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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (15%)

Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.

1. In my opinion, a good deal of the ______ for their success must go to John Francis, The captain.

A. reputation

B. respect

C. credit

D. compliment


【解析】句意:在我看来,大部分对他们的成功的赞美都应归功于船长John Francis。credit 荣誉,赞扬(后跟介词for或to)。reputation名声,名誉。respect尊敬,尊重;敬意。compliment恭维;称赞(后跟介词on)。

2. It had been an abominable afternoon, ______ at about six o’clock in her father’s sudden collapse into sub-consciousness.

A. pitching

B. rising

C. soaring

D. culminating



3. Mary was a shy woman and took ______ behind a rather forbidding bluntness of manner.

A. refuge

B. kindness

C. fright

D. appearance


【解析】句意:玛丽是一个害羞的人,她总是用一副让人感觉难以接近的木讷的表情来掩饰自己。refuge避难;避难所;庇护。take refuge避难,(以掩饰等手段)逃脱困境。kindness 仁慈;好意。fright惊吓;惊骇。appearance外貌,外观。

4. You can’t count on him; he’s liable to ______ out when things become difficult.

A. be

B. let

C. take

D. opt


【解析】句意:你可不能指望他;只要事情一变得难做,他就会选择退出了。opt out决定退出;插播。be out在外;出去了。let out放出;泄露;出租。take out取出;去掉;出发。

5. As they entered the village shop, the old lady behind the counter ______ at them kindly.

A. beamed

B. glared

C. grimaced

D. peeped


【解析】句意:他们一走进乡村小商店,柜台后的老妇人就对着他们露出和善的笑容。beam 照射;堆满笑容。glare瞪视;发眩光。grimace扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相。peep窥视;吱吱叫;慢慢露出。

6. The outlying island that belongs to this ______ metropolis is an oasis where green prevails and traditions hold fast.

A. bustling

B. whistling

C. ruffling


【解析】句意:隶属于这个熙熙攘攘的大都市的这个偏远的小岛是一片绿意遍布、传统留传的绿洲。bustling熙熙攘攘的;忙乱的。whistling发出哨声的;听起来像哨声的。ruffle 弄皱;触怒。rustling沙沙作响的。

7. The aim of making self-criticism for the mistakes is to help us ______ so that we shall not repeat them later.

A. show off

B. hold out

C. measure up

D. sober up


【解析】句意:就错误进行自我批评是为了使我们保持清醒以免再犯同类错误。sober up 清醒起来;使……清醒。show off炫耀;卖弄。hold out坚持;伸出。measure up合格;符合标准。

8. The famous writer was born in Herhamsted, which was ___town to be on the map.

A. too a small

B. a too small

C. a small too

D. too small a
