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I . Teachi ng aims

1. Teach the students five basic writing steps..

2. Develop the students Writing skills, using complex sentencesand some conn

ecti on words.

H . Important and difficult teaching points

How to make the students use some writing skills and improve their writing ability. 皿.Teachi ng methods

1. In dividual work, pair or group work to make every stude nt take an active part

in the activities in class.

2. In teracti ons betwee n the Ss and the teacher.

IV. Teachi ng aids


V. Teachi ng procedures

Step1 Warmin g-up and lead ing in

1. Play a game.

T: Do you know the no rmal topics that ofte n appear in the exams ?

Ss: In troducti on, school life, vacati on pla ns, health.

T:Well done. Any more?

Ss: En vir onment, activities ....


Step2 Prese ntati on

I. Five basic steps of writi ng.

First: search (审题)

Seco nd: list (列出基本要点)

Third: add (加开头和结尾等)

Fourth: connect (用合适连词连接前后句)

Fifth: beautify (用谚语或例子来美化文章)

2. W riti ng skills.



方法四:妙用引文和例子(多用于“the body)”



Step3 Brai n-stormi ng

Show a compositi on of the stude nt in their class.

T: What do you think about this short passage ? Do you have any ways to change them to make it more flue nt and logical ?

目标1: Make the students know the first step is how to use the simple sentences correctly.

目标2:Make the students know it is important to use all kinds of structures of sen ten ces in writi ng.

目标3:Encourage the students to sum up the conjunctions which we often use them in writ ing.

目标4:Encourage the students to say the different translations of a sentence. Step4 Teacher in terve ntio n

1. Sum up some proverbs or sayings that Ss can use to beautify their compositi ons. and the conn ecti on words.

For example:

(I) Treat other people as you hope they will treat you.


⑵ When at Rome, do as the Roma ns do入乡随俗。

(3) Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母.

(4) Practice makes perfect.孰能生巧

(5) Th ink twice before you do. 三思而行。

(6) Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

⑺The early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

(8) An apple a day keeps the doctor away 一天一苹果,医生远离我。

(9) Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。

(10) Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


(II) There is but a secret to success-Never give up!
