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The Study of Domestic Violence on

American Beauty and Its Action Guidance Abstract:paper presents a new method for the interpretation of American Beauty.In modern society, family violence is the destruction of the traditional family happiness. Family cold violence in the Burnhams and thermal violence in the Fitts are the representatives of the domestic violence. And also, the family violence makes the family life become not only an invisible battlefield, but a nightmare, distorting the couples, the parents, children and family relationships. In this movie, the heroes awaken people with their blood and lives, to re-examine their family life. This paper focuses on the domestic violence in this film and some statistics or backgrounds specifically on the domestic violence in the United States. Then the paper will give some preventions and services act, giving family violence in real concern and action guidance.

Key Words:American Beauty; domestic violence; cold violence; thermal violence; action guidance


摘要:本文提出了电影《美国丽人》的一种新的解读方法。现代社会的家庭暴力正在毁灭着传统的家庭幸福。以莱斯特家为代表的家庭冷暴力和以弗兰克家为代表的家庭热暴力是美国家庭暴力的代表。并且家庭暴力不仅使家庭变成了看不见硝烟的战场, 而且把家庭生活变成了一种梦魇,扭曲着夫妻、父母与子女的家庭观念。电影中主人公们以鲜血和生命唤醒人们重新审视自己的家庭生活。本文则着眼于此部电影中家庭暴力的研究,美国家庭暴力的数据和具体背景。然后将给出相应的预防措施和服务指导,给予家庭暴力以实质性的关怀及行动指导。

关键词:美国丽人; 家庭暴力; 冷暴力; 热暴力;行动指导


As we all know, it is very important for people to live in a harmonious family, and also it is both an individual benefit and a social necessity. However,in modern society, family violence is the most popular violent crime in America. And domestic violence is destroying the traditional family happiness.The film "American Beauty" is a vivid description of the American family violence. So I have a study of domestic violence on American Beauty in details and make some findings on this topic. In this film, the family violence is too numerous to enumerate. The Burnhams, a typical American family, although have no direct physical damage, but their hearts are frustrated, and it also affects their daughter’s heart. Similarly, in another family, Ricky’s parents also seem to be in harmony, but have contradictions. Generally speaking, this is a "cold violence" and also belongs to the family violence. This paper also focuses on the family violence in America and finds more about it. Maybe this study can make people think or consider how they should develop a good relationship in family.

2. Plot and the Analysis about the Movie

American beauty tells the story of Lester, a middle-aged man who lives a sedated life with his family in American suburbia. One day, Lester is pressured by his wife Carolyn to attend a performance at their daughter's local school. When watching the performance, Lester is mesmerized by his daughter’s best friend Angela. Lester’s meeting wit h Angela awakens in him a

vitality he has not known for many years .With the assistance of his neighbor’s son--Ricky, he begins to rediscover the pleasures of his youth. Lester quits his meaningless office job; at the same time he begins to keep healthy. Meanwhile, his wife betrays him and his daughter Jane begins to make friend with Ricky. One day, Lester witnesses his wife's infidelity and his daughter Jane falls in love with Ricky at the same time. Ricky’s father misunderstands the relationship between Lester and his son and he accosts Lester, but is refused. Finally when Lester obtains Angela, he understands everything. However, at last, he is killed by Ricky’s father.

2.1 Domestic Violence on American Beauty

I think Lester tells about his family cold violence. The so-called family cold violence generally refers to a behavior, dealing with each other by showing indifference, contempt, alienation, insults and so on, when the conflict between husband and wife or other members of the family has broken out. They will not ignore each other, will reduce verbal communication, stop sexual life and do not do housework. So they hurt each other. The so-called family thermal violence refers to the behavior that the family members fighting with each other. The movie American Beauty is exactly a kind of realistic description in family Violence.

2.2 Cold Violence in the Burnhams

Lester’s family tragedy of life first originated from their personalities clash. Lester advocates freedom and he is a downright romantic. When he was tired of his job, he resolutely chose to resign. His wife claimed that, in order to keep the job, we must do at the request of the boss, but Lester countered this. After the resignation, Lester feels like a bird flying out of the cage. In contrast, Carolyn is a fully-fledged mammonist. Money is the only matter of concern to her. The conflicts in their outlook on life make their family life full of conflict and disharmony, but they never make compromise with each other. In the life of a 42-year-old man, he has no choice but only to release his own sexual desire through masturbation. Carolyn stopped sexual life to punish her husband, but this approach did not make her husband give in. Lester falls in love with his daughter’s best friend—Angela, which mak es Jane hate him and even want to kill him. Carolyn’s affair with the other man aggravated the relationship between her and her husband. She always blames Lester for his incapability. She seeks for money, living with her own strong will and excessively independence. So she refuses to be a victim but is weak in her inner heart.In this protracted family cold war, the couple causes destruction to both sides. If there is no love between husband and wife, divorce is not the only way to resolve it. Lester does not want to divorce and make his wife ruin the idea of divorce. Neither a divorce nor love, domestic cold violence has become a lifestyle.

2.3 Thermal Violence in the Fitts

We can say that the family cold violence in the Burnhams mainly caused by the conflicts of language. However, in Ricky’s family, the thermal violence between father and son is easily found. Frank Fitts once was a member of the US Marine Corps, and he brings his military rules to the family. He is a violent homophobe and arch-conservative. There seem to be no positive conflict in this family, because Frank is satisfied with his dominant posiiton and his wife is very obedient. She has the desperation for future. Ricky gives a complete obedience to his father’s authority on the surface, but he is still addicted to drug secretly. In this film, Frank beat his son twice. Frank also became the victim of family thermal violence. Under his control, his wife has no spiritual communication with him. When his son was out of the house she cried. Frank believed that the societies need discipline and rules, so he used the discipline and rules. He was satisfied with his

living style which followed his heart. He is rough and rude and always brought his military values to life, in particular the idea that—―you can’t just go around doing whatever you feel like‖. On a rainy night, when he exposed himself as a homosexual, he felt that he had a great insult. On impulse, he killed Lester and ruined his whole life.

2.4The Influence of Family Violence onChildren in This Movie

The family violence makes children become the innocent victims. Jane is the daughter of Lester and Carolyn, and she is the direct victim in the domestic cold violence. Her mother looks down on her father, so she is influenced by her mother. She thinks that her father did not set a good example. She hopes that her parents can pay more attention to her, but she can not obtain their parent’s love. Thus, she never cares about her studies instead of dreaming for changing her appearance. She enjoyed all the materials brought by her parents, but didn't understand them. She was critical of the dinner music played by her father and mother and refused to talk with her father. She speaks in a sarcastic way, and even wants to kill her father. At last, Jane becomes a lonely, selfish and indifferent youth.

Ricky has lived under his father's control for a long time, but he has been starting to take drugs since he was 15. He was in the high discipline of his father and fond of filming DV to record beautiful things. Finally, Ricky and Jane fall in love with each other because of lacking of family love. Then, they run away from home and trapped in a wrong road.

There is no doubt that the two parents love their children very much. On the one hand, before Lester’s death,when he heard that Jane was very happy, he smiled. On the other hand, Frank examines Rick's urine regularly in order to prevent him from taking drugs. However, the two parents failed to make their children feel the warmth and love of the family. They can't help making the two children fall into the abyss during the family violence.

2.5The Action Guidance on the Two Families

In the life or society, reason caused the family violence is that the conflicts between the couples, and they do not want to deal with in a reasonable way. If the couple can understand each other, communicate with each other and forgive each other, the relationship between them will become more and more harmonious. After analyzing the structure of the two families and the problems of the members, I can only give some real concern and action guidance with reference to the family violence.

2.5.1The Action Guidance on the Burnhams

They can enhance the close relationships between family members and make everyone feel their sense of existence. Carolyn should give Lester more prestige and rights to speak, and maintain the balance of family structure. What she focuses on is not only the wealth, but also the family. They should care more about their daughter.

2.5.2 The Action Guidance on the Fitts

Frank was very rough and arbitrary in the family. And he always brought his military values to life, which blocks the normal communication between the family members. The obedience of Ricky and his mother’s does not form an effective action to the struc ture of the family balance. So the dominant members should realize their problems and encourage the family members to express their true thoughts. The right way is to establish families’ communication in an appropriate method. They should ease the rigid atmosphere and promote the equality between the family members.

Domestic violence in United States is a form of violence expressed by one partner or partners against another partner or partners in the content of an intimate relationship in the United States. It is recognized as an important social problem by governmental and non-governmental agencies. Many scholarly studies of the problem have stated that is often part of a dynamic of control and oppression in relationships, regularly involving multiple forms of physical and non-physical abuse taking place concurrently. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, domestic violence is: "the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another; also:

a repeated or habitual pattern of such behavior."

3.1The History of Domestic Violence in America

Prior to the mid-1800s, most legal systems accepted wife beating as a valid exercise of a husband's authority over his wife. Political agitation during the 19th century led to changes in both popular opinion and legislation regarding domestic violence within the United Kingdom and the United States. In 1850, Tennessee became the first state in the United States to explicitly outlaw wife beating. In 1878, the Matrimonial Causes Act made it possible for women in the UK to seek separations from abusive husbands. By the end of the 1870s, most courts in the United States were uniformly opposed to the right of husbands to physically discipline their wives. By the early 20th century, it was common for the police to intervene in cases of domestic violence in the United States.

Modern attention to domestic violence began in the women's movement of the 1970s, particularly within feminism and women's rights, as concern about wives being beaten by their husbands gained attention. The first known use of the expression "domestic violence" in a modern context, meaning "spouse abuse, violence in the home" was in 1973. With the rise of the men's movement of the 1990s, the problem of domestic violence against men has also gained significant attention.

3.2The Types of Domestic Violence in America

Domestic violence may include verbal, emotional, economic, physical and sexual abuse. All forms of domestic abuse have one purpose: to gain and maintain control over the victim. The dynamics between the couple may include:

1).Situational couple violence, which arises out of conflicts that escalate to arguments and then to violence, is not connected to a general pattern of control, generally infrequent, and likely the most common type of intimate partner violence. Women are as likely as men to be abusers, however, women are more likely to be physically injured, require police intervention and become fearful of their mates.

2).Intimate terrorism (IT), involves a pattern of ongoing control using emotional, physical and other forms of domestic violence and is what generally leads victims, who are usually women, to women's shelters. It is what was traditionally the definition of domestic violence and is generally illustrated with the "Power and Control Wheel"

3).Violent resistance (VR), or "self-defense", is violence perpetrated by victims against their abusive partners. It is generally used infrequently because men are usually able to physically overpower women.

4). Common couple violence, where both partners are engaged in domestic violence actions.

5).Mutual violent control (MVC) is a rare type of intimate partner violence that occurs when both partners act in a violent manner, battling for control.

1).1% of all women (age > 18) who participated in a UN national study in 1995–96, who may or may not have been married or partnered, were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12-month period. Since this population included women who had never been partnered, the prevalence of domestic violence may have been greater.

2).A report by the United States Department of Justice in 2000 found that 1.3% of women and 0.9% of men reported experiencing domestic violence in the past year.

3).About 2.3 million people are raped or physically assaulted each year by a current or former intimate partner or spouse.

4).Physically assaulted women receive an average of 6.9 physical assaults by the same partner per year.

3.4 The Action Guidance on Family Violence.

1). Law enforcement. Statistics on incidents of domestic violence, published in the late 1970s, helped raise public awareness of the problem and increase activism. A study published in 1976 by the Police Foundation found that the police had intervened at least once in the previous two years. In some instances, these groups took legal action against police departments, including Los Angeles's, Oakland, California's and New York City's, to get them to make arrests in domestic violence cases.[89] They claimed that police assigned low priority to domestic disturbance calls. 2).The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), which provides federal funding to help victims of domestic violence and their dependent children by providing shelter and related help, offering violence prevention programs, and improving how service agencies work together in communities.

3). If the couple can understand each other, communicate with each other and forgive each other, the relationship between them will become more and more harmonious.

4. Conclusion

Family violence has become the invisible killer in the family and destroyed the happiness of traditional family. The movie "American beauty"shows us a horrible scene about family cold violence and thermal violence. Although this film is a tragedy of the two families, it is the duty of the whole society to reflect and consider on this topic. It is exactly a topic that our social workers, especially the family social workers, need to pay attention to. In family life, it is essential for everyone to establish a reasonable communication and family structure to maintain the balance of stability. We should make full use of the action guidance to keep a good relationship in family. We should not repeat the tragedy instead of cherishing our family members. I hope that people can find their own shadow from the movie and reflect profound way on their family life.


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[摘要] 外语电影是了解外语国家文化的重要途径和有效资源。《天生一对》以温情浪漫的喜剧方式,使观众得以鲜明直观地对比两个最重要的英语国家——美国和英国之间的文化差异。本文试图通过分析对比影片中两国语言上的差异、国民性格的差异以及人文环境的差异,来揭示背后的国家文化差异,以期使读者及观众对美语和英语有正确的认识。对两国的文化有基本的了解,从而能有效帮助解决英语学习过程中的文化障碍。 [关键词] 英国文化;美国文化;差异 一、故事梗概 该片于1998年7月上映,中译名《天生一对》,以现代手法重拍了20世纪60年代经典同名作品,故事内容改编自德国小说Das Doppelte Lottchen。故事的主人公是一对双胞胎姐妹花荷莉和安妮。她们的父母尼克和伊丽莎白在一次航海旅行中在“伊丽莎白二世”号上相遇并在旅途中结为夫妇,可后来婚姻破裂。尼克独自在自己的纳帕山谷葡萄园里抚养荷莉,而安妮则与当婚纱设计师的妈妈伊丽莎白一起生活在伦敦;直到她们在夏令营相遇以前,两人彼此都不知道自己还有一个孪生姐妹。不过11年之后,命运却巧妙地让她们在缅因州一个夏令营的活动中相遇。尽管她们的外貌惊人的相似,但是两人性格、气质、行为习惯等却大相径庭,从而引得两人冲突不断。很快她们发现原来是一对双胞胎姐妹,为了更多地了懈她们的父母,她们两人决定交换身份,来到她们各自从未谋面的父亲或母亲身边。她们本打算一直这样装下去,直到尼克宣布他要再婚,两姐妹决定帮助她们的父母破镜重圆。虽然尼克那富有魅力但却让人讨厌的未婚妻给她们的计划带来很大麻烦,但姐妹俩合力设计痛整并气走了她。最终在两个女儿的安排下,二人重拾旧爱,一家人开始了新的幸福生活。影片充满情趣,两个小姐妹交换身份闹出不少笑话,搞笑情节层出不穷,而片中也穿插着温情情绪,让观众在观看电影的时候感到温暖而又愉悦。 二、影片中的美英文化差异 由于本片两个小主人公分别生长于美国和英国,两个社会文化明显差异的家庭背景,因而片中从多个视角呈现了两种文化的差异,为片中的喜剧元素增色不少。 (一)两国文化在语言上的差异 语言既是文化的一部分,又是文化的一面镜子。一个民族的语言折射出这个民族纷繁多彩的文化形态。英语通过其漫长的发展与完善,最终形成了英式英语和美式英语两种主流形式。两者在语音和表达习惯等方面存在明显差异,这势必会给非英语为母语的学习者带来难,给中外交流造成障碍。而这些差异在影片台词中可见一斑。 1.语音差异 首先,英式英语讲究抑扬顿挫,语调变化大,且发音短促,重读音较多,给人以严肃刻板之感;而美式英语讲究发音圆润饱满,连音略音较多,则更显自然随意。以夏令营场景之一为例:当荷莉堵在安妮的宿舍门口以阻止训导员发现她对安妮等的整蛊行为时说,“I、can't let,-.,yougo,.-,in there.She一's、highly contagious.”句中只两处重读,语调平稳没有起伏,倒是有三处连读和cani(t)词尾省音。而随后安妮为了揭发荷莉说道,“、Actually,We Kre、^all、quite、fine in、here unless、荷莉Parker knows、something We、don't、know.”很明显,她的伦敦口音在一句话中多处重读,而只有一处连读且无省音,整句呈现出很强的节奏感。其次,美英两种英语在很多单词的发音习惯上有很大差异。在英国英语中,字母?r只在元音之前才发音,其余位置不发音。但在美国英语中,不管“r”在词中任何位置都要发音,听起来读音大不相同,这也就是美语中有名的卷舌音(r化音)。片中的一个重要道具——扑克牌“poker”。伦敦管家马丁拿出牌时的读音为,’pouko。而当荷莉在询问同伴是否会玩时的读音为,’p;ukzr/。片中此类 词语不胜枚举。另外,还有一些个别情况,如荷莉在问伙伴会否打牌时说“Either of you,by


南昌工程学院 英美影视文化 《刮痧》的观后感 电影《刮痧》主要讲发生在美国的华裔,因为中外对抚养孩子的差异。其中最突出的是在不同文化背景下,对教育孩子的不同见解。文化的差异不但存在与中外,可以说是每个国家都有其独特的文化。不同的政体也会对文化起到一定的影响,还有一方面是接受不同文化教育。 回望电影的故事情节简介:5岁的华裔孩子丹尼斯闹肚子发烧,在家的爷爷因为看不懂药品上的英文说明,便用中国民间流传的刮痧疗法给丹尼斯治病,而这就成了丹尼斯一次意外事故后父亲许大同虐待孩子的证据。庭上,以解剖学为基础的西医理论无法解释通过口耳相传的经验中医学,许大同最后终于失去冷静和理智,法官当庭宣布剥夺许大同的监护权,不准他与儿子见面。父亲因此事决定回国,为了让老人临行再见一面孙子,许大同从儿童监护所偷出儿子丹尼斯到机场送别,因此受到警方通缉,父子分离,夫妻分居,朋友决裂,工作丢失,接连不断的灾难恶梦。 看似简单的问题为什么会变得如此复杂,可能不同的人站在立场上想吧!我先对我们中国教育方法说一下,中国有就老话:“严父出孝子,慈母多败儿”的道理,这是我国古时流传下来的真谛,可以这么说,严是爱溺是害,往往严格的家庭子女都有出息且孝敬父母的多,而溺爱的子女多没出息而且容易在社会上惹事端,大多也不会孝敬父

母。 “棍棒底下出孝子”这只是一个比方,寓意为父母要严格管教孩子,教他正确的做人观,让他懂得分辨是非好坏。我认为慈母严父是对这句话最好的解释,而并非真的要用棍棒来教子,毕竟暴力是解决不了任何问题的。而所谓的“不打不成器”是指在某些无能为力的情况下采取的一种极端措施,毕竟有些时候只有让人受到巨大的困难后才会吸取教训,并不是说毫无观念的打孩子。 虽然现在一些教育家说不提倡棍棒教育,但我个人认为,所谓的棍棒教育并不是说像一天三餐饭一样,老是打孩子,应以说服教育为主,多和孩子讲道理,以理服人。不过在孩子犯了重大错误的时候,应该给于一定的惩戒,让孩子记住,同样的错误不可再犯因为小孩的记性好。但对于所犯的错误却是忘性大,但事后也要和他讲道理,让他知道错在哪里了。 越不孝顺的子女父母越是从小就宠爱有加,孝顺的孩子从孩提时代父母就对其较为严厉。为什么会这样呢?从现在心理学角度来看,父母宠爱孩子,会让孩子误以为自己就是家中的老大,父母不仅要对他们言听计从,还要柔顺地巴结、恭维和讨好他们。这样久而久之从襁褓到成人,历经十几个风霜雪雨,这种习惯、思维和观念就会逐渐在子女的心中定型。长大乃至成家立业后他们会照样对父母颐指气使,不仅从未树立起孝敬回馈父母之心,而且掠夺搜刮父母之心更盛。 为何如此,皆因随着年龄日增,欲望的胃口也会越来越大,自己


英美文化差异 英国人和美国人虽然说着相同的语言,却有着许多完全不同的处事态度与生活习惯。在很多生活细节上,你一眼就能区分出高冷的英国人和不拘小节的美国人。 一、语言 语言与文化的关系相当密切。著名美国翻译理论家奈达在描述语言与文 化的关系时说:“语言永远是文化的一个组成部分,任何文章所表达的意思都 直接或间接地与所属文化相关联。归根结底,离开了相关文化,词汇就失去 了意义。文化的不同自然而然意味着语言的不同……”由此可见,文化差异包 括语言差异。 英国英语和美国英语并不是两种独立的语言。众所周知,美国是由英国 在北美的殖民地摆脱英国殖民统治而独立的国家,英语也是被移民美国的英 国人带去的。在过去的几百年时间里,英国英语和美国英语都发生了很大变化,他们的发展各不相同,但是两者之间的差异并不大。这些差异体现在发音、拼写、词汇等方面。 正如每个地方有自己的方言一样,英美两国由于地理位置相距甚远,发 音规律各不相同。这也正是为什么人们把英语发音归为英音和美音两类。在 拼写上,美国英语较之英国英语更简洁,更接近发音,如color(美)/colour(英),realize(美)/realise(英),theater(美)/theatre(英),prolog(美)/prologue(英)。英美语 言在词汇方面的差异体现在英国人和美国人在表达同样的意思时选词倾向不同,如flat(英) /apartment(美),lift(英)/elevator(美),rubber(英)/eraser(美),postbox(英)/mailbox(美),film(英)/movie(美)。 二、人口 英美两国同为移民国家,但人口组成各不相同。 英国是由历史上不同时期从欧洲入侵英国的不同人种组成,包括伊比利 亚人(Iberians)、凯尔特人(Celts)、古罗马人(Romans)、盎格鲁——撒克逊人(Anglo—Saxons)、北欧人(Danes)、诺曼人(Normans)。其中入侵英国的日尔曼


论文题目: Choose a topic from the followings and write an essay about it. (Total score: 100) https://www.doczj.com/doc/df15428125.html,pare “American and British Modern Education”: Analyze the similarities and differences from their history, system and emphasis. 2.Elaborate “America n’s role in the two World Wars”: when, how, why did US enter the war, and its role. 3.Elaborate “American Dream” in the perspective of USA?s early settlement, civil war, civil right movements or modern values. 论文模板: American’s role in the two World Wars(标题,3号字体,全 文字体均用Times New Roman) --a comparision….(副标题,可有可无,小三号) Abstract: This essay aims at redressing some of the imbalanced coverage given to this area of history thus far. A chronological study, it examines the role, importance and, to some exte nt, impact of a wide range of women?s organisations in the local context. Some were local branches of national organisations, others were specifically concerned with local issues. The local focus allows a challenge to be made to much current thought as to the strength of a“women?s movement” in the years between the suffrage movement and the emergence of a more radical form of feminism in the 1970s. The strength of feminist issues and campaigning is studied in three periods – the inter-war period, the Second World War and its immediate aftermath, and the 1950s and 1960s. (4号字,不超过300字,两端对齐) Keywords: WW; American; (不超过4个关键词,4号字)


中国与英美文化差异 【篇一:中国与英美文化差异】 摘要:近些年来,随着国际社会的不断进步,各国之间的经济文化 交流越来越广泛,而文化一直跟随着一个国家的发展历程,见证着 国家的兴衰存亡。纵观世界,英美文化和中国文化都具有博大精深、源远流长的特点,在不断发展的国际社会条件下,被赋予了新的内 容和含义,随着大国之间的交流越来越深入,使得各国之间文化交 流和碰撞也日益频繁。本文就目前英美文化和中国文化的发展现状,简要分析在新的社会条件下,英美文化和中国文化发展的差异所在。中国论文网 /9/view-6808314.htm 关键词:英美文化中国文化差异现状分析 中图分类号:g642 文献标识码: a 文章编号:1672-1578(2015)02-0007-02 随着我国改革开放事业的不断深入,我国经济水平和国际地位有了 很大的提升,与国际社会之间的交流和合作也越来越频繁,这就使 得我国文化承受着来自各国文化的冲击,特别是英美等西方经济发 展大国,在进行经济、文化、贸易交流时,对我国传统文化产生了 很大的影响。因此,在新的社会发展形势下,及时分析各国之间的 文化差异,对于继承和发扬我国优良传统文化有着很大的推动作用。 1 研究英美文化与中国文化之间差异的必要性 当今世界,处于国际社会中的每个国家要想得到高速的发展,就需 要保持与其他各国之间的经济、贸易等交流,而各国自身的发展历 程有着很大的区别,这就使得各国之间的文化底蕴和文化内涵有着 很大的不同,这在一定程度上阻碍了国家之间的交流与合作。因此,研究英美文化与中国文化之间的差异,对于国家之间的发展有着重 要的意义,下面就研究英美文化和中国文化之间差异的必要性做具 体分析。 1.1文化是社会意识形态的集中体现 通常来讲,文化是指人类活动的模式以及给予这些模式重要性的符 号化结构,主要包括文字、语言、文学、绘画等内容,不同地域、 不同时代的文化特点也不尽相同。文化是对人类社会长期的历史实 践过程中创造的物质财富和精神财富的集中体现,不仅是对当时社 会人类生活特点的体现,也是对一个国家长期的发展历程中文化特 色的积淀,更是对每个时期社会意识形态的重要体现。


英美文化期末论文:英美间的文化差异英文版 精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

The Difference between England and A m e r i c a Abstract: the paper is to show the difference between American and English in several aspects, such as geographical location, cultural environment and the most important part, the language. Key words: Culture Environment,Education,food,Table Manner Introduction The paper deals with the The Difference between England and is a complex, including knowledge and belief, art, morals, law, custom, and members of the society who acquired as any other capabilities and habits. 1. Culture Environment Britain is a traditional European country with long historical tradition continuity, and there had been a hierarchy in British society for a long time. And in UK there always has been a monarchy. So, the British likes to remember past times and old acquaintances, tends to be conservative, and behaves like a gentleman. All these need culture accumulation, and these character and qualities can’t be made if the country is without a long history. However, the . is precisely without a very profound historical accumulation and is a young country. So, the Americans dare to innovate and stress emphasis on personal value. On the other hand, in the United States, there are not a lot of constrains. They feel free to make bold addition, there is a great difference in the population composition of the two countries. The United States is a nation of immigrants, people comes from all countries and regions in the world. So, the culture of the United States shows different characteristics. People in American can accept and absorb all the culture factors all over the world. . attitude toward foreign cultures is an open. However, comparing to the United States, the structure of


英美文化差异 文化是一个复合体,其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗以及人作为社会成员而获得的任何其他能力和习惯。交际的过程是人们运用语言知识和社会文化知识传递信息的过程,所以学习语言与了解语言所反映的文化背景知识是分不开的。了解英美文化知识,有助于交际畅通。相反,缺乏了解英美文化背景知识必然导致交际障碍,冲突和误解。我们从一下几个方面来了解一下英美两过的文化差异: 一、民族性格差异 英国比美国拥有更悠久的历史,因为英国曾经被法国侵占,所以英国文化以及思维方式在很大程度上都受到法国上流社会的影响,并在长期的发展中形成了英国人特有的“绅士”风度。他们说话客气、行为礼貌,做事情喜欢绕圈子,如果想给你提一些批评指正意见也许需要大费周章的绕很多圈子。 美国作为一个年轻的国家,在近代的发展中体现出该国强大的生命力。该国民族文化的形成与殖民主义、独立战争、工业革命紧密地联系在了一起。也因此美国民族风格的形成就具备了资产阶级的特质。美国人性格的一大特点就是时刻把民主与平等挂在嘴边,这是因为美洲大陆在为殖民地期间,人们要想更好的发展下去,就必须建立起平等的合作关系以保证生产的持续进行。这也就解释了美国人为何一直以世界警察自居,去干涉他国的人权问题,这不仅仅是因为美国政府为了自身经济利益考虑,也符合美国的民族性格。 二、语言差异 英式英语和美式英语之间的差别有时是惊人的,在发音、词汇的使用、语法、和表达方式上都不同。在国内时英语学得很不错的人,一旦到了美国,往往感到美式英语的困惑,不得不花大量的时间来适应美式英语。尽管英美两国都是说英语的国家,但是英式英语与美式英语之间还是存在这很大差异的。首先从发音来看,英式英语讲究字正腔圆,发音比较清楚,很少有连读现象。而美式英语中连读频率很高,卷舌音很多,美国人讲话秉承的就是能省则省,能连则连的原则。另外,两国在用词上也有很大差异,有时同一事物用的词语是不同的,有时要表达同一意思用的句子也是不同的。比如两个人见面打招呼,英国人会用‘How are you‘,而美国人就会简单的用’Hi’来代替。在表达方式上的差别也很惊人。当我看到一本英语口语教材中“好久不见了”的英语口语竟然是“Long time no see”时,我非常反感,认为这是地地道道的中国式英语。但是,当我问在美国定居的一个朋友时,他告诉我,有些美国人就是说“Long time no see” 三、生活习俗差异 英国人非常讲究衣着,讲究绅士风度,西装革履。美国人相对就随意很多,想穿什么就穿什么,不介意别人的评价。两国在饮食上也有很大差异,英国人在饮食上也处处散发着上流社会的高贵气质,从选材到烹饪都精细到了极致,尤其是餐桌礼仪,餐桌上不能发出任何声音,包括说话以及餐具敲击的声音,几乎所有西餐的规则英国人都会遵守。美国人在就餐问题上就随意多了,美国人饮食不讲究精细,只关心方便便捷,一日三餐都很随便,垃圾食品是美国人的最爱。 四、教育差异 英国人的保守与严谨,体现在教育上就是完善的教育体系。英国有一套严格的质量监控体制,各大院校的教学质量评估与科研评估结果向全世界公布,英国的高等教育会定期受到检查。英国大学的科研水平长期保持了一个很高的水平,也是与这个体制分不开的。英国教育的质量也体现在对学生的严格考核上,有的专业可以用“残酷”来形容,被淘汰拿不到学位的也大有人在,英国老师通常不会因为学生只差一点而放学生一马,他们的职业道德和敬业风度有力的保证了教育质量。


The Rise and Fall of Brit Pop When do we need rock? If we can find the answer, we’ll understand why rock music charm people all over the world. 1、Dead 80s Brit Pop belongs to young people of Britain in 80s and 90s. A lot of young people had accepted conservative rule, and dole culture, and smoking a spliff for a living, and going to the football match, that was it. You know, Britain was dead in the 80s. Thatcherism made people’s life was stopped up by some invisible walls. Rock music was influenced by the disappointed politics, and it shook young people’ whole life and politics. The Stone Roses (石玫瑰乐队)poured fresh energy into young people. Something was changing. Music is always the best way to release our hopelessness and depressed air of society. You’ll never see so many teenagers smoking so much dope and taking so many drugs in any other music play. People were really stoned on weed or Ecstasy and it was a sort of return of the 60s, hallucinogenic type crowd. Teenagers didn’t know where they will go and what they can do. They could get free only from these. 2、The Rise The dominant musical force of the period was the grunge invasion

英美文化差异论文 英文版

1)A, the natural environment In the eyes of the Chinese people, "summer sorching", "hot summer," summer always linked with intense heat. In Shakespeare a sonnet yet such lines, Shall I compare thee to a summer 's day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate. (can I take with you? / summer than you ah, than summer came cute and photos.) The poet's compared to summer, lovely and always. "Summer" to the Chinese and British lenovo can be so different. Reason is that in different geographical position, China is located in the Asian continent, belong to a continental climate and four distinct seasons, summer most obvious characteristics is scorching, hot challenging. Britain is located in the north temperate, belong to sea climate, beautiful summer mild, pleasant. And of course many example of this, for example, in the Chinese "dongfeng" to make people think of the warm sunny, the west wind that have seed the bitter taste. And in the west the opposite. Reason is the same, the two are in different geographical position, bring feel different. 2)Second, production In English and aquaculture, ship the words very much, such as fish in the air (climb a tree to look for fish), an odd fish (weirdo), miss the boat (miss), etc. This kind of words in Chinese is much less. Reason is that British around water, aquatic fishing industry and ring navigation in its economic occupies an important place in the life, so many such words. And in China only coastal areas have fishermen netting fishing, so this relatively few words. To express "with the physical negative things" of the verbs in Chinese language has many, such as "carry, the Netherlands, pick, bear, carry, back, carry, negative, carry, ku" and so on, each word has certain negative luck with the corresponding things (such as soil, water, pick bear, the box), is really a very close. In English, but only a carry to "refers to the-action. The Chinese will this verb fine add distinguish, probably because in the long run, China agricultural society, manual work much more special reason. Chinese, we will encounter "like the same said work", "QiZhuangRuNiu" word, in English, to express the same meaning, will say work like a horse, as strong as a horse, flog a willing horse. Why the Chinese use the "bull" and English with horse? The answer is Chinese have always use cows to plow fields, the early English but with the Malay farming. Cows and horses in the production process were divided into two countries do good helper, earned the people with the words can be as above usage.


英美文化作业:英美文化差 异(英文版) -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

the differences of British and American culture The British are, in some ways, less conservative than Americans - the drinking age is 18, not 21, homosexual civil unions are legal, and abortion hasn't been a serious political issue in years. Mixing religion and politics is extremely rare in the UK. On the other hand, there are stricter controls on some things - it's much harder to get a driving licence, and the age requirement is higher than in most states, there are speed cameras everwhere, CCTV cameras in many public places (although they may or may not be working), and carrying weapons or other objects for "self defence" is illegal (in particular, note that pepper spray is illegal). Getting into a debate about the right to bear arms will be very time consuming, and may also lead people to think that you're a gun-nut before they've got to know you properly. Smoking in enclosed public places is illegal that includes pubs, the underground, train stations... more or less any non-residential building actually... (similar to New York, so not so much of a cultural difference there). The British apparently have a wider vocabulary of swear words than Americans. While most Britons will use them fairly freely in a social setting, things are a lot more reserved in formal settings & talking to strangers. I've not yet encountered an American "pub" which bears more than a passing resemblance to a typical British pub. People might go to a pub just to drink and socialise, have a pub lunch, or as part of an attempt to get alchohol poisioning (otherwise know as a "pub crawl"), as well as to watch sporting fixtures (which seems to be the main purpose in America). Going to the pub does not usually imply getting drunk. Although the drinking age is 18, bartenders are supposed to ID anyone who looks under 21. Though I doubt your friend will do much driving, he should be aware of the following things: Most cars in the UK have manual transmission. Cars are smaller and more efficient, petrol is more expensive. Speed limits are higher, but enforced more rigourously. Driving in London is not worth it. Central London has a congestion


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The Seven Holy Virtues against Seven Deadly Sins (Zhang Longway, International economy and trade, Hohai University, Changzhou) Abstract: According to The Bible, the humankind was born with sins, and they can’t escape from sins unless they can go back to The Heaven. But Father also says, if we can live faithfully within the Seven Holy Virtues, we can get his forgiveness, then, we will get back to our Hometown——The Heaven. We are created by the God with only particular inalienable rights, and that is Free-will. We can choose the way that we really enjoy even though this is the route to the Hell. So we can live by ourselves because of the Free-will. Thanks God, only you, can bring the diversity to our world. Key words: Virtues, Sins, Freedom 1. Introduction While the wave of revolution of Science and technology comes so fiercely, the humankind has been lost in the life that is so beautiful but fallen. We have forgotten the glory and salvation that Father once gave us. We just choose the way to the Hell. We have been the staff of Satan. So we should find the way, the route and the path to get through this dilemma. We should find once the seven holy virtues and get rid of the seven deadly sins. Only do we this, we can find our real hometown——the Heaven in our mind. 2. Brief Description of the Seven Deadly Sins As the Bible says, Lucifinil trusted to have equal'd the most High, Rais'd impious War in Heav'n and Battel proud. While he is falling down in the Heaven, a third of angels follows him, and the star of the sky also was fallen ([1] The Bible, Isaiah, 211-223 line). So there was not the Great Angel, and they have been fallen to the Hell. The Dark, owns his Seven King. They are the Seven Deadly Sins ([2] Paradise Lost, Book Ⅱ, 112-131 line) 2.1 Pride Lucifer stands for Pride, which is that he is not willing to go down on the Son of Father. In Isaiah Book, the poem says :

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