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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


A) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

1. Her e-********************************.

2. He has to r________ permission(批准) if he wants to take any photos here.

3. Mr Chen sent a p________ to his wife after he visited the Tian anmen Square.

4. Shanghai is in the e________ of China.

5. We live on the left side of a bus stop. It's c________ for us to take a bus to school.

B) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. How many ________ do you have to study next year,Jim?

7. I don't think their answer to the question is ________.

8. The journey ________ takes about two hours.

9. He ________ we should hold the basketball game next month.

10. Your question is too ________.You may make him angry.


1. —Hi, John! Do you know ____ ?

—Yes, there is a book shop at the corner of the Railway Road

A. when I can a cup of coffee

B. when can I get a cup of coffee

C. where I can get a cup of coffee

D. where can I get a cup of coffee

2.—Excuse me. Is there ____ book shop near here?

—Yes. Go straight on, and turn to _____ right at the third crossing. You’ll see it.

A. the; the

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. a;a

3.----Excuse me, Mr Liu, I didn’t catch what you said,Could you tell me _____ again? ----OK!

A. what should we take

B.where shall we meet

C.when we would start

D.how we will get i

4. My cousin Jim from America is coming to visit me. I’m thinking about ______.

A: what present did give her B:how I will give her a surprise

C: where will we have a big meal D:whether I planned a trip for her

5. I didn’t see your brother at the party last night. Do you know ______?

A. why didn’t she come

B. what happened

C. when would she arrive

D. where she has been

6.—Why did you _____ to the bus stop? —Because I was late for the last bus.





7. —Could you tell me_____?—Sorry, I don’t know.

A. how can I get to the Water Sports Center

B. when will Mr. Black come back

C. why is Tom late for class

D. where Mr. Green has gone

8.—Could you please pass me the dictionary?


A.Yes,I could

B.No,I couldn’t

C.Sure.Here you are

D.No,that’s no problem

9.—Could you tell me how I can get to the airport, please?— ______

A. No, I couldn’t

B. Don’t ask me

C. Sorry. It’s far from here

D. Certainly. You can take the No.1 bus

10. ---What did he say to you just now?

--- He asked _____with so many naughty kids sor so many days.

A. how am I getting along

B. how are you getting along

C. how I was getting along

D. how was I getting along


The expression “Excuse me” is 1 used in the Unite States than in China.

2 American says “Excuse me” when he wants

3 in front of someone, to leave a party or a dinner when he finds himself late

4 an appointment.

“Thank you” means that you appreciate(感谢) 5 someone has done for you. An American says “Thank you” all day long. For example, he 6 the sales woman after she

served him. He will say “Thank you” to the cashier(收银员)when he 7 his food. He will say “Thank you” to a student if he has just answered the question.

At 8 ,the husband will thanks his wife if she brings him a cup of tea. On the other hand, the wife thanks her husband for helping her 9 her housework . So the American people’s idea of 10 polite is quite different from ours.

( )1. A.very often B.many often C.more often D.much often

( ) 2. A.A B.An C.The D./

( ) 3. A.pass B.past C.to pass D.passed

( ) 4. A.for B.to C.at D.of

( ) 5 A.why B.how C.which D.what

( ) 6. A.thanks B.thinks C.will thank D.will think

( ) 7. A.pay for B.pays for C.has paid for D.has paid

( ) 8. A.family B.school C.hospital D.home

( ) 9. A.does B.with C.to be done D.at

( )10. A.to be B.being C.be D.been



Shing Mun Country Park is a very good place to get away from the busy city. You can enjoy its beautiful sights. The park is in northwestern Kowloon(香港九龙司), in the hills of Tai Mo Shan. It is convenient to go there by bus.

Shing Mun Country Park opened in 1997.There were not many country parks in Hong Kong then, so lots of people visited the park. Nowadays, it is still one of the most popular spots in Hong Kong.

The Country Park Visitor Center is at the entrance (入口)of the park. You can find out more about the park's history there. You can get a map of the country park there too.

Shing Mun Country Park is home to many interesting flowers and trees. The best way to enjoy the beautiful country park is to walk along the banks of Tai Shing Stream. The waterfalls and rocks will make you amazed.

Facilities in the country park include kiosks(路边售货亭), rain shelters, barbecue areas, jogging trails and nature trails. There is also a camp area nearby. The information board and direction signs show you the ways to all these facilities.

The country park is open all year round. It is best to go there in spring and autumn when the weather suits hiking.

( ) 1. Shing Mun Country Park is in the ________ part of Kowloon.

A. southwest

B. northeast

C. southeast

D. northwest

( ) 2. You can find a ________ at the entrance of Shing Mun Country Park.

A. bank

B. visitor center

C. camp area

D. barbecue area

( ) 3. The underlined word “facilities” means “ ________” in Chinese.

A. 设施

B. 工作人员

C. 景点

D. 名胜古迹

( ) 4. It is best to visit the country park in spring and autumn because ________.

A. there are fewer people then

B. the entry fee is lower then

C. there are more exhibitions then

D. the weather is good for hiking then

( ) 5. The best way to enjoy the beautiful sights of Shing Mun Country Park is

to ________.

A. learn more about the park's history

B. enjoy many interesting flowers and trees

C. walk along the banks of Tai Shing Stream

D. swim in the waterfalls and Tai Shing Stream in summer


If LA(Los Angeles) is the movie center of the World, Universal Studios(环球影城) is the movie center of LA. They have many things for visitors. We took a little train to go on a trip in the studio. We saw many famous characters in the movies there. It felt so real that I was even scared when the 3D monkey came for us. We also learnt a lot about how Universal Studios made the movies there.

When you are in LA,you must go to Disneyland. With lovely animals,exciting shows and fun buildings,Disney is the best place for children and their family. I tried many

interesting rides there. The best part of the day was the Aladdin show. It's about the story of the young man Aladdin who got a magic lamp to help him realize his dream.

Our last stop in LA is Kodak Theater. That's the place to have the Oscars. So there are many things about famous movie stars. It was exciting!

At the end of the day,my mom sadly fell ill,so we spent the night at the hospital. We couldn't go on our trip,but I've seen the best of LA. It was a wonderful trip!


1. How did the author travel around the Universal Studios?


2. What did the author see in the Universal Studios?


3. What did the author like best about Disneyland?


4. What are there in the Kodak Theater?


5. Where did the author stay on the last night in LA?



Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great①woman.

When Helen was a baby, she got very sick. After many weeks, the doctor said, “She is better, but now she can't see and can't hear②.”Her mother and father were very sad.

After a few years, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn't understand anything.

Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was very bright and she learned to spell her first word③. When she was older, she went to college.

Helen was very famous. She helped many blind and deaf(聋) people. She traveled around the world and helped many people.

Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave(勇敢) and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear④.








She can ________ see ________ hear.


Helen was ________ bright ________ she learned to spell her first word.


clever(同义词)________ know(同音词)________

bad(比较级)________ one(序数词)________


________ she was blind and deaf, she found a way to see and hear.


1. 通常她们需要花大量的时间导入请求。

They usually need to spend much time ________ ________ ________ a ________.

2. 乘地铁虽然很方便,但是常常很拥挤。

Although taking a subway is ________,but it's often very ________.

3. 学会在不同的场合运用适当的语言很重要。

It's important to learn how to use suitable language ________ ________ ________.

4. 在计算机博物馆里,供孩子们玩乐的东西很多。

There are a lot of ___ things for children ____ ____ _____ in the computer museum.

5. 请你告诉我怎样礼貌地请求帮助好吗?

Could you please tell me how to ________ ________ ________ ________?


1. Could you tell me how we can improve our English?

Could you tell me ________ ________ improve our English?

2. To watch the pandas playing in the zoo is also fun.

________ ________ ________ ________ to watch the pandas playing in the zoo.

3. Do you know where the bookstore is?

Do you know ________ ________ to the bookstore?

4. Who are singsing in the singing room?Could you tell me?

Could you tell me ________ ________ singsing in the singing room?

5. The doctor asked the girl,“Are you feeling better?”

The doctor asked the girl ________ she ________ ________ better.



What does it mean to be polite?You are polite when you show good manners(礼貌).Look 1.________ the lunch room the next time you are there. You will quickly be 2.________ to tell who is polite and who is not.

Your friends who 3.________ quietly are polite. Those who chew(嚼)food with their 4.________ closed are polite. Those who are not very polite may play 5.________ their food. They may talk aloud at the 6.________.Those who are not polite are usually getting into 7.________ at lunch time with the teachers who are watching.

You can also show you are polite when you meet 8.________ new. The best way to do this is to make eye contact with the person you are meeting. Stick out your hand to 9.________ hands. Smile. Then say,“Hi,my name is…It is very nice to meet you.” The person you are meeting will likely smile.He or she will be pleased with how polite you are. Being polite tells others you respect(尊敬)them. It also tells others that you know 10.________ to act properly.

You will feel good about yourself when you are nice and polite to others.











A: Excuse me. Would you please tell us where we can buy the novel When Flowers Blossom?

B: Certainly. 1

A: Sorry, I'm new here. I don't know the way. 2

B: Sure. Go north along this street and turn right at the third turnign. It's across from a post office.

A: 3

B: It's about 1 mile away.

A: 4

B: Yes,you can.

A: Which bus can I take?

B: You can take the No.2 bus. 5 Look! The bus is coming!

A: Thank you very much.

B: You're welcome.







英语兴趣报报社主编Mrs Black应你校校长的盛情邀请,将在本周三上午9点之前来你校做题为What should we do when we want to improve our English的讲座。假设你是本校英语兴趣小组组长Chen Jie,请你给Mrs Black发一封e-mail告诉他如何乘车到你校。词数在80词左右。




address request postcard east convenient

courses correct mormally suggests indirect

单项选择:CCCBD adcdc




The author took a little train to go on a trip in the studio.

The author saw many famous characters in the movies there.

The best part of the day was the Aladdin show.

There are many things about famous movie stars.

They spent the night at the hospital.


neither nor

so that

bright no worse first



to lead in request convenient crowded in different situations fun to play with ask for help politely


how to It is also fun the way who are if was feeling


around able talk mouths with corner trouble someone shake how

从方框中选择句子补全对话: BEAFD


Dear Mr Black,

We are very glad that you accepted our invitation.Now let me tell you how to get to our school.Take the No.4 bus,get off at Zhongshan Road,and cross the street.Keep going and turn left at the first crossing.You will see a bookstore on your right.Our school is right next to it.I’ll be expecting you at 3:10 at the school gate.

We are all looking forward to your coming.

Chen Jie


Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Ⅰ.词汇运用。(每小题1分,共10分) A) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. Her e-********************************. 2. He has to r________ permission(批准) if he wants to take any photos here. 3. Mr Chen sent a p________ to his wife after he visited the Tian anmen Square. 4. Shanghai is in the e________ of China. 5. We live on the left side of a bus stop. It's c________ for us to take a bus to school. B) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. How many ________ do you have to study next year,Jim? 7. I don't think their answer to the question is ________. 8. The journey ________ takes about two hours. 9. He ________ we should hold the basketball game next month. 10. Your question is too ________.You may make him angry. Ⅱ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分) 1. —Hi, John! Do you know ____ ? —Yes, there is a book shop at the corner of the Railway Road A. when I can a cup of coffee B. when can I get a cup of coffee C. where I can get a cup of coffee D. where can I get a cup of coffee 2.—Excuse me. Is there ____ book shop near here? —Yes. Go straight on, and turn to _____ right at the third crossing. You’ll see it. A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a;a 3.----Excuse me, Mr Liu, I didn’t catch what you said,Could you tell me _____ again? ----OK! A. what should we take B.where shall we meet C.when we would start D.how we will get i

人教版九年级全册英语 Unit 8 单元测试卷(Word版,含答案)

人教版九年级全册英语 Unit 8 单元测试卷 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1.Which seat will the man probably take? A.13A. B.13B. C.15C. ( )2.Where does the woman think the boy’s toy car might be? A.In the living room. B.In the dining room. C.In the bedroom. ( )3.Why does the boy think the dictionary must be Jane’s? A.Because her name is on the dictionary. B.Because she loves the dictionary. C.Because she always leaves things here and there. ( )4.What must Mike be doing? A.He must be playing basketball. B.He must be playing volleyball. C.He must be buying a jacket. ( )5.What did Linda lose? A. B. C. 第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 ( )6.What are they talking about? A.A coat. B.A notebook. C.A basketball. ( )7.Where does the girl think Sam is at first? A.In the library. B.In the classroom. C.On the playground.

人教版九年级全册英语 Unit 1 单元测试卷(Word版,含答案)

人教版九年级全册英语 Unit 1 单元测试卷 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1.How does Susan study for a test? A.By writing down new words. B.By making word cards. C.By working with friends. ( )2.What will Grace do to practice her pronunciation? A.She will make word cards. B.She will read a lot. C.She will read aloud every day. ( )3.How often does the girl read aloud to practice her pronunciation? A.Always. B.Never. C.Sometimes. ( )4.Where is Mr. Smith from? A.America. B.England. C.Canada. ( )5.What subject is Jack good at? A. B. C. 第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 ( )6.What kind of skills does the boy want to improve? A.His speaking skills. B.His reading skills. C.His writing skills. ( )7.What does the girl do to help the boy? A.She lends him a dictionary. B.She lends him a grammar book. C.She teaches him how to keep a diary. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。

人教版新目标九年级全册英语 Unit 1-Unit 3 共3套单元测试卷(Word版,含答案)

人教版新目标九年级全册英语 Unit 1 单元测试卷 第一部分听力(共2小节, 满分30分) 第一节听力选择(共15小题,每小题1.5分,共计22.5分) A.图片理解请听句子,根据所听句子的顺序选择相应的图片(有一幅图片多余)。(听两遍) A B C D E F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B.小对话理解请听小对话及问题,从A、B、C中选择正确的答案。(听两遍) ()6.A.English. B.Math. C.Physics. ()7.A.For about five years. B.For about six years. C.For about seven years. ()8.A.Learning English words. B.Learning English sentences. C.Learning English grammar. ()9.A.The boy. B.The girl. C.Both of them. ()10.A.By doing more exercises. B.By taking more notes in class. C.By singing more English songs. C.长对话理解请听长对话,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(听三遍) ()11.How long has Li Lei studied English? A.For three years. B.For four years. C.For five years. ()12.What’s Lily’s last advice? A.To do grammar exercises.


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit2单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. When you leave the office, make sure ________ the air-conditioner is powered off. A. if B. when C. whether D. that 2. It's time for checking ________ your story will be received or not. A. whether B. what C. that D. why 3. He hasn't decided ________. A. if he will book the ticket by phone B. when he would book the ticket by phone C. if he books the ticket by phone D. when does he book the ticket by phone 4. It is certainly a good idea but I need to find out ________ everybody is in favor of it. A. that B. where C. why D. whether 5. Do you know ________ he wants to go abroad or not? A. if B. how C. whether D. when 6. I want to know ________ Mike had a good time playing basketball last Sunday. A. that B. if C. what D. which 7. The students asked the teacher __________. A. if light travelled faster than sound B. when was Andy born C. that they would go on a school trip tomorrow D. if he was interested in dinosaurs 8. Our teachers told us _____ the earth ____ around the sun. A. that, went B. that, goes C. that, go D. if, go 9. —Do you know if Frank _________ to the zoo this Sunday if it _________? —Sorry, I have no idea. A. goes; is fine B. will go; is fine C. will go; is going to be fine D. goes; will be fine


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit9单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. I'd like to express my thanks to everyone ______ served the community. A. which B. who C. where D. when 2. —Class, you should be thankful to those people ____helped and supported you. —We will, Miss Chen. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose 3. Do you remember the boy ______ your Chinese teacher talked with in the hall this morning? A. that B. where C. which D. whose 4. —Do you know the girl ______ is giving the speech? —Of course. She is my best friend, Meimei. A. which B. who C. whom D. what 5. I will remember the important people in my life ____helped and supported me. A. who B. which C. what D. how 6. —Yuan Longping is a hero ______ is known for developing hybrid rice(杂交水稻).—Yes. He is a great man. A. which B. whom C. what D. that 7. There are many works of art in the museum ______ we will visit tomorrow. A. which B. who C. where D. what 8. Most students like the teachers ______ can understand them well. A. who B. when C. what D. which 9. —The holiday is coming. Where do you want to go? —I'd love to go to the place ______ interests me most. A. which B. whose C. what D. who 10. The Palace Museum is the best place ______ I've ever visited. A. that B. whom C. where D. who 二、完形填空(共10分) North American black bears are shy animals. They are fearful by nature, and will usually (11) if they see or hear people. Because of this, it can be (12) for scientists to learn about these animals.


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit7单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. Because of COVID-19, you ________ to show your health QR code(健康码)and trip code if you go to public places these days. A. must ask B. mustnˈt ask C. must be asked D. mustnˈt be asked 2. To make our school more beautiful, rubbish ________ here and there. A. mustn’t be thrown B. needn’t be thrown C. can’t throw D. shouldn’t throw 3. —The children to follow the rules from a young age.—I agree. A. educated B. educate C. should educate D. should be educated 4. Some people think trees ______ on Tree Planting Day only. A. should be planted B. should plant C. should be planting D. planted 5. —The traffic is too busy. We have to drive slowly. —I think more new roads ______ in our city. A. should be built B. should build C. have built D. build 6. Our compositions must ______ next Monday. A. be hand in B. be handed in C. handed in D. be handing in 7. Alice is ill. She ______ to hospital at once. A. is sent B. must be sent C. can send D. must sent 8. Now with the effective tips, many problems can ______. A. solve B. solved C. be solved D. be solving 9. Much more attention should ______ when we take exams. A. pay to B. be paid C. be paid to D. pay


人教版九年级全册英语Unit10单元测试卷 一、听说应用(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分;A、B、C、D部分为听力理解,E部分为情景对话) A.听句子(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请根据所听内容,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。 ()1.Which is hard for the speaker? ()2.Where is it polite to make noise while eating noodles? ()3.What should you do if you go to a party in Toronto? ()4.What is the speaker supposed to do after school? ()5.How is the speaker going to Shanghai? B.听对话(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

请根据每段对话的内容回答问题,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 ()6.What are the Japanese supposed to do when they meet for the first time? A.To bow. B.To kiss. C.To shake hands. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 ()7.When do people in Colombia usually arrive if they are invited to a party at 6:30? A.Just 6:30. B.Before 6:30. C.A little later than 6:30. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 ()8.What’s Ann doing while eating? A.Making noise. B.Keeping quiet. C.Eating too slowly. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 ()9.Where are the students now? A.At school. B.In the museum. C.On the farm. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 ()10.Whom did Robert go to India with? A.His friend. B.His father. C.His mother. 听第六段对话,回答第11—12小题。 ()11.What is Helen doing? A.She is looking for her dress.

Unit 1 单元测试 2021-2022学年人教版英语九年级全册(word版含答案)

Unit 1 单元测试 (限时: 60分钟满分: 100分) 一、单项选择(每小题1 分, 共10 分) 1. —What’s the meaning of these words? —I don’t know the phrase, either. Let me ________ in the dictionary. A. look it up B. look them up C. look it through D. look them through 2. The twins are so alike. Even their father finds ________ hard to tell them from each other. A. it B. him C. them D. one 3. I don’t know________ next. A. how can do B. what can do C. how to do D. what to do 4. — What do you think of the documentary? —It’s ________impressive ________I have watched it several times so far. A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. enough; to 5. —________did you tell Mary about the story? —By ________an e-mail. A. How; send B. How; sending C. What; send D. What; sending 6. ________I am busy this weekend, I will go to Shanghai Disneyland with you. A. Unless B. Whether C. If D. Since 7. — What about going to Shanghai Disneyland next month, Harry? —________! We’ll have a lot of fun there. A. Good luck B. Never mind C. Sounds great D. Certainly not 8. The ________friends you have, the happier you will be. A. many B. much C. more D. most 9. Everyone is born ________the ability to learn. A. at B. on C. with D. in


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit6单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit6 When was it invented? 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. In the book I learnt that women _______ to take part in the Olympics in the past. A. don't allow B. aren't allowed C. didn't allow D. weren't allowed 2. —Why have I never seen this kind of 5G Mobile phone? —Because it ______ by Huawei last week. A. was produced B. would produce C. have produced D. was producing 3. We are glad to hear that the terrorists ________ by the brave policemen several days ago. A. are caught B. were caught C. have been caught D. are going to be caught 4. —Do you know who invented lights? —Yes,they ________ by Edison. A. were invented B. are invented C. invented D. was invented 5. The performance was a great success. A lot of people ________. A. moved B. are moved C. were moved D. were moving 6. The invitation letter________to Charles and his wife the day before yesterday. A. was emailed B. is emailed C. will be emailed D. has been emailed 7. Jerry __________ to stay at home just now. A. tells B. told C. is told D. was told 8. —Mom, where is my model plane? —Oh, it ________ to Jenny yesterday. A. is lent B. lends C. was lent D. lent 9. --- Do you know when ancient Chinese brought tea to Korea? --- Yes. It ________ to Korea during the 6th and 7th centuries. A. brought B. brings C. is brought D. was brought 10. In February of 2022, the Winter Olympic Games ______ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. A. hold B. held C. were held D. will be held 第1页共9页


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit10单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands. 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. Everything ______ you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn wisely and learn well. A. what B. when C. where D. that 2. I hate the dogs ______ live in the next house. They make loud noises all night. A. who B. that C. what D. whom 3. Many people find that listening to some good music helps when they are low. A. him B. them C. her D. us 4. If we _____ take environmental problems seriously,the earth _______ worse and worse. A. don't; won't be B. won't; isn't C. won't; is D. don't; will be 5. For more than once,our head teacher asks us the habit of keeping a diary. A. develop B. develops C. developing D. to develop 6. —What sweet music!—So it is. Soft music usually makes us ______. A. upset B. relaxed C. nervous D. relaxing 7. I will always _______ the friendship between you and me. A. value B. support C. complete D. make 8. —Hello!Mum.Long time no see!—Hello!Mary.Are you busy these days?I'm looking forward_____ your phone. A. to answer B. answering C. to answering D. answer 9. A year is divided into ______ months. August is the ______ month of the year. A. twelve; eight B. twelve; eighth C. twelfth; eight D. twelfth; eighth 10. -Whichhat would you like,the blue one or the red one? -_______.I like the yellow one instead. A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. All 二、完形填空(共10分) My brother and I fight with each other over small things. My father is worried about that. One day our father said to us (11) ,"Tomorrow we will take part in the Ray Home Sports Day. Both of you must go with me. Perhaps you


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit13单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit13 We're trying to save the earth. 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. There ______two cats on the chair just now, but now there _____ nothing on it. A. have; has B. has; has C. were; is D. were; was 2. —When did they arrive? —They ______ two hours ago. They ______ here for two hours. A. arrived; have arrived B. got; have been C. arrived; have been D. reached; have reached 3. ---Are you a basketball player in your class? ---Yes. I____ the team last year. I_____ in the team for one year. A. have joined; have been B. joined; was C. joined; have been D. joined; joined 4. —Mike, what are you doing here? —My bike ________ broken on the way home yesterday so I ________ it. A. is; am repairing B. was; repaired C. is; repaired D. was; am repairing 5. —I ______ my homework already.—When ______ you ______ it? A. finish; will ;finish B. have finished; did; finish C. finished; have; finished D. finished; did; finish 6. —Tom, ________ you ever ________ that new film? —Yes. I ________ it a week ago. A. have; seen; saw B. did; see; have seen C. do; see; see D. have; seen; have seen 7. The lonely woman ______ Shanghai since her husband _____ in 1990. A. has gone to; died B. has left; died C. has been in; died D. has been to; has died 8. The man _______ Shanghai an hour ago, so he _______ for an hour.


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit1单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit1 How can we become good learners? 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. Can you tell me how to _____ the word? I need to get my pronunciation right. A. pronounce B. pronunciation C. copy D. write 2. ________or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits. A. If B. Weather C. Whether D. Unless 3. ---Your grandparents were very great. ---Yes. They supported my father's schooling ________ they were very poor. A. as if B. even if C. so that D. what if 4. —______ have you stayed in this city?—For more than 10 years. A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How old 5. — What time is it now, Mike? — It's quarter past five. Let's go to play basketball. A. 不填;不填 B. a; a C. the; a D. a, 不填 6. I can't find my ticket. I think I must have lost ______. A. it B. one C. this D. them 7. I stood on the top of Mount Tai and ______ to the small village below me. A. looked down B. looked after C. looked across D. looked through 8. —Did you hear someone knock at the door just now? —Sorry. I ______ to my friend on the phone. A. was talking B. talked C. am talking D. talking 9. We find ____impossible for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time. A. it B. this C. one D. that 10. —It's reported that there will be a snowstorm this Sunday. —. .We're planning to go on a picnic that day. A. I hope so B. I hope not C. I'm afraid so D. I'm afraid not


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit11单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. The young man would jump into the lake to save the girl rather than ________ others for help. He's really a man with ________. A. call; agreement B. calling; fault C. call; courage D. calling; effort 2. —Why was the young man so ________ in himself? —Because he had too many failures. A. disappointed B. surprised C. interested D. excited 3. —What would you like, pork or fish?—________. I prefer chicken. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. Each 4. The bad result of the last exam ________ Mary very disappointed. A. brought B. gave C. let D. made 5. You had better listen to some quiet music, especially after heavy work. It makes you feel ________. A. relaxing B. relaxation C. relaxed D. to relax 6. He can’t succeed ________ your help. A. with B. no C. without D. not 7. Many questions _______ to be answered about his work. A. stay B. remain C. keep D. stop 8. ______ last exam, we have had great progress. A. Compared with B. Compare with C. Comparing with D. Compare to 9. She doesn't want to stop working ______ she is in poor health. A. even though B. if C. as soon as D. because 10. Could you speak louder, please? We could ______ hear you! A. certainly B. hardly C. mostly D. clearly 二、完形填空(共10分) Laughter is natural for people.We start to laugh at about four months of age.We start to laugh even(11)____ we start to speak.


人教版九年级英语全一册Unit12单元测试卷 满分:100分用时:90分钟 Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题(共10分) 1. I wish I _________ able to tell him all about it last night. A. was B. were C. had been D. should be 2. Hardly _________ home when it began to rain. A. did he get B. he got C. had he got D. he had got 3. By the end of last term, Stephen ______ computer science in a university for two years. A. hasn't studied B. doesn't study C. will study D. had studied 4. By the end of last year, they ______ move than five thousand toy bears. A. had B. have made C. had made D. made 5. By the time of last year, she _________ the French for five years. A. learnt B. has learnt C. had learnt D. was learnt 6. He told me that he ________ writing that composition. A. finish B. have finished C. will finish D. had finished 7. Tom ______ by the time I got to the party. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left 8. By the time we ______ to the cinema, the movie ______. A. got; began B. have got; had begun C. got; had begun D. had got; begun 9. The film ______ for 10 minutes when we arrived at the cinema. A. had begun B. had been on C. has been on D. has begun 10. The whole world had ______ a great humanitarian and felt sad about the _____ of her. A. lose; loss B. lost; lose C. lost; loss D. lose; lost 二、完形填空(共10分) Life is full of the unexpected. This is a true story. One evening, a woman was (11) home when she saw a truck close behind her. She drove more quickly to be far away from the truck, (12) when she sped up (加速), the truck did, too. The (13) she drove, the faster the truck drove. The woman felt afraid, so she drove onto a main street, hoping to (14) the

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