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The definition of electric dipole moment of an electric dipole

Electric dipole is the configuration of two equal and opposite charges separated by a distance.

d p q =

The direction of the electric dipole moment is from the negative

charge to positive charge. The characteristic of a dipole is completely determined by its dipole moment p .

The electric field and electric potential produced by an electric dipole

The electric field produced by a dipole (All the following formula are valid for the approximation of d x >>). The electric field at any point P (U -∇=E )


0ˆ)ˆ(341r p r r

p E -⋅=

πε Where r

ˆ means unit vector. While in the spherical coordinate system, if the direction of p is in z axis

)sin cos 2(413

0θθθπεe e E r +=r p

There are two special cases: (1) Along dipole axis (P 1 shown in the figure)


021r p

E πε=

And (2) In dipole ’s median plane (P 2 shown in the figure)


041r p

E πε-=

The field at any distant points varies with the distance r from the dipole as 3/1r . But the electric field of an electric quadrupole changes as 4/1r .

The electric potential produced by a dipole (Choosing the potential at infinity is zero) (P 3 shown in the figure)


020cos 41ˆ41r p r U θ


⋅=r p An electric dipole in an external electric field

The net torque acted on the

dipole about the center of the dipole due to external field 'E p ⨯=τ The potential energy of a

dipole in an external field

(Define the reference angle to be 90o and choose the potential energy to be zero at that angle)

'E p U ⋅-=

The above formulas are valid for intrinsic moment. On the other hand, if the induced moment

of a particle is E p '=

αi , then the energy of the particle in external field is



d )(E E p '-='⋅-⎰α ?? Th

e net force acted on an electric dipole due to an external field

The net force acted on a dipole due to a uniform external electric field is zero.


0net =F

The net force acted on a dipole due to a nonuniform external electric field is

-+-==F F F F z net This force is along the z axis.


E p pE z z U

F z ∂∂=∂∂=∂∂-=')cos ()cos '(θθ

It depends on the gradient of the external field.

This force can be calculated from potential energy. The general relation between conservative force and potential energy is

E p E p

F '∇⋅='⋅--∇=-∇=)(U

(because ()()

''''E p E p E p E p


[1] David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Kenneth S. Krane. Physics. Fifth Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.

[2] 姚志欣. 偶极子在非均匀外场中的受力. 大学物理, 1990, 9(10): 10-13 [3]尹真.电动力学(第二版).科学出版社,2005


载流平面线圈的电流强度I 和线圈面积S 的乘积叫做载流线圈

的磁矩。用m 表示线圈的磁矩,n


n IS I ˆd ='=⎰S m ,



0ˆ)ˆ(34r m r r

m B -⋅=


若取m 方向与z 轴一致,在球坐标中有(r r <<')

)sin cos 2(430θθθπμe e B r +=r


也可以用毕—萨定律计算P 点的磁感应强度

⎰⨯=3ˆ4R R l Id B O







'3r z x xz

Ir B x ++⋅=




'(4'3)'(12'r z x x Ir r z x Ir B z ++⋅-++⋅=μμ

特别的,当0=x 时





2' 0r z Ir B B z x +⋅=

=μ, )'( '2320r z z r I B z >>⋅=μ 外磁场中的磁偶极子

利用电流与外场的互作用能公式⎰⋅=v U d A J ,得磁偶极子在外磁场B '中的能量是
