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profession n. 专业professional a. 专业的rural a. 乡村的urban a. 城市的passion n. 激情fundamental a. 基本的seek (sought sought ) v. 寻求

lose (lost lost) vt. 丢失loss n. 损失lost a. 丢失的

flee (fled fled) v. 逃跑motivate vt. 激发motivation n. 激励、动机

effect n. 影响;效果cause and effect 因果affect vt. 影响

basic a. 基础的basically ad. 基本地be based on… 以…为基础

dull a. 单调的、乏味的inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事inspiration n. 灵感inhabit vt. 居住于inhabitant n. 居民imitate vt. 模仿

reliability n. 可靠性reliable a. 可靠的privilege n. 荣幸;特权

conventional a. 常规的in case of an emergency 要是发生紧急情况

clothing 衣服equipment 设备furniture 家具jewelry 珠宝

baggage= luggage 行李scenery 风景poetry 诗歌intense a. 强烈的

voyage n. 海上航行explore vt. 探索exploration n. 探索

extreme 极端的annual 年度的due 预期的;预定的;预计的

masterpiece n. 代表作aggressive 侵略的;有进取心的

afford 支付得起… ;抽得出时间常和be able to / can连用

narrow狭窄的;勉强的promote vt. 促进晋升促销

abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃permanent 永久的modest 谦虚的;不很昂贵的;适中的depressing a. 令人压抑的tiresome 烦人的;令人讨厌的

troublesome 麻烦的;令人烦恼的normal 正常的;标准的

abnormal 不正常的;反常的;变态的severe 严重的serious 严肃的

staff 全体职员government committee class family


hospitable 热情的好客的宜人的适宜居住的

inhospitable 冷淡的不好客的荒凉的不适宜居住的go to prison 入狱

make a tentative attempt to do 试探着尝试做某事on account of 由于

be greedy for … 对…贪婪be greedy to do 渴求做某事It’s a pity that … 很遗憾…like vt. 喜欢prep. 象unlike prep. 不像dislike vt. 不喜欢

only if 只要;只有if only 要是…就好了be adapted from… 被改编自…detailed 详细的in detail 详细地in great detail 很详细地

keep one’s word = keep one’s promise 信守诺言make one’s promise 许下诺言break one’s promise 违背诺言take a risk/risks to do 冒险做某事

run the risk of 冒着…的危险risk doing 冒险做某事

aim to do = aim at doing 目的是做某事reach a depth of 达到…的深度

have a population of 有多少多少人口have an audience of 有多少多少听众/观众/读者two kilometers thick… 两千米厚merely just only simply 仅仅、只

be / get tired of doing 讨厌做某事in debt 欠债

work 工作un 作品cn a work is two works are

works 工厂cn a works is two works are

be situated on / in / at 坐落于…set foot on/ in 踏上…in the open air 在户外fail to do 没能做某事succeed in doing 成功地做了某事

come up 被提出来come up with 提出;想出head north 头朝北走

break up 打碎;驱散;解散;分解(物理)be stuck in 陷入(困境等)

be trapped in 陷入(陷阱等)come into sight 进入视野

board a ship / plane … 登上轮船/飞机keep …free from… 保护…不受…

object to … 反对…

Excuse me / I’m sorry , but …打扰一下/对不起,… but 不翻译,只起缓和语气作用look your way 朝你的方向看This way , please. 请这边走。

discount vt. 打折扣;认为…不重要reserve 预留;预定nature reserve 自然保护区preserve vt. 保护;保鲜arise vi 出现;产生arise from 由…引起

result from 源于…rise vi 上升rise from one’s seat 从座位站起来

raise vt 筹集;提出;提高;举(手);饲养; 养育

in the form of 以…形式in the style of 以…样式/风格in the shape of 以…形状nature history society space 此四个n.前通常用零冠词

The first/second person to do 第几个做某事的人

the fifth largest continent 第五大的洲

in a frozen state 出于冰冻状态state vt. 陈述

Every day I am the first to set foot in the classroom. It goes without saying that the remaining four months is of vital importance to senior three students. I stick to reading newspapers every day in case I will fall behind the times. Every time other groups can’t give the correct answers, I will come up with my own opinion on behalf of our group. Although not every answer is satisfying, I will never feel discouraged because of it. In short, I owe my success to a good state of mind and hard work

candidate n. 候选人;候选物fascination n. 着迷;吸引力

moral a. 道德上的n. 寓意potential a. 潜在的n. 潜力

withdraw vt. 撤退withdraw money from the bank 从银行取钱

disorganized a. 杂乱无章的convey vt. 传达survey v. & n. 调查

investigate vt. 调查、审查relevant a. 相关的

splendid a. 华丽的、辉煌的;绝妙的furthermore moreover what’s more 此外、而且acquire (通过努力)获得(知识、技能等)altogether 总而言之;总共

abundant a. 丰富的;充裕的customer n. 顾客trend n. 趋势

consequence n. 后果as a consequence of = as a result of 由于…

consume vt. 消费consumer n. 消费者unrecognizable a. 无法辨认的

fixed a. 固定的;永恒的requirement n. 要求banquet n. 宴会background n. 背景tough a. 老的(和嫩的相对);坚强的;强硬的

entertain vt. 使娱乐;款待discouraged a. 泄气的、沮丧的

discourage sb from doing sth. 劝阻某人做某事commit vt. 犯罪;承诺

commit suicide 自杀check v. 核对(和正确的是否相符)

examine v. 检查(是否有问题)graceful a. 优雅的

manner si. 方式;方法pl. 礼貌;礼节table manners 餐桌礼仪

greedy a. 贪婪的arouse one’s curiosity 唤起某人的好奇心

let sb. down 让某人失望be of great significance / importance 很重要

convince sb to do sth 使某人信服做某事be convinced of… 信服…

end up 结束、告终end up with 以…结束The meeting ended up with a song.

end(up)in 以不好的结果结束end(up)in prison 以入狱告终

no wonder 难怪It’s no wonder that… 难怪…There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…defend …against/from … 保护…不受…

can’t resist doing = can’t he lp doing 不能抵制做某事