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Unit 1 My school subjects


subject课程科目Art 艺术美术Music音乐Maths数学Chinese 语文汉语 English英语Science科学 History历史Geography 地理without没有不用pass经过通过once一次twice两次route路线step 步best friend 最好的朋友keep secret保守秘密 a lot of=lots of许多 be different from 与、、、不同stick-stuck(过去式)粘problem 问题麻烦rich富有的

poor贫穷的graph图表timetable课程表as many as possible尽可能多的no matter 不论不管share good and bad times 同舟共济同甘共苦


what classes do you have? 你有什么科目?

Can you go to each class without passing any class twice? 你能只经过每个教室一次而走完全程吗?

How far is your route in steps? 你的路线以步计算有多远?

On which side is the Music room? 音乐教室在哪边?

Which class is nearest to the Music class? 哪个教室离音乐教室最近?

What is a best friend? 什么是好朋友?

What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的课程是什么?

Music is my favorite subject。音乐是我最喜欢的课程。

I like Maths.

Unit 2 Happy Birthday!


January 一月February二月March 三月April四月May五月June六月July七月

August八月September九月October十月 November 十一月December十二月present 礼物choose 选择aunt阿姨姑姑婶uncle叔舅right正确的合适的person人 wish希望愿望

buy a birthday cake买一个生日蛋糕blow out candles 吹灭蜡烛sing a song 唱首歌

give a present送一件礼物make a wish许一个愿望grow 生长种植get good scores获得好成绩cardboard 纸板born 出生celebrate庆祝balloon 气球bright明亮的tonight 今晚

may-might(过去式)可以 come true 成为现实yet仍还too…to…太、、、而不能

think of(thought of )思考考虑


When is your birthday? 你什么时候生日?

On which date is your birthday? 你的生日在哪一天?

Who will be there? 谁将会去呢?

I’m sure we’ll have a good time. 我肯定我们会过的很开心。

Have my wish come true tonight. 希望我的愿望今晚会变为现实。

I wish I could grow taller soon. 我希望我能很快长高。

Unit 3 The weather band


weather天气band乐队rainbow 彩虹raindrop雨点hear听见sound声音put on穿上戴上chant说唱anywhere任何地方什么地方fall down落下loudly大声地quietly悄悄地静静地

fog雾foggy有雾的bring带来bright明亮的brightly明亮地scarf围巾 wind风windy有风的sunny晴朗的stay停留last week上周yesterday昨天cloud云cloudy多云的dark clouds乌云 snow雪snowy下雪的storm暴雨stormy 暴风雨的rain 雨rainy下雨的shower淋浴阵雨sign 标志for a long time 很久hear of听说过suck up 卷起吸later on后来go back追溯到century世纪dead死的saying谚语wild野生的Tibet西藏 sunshine 阳光overhead在头上see—saw—seen看见weather vane风向标centre 中心arrow 箭箭头

slot放置hammer锤nail钉子 a ball-point pen 圆珠笔stick棍棒


what was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气怎么样?

It was windy. 有风。 It was sunny all the time. 一直都很晴朗。

Did you go anywhere? 你去什么地方了?

No, I stayed at home.没有,我呆在家里。

Yes, I went to Zhongshan Park. 是的,我去了中山公园。

Unit 4 How far is it from Xidan to Wangfujing Street?


find out找到发现far远的 distance距离taxi出租车square广场正方形lake湖泊 street街道palace宫殿university大学Olympic centre奥林匹克中心turn right / left 向右/左转minute 分钟foreign外国的easy容易的easily容易地city城市other其他的ticket票push推everywhere每个地方 line排队线subway地铁 world世界get round逛游览top顶部speak Chinese 说汉语character汉字 show 出示展示driver司机 language语言biking骑自行车 while党、、、时候along 沿着way 道路方法pay for支付be able to能够 traffic lights红绿灯knee膝盖winner获胜者happen发生far-further –furthest远(最高级)block积木

smooth 光滑的rough 粗糙的


How far is it from Xidan to Wangfujing Street?


You should turn left. 你应当向左拐。

You should go straight on. 你应当一直走。

Excuse me, can you tell me how far it is from Xidan to Ditan park?