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Secti on I Use of En glish

Directio ns:

Read the follow ing passage. For each nu mbered bla nk there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your an swers on ANSWER SHEET l. (10 poi nts)

The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009. It is the first worldwide epidemic _____________ 1 ___ by the World Health Orga ni zati on in 41 years.

The heighte ned alert ____ 2 ____ an emerge ncy meet ing with flu experts in Gen eva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia, and rising ____ 3 ____ in Brita in, Japa n, Chile and elsewhere.

But the epidemic is " _______ 4 ____ " in severity, according to Margaret Chan, the organization's director general,

5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the

6 of any medical treatme nt.

The outbreak came to global ____ 7 ____ in late April 2009, whe n Mexica n authorities no ticed an unu sually large nu mber of hospitalizati ons and deaths ___ 8 ____ healthy adults. As much of Mexico City shut dow n at the height of a pan ic, cases bega n to ___ 9 ____ in New York City, the southwester n Un ited States and around the world.

In the United States, new cases seemed to fade _______ 10 ____ warmer weather arrived. But in late September 2009, officials reported there was ___ 11 _____ flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the ___ 12 ____ tested are the new swine flu, also known as (A) H1N1, not seas onal flu. In the U.S., it has ___ 13 ____ more tha n one milli on people, and caused more tha n 600 deaths and more tha n 6,000 hospitalizati ons.

Federal health officials _____ 14 ___ Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began __________ 15 ____ orders from the states for the new swine flu vacci ne. The new vacc ine, which is differe nt from the ann ual flu vacci ne, is _ 16 ____ ahead of expectati ons. More tha n three milli on doses were to be made available in early October 2009, though most of those ____ 17 ____ doses were of the FluMist n asal spray type, which is not ____ 18 ____ for preg nant wome n, people over 50 or those with breath ing difficulties, heart disease or several other ____ 19 ___ . But it was still possible to vacc in ate people in other high-risk group: health care workers, people_____ 20 ____ infants and healthy young people. 19 [A] problems [B] issues [C] ago nies

[D] sufferi ngs

20 [A] in volved in

[B] cari ng for

[C] concerned with [D] wardi ng off

1 [A] criticized

2 [A] proceeded

3 [A] digits

4 [A] moderate

5 [A] with

6 [A] progress

7 [A] reality 8. [A]over 9 [A] stay up 10 [A] as 11 [A] excessive 12 [A]categories 13 [A] imparted 14 [A] released 15 [A] placi ng 16 [A] feasible 17 [A] prevale nt 1

8 [A] prese nted

[B] appo in ted [B] activated [B] nu mbers [B] no rmal [B] in [B]absenee [B] phe nomenon [B] for [B] crop up [B] if

[B] eno rmous [B] examples [B] immerse [B] relayed [B] deliveri ng [B] available [B] prin cipal [B] restricted [C] comme nted [C] followed [C] amounts [C] unu sual [C] from [C] prese nee [C] concept [C] among [C] fill up [C] unl ess [C] sig ni fica nt [C] patterns [C] injected [C] relieved [C] taki ng [C] reliable [C] inno vative [C] recomme nded [D] desig

nated [D] prompted [D] sums [D] extreme [D] by [D] favor [D] notice [D] to [D] cover up [D] un til [D]mag nifice nt

[D] samples [D] in fected [D] rema ined [D] givi ng [D] applicable [D] in itial