当前位置:文档之家› 小学四年级英语趣味知识竞赛试题(1)





朋友( ) 小的( ) 女孩( ) 天气()二十( ) 二、选出单词中所缺的字母或字母组合,将序号填入题前括号内。10分

() 1. s_ _ ool (学校) A. ck B. sh C. ch

() 2. pen_ il (铅笔) A. c B. s C. z

() 3. rul_ _ (尺子) A. er B. or C. ar

() 4. h_ m_ (家) A. oa B. oe C. on

() 5. stud _ _t (学生) A. e n B. an C. un


( ) 1. A. study B. kitchen C. sofa

( ) 2. A. sister B. brother C. fish

( ) 3. A. vegetable B. noodles C. shelf

( ) 4. A. strong B. sports C. quiet

( ) 5. A.window B. wall C. water


( ) 1. —We have a new computer. —Really? .

A. Let’s go and have a look.

B. Let’s go to school.

C. Let’s go to the classroom.

( ) 2. —Where is my schoolbag? —.

A. It’s a panda.

B.It’s yellow.

C. It’s a panda.D It’s on the desk.

()3.What’s his name?—.

A.Her name is Amy.

B.His name is Mike.

C.My name is ChenJie.

( ) 4. —What __ is your pen? —It’s red.


B. nice

C. colour

( ) 5. She __long hair, big eyes and ears.


B. have

C. is

( ) 6. —Who are they? —They are my .

A. mother

B. father

C. parents

( ) 7. What would you like __ dinner?

A. to


C. for

( ) 8. What __ you like for dinner?

A. are

B. do

C. would

( ) 9. Everything __ready.



C. are

( ) 10. Are they tomatoes?

A. No, they aren’t.

B. Yes,there is.

C. No, there isn’t.


()1、Is this your bedroom ? A、No,they aren’t .

()2、Is she in the living room ? B、There are 10 .

()3、Where are my crayons ? C、I can see a window ,a door and a bed . ()4、Are they on the table ? D、I’d like some fish .

()5、What can you see in my room ? E、Yes ,pass me a plate ,please .

()6、What would you like ? F、You’re welcome .

()7、Can I have some rice ? G、Yes , it is .

()8、Can I help ,mom ? H、Sure . Here you are .

()9、Thank you very much . I、No , she isn’t .

()10、How many apples are there ? J、They’re in your bag .


1. your like What’s father ?


2.classroom in the What’s ?


3.would like you What ?


4.study Are in the they?


5. books many How you do have



beef , fish ,book ,kitchen, mother, sister, living room , bag , rice ,pencil

1.family member(家庭成员):__________ ___________

2.food (食品): ________ _________ __________

3.school things (学习用品): ______ _______

4.room(房间):_______ ________

八、读短文, 判断正“T”误“F”10分

Hello! Come and meet my family. This is my father. He is a doctor. He likes painting. This is my mother. She is a doctor, too. She has long red hair. That woman is my aunt. She has short hair and big eyes. The big boy is my brother. He likes music.

( ) 1. There are four people in my family.

( ) 2. My aunt has long red hair.

( ) 3. My mother is a doctor.

( ) 4. My father likes painting.

( ) 5. My brother is a driver.


乌鲁木齐市四十中学小学三年级英语知识竞赛试卷时间(45分钟) 姓名:班级: 一 .根据下面的描述,猜猜它是什么,并选出正确的答案。(20) 1. I have a long body . I’m black . I have no arms and no legs . A. elephant B .cat C. snake 2. I have red eyes . I have long ears and white body . A . rabbit B .duck C. dog 3. I have big body, big ears , big legs , long nose . A. duck B. cat C. elephant 4. I have black eyes and ears . I have a black and white body . A . pig B. bird C . panda 5. I’m small. I’m white ,or I’m black ,or I’m yellow . I like fish . A. cat B. bear C. duck

6. I’m fat . I have a big nose , big ears . I like eat . I like sleep . A. mouse B. pig C. squirrel 7. I have a small body , small mouth , long tail . I don’t like cat . A. rabbit B. mouse C. cat 8. I’m small , I can fly . A. elephant B. pig C. bird 9. I’m round , I’m red , I’m healthy . A. apple B. pig C. cake 10. I have ten brothers , some are long , some are short . A. body B. face C. finger 二.根据下面的描述涂颜色。(10) 1. rabbit : Colour the ears blue , colour the face purple , colour the body red , colour the arms yellow , colour the legs pink . 2. cat : Colour the ears pink , colour the face pink , colour the nose blue , colour the hands yellow , colour the body red .


第1页 (共4页) 第2页 (共4页) 密 学校 班级 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 2018年秋五年级英语趣味知识竞赛题目 分数:________ 一.选择题。(每题3分,共60分) ( )1.小码衣服的标志是: A. S B.L C.M D.Y ( )2.麦当劳的英语是: A. McDonald's B. Madonna C.Mike D.My ( )3.中码衣服的标志是: A.S B.L C.M D.Y ( )4.鲁迅有一本书叫做《阿__正传》 A.P B.H C.G D.Q ( )5.护士手上的是:___光片。 A.S B.L C.C D.X ( )6. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词: A. red B. orange C. peach D. banana ( )7.肯德基的英语是: https://www.doczj.com/doc/db4533980.html,A B.KFC C.MAC D.YSL ( )8. 字母组合______可表示长度单位“厘米”: A.cm B.kg C.mm D.m 2 ( )9. 英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是__和___。 A.E, N B.F, I C.H, F D.F, X ( )10. VIP 的意思是: A. 贵宾 B. 不明飞行物 C.人民币 D.英国 ( )11. What letter (字母) is a drink ? A. B B. V C.T D.G ( )11. What letter is an animal (动物)? A. B B. V C.T D.G ( )12. What letter is a question (问题)? A. B B. Q C.Y D.H ( )13. A 与 C 谁高: A. A B. B C.C D.D ( )14. “Love me ,love my do ”翻译成中文的意思是: A.爱屋及乌 B.爱我就爱我的小狗 C.爱我就更爱我的小狗 D.爱我,爱小狗 ( )15. 许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如123456@https://www.doczj.com/doc/db4533980.html, 等。请问其中的 @表示什么意思,该怎么读? A. @ 的意思是“电脑”,读作“a 外一个圈”。 B. @ 的意思是“邮箱”,读作“圈内一个 a ”。 C. @ 的意思是“为”,读音与介词for 相同。 D. @ 的意思是“在”,读音与介词 at 相同。 ( )16. 英国人和中国人都喜欢喝茶,但英国人通常将中国人说的“红茶”,说 成 ______ tea 。 A. red B. white C. black D. green ( ) 17. 2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是 _______. A. One world, One dream B. New Beijing, Great Olympics C. Great China welcome you D. Faster, Higher, Stronger


三、四年级趣味题 1. 哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母) 2. 哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母) 3. 世界的尽头(打一英语字母) 4. 哪个字母可以看得见?(打一英语字母) 5. 哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母) 6. 哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母) 7. 哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母) 8. 十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个? 9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母) 10.Who is the most popular oldman in the world?(写出英文名) 11. Xmas (翻译成英语) 12. 西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字) 13. 西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字) 14. What dog never barks? A big dog B hot dog 15. He is the out fish of water. A离开水的鱼B不和群 16 B g i (写出正确的单词) 17 d g o (写出正确的单词) 18 l i n o (写出正确的单词) 19 alppe (写出正确的单词) 20 a b n a a n (写出正确的单词) 21 r d e (写出正确的单词) 22 s m l l a (写出正确的单词) 23 m n o e y k (写出正确的单词)

24 p a e r (写出正确的单词) 25 r b b i t a (写出正确的单词) 26 T g i e r (写出正确的单词) 27 b u l e (写出正确的单词) 28 c t a (写出正确的单词) 29 b a e r (写出正确的单词) 30 y o e l l w (写出正确的单词) 31 crocodile tears. A. 鳄鱼眼泪 B. 假慈悲 32 Love me, love my dog. A.爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌 33 Seeing is believing. A. 眼见为实 B. 耳闻为实 34 No pain, no gain. A.不劳而获 B.不劳无获 35 Practice makes perfect. A. 熟能生巧 B. 勤能补拙 36 When in Rome, do as the Romans do. A.到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗 37 Kill two birds with one stone. A.用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟38 A friend in need is a friend indeed. A.患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友 39 All roads lead to Rome. A. 条条大道通罗马 B.所有的路都在罗马 40 A snow year, a rich year. A.下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年 41 Failure is the mother of success. A.失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母 42 Where there is a will , there is a way! A.哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成


趣味英语题目 一、猜谜语。 1. 哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母) 2. 哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母) 3. 世界的尽头(打一英语字母) 5. 哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母) 6. 哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母) 7. 哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母) 8. 十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个? 9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母) 10. Xmas (翻译成英语) 11. 西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字) 12. 西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字) 二、写单词。(写出正确的单词) 16 B g i 17 d g o 18 l i n o 19 alppe 20 a b n a a n 21 r d e 22 s m l l a 23 m n o e y k 24 p a e r 25 r b b i t a 26 T g i e r 27 b u l e 28 c t a 29 b a e r 30 y o e l l w 三、选择题。 31 crocodile tears. A. 鳄鱼眼泪 B. 假慈悲 32 Love me, love my dog. A.爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌 33 Seeing is believing. A. 眼见为实 B. 耳闻为实

34 No pain, no gain. A.不劳而获 B.不劳无获 35 Practice makes perfect. A. 熟能生巧 B. 勤能补拙 36 When in Rome, do as the Romans do. A.到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗 37 Kill two birds with one stone. A.用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟 38 A friend in need is a friend indeed. A.患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友 39 All roads lead to Rome. A. 条条大道通罗马 B.所有的路都在罗马 40 A snow year, a rich year. A.下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年 41 Failure is the mother of success. A.失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母42 Where there is a will , there is a way! A.哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成 43 Look before you leap. A.三思而后行 B. 跳跃之前先看看 44 Like father, like son. A. 喜欢爸爸也喜欢儿子 B. 有其父必有其子45As you sow, so shall you reap. A.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 得不偿失 46 It rains cats and dogs A. 天上落下猫和狗 B. 下瓢泼大雨 47 You are a clever dog. A. 你是一只聪明的狗 B. 你是聪明人 48 green-eyed A. 绿眼 B.眼红


小学英语 知识竞赛试题及答案 目录 小学英语知识竞赛试题 (1) 小学英语知识竞赛试题答案 (9) 小学英语知识竞赛试题 满分100分考试时间60分钟 考生注意事项: 本试卷分选择题与非选择题。 单项选择(共15小题,每小题0.5分,满分7.5分) 从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案的英文字母写在答题 卡相应位置。 1. Jane isn A. is play 't here now. She tennis on the playgro und. C. playi ng D. is playi ng B. is plays 2. you sick? / 3. A. Are …feel B. Do …feel C. Do …feeling D. Do ——Hi, every one! There a football match tomorrow. ——Wow! A. is going to have B will have C. is going to be D.will has 4. ——Must I return the books tomorrow? 第1页共10页

15. Frank to see his grandma if he _________ free tomorrow. 、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16?25各题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 项中,选出最佳选项,并将 所选答案的英文字母写在答题卡相应位置。 Betty likes see ing movies very much. She has no less ons 16 homework on Sun days, so she always goes to the 17 that afternoon. She likes funny movies, but she often sees other kinds of movies. She usually goes with some of her school friends. And they 18_ sit together and eat someth ing and laugh whe n someth ing 19 . They are always happy at cinema. 20 a funny man. His n ame was Percy. Percy was fat. He midnight, a big dog ran 22 him and tore (撕破) his trousers pocket. Percy tried his best to escape and lost his 23 . He tried to climb in from the window, but he 24 down and made a terrible no ise. His wife 25 and cried, — Help! Thieves! II Some one called the police and a truck full 第2页共10页 went out 21 to play cards with his friends when his wife slept. When he was going home at 5. A. No, you can C. No, you n eed n t. t. ——It was wet and foggy. A. How was the weather like? B. No, you don D. No, you aren ' t. B. What ' s the air like? t. 6. I ' m the VCD is very A. surpris ing …in terest ing B. surpris ing …in terested C. surprised …in terest ing D. surprised …in terested 7. People usually —Hello I I to each other when they make a phone call. A. say B tell C.talk D.speak A. is B. does C. doesn ' t D. isn 't 9. I ofte n e-mail my pen friend, but e-mails me. A. everybody B.anybody C. somebody D. nobody 10. ---Our family are traveling to Germany for the Beer Festival. —— ! A. Con gratulati ons B. See you later 11. Why don ' t you come ____ earlier? A. a few B. a little C. Have fun C. much more D. Take care D. many more 12. This is _____ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Anne ' s and Jane ' s Anne and Jane ' s C.Anne ' s and Jane D. 13. There is ______ A. a; an II in _____ word B. an; the —foot II C. the; the D. an; / 14. There are few ____ in the fridge. L et ' s go and buy some carrots and cabbages. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D.eggs A.will come; will be B. comes; is C. will come; is D. comes; will be Last Sun day Betty saw a movie C. What ' s the temperature? D. What was the weather like? 8. I like pop music very much, but my father _______


小学英语趣味知识大积累 一、给单词找家,请将中英意思相符合的序号填在相应括号里。20’ 灯( ) 教室( ) 十二( ) 来自于( ) 对( ) 同学( ) 地板( ) 瓶子( ) 二十( ) 也许( ) A、classroom B、floor C、light D、twelve E、right F、twenty G、from H、bottle I、classmate J 、perhaps 二、连线。将下列姓名与他相对应的中文翻译连起来。10’ Sarah Miss White Mike Amy John 艾米萨拉约翰怀特小姐迈克 三、选择,用正确的中文或英文来回答问题。20’ 1、What’s in your classroom ?() A、电扇电灯操场 B、一个教室 C、桌子、椅子、窗户 2、Who’s your English teacher ?() A、Mr Sun B、Mrs Wang C、Miss Zhang 3、How many storybooks do you have ? () A、Five B、Five notebooks C、I like them. 4、What colour is your English book ? () A、two B、blue C、black 5、Do you like balloons ? () A、No, I don’t. B、Yes. It is. C、OK. 6、May I have a look ? () A、Sure, here you are. B、No. C、Not at all. 7、我的座位在哪里?() A、Wow ! It’s so big ! B、It’s near the door. C、It’s on the wall. 8、你的好朋友喜欢什么?() A、She is quite . B、She is painting . C、She likes music . 9、今天谁值日?()


脑筋急转弯 每组有5道题,参赛队首先抽签决定所答题的题号。(每题100分,每小组共120秒的答题时间答对得分,所得分数计入本组;答错不扣分) 2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?) A.book B.price C.age D. plane 3.中号衣服的标志是? A. S C. M B. L D. Y 4.我们每天上学,__放学。我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。 A . am, pm, USA B . am, pm, PRC C . pm, am, UK D . pm, am, PRC 5.He is a fat cat(引申义). A 它是一只肥胖的猫 B 他是一个大亨 C 他爱说大话 D 他非常懒惰 B1.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是____和—— A. E, N B . F, I C . H, F D. F, X 2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? A. Your book B. Your name C. Your pen D. Your money 3.what is the most hard(硬)part of the human body? A Tooth B nail C skull 4. She ___ a excellent girl. A. is B. are C.an D. not 5. He is the black sheep of the family. a) 害群之马b) 老黄牛 c) 黑马d) 领头羊 C1. Which day is Tree Planting Day? A. March.1 B. May. 12 C. March.12 D. May. 14 2.Dumplings are eaten at _______. A.Mid-Autumn Festival B. Dragon Boat Festival C. Children’s Day D. Chinese New Year’s Day 3、What is the largest living land animal? A. tiger B. lion C. elephant D. leopard(豹子) 4. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词 A. Red B. orange C. Peach D. banana 5.She read them Shakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine. A 把珍珠丢掉 B 明珠暗投 C 买椟还珠 D 对牛弹琴 D1.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ?


三年级英语趣味试题 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

三年级英语趣味练习(一)一、趣味选择 lettercomesnextACFJ. whatnumbercanyoutakehalfandleavenothing 3.Whatdogneverbarks dogdogdogdog 4.Mr.Whitehastwosons,andeachofthemhasasister.Howmanychildrendoeshe have A.one threelettersmakeamanofaboy whatmonthdowomantalktheleast 二、猜一猜 1.Thewordshegivesonthecomputerisabovemyhead. A一目了然B终于醒悟C无法理解D头脑发昏2.Idon'tlikegoingafterthedog. A?在人背后B无事生非C滔滔不绝D当着她面 isgoingafterthedog. A.拦截 B.玩 C.追逐 D.戏弄

canplaywithBill.Heisnotinthesameclass. A.他与你不是同班B 他是个生手C他棒极了D他不是你的对手 ’llsucceedbecausehe’salwaysathisbooks.. A学识渊博B博览群书C刻苦学习D意志坚强 6.Heistheoutfishofwater. A离开水的鱼B不和群C需要水的鱼D水中鱼littleboyrunsandrunsuntilheblueintheface. A浑身发热B筋疲力尽C鼻青脸肿D精神焕发 totenthetrainwillbelate. A很可能B十分之一C十二点五十D十比一 don’tlikeMrChan.Heisanoldwoman. A老太婆B喜欢啰嗦的人C没妻子的老头D女人气的男人Igotoseemyuncle,Icanreadhisbooks.It’sintwotwos. A一分为二B一文不名C三心二意D一举两得 三、脑筋转一转 Imeetthreemenonabus,AspeaksEnglish,ConlytalkswithB,BcanspeakChines eanddoseCspeak


2019-2020年小学四年级英语趣味知识竞赛试题 一、给单词找家,请将中英意思相符合的序号填在相应括号里。20 ’ 灯( ) 教室 ( ) 十二 ( ) 来自于 ( ) 对( ) 同学 ( ) 地板 ( ) 瓶子 ( ) 二十 ( ) 也许 ( ) A、 classroom B 、 floor C 、 light D 、 twelve E 、 right F、twenty G 、 from H 、 bottle I 、 classmate J 、perhaps 二、连线。将下列姓名与他相对应的中文翻译连起来。10’ Sarah Miss White Mike Amy John 艾米萨拉约翰怀特小姐迈克 三、选择,用正确的中文或英文来回答问题。20’ 1 、What ’ s in your classroom ? () A、电扇电灯操场 B 、一个教室 C 、桌子、椅子、窗户 2 、Who’ s your English teacher ? () A、 Mr Sun B 、 Mrs Wang C 、 Miss Zhang 3 、How many storybooks do you have ? () A、 Five B 、Five notebooks C 、 I like them. 4 、What colour is your English book ? () A、 two B 、 blue C 、black 5 、Do you like balloons ? () A、 No, I don ’ t.B 、 Yes. It is. C 、 OK. 6 、May I have a look ? () A、 Sure, here you are. B 、 No. C 、 Not at all. 7 、我的座位在哪里?() A、 Wow ! It ’ s so big ! B 、It ’ s near the door. C 、 It ’ s on the wall.


镇江路小学08-09第一学期四年级趣味英语竞赛 Name Class 一、给单词找家,请将中英意思相符合的序号填在相应括号 里。20’ 灯( ) 教室( ) 十二( ) 来自于( ) 对( ) 同学( ) 地板( ) 瓶子( ) 二十( ) 也许( ) A、classroom B、floor C、light D、twelve E、right F、twenty G、from H、bottle I、classmate J 、perhaps 二、连线。将下列姓名与他相对应的中文翻译连起来。10’ Sarah Miss White Mike Amy John 艾米萨拉约翰怀特小姐迈克 三、选择,用正确的中文或英文来回答问题。20’ 1、What’s in your classroom ? () A、电扇电灯操场 B、一个教室 C、桌子、椅子、窗户 2、Who’s your English teacher ? () A、Mr Sun B、Mrs Wang C、Miss Zhang

3、How many storybooks do you have ? () A、Five B、Five notebooks C、I like them. 4、What colour is your English book ? () A、two B、blue C、black 5、Do you like balloons ? () A、No, I don’t. B、Yes. It is. C、OK. 6、May I have a look ? () A、Sure, here you are. B、No. C、Not at all. 7、我的座位在哪里?() A、Wow ! It’s so big ! B、It’s near the door. C、It’s on the wall. 8、你的好朋友喜欢什么?() A、She is quite . B、She is painting . C、She likes music . 9、今天谁值日?() A、Sit down. B、Mike. C、Stand up . 10、我能采访一下你吗?() A、Sorry , I don’t know . B、Sure . C、Thank you . 四、将下列中文翻成英文24’ 铅笔尺子朋友小的


精品文档 小学英语趣味试题( C ) 1.From what number can you take half and leave nothing? A.1 B.9 C.8 D.5 ( B ) 2.What dog never barks( 吠叫)? A big dog B hot dog C small dog D red dog ( C ) 3.Mr.White has two sons,and each of them has a sister.How many children does he have? A.one B.two C.three d.four ( B ) 4.What three letters make a man to be a boy? A.old B.age C.boy D.mum ( A )5. In what mouth do woman talk the least A.February B.September C.January D.June ( D ) 6.You can play with Bill.He is not in the same class. A.他与你不是同班B他是个生手C他棒极了D他不是你的对手(C ) 7.He ' because he 's always at his books.. A 学识渊博 B 博览群书 C 刻苦学习 D 意志坚强 ( B ) 8.He is the out fish of water. A 离开水的鱼 B 不和群 C 需要水的鱼 D 水中鱼 ( B ) 9.The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face. A 浑身发热 B 筋疲力尽 C 鼻青脸肿 D 精神焕发 ( B ) 10.I don ' t like Mr Chan.He is an old woman. A 老太婆 B 喜欢啰嗦的人 C 没妻子的老头 D 女人气的男人 ( D )11.If I go to see my uncle ,I can read his books .It ' s in two twos. ll succeed A 一分为


2012----2013学年香莲乡中学第一届 趣味英语知识竞赛题型 比赛的题型: 1.脑筋急转弯 2.抢答题 3.大家来PK 4.默契大考验 第一环节: 脑筋急转弯 每组有5道题,参赛队首先抽签决定所答题的题号。(每题100分,每小组共120秒的答题时间答对得分,所得分数计入本组;答错不扣分) A1.What can't be used until it's broken? A.apple B.tofu C.egg D.tea 2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?) A.book B.price C.age D. plane 3.中号衣服的标志是? A. S C. M B. L D. Y 4.我们每天上学,__放学。我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。 A . am, pm, USA B . am, pm, PRC C . pm, am, UK D . pm, am, PRC 5.He is a fat cat(引申义). A 它是一只肥胖的猫 B 他是一个大亨 C 他爱说大话 D 他非常懒惰 B1.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是____和——

A. E, N B . F, I C . H, F D. F, X 2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? A. Your book B. Your name C. Your pen D. Your money 3.what is the most hard(硬) part of the human body? A Tooth B nail C skull 4. She ___ a excellent girl. A. is B. are C.an D. not 5. He is the black sheep of the family. a) 害群之马 b) 老黄牛 c) 黑马 d) 领头羊 C1. Which day is Tree Planting Day? A. March.1 B. May. 12 C. March.12 D. May. 14 2.Dumplings are eaten at _______. A.Mid-Autumn Festival B. Dragon Boat Festival C. Children’s Day D. Chinese New Year’s Day 3、What is the largest living land animal? A. tiger B. lion C. elephant D. leopard(豹子) 4. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词 A. Red B. orange C. Peach D. banana


四年级趣味英语阅读材料1 1 story 1 2 story2 3 story4 4 四年级英语趣味阅读1 5 四年级英语趣味阅读2 6. 四年级英语趣味阅读3 Lovely pandas 7. 四年级英语趣味阅读 little goldfish 8. 四年级阅读理解练习4 9. 四年级阅读理解练习5 10(四年级阅读理解练习6 Christmas Day (圣诞节) 11(四年级阅读理解练习7 Fox and Grapes(葡萄) 1 Story1 My name is Bill. I'm from the USA. My Chinese teacher is Wang Mei. She is a good teacher. I have many friends at school.

Jimmy is my best friend. He's from Canada. He's tall and he has black hair. Mary is a short girl. She likes elephant. Sandra is from England. She has long brown hair. She likes monkeys. Wang Dong is from China. He has short black hair. He speaks English well. 请根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Wang Mei is Bill' s A( teacher B( friend ( ) 2. is from Canada. A( Jimmy B( Sandra ( ) 3. has brown hair and likes monkeys. A( Mary B( Sandra ( )4. Wang Dong is good at(擅长于) A( English B( painting ( )5.--How many friends does Bill have? -- A( Three. B( Four. 2 2. Story2:A near-sighted man


乌鲁木齐市四十中学小学三年级英语知识竞赛试卷 时间(45分钟) 姓名:班级: 一.根据下面的描述,猜猜它是什么,并选出正确的答案。(20) 1. I have a long body . I’m black . I have no arms and no legs . A. elephant B .cat C. snake 2. I have red eyes . I have long ears and white body . A . rabbit B .duck C. dog 3. I have big body, big ears , big legs , long nose . A. duck B. cat C. elephant 4. I have black eyes and ears . I have a black and white body . A . pig B. bird C . panda 5. I’m small. I’m white ,or I’m black ,or I’m yellow . I like fish . A. cat B. bear C. duck 6. I’m fat . I have a big nose , big ears . I like eat . I like sleep . A. mouse B. pig C. squirrel 7. I have a small body , small mouth , long tail . I don’t like cat .

A. rabbit B. mouse C. cat 8. I’m small , I can fly . A. elephant B. pig C. bird 9. I’m round , I’m red , I’m healthy . A. apple B. pig C. cake 10. I have ten brothers , some are long , some are short . A. body B. face C. finger 二.根据下面的描述涂颜色。(10) 1. rabbit : Colour the ears blue , colour the face purple , colour the body red , colour the arms yellow , colour the legs pink . 2. cat : Colour the ears pink , colour the face pink , colour the nose blue , colour the hands yellow , colour the body red . 三.找出与下列单词同类的单词,并把选项写在括号里。(15)


英语趣味短文阅读(1) 1.Poor man! Look at this man. What is he doing? He's carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don't think so. Why not? Because the box is too full and too heavy. Look! What's wrong? He drops the box. Poor man! New Words and Expressions: why为什么 because因为 drop落下poor.可怜的 2.Kate Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nan Jing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends. New Words and Expressions: parents.父母亲 work.工作doctor医生 study学习a little 一点儿 3.Can You Find Bob? Hello, Betty. Please meet Bob at the station at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Go to the big clock. Carry a green bag and wear a white hat. He's not very tall but quite fat. He has short black hair and brown eyes. He also has glasses. He likes wearing blue trousers and a red sweater. Can you find him? Betty?

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