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第六篇 Teaching and learning


Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie

with the student 许多老师认为学习是学生的责任. If a long reading assignment is given 如果老师布置了一篇长篇的阅读任务, instructors expect students to be familiar with the (1) information (信息)_in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination 即使他们没在课堂上讨论或者考试,他们还是期望学生熟悉这篇读物里的信息. The (2) ideal(理想) student is considered 被认为 to be one who is motivated 动机 to learn for the sake of(3) learning(学习), not the one interested only in getting high grades 分数。理想的学生被认为是那种为了学习而有动机学习的学生而不是那种只对高分感兴趣的学生. Sometimes homework is returned(4) with ( "

带着……回来" ) brief written comments but without a grade 有时被

发回来的家庭作业上只有简短的评价并无分数. Even if a grade is not given 即使不给分数, the student is(5) responsible 责任("对……负

责任")for learning the material assigned 学生也有责任学习老师布置

的任务(材料). When research is(6) assigned (布置)当一个研究课题被选定时, the professor expects 期望 the student to take it actively 积极 and to complete it with(7) minimum(最小) guidance 指导.教授们期望学生积极去做并且以最少的指导完成. It is the student's responsibility 责任 to find books, magazines, and articles in the library 在图书馆里查找书籍、杂志和论文是学生在责任. Professors do not have the time to explain(8) how a university library works 教授们没有时间去解释一个大学图书馆如何运行; they expect 期望 students(9) particularly (尤其) graduate students 研究生 to exhaust 尽 the reference 文献资料(10) origins ( 文献) in the library 他们期望学生、

尤其是研究生阅尽图书馆中的文献资料. Professors will help students who need it 教授们愿意帮助需要帮助的学生, but(11) prefer (更愿意 )that their students should not be (12) too (太)dependent on them 但更希望学生太过于依赖他们. In the United Stats 在美国,professors have many other duties (13) besides (除……之外还有) teaching 。在美国,教授除了上课以外还有其他职责, such as administrative or research work 比如管理工作或者研究工作. Therefore 因此, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is (14) limited (有限的).因此,一个教授能分给学生的课外时间是有限的. If a student has problems with classroom work 如果一个学生对课堂作业有问题 , the student should either (15) approach (接近、靠近) a professor during office hours or make an appointment 他应该在办公时间找到老师或者预约。

许多老师认为学习是学生的责任. 如果老师布置了一篇长篇的阅读任务, 即使他们没在课堂上讨论或者考试,他们还是期望学生熟悉这篇读物里的信息.

理想的学生被认为是那种为了学习而有动机学习的学生而不是那种只对高分感兴趣的学生. 有时被发回来的家庭作业上只有简短的评价并无分数. 即使不给分数学生也有责任学习老师布置的任务。当一个研究课题被选定时教授们期望学生积极去做并且以最少的指导完成. 在图书馆里查找书籍、杂志和论文是学生在责任. 教授们没有时间去解释一个大学图书馆如何运行; 他们期望学生、尤其是研究生阅尽图书馆中的文献资料. 教授们愿意帮助需要帮助的学生, 但更希望学生不要太过于依赖他们. 在美国,教授除了上课以外还有其他职责,比如管理工作或者研究工作 .因此,一个教授能分给学生的课外时间是有限的.如果一个学生对课堂作业有问题 , 他应该在办公时间找到老师或者预约。


*第七篇 The Difference between Man and Computer 人与电脑的区别

What makes people different from computer programs? What is the missing element that our theories don’t yet (1) account_ for? The answer is simple : People read newspaper stories for a reason: to learn more about (2) what they are interested in , Computers, on the other hand , don't. In fact ,computers don't (3) even have interests; there is nothing in particular that they are trying to find out when they read. If a computer (4) programs is to be a model of story understanding ,it should also read for a "purpose".

Of course ,people have several goals that do not make (5) sense to attribute to computers. One might read a

restaurant guide (6) in order to satisfy hunger , or entertainment goals or to (7) find a good place to go for a business lunch. Computers do not get hungry, and computers do not have business lunches.

However ,these physiological and social goals give (8) rise to several intellectual or cognitive goals. A goal to satisfy hunger gives rise to goals to find (9) information about the name of a restaurant which (10)serves the desired type of food ,how expensive the restaurant is ,the location of the restaurant, etc. These are goals to (11) acqurie information or knowledge, what we are calling (12) learning goals. These goals can be held by computers too; a computer (13) might "want" to find out the location of a restaurant ,and read a guide in order to do so (14) in the same way as a person might. While such a goal would

not (15)arise out of hunger in the case of the computer ,it might well arise out of the "goal" to learn more about restaurants.

是什么让人有别于电脑程序?我们的理论还解释的缺少的要素是什么?答案很简单:人们阅读报纸故事是为了学习更多他们感兴趣的东西,而不是电脑.事实上,甚至连电脑兴趣都没有;当它们试图阅读时他们没有寻找任何特别的东西. 如果一个电脑程序是理解故事模式,那它也是为了某个意图去阅读. 诚然,人类的意图若是被强加到电脑身上便没有任何意义.一个人可能会读就餐指南, 只是为了解决饥饿或是有娱乐目的,也可能是为了寻找一个吃商务餐的好地方.电脑不会饿,电脑也不吃商务餐.

然而,这些心理和社会目标会导致一些智力或者认知目标。一个想要解决饥饿的意图会促使这样的念头产生:找到一个提供我们想要的食物的餐厅,这餐厅叫什么名,价位如何,在什么位置等。我们把这些为了获取信息或者知识的目标叫做学习目标。电脑也能这样目标;一台电脑也许“想要”寻找餐厅的方法,并且为了做得像一个人一样去阅读一个指南。虽然这样的目标就电脑来说不是产生饥饿,但电脑很可能从这个目标去获得更多关于餐厅的信息。 注释:

1. ... attribute to computers ... :……把……归于电脑,归属于电脑……

2. ... in the case of computer ... :……对于电脑来说…… 固定搭配:

1. accountfor "解释"。

2. computer program "电脑程序"。

3.make sense"有道理, 合理, 能被理解"。

4. in order to 表示目的,意为"为了……"。

5.give rise to "引起,导致,使发生"。

6.might as a person might 表示不确定的推测,意为"可能,也许"。

7. arise out of "起于……"。