2020江苏高考英语考纲词汇背诵及检测大全语言点补充二 P96-98(5页)

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2020江苏高考考纲词汇背诵及检测大全语言点补充二 P96-98

1.assure v.向某人保证assure sb of sth; assure that I can assure you of his honesty. ensure v.保证ensure sth; ensure that Please ensure that all the lights are switched off.

insure v.投保insure (sb/sth) (against sth) insure himself against long-term illness

2.atmosphere n. 1)(围绕地球的)大气2)(某处)空气3)气氛,氛围a friendly atmosphere

3.attend v. 1)出席,参加2)注意,专心attend (to sth) He hadn’t been attending during the meeting.

attend to sb/sth照顾某人/处理某事

attendance u.c. 1)出席Attendance at these lectures is not compulsory.

2)出席人数There was an attendance of 42 at the meeting.

4.authentic a. 1)真品的2)真实的an authentic account of life 3)逼真的an authentic model of...

5.available a. 1)可获得的2)Are you available in the afternoon?

accessible a. 1)可获得的2)可到达的,可进入的3)The poem is accessible to everyone. 4)He is accessible.

6.avenue n. 1) on Fifth Avenue 2)林荫道3)We will explore every avenue until we find an answer.

revenue u.或pl.财政收入,收益

7.awful a. 1)很坏的,极讨厌的The weather was awful. 2)非常的an awful lot of money

3)骇人听闻的=terrible the awful horrors of war awfully ad.非常,极其I am

awfully sorry.

awesome a.1)令人惊叹的an awesome sight惊人的奇观;awesome beauty天仙之美;an awesome task艰巨的任务

8.bear (bore, borne) v. 1) (否定、疑问中+can/could)=stand 承受,忍受can’t bear the pain; can’t bear the thought of losing him; How can you bear to eat that stuff?; He can’t bear being laughed at.

2)不适合某事not bear sth/doing sth Her later work does not bear comparison with her earlier novels.比不上

3)承担责任bear the responsibility; bear the cost of... 4)心怀感情(尤指坏心情)bear him no ill will没有恶意

5)显示,带有The document bore her signature. 6)举止,表现bear yourself well=behave oneself

He bears himself proudly, like a soldier. 他案首阔步,像个军人。7)生育She has borne him 6 sons.

born v.(仅用于被动) 1)出生be born into a musical family; be born blind; be born with disabilities

2)(思想/机构等)形成“Solidarity(团结工会)” was born as a protest movement.

born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth出生富裕之家; there’s one born every minute 总是有那种傻瓜;

born and bred在某地长大;受...熏陶

9.bend (bent, bent) v.1)倾斜,偏向bend forward to pick up the newspaper 2)使弯曲bend one’s knees;

bend the wire into the shape of a square 3)拐弯The road bent sharply to the right. n. a sharp bend on the road拐弯

bend the truth歪曲事实on bended knee(s)苦苦哀求be bent on doing sth一心想做(常指坏事)

10.benefit v.1) benefit sb 2)benefit from/by...

n. 1)u.c.优势,益处have the benefit of...; be of benefit to...=be beneficial to...


for one’s benefit= for the benefit of sb= in one’s favour= in one’s interest

11.blow (blew, blown)v. 1)吹blow out a stream of smoke 2)A cold wind blew from the east. 3)blow one’s whistle

4)blow one’s nose 5)blow (sb) a kiss 6)The safe had been blown by the thieves. 7) One mistake could blow your cover.暴露某人的身份n. 1)receive a blow on the head 2)Losing his job came as a terrible blow to him.

12.bounce v. 1)弹跳bounce the ball against the wall 2)bounce up and down on the bed

4)晃动Her hair bounced from side to side as she walked. 4)颠簸行进The bus bounced down the hill.

5)奔奔跳跳地走bounce across the room to greet them bounce back恢复健康或信心等

13.budget n. an annual/a family budget; decorate the house on a tight budget节省; within budget; over budget

v. budget $1000 for the project=budget the project at $500为工程预算$1000

14.bump v.1)碰,撞bump (sth) against...; bump into... 2)颠簸前行The jeep bumped along the dirt track.

n.1)撞击声fall to the ground with a bump 2)(因击打)肿块bump on your forehead 3)隆起a bump in the road