当前位置:文档之家› 北京英语导游考试



Part I. write out the English according to the Chinese.(40 points)

1 Beijing was founded and developed with the joint efforts of all the Chinese nationalities from

generation to generation, as a melting pot of (历史悠久的)(东方文明)and Chinese (文化遗产)

2 改革开放

3 第三产业

4 环境保护

5 亚运村

6 文化古迹,历史名胜

7 立交桥;过街天桥;过街地道

8 人民大会堂

9 国家权利机关

10 北京市政府

11 The two city trees of Beijing are:

wich is a symbol of

and which is a symbol of .

12 三环路

13 景泰蓝

Part II Answer the following questions.(Please choose three to answer from the following) (30 points)

1 Can you describe briefly Beijing's geographical location?

2 Can you make a brief description of Beijing's climate and four seasons?

3 Are you interested in Hutong? Can you describe a quadrangle briefly and tell us the significance of Beijing's Hutong?

4 Please introduce Beijing Roast Duck simply and tell us how to eat it.

5 Can you describe the buildings around Tian'anmen square?

Part III Write a passage.(30points)

If you are an English tour guide, your guests are from America, please write a passage according to the following demands:(not less than 300 words)

1) how can you express your warm welcome, namely, what to say when you meet your guests at the first time.

2) Please show them around one of the scenic spots of Beijing that they are very interested in, and introduce it to your guests simply.

3) At last, how can you do your farewell speech to your guests.


I. Multiple-choice Question:(20 points)

Blacken the correct answer on the "Answer Sheet".

1. I got 90 ________.

A. scores

B. mark

C. points

D. score

2. We should ________ a good study habit of taking notes in class.

A. develop

B. improve

C. make

D. remain

3. Is he ________ his girlfriend was once a thief?

A. aware of

B. aware that

C. knowing that

D. aware of that

4. Some people have birthday cakes ________noodles.

A. instead

B. instead for

C. instead to

D. instead of

5. I try to ________ a few dollars each month in order to buy

a new bike.

A. set up

B. set out

C. set off

D. set aside

6. There are ________ areas offering a variety of meals and services all within a hotel.

A. no many

B. difference

C. different

D. too much

7. Ruth finally ________ to find what she was looking for.

A. tried

B. managed

C. succeeded

D. achieved

8. ________ driving to work, Mr. Randolph usually goes to his office by train.

A. Without

B. Rather than

C. Instead of

D. In spite of

9. It was so noisy at night ________ I could hardly sleep.

A. so

B. but

D. that

10. Paris is ________ that we can hardly visit all the beautiful parks in two or three days.

A. such a large city

B. so a large city

C. such large a city

D. a such large city

11. Unlike most Europeans, many Americans ________ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.

A. used to eating

B. are used to eating

C. are used to eat

D. used to eat

12. His word are ________ but meaning is deep.

B. a few

C. little

D. a little

13. My friend suggests that Mr. Bellow ________ a taste of Sichuan dishes.

A. has

B. have

C. had

D. would have

14. ________ the next days we will be studying English grammar.

A. Whenever

B. Between

C. Within

D. At

15. If I were in your position, I would ________ another restaurant.

A. have tried

B. have been tried

C. try

D. tried

16. Room service is ________ in the room.

A. to serve meals

B. to do service

C. to clean up

D. to take care of guests

17. It is necessary to greet the guest with a hearty smile ________ to create a pleasant atmosphere and make the guest feel at home.

A. so that

B. in order

C. such as

D. because of

18. By the time he retires Mr. Smith ________ in this hotel for almost 40 years.

A. will have worked

B. will work

C. have worked

D. will has worked

19. You have ________ time to catch the bus.

A. a lot

B. a plenty of

C. plenty of

D. a number of

20. ________ his illness, he is determined to finish the work.

A. In spite of

B. In spite

C. Despite of

D. In spite that

II. Reading comprehension.(15 points)

Passage 1

Each student at an engineering college in Canada gets a steal ring upon graduation as well as graduation certificate.

There is a story behind the unusual ring. Several years ago, a graduate from this engineering college designed an iron-steel bridge. Unfortunately, because of mistakes in his design, the bridge collapsed soon after it came into use.

This event shook the engineering college. And the head of the college decided to take back the framework of the iron-steel bridge and use it as the material for making rings to give the students upon their graduation. The college wants the students to remember this lesson forever so as to avoid making such mistakes again.

1. Upon graduation each student is given a steel ring as a

A. gift from the college

B. lesson to avoid making any mistakes in design

C. model to make designs

D. warning not to make iron-steel bridge

2. The wrongly-designed iron-steel bridge was finally

A. shipped away

B. sold at a low price

C. made into many rings

D. used again after repairing

3. The ring is quite unusual because

A. its design is excellent

B. it is very expensive

C. it is different from others

D. it had a sad story

4. The best title for the passage is

A. A Great Mistake

B. A Shocking Event

C. A Warning Ring

D. A Wrongly-designed Bridge

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The iron-steel bridge collapsed soon after it was built

B. The iron-steel bridge has been used ever since it was built

C. The iron-steel bridge didn't come into use until it collapsed

D. The bridge collapsed because it was designed by a poor student

Passage 2

American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very best aspects of a society: opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment. They also contain the

very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial conflict, and poverty. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.

After World War II, city residents became wealthier, more prosperous. They had more children. They needed more space. They move out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs, areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s the American "dream" was to have a house in the suburbs.

Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in 1950s are now adults. They, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. Many young professionals, doctors, lawyers, and executives are moving back into the city. Many are single; others are married, but often without children. They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage; or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving into the city- a wealthier, more mobile class.

Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new future.

Others see only problems and conflicts. One thing is sure: many dying cities are alive again.

6. Paragraph 1

A. explains why American cities are changing

B. shows tat American cities have many problems

C. is a description of cities

D. says: American cities contain the very best aspects of a society

7. In the 1950s the American "dream" was

A. to have a house

B. to buy a new house in the suburbs

C. to have a big car

D. to buy an apartment in the city

8. In paragraph 3, the author gives _______ reasons why people want to live in cities.

A. two

B. four

C. five

D. three

9. According to the article, cities are

A. sick

B. living

C. alive again

D. dying

10. The movement of people to and from the city can explain

A. racial conflict

B. social changes

C. violent crime

D. the best aspects of a society

Passage 3

During the early American colonial years, corn was more

plentiful than wheat, so corn bread was more common than wheat bread. Friendly Indians showed colonists how to grow corn and how to prepare it for food and pioneer women then improved the Indian cooking techniques. When people traveled, they went to foot or horseback, sleeping and eating in the forests. They carried corn bread for sustenance; the corn bread came to be called journey cake. Later when roads and taverns were built and stagecoaches carried passengers, journey cake became johnnycake, a name many easterners still use for corn bread. The kinds of bread made with cornmeal were-and still are-almost without limit. Every region has its specialities.

From the start, southerners showed a preference for white cornmeal, northerners for yellow. And pioneers on the frontier, when then ran out of yeast, made salt-rising bread. They stirred together water, a little water-ground cornmeal, potatoes, and salt. they set the mixture, uncovered, in a warm place until it absorbed bacteria form the air and began to ferment. Then they removed the potatoes and used the liquid as leavening for their bread, made with white flour.

11. In colonial times, why was corn bread more common than wheat


A. The colonists preferred corn bread.

B. Corn bread did not spoil as rapidly as wheat bread did.

C. Corn was more abundant.

D. The colonists did not know how to make wheat bread.

12. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the preference for a particular kind of corn bread?

A. It tends to vary geographically.

B. It corresponds an individual's social class.

C. It changes over a period of time

D. It depends on whether or not the individual is a gourmet.

13. The bacteria necessary for the fermentation of salt-rising bread came form the

A. Flour

B. potatoes

C. air

D. salt

14. In the making of salt-rising bread, cornmeal was

A. used to make the liquid that caused the bread to rise

B. combined with white flour to make the bread

C. the main kind of flour used

D. used when potatoes were not available

15. The best title for this passage is

A. Original American Breads

B. Life in Colonial American

C. Cooking on the Frontier

D. Salt-rising Bread

III. complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese version.(10 points)

A: Excuse me? Could you change a room for me?

B: __________(发生了什么事了,先生)?

A: There's something wrong with the bathroom tap. It was making noise all night _____________(以至于我不能入睡).

B: I'm sorry to hear that. ___________(我马上叫人来修理).

A: Thank you. But I hope _____________(最好还是给我换个房间).

B: We don't have a spare room at present. I'll ____________(已有房间我就给你换).

A: OK. Be sure not to forget.

B: Certainly, sir.

IV. Answer the following questions.(10 points)

1. What is the aim of a hotel?

2. What are the famous specialities of Cantonese food and Beijing food respectively?

3. Please list four ways to find out the guest's name.

4. Why do hotels encourage guests' complaints?

5. Please name four traditional Chinese souvernirs.


导游考试模拟试题 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

一、单项选择题 1、社会主义道德建设要坚持(A) A、以为人民服务为核心 B、以集体主义为核心 C、以马克思主义为核心 D、以共产主义为核心 2 、提高全民族的思想道德素质和科学文化素质是社会主义精神文明建设的 (C ) A、重点 B、两个重要方面 C、根本任务 D、基本目标 3、加强思想道德建设,发展教育科学文化是社会主义精神文明建设的(D ) A、根本任务 B、基本方针 C、基本目标 D、重点

4、旅游职业道德中最重要最基本的规范,同时也是从事个行业的人都应遵守的共同的基本 的道德规范是( D ) A、热情友好、宾客至上 B、清洁端庄、文明礼貌、耐心细致、优质服务 C、一视同仁、不卑不亢、自尊自强 D、爱国爱企、敬业爱岗、忠于职守 5、中国的合格导游人员的首要条件是(B ) A、具有优秀的道德品质 B、热爱祖国、热爱社会主义 C、热爱本职工作、尽职敬业 D、高尚的情操 6、导游人员的情操是以( D ) A、旅游活动为中心 B、旅游者为中心 C、个人为中心 D、导游服务为中心

7、临时导游证的有效期最长不超过(C),并不得延期 A.一个月 B.六个月 C.三个月 D.一年 8、导游员违反有关法规,向旅游者一行15人索要小费2000元人民币,根据《旅行社质量保证金赔偿试行标准》,应赔偿旅游者(C)人民币。 A.2000元 B.3000元 C.4000元 D.5000元 9、外国人在中国农村居民家住宿,、须抵达后的( D )小时内向当地派出所或户籍办公室申报 A.24 B.36 C.48 D.72 10、旅游保险合同必须以( D )形式订立


2009年导游资格考试题库《导游实务》试题 (共1013题) 第一章导游服务 一、单项选择题 1.导游服务在旅游接待服务中处于。 A、基础地位 B、中心地位 C、支配地位 D、领导地位 答:B 2.人们最熟悉的导游服务内容是。 A、旅行生活服务 B、短途交通服务 C、导游讲解服务 D、入住服务 答:C 3.在导游服务中所占比例最大、内容也最为繁杂的是。 A、导游讲解服务 B、短途交通服务 C、长途交通服务 D、旅行生活服务 答、D 4.在旅行社接待工作中处在第一线的关键人物是。 A、司机 B、导游员 C、旅行社经理 D、计调人员 答:B 5.人们常说“在实际接待工作中,导游员是关键人物”,就是指导游服务在旅游接待服务体系中处于地位。 A、核心 B、支配 C、纽带 D、中心 答:D 6.在导游服务的纽带作用中,“协调左右”的“左”或“右”是指。 A、与旅行社有业务协作关系的其他旅游接待部门 B、旅行社的直接业务领导旅游行政管理部门 C、旅行社的领导和游客 D、旅行社的各个部门和导游员 答:A 7.古代社会最高等级的旅游活动类型是。 A、公务行游 B、文士漫游 C、平民郊游 D、帝王巡游 答:D 8.郑和下西洋是旅游活动的典范。 A、帝王巡游 B、文士漫游 C、公务行游 D、商贾周游 答:C 9.重阳节登高是由古代旅游活动演变而来的特色民俗活动。 A、宗教旅游 B、平民郊游 C、商贾周游 D、文士漫游 答:B 10.在我国古代各种旅游活动类型中成果最丰富的是。 A、帝王巡游 B、公务巡游 C、平民郊游 D、文士漫游 答:D 11.许多科学论著以及大量山水诗文的创作都与旅游活动密切相关。 A、帝王巡游 B、公务行游 C、文士漫游 D、平民郊游 答:C 12.在唐朝时,先后六次东渡日本传播佛教的鉴真是旅游活动的代表人物。 A、公务行游 B、商贾周游 C、文士漫游 D、宗教旅游 答:D 13.标志着中国近代旅游业兴起的是。 A、中国旅行社的成立 B、中国国际旅行社的成立 C、上海商业储蓄银行旅行部诞生C、厦门华侨服务社的成立 答:C 14.中国第一家旅行代理机构“上海商业储蓄银行旅行部”创办于年。 A、1921 B、1923 C、1927 D、1949 答:B 15.中国第一批职业化导游员出现在之后。 A、1923年中国第一家旅行代理机构创办 B、1949年新中国成立 C、1954年中国国际旅行社总社的成立 D、1989年第一次全国导游人员资格考试 答:A 16.新中国的第一家旅行社是。 A、厦门华侨服务社 B、中国旅行社 C、中国国际旅行社总社 D、中国青年旅行社 答:A 17.中国国际旅行社总社成立于年。 A、1949 B、1954 C、1974 D、1980 答:B 18.在我国现代导游服务发展的初创时期,导游队伍的特点是。 A、人数极少,发展缓慢 B、人数不多,素质极高 C、人数剧增,素质下降C、人数很多,素质极高 答:B 19.在我国现代导游服务的发展时期,导游队伍的特点是。 A、人数极少,发展缓慢 B、人数不多,素质极高 C、人数剧增,素质下降C、人数很多,素质极高 答:C 20.在我国现代导游服务发展的初创时期,导游员被称为“五大员”,即宣传员、调研员、、安全员和翻译员。 A、讲解员 B、卫生员 C、维护员 D、服务员


家具常用英语词汇 1、factory 工厂27、poplar 白杨木 2、Date of Loading 装柜日28、Rubber Wood 橡胶木 3、Seal# 封条号码29、Walnut 胡桃木 4、Consolidated vendor 并柜工厂30、Solid Wood 实木 5、Customer 客户名31、Particle Board (PB板) 6、Port of discharge 装货港32、Fiber Board(PF.MDF板) 7、Final destination 目的地中纤板、密度板 8、ETA 装船/开船日33、Allen Wrench 内六角扳手 9、ETA Final Destination 到达日34、Apron 立水.台雅 10、Group 系列.群35、Top 面板 11、Order No. 订单号36、Leg 脚 12、P.O Number 订单号码37、Leaf 中板 13、Item Number 产品编号38、Shelf 层板 14、Quantity Loaded 装柜数量39、Bottom 底板 15、Quantity Ordered 订单数量40、Base 底座 16、Spare/Repair parts 补件41、Knob 把手 17、Sample 样品42、Door 门 18、Alder 赤杨木43、Drawer 抽屉 19、Ash 水曲柳44、Draw Back Panel 抽后板 20、Bass Wood 椴木45、Draw Front Pane 抽前板 21、Beech 榉木46、Draw Side Panel 抽侧板 22、Birch 桦木47、Draw Bottom 抽底板 23、Cherry 樱桃木48、Flat Washer 平面华司 24、Maple 枫木49、Slide 滑轨 25、Poplar 白杨木50、Machine Screw 内六角螺丝 26、Red Oak 红橡木 51、Rail 饰条77、Screen 屏风 52、Roller 软门78、Folding Screen 折屏


导游服务规范知识(含职业道德规范) 1 what are the basic moral norms for the citizens in our country? the basic moral norms refer to loving our motherland ,abiding by law, keeping credit , being united and friendly ,being thrifty and hardworking, and offering as tribute. 2 what is the specific connotation of our socialism ethics the specific connotations refer to three aspects, that is , a core of serving people, a principle of collectivism, and the basic content of ‘the five love’(love our motherland, love people, love labor, love science, love socialism) 3 what are the features of the tourist professional ethics there are four key features, that is ,progressive on times, loftily objective, highly conscious and extensively practice 4 what are the basic norms of socialism tourist professional ethics the basic norms include loving one’s position and hardworking, to be honest and credible, keeping justice, serving the visitors, contribute to the society 5 what contents do the tourist professional ethics presently include it include three aspects, one is ‘the three views’ education of Marxism(view of world ,view of life, view of value),the other is ‘the three virtues’ education of socialism(social ethics, family virtue, professional morals),still one is ‘the three consciousness ’education of professional morals of the tourism industry (political ,job love and service consciousness) 6 what are the principles for the guide to comply with when serving the tour group (1)positively strive for cooperation of others (2)respect authority and interest of other people (3)found a relation of mutual friendship (4)respect each other and share the duties 7 in order to master the travel tickets situation of the tour group, the local guide should check as follows (1)make sure that the ticket for the next leg have booked and implement the modified booking if there are any change (2)find out if there are return tickets and the international tickets for domestic passage (3)make clear of the tickets type 8 how do local guide make preparations before guiding (1)the local guide should be well prepared for the key items by familiarizing the introduction materials in foreign language (2)when receiving professional group, local guide should know about related knowledge and technical terms/jargon (3)prepare topics which may interest the visitors, such as the highlights at that time or the great news home and abroad 9 the methods of recognizing tour group local guide can meet tourist by lifting a sign or flag at an eye-catching position.Meanwhile,he should actively judge his group from the ethnic features and dress ,agent badge .Still ,he can make out by checking the group number ,the pax ,or the name ,ect. 10 local guide need to make a brief introduction of the locality, such as the climate condition, the population, culture and tradition, native products, history etc.on the way, he also can introduce the city appearance, general development situation and the key buildings and avenues 11 local guides should introduce the basic conditions of the hotel ,including the hotel name and position, the distance from airport, its level, scale, ,main facilities ,direction. and the check-in procedure,etc


2017 年导游考试真题 1、人民英雄纪念碑高度一一37.94 米 2、瑶池是指天池一一新疆 3、道教创始人一一张陵 ( 也叫张道陵 ) 4、国歌创作者聂耳一一云南人 5、埃及金字塔一 96 座 6、泰国城市东方夏威夷一一芭提雅 7、瑞士第一大城市一一苏黎世 8、第一大咸水湖一一青海湖 9、徽商活动的记载一一东晋 10、地下文物最多的城市一一河南 11、历史文化名域最多的是一一江苏 12、上海别称一一申 13、上海早餐四大金刚 :大饼、油条、粢饺和豆浆 14、河南四大古都一一洛阳、开封、安阳、郑州 15.多选题:江西一一 1革命摇篮一一吉安市 2人民军队摇篮一一南昌 ; 3洪和国摇篮一瑞金 : 4工人运动摇篮一萍乡市 . 安源 16. 计算 25 摄氏度等于多少华氏度?一一77 华氏度(计算公式: H=S*9/5+32) 17、寅一一 3~5点 18、扬州小吃天下一品一一三丁包 19、苏绣特色一一双面绣 20、山西面食特色一一刀削面 21、山西文化名人一一王维、王昌龄、白居易、温庭钧 22、新疆面积占全国总面积的一一1/6 23、重庆历史一一 3000 年( 翻阅重庆地方教材 )

24、东正教最高领导一一牧首 25、全国海拔最低的省份一一江苏 26、五岳最高蜂一一华山南峰(2154.9 米 ) 27、西藏自治的时间一一1965 年 28、投诉人答复的时间一10 日 29、暴雨橙色警报一一 3 小时 50 毫米 30、风景名胜区一一观赏、文化、科学 31、旅游突发事件四个等级一一一般、重大、特别重大、较大、 32、剪纸一一江浙 ( 浙江、扬州 ) 、北方 ( 山西、陕西 ) 33、1978 年 12 月一一十一届三中全会 34、组织活动违反道德的一一旅游法101 条 (1 责令改正 2 没收违法所得,责令停业整顿 3 情节严重的吊销旅行社业务经营 许可证 4 处以 2~20 万罚款。 ) 35、失物招领一一 3 个月 36、娱乐场所监控保存30 天,一一 1 责令改正,给予警告 2 情节严重的整顿1~3个月。) 37、香港岛由 262 个岛屿组成一一判断正确 38、我国实行分权制度一一判断X( 民主集中制 ) 39、在北京落户的旅游组织一一世界旅游城市联合会 40、社会主义核心是人民民主专政,是根本政治保证一一判断X( 党的领导 ) 41、旅游改革的切入点一一导游薪资改革 42、十三五规划业态创新一一旅游+ 43、有原始宗教思想萌芽一一山顶洞人 44、西方三圣一一大势至 +阿弥陀佛 +观音 45、江苏最早的灌溉一一苏州草鞋山遗址马家浜文化 46、唐代墓穴一一以山为陵 47、海南世居民族一一汉族、黎族、苗族、回族 48、销售食品的惩罚性赔偿制度一一价格10 倍或损失的 3 倍 49、藏族分布集中的地区一一四川、云南、甘肃、青海


导游考试模拟题库 学号:姓名: 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共25分。请将正确答案填涂在答题卡上) 1.2008年北京奥运会吉祥物是五个可爱的福娃,其中四个是源于天真欢快的动物形象,这些动物是()A:金丝猴大熊猫藏羚羊鱼B:大熊猫燕子藏羚羊鱼 C:燕子金丝猴大熊猫鱼D:燕子鱼金丝猴藏羚羊 2.2008年北京举办了第13届残奥会,这届残奥会的会徽是一个充满动感的人形,被称为“天地人”。会徽中的红、蓝、绿三种颜色分别代表了() A:天地人B:热情和谐健康 C:太阳天空大地D:心智身体精神 3.木兰围场是清代皇帝、八旗子弟及王公贵族行围习武的场所。“木兰”一词的含义是() A.满语“高原”的意思B.满语“哨鹿”的意思 C.蒙古语“美丽”的意思D.源自花木兰替父从军的典故 4.握手是人们日常交往中最常见的礼仪。在正式场合,谁先伸手同对方握手是一个非常重要的问题,否则就会变成“失礼”。下列握手礼中属于是失礼的是() A:年长者先向年轻者伸手B:上级先向下级伸手 C:已婚者先向未婚者伸手D:男士先向女士伸手 5.向人作介绍是人们日常交往中常见的情形。在正式场合作介绍时有严格的先后顺序。下列介绍顺序中正确的是() A:把女士介绍给男士B:把职位低者介绍给职位高者 C:把长辈介绍给晚辈D:把已婚者介绍给未婚者 6.在人际交往中,人们与交往对象之间因场合和情况不同,人际距离的要求也不同。在旅游服务中,为服务对象提供直接服务时的距离应该是() A:0.5米-1.5米B:1米-3米C:1.5米左右D:0.5米以内 7.苏州是我国著名历史文化名城,同时也是我国古典园林荟萃之地。苏州的四大名园就是因为分别代表了宋、元、明、清各代的建筑风格而驰名中外。这四座园林依次是() A、狮子林沧浪亭拙政园留园 B、留园拙政园沧浪亭狮子林 C、沧浪亭狮子林拙政园留园 D、拙政园沧浪亭狮子林留园 8.长城是举世闻名的古代建筑奇观,也是中华民族的骄傲。历史上曾有多个朝代出于军事目的而修筑长城。现在所说的万里长城,主要是指( )时期修建的长城。 A.战国 B.秦朝 C. 汉朝 D. 明朝 9.“阁”本是指四周有壁、储存什物的房屋,后来逐步发展成与大殿、高楼并称的大型建筑,常作为储物、藏书、供佛及登高游览之用,目前我国现存最早的藏书阁是() A、北京颐和园佛香阁 B、天津独乐寺观音阁 C、宁波范式天一阁 D、承德普宁寺大乘阁 10.佛教传入我国后,随着一代代僧侣的精心经营,寺庙和宗教一起融入了山林并兴旺起来,四大佛名山就是其中的充满魅力的结晶。四大佛教名山都有许多别称,其中被称为“仙城佛国”是()。 A:峨眉山(普贤) B:九华山(地藏)C:五台山(文殊)D:普陀山(观音) 11.佛教传入中国后形成了八大宗派,其中在民间影响最大的是()。 A.禅宗B.律宗C.华严宗D.净土宗


1、家具种类 A Adjustable bed 可调床 Air bed 气床 Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手Antique furniture 古式家具 Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具 Armchair 扶手椅 B Baby crib 婴儿床 Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱 Bamboo furniture 竹家具 Banqueting chair 宴会椅 Barstool 吧椅 Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置 Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜 Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架 Bathroom furniture 浴室家具 Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台 Batten door 板条门 Bed base床架,床套 Bed base set 成套床架 Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具 Bedstead 床架 Bentwood furniture 曲木家具 Beside table 床头柜 Birch door 桦木门 Board-room and conference table 会议桌 Bookcase 书柜 Bookshelf 书架 Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具 Bunk 双层床 Bunk bed 双层床 C Cabin bed 儿童多功能床 Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具 Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床 CD-video storage cabinet边音响组合柜 Chair with castors 脚轮椅 Changing table 可调桌 Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜 Child cot 童床 Children’s bed 儿童床 Children’s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具


导游考试真题 试卷一 Part I True or False (5 points, 0.5 points each) Directions: There are 10 statements in this section. For each statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should read them carefully, and choose the ONE answer you think is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (注意:请将1-10题的答案填涂在答题卡上; 否则无效。) 1. It’s not necessary for tour guides to abide by professional ethics. A. It’s true. B. It’s hard to say. C. It all depends. D. It’s false. 2. English proficiency is a powerful tool for tour guides. A. It’s true. B. It’s hard to say. C. It all depends. D. It’s false. 3. Security of tourists is not always the most important issue. A. It’s true. B. It’s hard to say. C. It all depends. D. It’s false. 4. The tourists have no right to verify the travel plan. A. It’s true. B. It’s hard to say. C. It all depends. D. It’s false. 5. Round-the-clock room service isn’t offered in a 5-star hotel. A. It’s true. B. It’s hard to say. C. It all depends. D. It’s false. 173


2004 年北京导游资格考试北京导游真题 填空题(每空 1 分,共 20 分) 1、北京的东端在密云花园村东,西端在 区东灵山顶,南端在大兴榆垡镇南,北 3、北京的市花是菊花和—月季—,市树是—国槐—和侧柏。 6、对元大都的设计和建造做出突出贡献的汉臣有 8、人民英雄纪念碑碑座上的八幅浮雕依次为焚烧鸦片、10、被誉为 “中国的雕塑” 的北京特色工艺品是指 单项选择题(每题 1分,共 10 分) A. 16008 B. 16808 (16807.7 ) C.15808 D.17080 A. 百花山自然保护区 B ?上房山地貌森林公园保护区 C. 喇叭沟门水源保护区 D.松山自然保护区 A. 延庆 B. 怀柔 C. 昌平 D. 密云 A. 1904 B. 1905 C. 1906 D. 1907端在 区石洞子村北。 2、关沟全长 里,它是由 山脉和燕山山脉在北京境内交汇而成。 7、由明代大学士解缙题写的大明门联为“ 。” 11、北京市的总面积约为( )平方公里。 4、红果有“果中钙片”之称,以 所产为。 5、始建于西晋的嘉福寺,即今天的 寺。法源寺始建于 代。 、武昌起义、五四运动、 五卅运动、 、抗日游击战争、胜利渡长江。 9、八达岭长城有两座城关门,其中东门额题 ,西门额题 ,荣宝斋的前身叫 12、北京一一座自然保护区是( )。 13、 北京的后花园”是指( )区。 14、北京早的博物馆创建于( )年。

A. 神路街牌楼 B. 王府饭店牌楼 C. 地坛西门牌楼 D. 国子监内牌楼 16、俗称鸭脚树的是指( A. 银杏树 B. 柘树 C. 娑罗树 D. 紫竹 18、国家一级保护古树,即 A 级古树,其树龄均在( A .山东蓬莱阁 B. 江西滕王阁 C. 湖南岳阳楼 D. 湖北黄鹤楼 A. 景泰帝 B. 永乐帝 C. 正统帝 D. 嘉靖帝 多项选择题(每题 2分,共 10 分,多选,少选、错选均不得分) A. 北京图书馆新馆 B. 国家奥体中心 C. 新东安市场 D. 国际金融大厦15、目前市区内的牌楼是( )牌楼 . 17、以下不属于三希堂收藏的三件稀世之宝的是( )。 A . 中秋帖》 B . 快雪时晴帖》 C . 平复帖》 D . 伯远帖》 A.10 0 年以上 B.200 年以上 C.300 年以上 D.400 年以上 19 、颐和园西堤南边的景明楼是仿照( )修建的。 )年以上。 20、发动“靖难之役”的是( )皇帝。 21、以下属于北京九十年代十大建筑的有( )。


1.某国内旅行社经理张某在接待一个法国团时,由于一时找不到法语导游,就让他的一个朋友李某去接团,李某虽会讲一些法语,但不懂如何带团更没有导游证,另外在带团过程中当客人问他对于法轮功的看法时,他表示对法轮功表示支持并说政府没有正真贯彻宗教自由的政策,他还希望客人们能帮助他去法国打工,后来又向一位客人借了20欧元且最后没有还给客人,客人很生气并投诉,请问对于李某的这种情况应如何处理,旅行社是否也有错误? (注:李某从该团获得6000元非法所得) 评析:李某无证导游并有损害国家利益和民族尊严的言行,且情节严重,应对其处以1000元以上—3000元以下的罚款,没收6000元非法所得。旅行社经理张某超范围经营接团,张某派无证导游又由于李某有损害国家利益和民族尊严的言行故要对该旅行社予以警告直至责令停止整顿。 2.家住房山区云居寺附近的无导游证人员小王对佛教有些研究,于是经常利用节假日带领旅游者游览云居寺,并向每位旅游者收取10元讲解费。由于他的讲解很精彩。大家不但不投诉反而有时还能得到小费,于是小王胆子也越来越大还经常带领客人到他的一位买纪念品的朋友的摊上去花高价“请佛”,并收取“好处费”,你认为小王的做法有哪些错误,应如何处罚? 评析:首先小王属于无证带团,而且伙同他的朋友串通歉骗旅游者,按《导游员管理制度》应对由旅游行政部门责令改正,并没收非法所得并处以1000以上3万以下的罚款。 3.2004年导游员小孙在带团时结识了团上的一位来自云南的客人,并一直保持着融洽的关系,2005年6月那位云南客人打电话告诉小孙说他们公司的20人要到北京去旅游。希望小孙能够帮助接待,这样不通过旅行社价格应该便宜些。小孙欣然应允组织客人在北京玩了3天并向每人收取600元人民币。除各项支外共获利2800元,事情败露后小孙主动向旅游行政部门认错,交出全部非法所得,请问小孙犯了什么错误,应该受到何种处罚? 评析:导游员小孙违反了《导游员管理制度》中导游人员未经旅行社的委派,不得私自承揽或以其他方式直接承揽导游业务的规定,由于小孙主动承认错误并交出所有违法的得应处以1000元以上3000元以下的罚款,并在其IC卡内一次性扣除8分。 4.导游员小赵于2005年5月接待了一个来自海南的旅游团,当小赵听说团队中的黄先生是个集邮爱好者时,就对黄先生说他有一套外国邮票非常精美,向黄先生建议购买,最后黄先生以1000元人民币的体格买下了小赵的邮票。团队第四天的行程是游颐和园,当天由于他把导游胸卡落家了被检查人员碰见进行了批评,但小赵不服气,还威胁检查人员,非常生气,在讲解长廊中的一幅画《岳飞枪挑小梁王》时说岳飞是河北正定人,这时有位客人张先生说:“不对,岳飞是河南人”这使得本来就一肚子火的小赵恼羞成怒说:“谁说岳飞是河南人,河南没好人,经常在北京做乐……”恰好张先生的夫人是河南人,于是便气愤地与小赵争吵起来,争吵中双方动起手来,小赵踹了张先生一脚,这时全团游客都开始指责导游小赵,小赵见势不妙说:“好!那你们自己游吧!我还不伺候了!”说完甩团而去。 请问小赵犯了哪些错误,应得到怎样的处罚?对委派小赵上团的旅行社如何处理? 评析:小赵在整个工作中违反了《导游证管理制度》中的以下几条规定: 1.在带团过程中强行向旅游者兜售物品; 2.进行导游活动时未佩带导游证; 3.在带团中有谩骂打客人的行为且情节严重;


Adjustable bed 可调床 Air bed 气床 Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手Antique furniture 古式家具 Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具 Armchair 扶手椅 B Baby crib 婴儿床 Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱 Bamboo furniture 竹家具 Banqueting chair 宴会椅 Barstool 吧椅 Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置 Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜 Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架 Bathroom furniture 浴室家具 Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台 Batten door 板条门 Bed base床架,床套 Bed base set 成套床架 Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具 Bedstead 床架 Bentwood furniture 曲木家具 Beside table 床头柜 Birch door 桦木门 Board-room and conference table 会议桌 Bookcase 书柜 Bookshelf 书架 Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具 Bunk 双层床 Bunk bed 双层床 C Cabin bed 儿童多功能床 Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具 Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床 CD-video storage cabinet边音响组合柜 Chair with castors 脚轮椅 Changing table 可调桌 Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜 Child cot 童床 Children’s bed 儿童床 Children’s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具Children’s chair 儿童椅 CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具Clothes rail 挂衣杆 Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜 Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌 Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌 Combine-unit 组合柜


途中导游 线路1:成都-----蜀南竹海 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, we are scheduled to leave Chengdu at 8:30 after breakfast at the hotle. We will drive to Ziyang , do some sightseeing of Anyue stone sculptures and then have our lunch there. Afterwards we will drive from Neijiang to Zigong and stay in the Tan mulin hotel, this afternoon, we will visit Zigong Salt history museum, and tomorrow, after our visit of Zigong dinosaur museum, we will go to Yibin directly. You can enjoy yourself in the Shunan Bamboo Forest there and take a bath at the outdoor hot spring next day. The day after tomorrow we will return to Chengdu. Generally we will follow this schedule throughout the trip. Sometimes we may also make some adjustment. If you have suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know. I will do my best to help you make your trip happy and enjoyable. We are now on the Second Ring Road, driving towards the entrance to the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway. Recently Chengdu has greatly improved its transportation network. This extensive network includes the First, the Second and the Third Ring Roads, and the Outer City Ring road, the Chenglong Road , the old Chengdu-Chongqing Road. Before the third city ring road and the outer city ring road were completed, the second ring road had very heavy traffic, particularly during rush hours when vehicles moved very slowly. At present the situation is different, we won’t have any traffic jams as we pass these ring roads. Now we are entering the entrance of Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway. The total length is 340 km, and it takes about one hour to get to Ziyang. Anyue is a county of Ziyang, is famous for the splendid stone sculptures and holds an important place in Chinese art history. Five years before, it belonged to Neijiang, the sweet city, which is very famous for sugar.We will spend 2 hours here before lunch. Ladies and Gentlemen, did you have a short nap on the bus after lunch? I saw that most of you did. Good, I think a short nap will greatly restore your energy for the sightseeing this afternoon. Now, we are on the way to Zigong, it is a famous Chinese historical and cultural city for salt making. It has a nickname:thousand-year-old saltmaking capital. That history is displayed in the Zigong salt history museum, and we will visit it this afternoon, another landmark is the Zigong dinosaur museum. The local international festival is a world famous event. Now, we are on the way to Shunan Bamboo forest, it is located on the liantian mountain of southern Sichuan province, 50 kilometers from Changning County and 81 kilometers from Yibin city, it covers an area of 120 square kilomerters. Shunan Bamboo forest is a scenic area that combines beautiful landscapes with Chinese cultural heritage. The area is worthy of the name Bamboo forest because its 27 ridges and 500 hills are all covered by green bamboo. In addition to the bamboo, the area also has other natural scenery: beautiful hills and streams, lakes, waterfalls, etc. it is a fascinating tourist destination with the largest virgin forest park. It is said that when Huang Tingjian, a great poet of the Northern Song Dynasty reached the summit and


2018年《导游业务》模拟考试题 (题型、题量完全与2018年导游业务大纲及教材配套) 一、判断题(在每小题后面的括号内填入判断结果,正确的用“√”表示,错误的用“×”表示。每小题0.5分,40题,共20分) 1.旅游职业道德不仅是每个导游人员在工作中必须遵循的行为准则,而且也是人们衡量导游人员的职业道德行为和服务质量的标准。 2.海啸通常由震源在海底下100公里以内,里氏震级6.5级以上的海底地震引起。 3.旅游投诉者的心理主要有三种:求尊重、求发泄、求补偿。 4.在用餐时,餐巾应该挂在胸前,可以用来擦嘴,但不可以用来擦鼻子。 5.旅游行业核心价值观中“游客为本”是旅游行业服务社会的精神内核,解决的是“旅游发展怎么做”的理念问题。 6.当外国游客会见中国人,地陪充当翻译时,应注意不要喧宾夺主,翻译中要忠于原话,尽可能与讲话人风格保持一致,对于客人言语中的不妥之处,要适时提醒纠正。 7.游客在旅途中会出现疲劳和懒散的状态,全陪应保持良好的精神状态,制造愉快宽松的旅途氛围,使原本单调枯燥的旅途生活变得丰富快乐。 8.在境外旅游的过程中,全陪应与接待社导游人员密切合作,积极妥善处理各项问题和事故,维护游客的合法权益。 9.财物特别是贵重物品被盗是治安事故,导游人员须立即向公安部门和保险公司报案,协助有关人员查清线索,力争破案,找回被窃物品,挽回不良影响。 10.旅游者酗酒,不听劝告、扰乱社会秩序、侵犯他人、造成物质损失者必须承担一切后果,直至法律责任。

11.交通事故处理结束后,导游人员最好独立提交事故报告,报 告要力求详细、准确、清楚。 12.为了防范发生治安事故,游客入住饭店时,导游人员应建议 游客将贵重财物存入饭店保险柜,不要随身携带大量现金或将 其放在客房内。 ( ) 13.在旅游过程中万一发生火灾,在等待救援时,应摇动色彩鲜 艳的衣物呼唤救援人员。 14.由于客观原因需要变更计划和日程时,导游人员要认真分析 形势,对问题的性质、严重性和后果做出正确判断。 15.为了预防错接事故,导游人员应认真逐一核实旅游客源地派 出方旅行社的名称,旅游目的地组团旅行社的名称,旅游团的 代号、人数、领队姓名、下榻饭店等。 16.导游人员要善于在双向传播中把握语言的灵活性,与游客谈 话时要能够听话听音,随机应变,就地取材引出新的话题。 17.在导游服务过程中,导游人员对游客进行劝服一定要根据事 实讲明道理。 18.导游人员在接待信奉宗教的游客时,向客人宣传无神论时应 正面宣传,讲究礼貌,要求同存异,不强加于人。 19.当某一地的旅游活动被迫取消时,导游人员选定替代原景点 的新景点后,要以精彩的介绍、新奇的内容和最佳的安排激起 旅游者的兴趣,使新的安排得以实现。 20.导游服务的根本是满足游客的需要。 21.旅游景区讲解员是指受旅游景区委派或安排,为游客提供旅 游景区导游讲解的专职人员。 22.导游语言的语调表达中,降调表示肯定、激动、惊叹和赞许。 23.伸出食指向下弯曲,在墨西哥表示“钱”,在日本表示“偷窃”,在东南亚表示“死亡”. 24.美国人开朗、随意、踏实、勤奋;意大利人热情、热爱生活。

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