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For thirty years now I have been studying my fellowmen. I do not know very much about them. I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. I think they must have small insight or great vanity. For my own part I find that the longer I know people the more they puzzle me.


These reflections have occurred to me because I read in this morning's paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe. He was a merchant and he had been in business in Japan for many years. I knew him very little, but he interested me because once he gave me a great surprise. Unless I had heard the story from his own lips, I should never have believed that he was capable of such an action. It was more startling because both in appearance and manner he suggested a very definite type. Here if ever was a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow, not much more than five feet four in height, and very slender, with white hair, a red face much wrinkled, and blue eyes. I suppose he was about sixty when I knew him. He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.


3 Though his offices were in Kobe, Burton often came down to Yokohama. I happened on one occasion to be spending a few days there, waiting for a ship, and I was introduced to him at the British Club. We played bridge together. He played a good game and a generous one. He did not talk very much, either then or later when we were having drinks, but what he said was sensible. He had a quiet, dry humor. He seemed to be popular at the club and afterwards, when he had gone, they described him as one of the best. It happened that we were both staying at the Grand Hotel and next day he asked me to dine with him. I met his wife, fat, elderly, and smiling, and his two daughters. It was evidently a united and affectionate family. I think the chief thing that struck me about Burton was his kindliness. There was something very pleasing in his mild blue eyes. His voice was gentle; you could not imagine that he could possibly raise it in anger; his smile was benign. Here was a man who

attracted you because you felt in him a real love for his fellows. At the same time he liked his game of cards and his cocktail, he could tell with point a good and spicy story, and in his youth he had been something of an athlete. He was a rich man and he had made every penny himself. I suppose one thing that made you like him was that he was so small and frail; he aroused your instincts of protection. You felt that he could not bear to hurt a fly.



How empathy unfolds 同感是怎样表露的 1 The moment Hope, just nine months old, saw another baby fall, tears welled up in her own eyes and she crawled off to be comforted by her mother, as though it were she who had been hurt. And 15-month-old Michael went to get his own teddy bear for his crying friend Paul; when Paul kept crying, Michael retrieved Paul's security blanket for him. Both these small acts of sympathy and caring were observed by mothers trained to record such incidents of empathy in action. The results of the study suggest that the roots of empathy can be traced to infancy. Virtually from the day they are born infants are upset when they hear another infant crying – a response some see as the earliest precursor of empathy. 霍普才九个月大,一见到另一个婴儿摔倒,泪水就涌了出来。她爬到妈妈身边寻求安慰,就好像是她自己摔疼了。15个月大的迈克尔把自己的玩具熊拿来给正在大哭的朋友保罗;保罗不停地大哭的时候,迈克尔替保罗捡回他的安乐毯。这些小小的表示同情和关爱的举动都是接受过记录同感行为训练的母亲们观察到的。这项研究的结果表明,同感的根源可以追溯到人的婴儿期。实际上,从出生的那天起,婴儿在听到其他婴儿哭闹的时候就会感到不安——有些人认为这种反应是同感的最初先兆。 2 Developmental psychologists have found that infants feel sympathetic distress even before they fully realize that they exist apart from other people. Even a few months after birth, infants react to a disturbance in those around them as though it were their own, crying when they see another child's tears. By one year or so, they start to realize the misery is not their own but someone else's, though they still seem confused over what to do about it. In research by Martin L. Hoffman at New York University, for example, a oneyear-old brought his own mother over to comfort a crying friend, ignoring the friend's mother, who was also in the room. This confusion is seen too when one-year-olds imitate the distress of someone else, possibly to better comprehend what they are feeling; for example, if another baby hurts her fingers, a one-year-old might put her own fingers in her mouth to see if she hurts, too. On seeing his mother cry, one baby wiped his own eyes, though they had no tears. 成长心理学家发现,甚至在充分意识到自己是独立于其他人而存在之前,婴儿就感受到了同情的苦恼。甚至在出生后几个月,婴儿就会对周围人的烦躁不安做出反应,就好像他们自己的烦躁不安一样,看到别的孩子哭也跟着哭。到了一岁左右,他们开始意识到痛苦不是他们的,而是别人的,可是他们对这样的事情似乎还是感到不知所措。例如,在纽约大学的马丁·L.霍夫曼所做的一项研究中,一个一岁的孩子把自己的妈妈拉过来安慰哭闹的朋友,却忽视了同在一室的朋友的妈妈。这样的困惑在其他一岁大的孩子身上也能看到,他们模仿别的孩子的痛苦,也许是为了更好地理解他们的感受。例如,如果别的婴儿伤了手指,一个一岁大的孩子就会把自己的手指放进嘴里,看看自己是否也感觉到痛。看到自己的妈妈哭,婴儿即使没有眼泪,也会擦拭自己的眼睛。 3 Such motor mimicry, as it is called, is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used in the 1920s by E. B. Titchener, an American psychologist. Titchener's theory was that empathy stemmed from a sort of physical imitation of the distress of another, which then evokes the same feelings in oneself. He sought a word that would be distinct from sympathy, which can


Unit1 Onewayof summarizingthe Americanposition is to state that we value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor. Chinese teachersare fearful that if skills are not acquiredearly, they may never be acquired; there is, on the other hand, no comparablehurry to promote creativity. American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later. However, I do not want to overstate my case. There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present. And there is a danger of exaggerating creative breakthroughs in the West. When any innovation is examined closely, its reliance on previous achievements is all too apparent (the "standing on the shoulders of giants" phenomenon). But assumingthat the contrast I havedevelopedis valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals,the importantquestion becomes this: Can we gather, from the Chineseand Americanextremes, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills?

新标准大学英语综合教程2 课文翻译

Unit 1 4 Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1 On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. (with their … and justice 部分最好提前,即先说学生的状况,再说学生 与当权者的冲突。)在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情地投入到自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。 2 These days political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spiteof it. Of course, it’s true that higher education is still important. For example, in the UK, Prime MinisterBlair was close to achieving his aim of getting 50 per cent of all under thirties into college by 2010 (eventhough a cynic would say that this was to keep them off the unemployment statistics). 现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010 年让50%的30 岁以下的人上大学的目标,(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。 3 I never hoped to understand the nature of my generation or how American colleges are changing by going to Lit Theory classes. This is the class where you look cool, a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a T-shirt with some ironic comment such as “Been there, done that and yes, this IS the T-shirt”.(第二句的主句是强调句式,汉译应在句法上稍做变通,以求类似强调语义的效果。a bit 以后的内容是进一步说明如何look cool 的,汉译可加破折号表明关系。)我从没指望通过上文学理论课来了解我这一代人的特征,或了解美国大学是如何在变化的。这门课是让你在课堂上扮酷的——带着一丝熬夜太多的困劲儿,穿着一件T 恤衫,上面印着“去过那儿,干过那事儿,对,这就是那件T 恤衫”,或诸如此类带有讥讽意味的俏皮话。 4 We’re a generation that comes from what has been called the short century (1914-1989), at the end of a century of war and revolution which changed civilizations, overthrew repressive governments, and left us with extraordinary opportunities and privilege, more than any generation before. (由which引导的从句比较难处理。可以在at the end of the century of war and revolution 处拆句。前半部分讲“我们”所处的年代,后半部分讲这个世纪的特点。)我们这一代人来自所谓的短世纪(1914-1989),生于其末尾。这个世纪 充满了战争和革命,它改变了人类文明,推翻了强权政府,给我们留下了非同寻常的机会和特权,我们所得到的机会与特权比从前任何一代人都要多。 5 Translate the sentences into English. 1 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。反对党联合工会发动了一次大罢工,最终导致政府的垮台。(give rise to; form an alliance with; launch;bring about) Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The Opposition formed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government. 2 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。从前,大学是一个象牙塔,学者追求的是学问本身而不是把学问作为达到目的的手段,但这样的时代已经一去不复返了。(shrink;gone are the days; a means to an end) Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and the students are becoming more and more practical. Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end. 3 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。但我确实去听课,因为在课上我能了解这门课的重点,学会如何组织材料、如何推理。(hope; by doing …; the place where)


全新版大学英语综合教程2课文翻译及课后 答案(全) 全新版大学英语综合教程2课文翻译及课后答案(全) 课文翻译 Lesson 1 Friendship Friendship is one of life's most important treasures. Friends bring us joy, support, and understanding. They are there for us in good times and bad, and they help us grow and become better individuals. In this lesson, we are introduced to the concept of friendship through the story of Damon and Pythias. Damon and Pythias were two loyal friends who lived in ancient Greece. When Pythias was accused of plotting against the tyrant Dionysius, he was sentenced to death. However, Damon offered himself as a hostage so that Pythias could go home and say goodbye to his family. Dionysius was skeptical of Damon's loyalty and gave him a deadline. If Pythias did not return by the appointed time, Damon would be executed in his place. Despite the risk, Pythias returned just in time to save his friend's life. The tyrant was so moved by their friendship that he released Pythias and allowed the two friends to continue their bond. The story of Damon and Pythias teaches us about the importance of loyalty and sacrifice in friendships. True friends are willing to go to great lengths to help and support each other. They are selfless and put the well-being of their friends above their own.


One way of summarizing the American position is to state that we value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor. Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired; there is, on the other hand, no comparable hurry to promote creativity. American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later. 美国人的立场可以概括起来这么说,我们比中国人更重视创新和自立。我们两种文化的差异也可以从我们各自所怀的忧虑中显示出来。中国老师担心,如果年轻人不及早掌握技艺,就有可能一辈子掌握不了;另一方面,他们并不同样地急于促进创造力的发展。美国教育工作者则担心,除非从一开始就发展创造力,不然创造力就有可能永不再现;而另一方面,技艺可于日后获得。 Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have. My 1999 car shows the wear and tear of 105,000 miles. But it is still dependable. My apartment is modest, but quiet and relaxing. My clothes are well suited to my work, which is primarily outdoors. My minimal computer needs can be met at the library. 但我觉得仅仅一个突然的想法能得到别人有的物质财富。我的1999年的汽车显示105,000公里的磨损。但它仍然是可靠的。我的公寓是普通的,但让我觉得宁静和放松。我的衣服很适合我主要在室外的工作。我的迷你电脑能在图书馆使用。 In spite of what I don’t have, I don’t feel poor. Why? I’ve enjoyed exceptionally(非凡地) good health for 53 years. It’s not just that I’ve been illness-free, it’s that I feel vigorous and spirited. Exercising is actually fun for me. I look forward to long, energizing walks. And I love the “can do”attitude that follows. ?尽管有很多我没有,我也没有觉得贫穷。这是为什么呢?我享受了53年的健康。这不只是我一直没有什么疾病,而是我觉得精力充沛。运动确实是一件让我觉得快乐的事情。我期待长长的,使我精力充沛的散步。我也热爱自我身上的“我可以”的态度。 If that sort of thing happened only once in a while, it wouldn't be so bad. Overall, I wouldn't want to trade my dad for anyone else's. He loves us kids and Mom too. But I think that's sometimes the problem. He wants to do things for us, things he thinks are good. But he needs to give them more thought... 这类事要是偶尔发生一两次,那倒也没什么。总的来说,我是不肯把自己老爸跟别人的老爸换的。他爱我们当子女的,也爱老妈。不过我想,有时问题就出在这儿。他一心想帮助我们,他自以为 Can you imagine how humiliated I was? An honor student, class president. And Father was out asking people to have their sons call and ask me to the prom! But that's dear old dad. Actually, he is a dear. He just doesn't stop to think. And it's not just one of us who've felt the heavy hand of interference. Oh, no, all three of us live in


Unit1 Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, reflects on a visit to China and gives his thoughts on different approaches to learning in China and the West. 哈佛大学教育学教授霍华德·加德纳回忆其中国之行,阐述他对中西方不同的学习方式的看法。 Learning, Chinese-Style Howard Gardner 1 For a month in the spring of 1987, my wife Ellen and I lived in the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing with our 18-month-old son Benjamin while studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing. 中国式的学习风格 霍华德·加德纳 1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。然而,我和埃伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。 2 The key to our room was attached to a large plastic block with the room number on it. When leaving the hotel, a guest was encouraged to turn in the key, either by handing it to an attendant or by dropping it through a slot into a box. Because the key slot was narrow, the key had to be positioned carefully to fit into it. 我们的房门钥匙系在一块标有房间号的大塑料板上。酒店鼓励客人外出时留下钥匙,可以交给服务员,也可以从一个槽口塞入钥匙箱。由于口子狭小,你得留神将钥匙放准位置才塞得进去。 3 Benjamin loved to carry the key around, shaking it vigorously. He also liked to try to place it into the slot. Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would usually fail. Benjamin was not bothered in the least. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. 本杰明爱拿着钥匙走来走去,边走边用力摇晃着。他还喜欢试着把钥匙往槽口里塞。由于他还年幼,不太明白得把钥匙放准位置才成,因此总塞不进去。本杰明一点也不在意。他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。 4 Now both Ellen and I were perfectly happy to allow Benjamin to bang the key near the key slot. His exploratory behavior seemed harmless enough. But I soon observed an interesting phenomenon. Any Chinese staff member nearby would come over to watch Benjamin and, noting his lack of initial success, attempt to assist. He or she would hold onto Benjamin's hand and, gently but firmly, guide it directly toward the slot, reposition it as necessary, and help him to insert


大学英语综合教程2课文翻译完整版思政智慧版 For thirty years now I have been studying my fellowmen. I do not know very much about them. I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. I think they must have small insight or great vanity. For my own part I find that the longer I know people the more they puzzle me. 三十年来,我一直研究我的人类同胞,但至今了解不多。每当有人跟我说他对一个人的第一次印象向来不错的时候,我就耸耸肩。我想这种人不是无知,就是自大。拿我自己来说,我发现,认识一个人的时间越长,我就越感到困惑。 These reflections have occurred to me because I read in this morning's paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe. He was a merchant and he had been in business in Japan for many years. I knew him very little, but he interested me because once he gave me a great surprise. Unless I had heard the story from his own lips, I should never have believed that he was capable of such an action. It was more startling because both in appearance and manner he suggested a very definite type. Here if ever was a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow, not much more than five feet four in height, and very slender, with white hair, a red face much wrinkled, and blue eyes. I suppose he was about sixty when I knew him. He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.


综合教程2课后翻译 UNIT1 1)爱人者有仁爱之心,自爱,爱亲人以及他人。(a loving person,who) A loving person is a person who is kind-hearted, loves himself, loves his family and all the other people. 2)所谓“和而不同”,是指君子之间保持相互尊重、和谐、友爱的关(harmony but not sameness, gentleman) “Harmony but not sameness” means that a gentleman keeps mutually respectful, harmonious and friendly relations with other people. 3)中国人庆祝春节与西方人过圣诞的方式基本相同,大量购物,互赠礼物,大 快朵颐。(in much the same way that) The Chinese people observe the Spring Festival in much the same way that the Westerners do Christmas, doing a lot of shopping ,exchanging presents, and having big meals. 4)我们需要改变的不一定是自己的生活方式,或者物质条件,而是我们对待生 活的态度。(not··· but rather) What we need to change is not necessarily our lifestyle, or our physical conditions, but rather our attitude toward life. 5)与自然世界和谐相处是风水(feng shui)的一项原则,这一点从房屋建筑、景 观(landscape)设计和家具陈列(lay out)中都可以反映出来。(which,exemplify) To live in harmony with Nature is the underlying principle of FengShui, which can be exemplified in building houses, in designing landscapes, and in laying out furniture. UNIT2 1)人人都有想法,但很少有人能付诸实施,这就是梦想者与企业家的区别。(however, execute) Everyone has ideas, however very few are able to execute them. That's the difference between dreamers and entrepreneurs.


Unit 1 Text A Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, reflects on a visit to China and gives his thoughts on different approaches to learning in China and the West. 哈佛大学教育学教授霍华德·加德纳回忆其中国之行,阐述他对中西方不同的学习方式的看法。 Learning, Chinese-Style Howard Gardner 1 For a month in the spring of 1987, my wife Ellen and I lived in the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing with our 18-month-old son Benjamin while studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing. 中国式的学习风格 霍华德·加德纳 1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。然而,我和埃伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。 2 The key to our room was attached to a large plastic block with the room number on it. When leaving the hotel, a guest was encouraged to turn in the key, either by handing it to an attendant or by dropping it through a slot into a box. Because the key slot was narrow, the key had to be positioned carefully to fit into it. 我们的房门钥匙系在一块标有房间号的大塑料板上。酒店鼓励客人外出时留下钥匙,可以交给服务员,也可以从一个槽口塞入钥匙箱。由于口子狭小,你得留神将钥匙放准位置才塞得进去。 3 Benjamin loved to carry the key around, shaking it vigorously. He also liked to try to place it into the slot. Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would usually fail. Benjamin was not bothered in the least. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. 本杰明爱拿着钥匙走来走去,边走边用力摇晃着。他还喜欢试着把钥匙往槽口里塞。由于他还年幼,不太明白得把钥匙放准位置才成,因此总塞不进去。本杰明一点也不在意。他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。


综合教程2思政智慧课文翻译 我收到一位读者的电子邮件,她在邮件中问道:“为什么有些友谊不管你多么想维系它却还是会终结?“该读者说她曾在我发表的一篇文章《友谊之谜》中见到过这个问题。正如我在文章中所说,对于友谊是如何开始的、为什么有些友谊会维系终生、为什么有些友谊会终结这类问题,我认为没有简单的答案。虽然我在别的文章中――《拥有一个朋友》和《做一个朋友》――尝试回答过前两个问题,但是,我仍然对那些经久不衰的友谊感到惊讶,也对那些逝去的友谊感到失望。即便如此,我还是要在本文中对为什么友谊会终结提出我的一些见解。 我的回答很简单.友谊终结是因为朋友处境的改变,或甚至是因朋友自身的变化。其他人也有相似的回答。首先,朋友面临的境遇有可能改变。因进—个新的学校或有一份新的工作而决定搬家,这就不能不影响到友谊。同样,如果朋友出了事故,患了疾病,或失去了亲人,这些情况也不能不影响友谊。然而,基于上述原因,友谊就要终结吗?回答是不,但这就需要作相应调整,然而一方或双方却可能不愿作这样的调整。 其次,朋友自身可能在变。朋友长时间不在一起(如参加夏令营、上大学等)友谊常常会终止的一个重要原因是一方或双方改变了。我认为当朋友双方都改变时,其伤害较轻,因为这时的分手往往是互相的,双方都决定不再交往,从此各奔东西,让友谊终结。当只有一方改变时,往往造成的伤害最重。一方也许换了社交圈子、加入了新的社会组织、开始谈恋爱了、养了一只宠物或从事某个更费时间、更需激情的有风险的事业。当然,友谊是经得起这些变化的,除非一方或双方由于某种原因决定不再在友谊调整期内投入必要的时间和精力。《例如,一方由于养了新宠物而极度兴奋,因而可能忘了友谊的重要性,又或者一方结婚而另一方还是单


新标准大学英语综合教程2课文翻译U4R2 Stolen identity 窃取的身份 1 "Frank never went to pilot school, medical school, law school, ... because he's still in high school." “弗兰克从未上过飞行学院、医学院、法学院……因为他还在上高中。” 2 That was the strapline of the 2002 film Catch Me If You Can, which tells the story of Frank Abagnale, Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio), a brilliant young master of deception who at different times impersonated a doctor, a lawyer, and an airplane pilot, forging checks worth more than six million dollars in 26 countries. He became the youngest man to ever make the FBI's most-wanted list for forgery. Hunted and caught in the film by fictional FBI agent Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks), Abagnale later escaped. He eventually became a consultant for the FBI where he focused on white-collar crime. 这是2002年的电影《有种来抓我》的标语。影片讲述了小弗兰克·阿巴格纳尔(列奥纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演)的故事。影片主人公是一位聪明绝顶的年轻骗术大师,曾在不同时间扮演医生、律师和飞行员的角色,在26个国家伪造了价值600万美元以上的支票。他成了联邦调查局有史以来伪造罪头号通缉令名单上最年轻的通缉犯。在影片中,阿巴格纳尔被虚构的联邦调查局特工卡尔·汉拉提(汤姆·汉克斯饰演)追捕,但后来逃脱了。他最终成了联邦调查局专攻白领犯罪的顾问。 3 It's a great film, but could it happen in real life? In fact, Catch Me If You Can is based on the true story of Frank Abagnale, whose career as a fraudster lasted about six years before he was caught, who escaped from custody three times (once through an airplane toilet), and who spent a total of six years in prison in

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