未被批准而擅自离校的学生,以旷课处理.逾期两周或无故离校15日者,按自动退学处理. (五)已注册的各类中文授课留学生,须在规定时间内参加汉语 水平测试(含笔试、口试),根据考试成绩编入相应班级. (六)公费生、交流生入院(系)后原则上不得变更专业.确需调整的,须于开课前两周向国际交流学院提出申请,经转入院(系) 同意,在办理相关手续后方可转换专业学习. (七)入院(系)所需履行的其它事项与所在院(系)的中国学 生相同. 第五条学制与学习年限 普通本科专业标准学制为四年,建筑学、临床医学本科专业标准 学制为五年,英文授课临床医学专业学制为六年.学生可根据自身的 具体情况,延长或缩短在校学习时间.四年制在校学习时间为3~6年(含休学);五年制在校学习时间为4~7年(含休学);六年制在 校学习时间为5~7年(含休学). 硕士研究生按不同专业要求,实行以2年、2.5年或3年制为基 本学制的弹性学制,博士研究生实行以3年制为基本学制的弹性学制.硕士研究生在校学习时间为2~4年,博士研究生在校学习时间为 3~5年,学生毕业证上所记载的学制为该生所学专业的基本学制. 第六条学习纪律 (一)按时上课,不无故缺席,自觉遵守课堂纪律.


Chapter1 balance of payments Balance of Payments Accounting 1 Balance of payments a) d) Answer: d 2 Generally speaking, any transaction that results in a receipt from foreigners a) b) c) d) Answer d 3 Generally speaking, any transaction that results in a payment to foreigners e) f) g) e) Answer a) 4 Suppose the McDonalds Corporation imports 100 tons of Canadian beef, paying for it by transferring the funds to a New York bank account kept by the Canadian Beef Conglomerate. i) j) k) l) Answer: a 5 Since the balance of payments is presented as a system of double-entry bookkeeping, a) b) c) d) Answer c) 6 A country ' s international transactions can be grouped into the following three main types: a) current account, medium term account, and long term capital account is defined as the statistical record of a country ' s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of a double -entry bookkeeping provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country ' currency can be used to evaluate the performance of a country in international economic competition all of the above b) c) Will be recorded as a debit, with a negative sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a debit, with a positive sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a credit, with a negative sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a credit, with a positive sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a debit, with a negative sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a debit, with a positive sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a credit, with a negative sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a credit, with a positive sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Payment by McDonalds will be recorded as a debit The deposit of the funds by the seller will be recorded as a debit Payment by McDonalds will be recorded as a credit The deposit of the funds by the buyer will be credit Every credit in the account is balanced by a matching debit Every debit in the account is balanced by a matching credit a) and b) are both true None of the above

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