当前位置:文档之家› 美国MBA留学个人陈述应该如何写





1. 讲述只属于你的故事



2. 个人陈述应与其他申请材料保持一致




3. 文章要脱颖而出



4. 让招生官在阅读个人陈述(和其他申请材料)时能快速总结出你期望展现的特征





5. 解释读MBA的理由


如果你认为读MBA是为了加薪,学校录取你的可能性就会降低。顶尖的MBA项目想要招收的是未来企业界的变革者和领导者。即使比其他申请者经验丰富,你也需要回答“为什么现在要读MBA 项目?”记住,你的答案要令人信服。


6. 展示出你已经具备达成自己目标的个人潜能和专业技能(这意味着你已经有目标了!)




申请留学美国的流程及条件 第一步:了解基本学制 美国的大学,除了较少的学校采用Quarter制一年有四个Quarter 外,绝大多数都采用学期Semester 制,每年有两个学期,于8月底及1月份开学,分别称为秋季学期和春 季学期。与中国的高中学制相匹配的是秋季学期,但因为申请截止日期和申请材料完备的 问题,许多学生都没有办法申请到毕业当年的秋季学期。许多学校就设立春季学期,让学 生多了一个入学的机会。 因为有了两个学期,所以美国大学都有申请截止日期。一般情况下为Deadline和 Early Decision两种。Early Decision通常在头一年的10月底至12月;Deadline在1月到4月不定,多数学校集中在1月和4月,学生要按照学校的规定及时寄送申请材料。同时,还有一些学校采用了Rolling制度,即不设定申请截止日期,若一个学生太晚申请, 以致错过了秋季学期的申请时效,校方会自动将学生的申请资料延至招收春季班学生时再 审核,这样不仅使得申请的学生从此不用担心学校截止日太早,对校方而言,在招生时也 有较多学生可供筛选。 第二步:提供材料要全面 申请人需提供的材料包括:1、高中成绩单 Transcripts。要有中英文两份,加盖学 校的公章;2、三封学校老师的推荐信 Recommendations;3、由ETS寄送的托福考试成绩;4、个人陈述Essay 。要选定主题,展现个人风格,幽默,还要诚恳,要表达出适应不同文化对您的意义。进而显示出如果您成为学校的一分子,将如何嘉惠其他同学;5、SAT考试;6、财力证明;7、学校要求的申请费和填好的申请表格。 第三步:申请奖学金 美国大学吸引学生注意的地方就是奖学金。相对研究生来讲,本科的奖学金比较少。 但是优秀的学生还是可以申请到的。主要考察的还是学生本人的综合素质和全面的能力。 第四步:签证注意 签证官的注意力主要放在三方面: 1、学习动机。申请人要让签证官明白自己求学的决心和为之所做的准备。 2、财力证明。申请人要说明自己有能力支付在美国学习和生活的费用。 3、回国理由。这是比较关键的地方,此时,申请人要说明自己在国内和国外的各种 状况,从而肯定会回国发展。


美国计算机专业留学个人陈述模板 美国研究生申请文书包括个人陈述、推荐信、简历、 Essay以及Writing Sample等,而个人陈述(PS)所占的比重更大,因而个人陈述的撰写更需慎重,需要全面考虑。和小编一起来看看美国计算机专业留学个人陈述模板。 I thought much before I began to

the PS. However,holding the pen, I suddenly felt wordless because I have too much to

too much to write. Standing on the crossroad of life, I determined to study abroad without

hesitations. 出国留学的想法并不是源于我对国外生活的向往,而是源于我对专业的追求,因为我对我所学习的专业具有的与众不同的兴趣.我向往着再能够更加深入的学习和掌握信息科学的内涵,体会她的魅力!凭借着一种懵懂的感性指引将我带进了信息科学的殿堂,在大学几年的学习过程中,逐渐认识到了当前的信息社会,不仅需要一系列方方面面懂得信息技术的人才,更需要我们对信息科学和技术做更深入的研究,将这个学科的技术应用到各个行业。而且,信息科学很明显是未来的趋势,它将颠覆性地改变人们过去曾经熟悉的生活方式。在对这个专业的学习过程中,我感到了它的有趣、挑战、永远与最新技术保持同步,最重要的是让我觉得它非常有前景,为了她挥洒自己的青春是值得的。 It was not the

for the life overseas,but the pursuit of my professional study that aroused my idea to


美国留学申请如何写个人陈述 什么是个人陈述 个人陈述是在申请过程中按照学校要求来写一篇有关申请人背景,学术成就和未来研究和职业目标的文章。一篇成功的个人陈述不但应该语言流畅,逻辑严谨,层次分明,更要充分显示申请人的才华并抓住审阅人的注意力。几乎所有学校都要求提交个人陈述。 个人陈述也有不同的名称,如Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement of Intent, Statement of Objectives, Academic Statement,Study Plan,Academic Objectives等。 个人陈述应当包含以下内容: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景; (二)欲研究的方向; (三)未来的职业目标。 如果个人陈述写作得当,可以很大程度地提高申请者获得录取和奖学金的机会。这对申请者来说是一个绝好的机会。可惜的是很多申请者对TOEFL、GRE可谓呕心沥血,而对个人陈述往往一蹴而就,敷衍了事,内容贫乏、语法错误连篇。而西方的大学并不单是通过传统的考试来考评其申请者的资格,这并不是说他们的录取标准不严格。外国教授在决定你是否正是他们想要的人时,首先希望听一听你对于你自己作何评价。当你通过申请文书来介绍你自己时,你会发现所面临的机遇和挑战同样之大。 要写出成功的申请文书仅仅有那些适用于任何类型写作的基本写作技巧(清晰、简洁)是远远不够的。一篇好的申请文书要求申请人能够用一种与其他申请人完全不同方式,巧妙地展现自己的独特个性和经验。这是一件要求比较高,通常非常繁累的工作。这不仅仅对中国人如此,以英语为母语的人在此类写作时也会感到十分的头疼,但是我们中国人还需克服语言的障碍。 美国留学申请如何写个人陈述 个人陈述的内容应包含下列三项资料: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景; (二)欲研究的方向; (三)未来的职业目标; 写作时,依以上三点将文章分为三个主要部分。不要像列清单,也不要重覆申请表格已有的资料。 注意事项: (一)详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不赘言,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。例如学校要求五百字内完成(In 500 words or less discuss ...),则全文最好不要超过五百字。如果学


牛津大学商科留学个人陈述范例 留学个人陈述是申请英国留学文书中的重要组成部分,在硬件条件相当的申请人相互竞争时,提供一份令人印象深刻、能表现申请人个人特质的留学个人陈述无疑能为申请加分。下面是由“出国汇”(百度一下)的指导下学员制作的一份成功申请到英国牛津大学商科的留学个人陈述,大家一起来看看作者的写作有何值得借鉴的地方吧! Since a very young age - where all my friends were aspiring to become firemen, astronauts and rockstars - I have always dreamed of wearing a suit to work. I don…t know what it was, but I guess I just identified all these men as being the real players in the world - driving fast cars and hitting it off with beautiful women. These guys - the lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountants - were all sipping champagne and living the high life. Of course, you don?t have to wear a suit to be making money (look at Steve Jobs, for example), it…s not all fun and games, and you have to be damn good at what you do, but my ambitions have remained the same. This is what I want to be, but money is no longer the sole object, in my opinion. This has stemmed from my upbringing, where every morning CNN is put on the TV, stock portfolios lie in messy stacks around the house and political conversation runs rife at the dinner table. Every day I would hear my father talking about his business ventures and garnered a great interest. To me, the business world seemed entirely different to our regular one: it was a grandiose battlefield of thousands of opposing teams –a vicious free for all where the only objective was to win. Language like “slaughtering the competition” was frequently used, and I instantly knew that this game was more intense than any sport, more exciting tha n any video game and more fulfilling than any hobby. I once even tried my hand at business of my own –selling gumballs at school –which, to my surprise, was rather successful, if short-lived (regulated into the ground). By the time I was beginning my IGCSE year I was absolutely itching to take a Business & Management course. I felt a lot of it come naturally to me, remembering all the terms and advice I had heard from my father. All along it was extremely satisfying to know that whilst I would hardly use anyth ing I had learnt in math’s (unless I need to know the exact angle that my ladder is at), no matter what profession I would take, I could apply this. I took part in stock competitions, both in and outside of school, in an attempt to better my understanding of the seemingly confusing concept of stock exchange. One of the most interesting aspects of business for me is international markets, which then extends into economics. I have often been told that one of my most valuable qualities is that I am tri-cultural, coming from an extremely interesting background. I have lived in Spain my entire life, with an American mother and English father, who is a chartered accountant and previously owned a successful record label; he


这六种美国留学个人陈述的开头千万不要 写 导读:本文这六种美国留学个人陈述的开头千万不要写,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 申请美国大学的申请人越来越多,申请竞争越来越激烈,写好个人陈述将会为你加分不少。跟着来看看这六种美国留学个人陈述的开头千万不要写。 一、重复简历型 I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in … Sciences with a specialization in … in 2002 at … university 点评:美国留学个人陈述不要去重复简历中的东西,这在很多学校的PS要求中明确提到,个人陈述的写作要具体到事件上,事件解决上,而不要单纯重复已有的内容。 二、学校介绍型 I am an undergraduate in…University , the largest university anda cradle of scientific and technological talents in China. 点评:该同学的个人陈述开头等于是一个申请学校的简介,这好像是在帮助学校做宣传,或表达你有多了解该学校,而不是写个人陈述了。这是没有意义的开头,白白浪费了字数,最容易被秒据掉。

三、抄袭句式型 As a student majoring in Computer Science, I began my odyssey since I entered undergraduate program. Indeed, having entered this splendid computer world, I am more than greedy for something new. 点评:Odyssey 和more than greedy for something new 这种句式不知道是从哪里学到的,很多同学在用。但你要知道,老外最恨抄袭,最喜原创,所以利害关系大家想想吧。 四、救世主型 I am a problem solver. I have an impulse as a kind of instincts to solvevarious problems before me and enjoy doing that. Since I was a little boy, a voice from President Franklin Roosevelt has constantly hovered around my mind, "The world can be changed by man's endeavor, … 点评:一副救世主的形象,小时候就受富兰克林的影响,立志改变世界。个人陈述的写作一定要个人化具体化,别吹大牛,甚至带着一种霸权主义思维。 五、犹抱琵琶型 Making a right decision at the right time is very important for a young people .At present, I have come to a critical point in my life when I have to make a decision concerning my future course of action. Only a perceptive understanding of


出国留学自我介绍书范文 我叫xxx,xxxx年x月xx日在xxxxx市出生。于xxxx年x月毕业于xxxxxxxx学院,主要学习xxxx专业.我出生在一个充满着温馨和谐的气氛的家庭里。父亲是忠厚善良的工人,从小就严格教导我怎样去做人,培养我做一个遇事坚强,做事有毅力,对什么事情都要充满责任感的人。母亲出自教师家庭,潜移默化的培养了我的严谨性格和对知识的渴望。在这种教育环境下,我慢慢的长大成人了。从小学起就成绩突出的我,性格开朗,喜欢交朋友,有了朋友的陪伴我度过了丰富精彩的童年时光。 步入初中之后,父母对我的学业更加严格要求。由于成绩突出曾担任学习委员班长之职。xxxxx年xx月考入xxxxxxx高级中学,在掌握知识的同时,从小就热爱体育运动的我喜欢上篮球运动,多次代表校方参加比赛荣获奖项。同时我还喜欢多种体育运动,并且喜欢国外音乐。就在这时我喜欢上了韩国歌曲。自此接触了少量的韩国语言。精通英语的同时让我掌握了一点点的韩国语!度过高中充实的3年后,xxxx年x月我以高出录取线百分的成绩考入xxxxx学院继续x年xxxx专业的学习。学习期间品学突出,荣幸被老师推荐学生会工作。结交了更多的朋友,扩充了交际领域,增加了我对生活的认识。更加珍惜我的大学生活! 通过对专业知识的学习,入党申请书范文我了解到中韩自1992年建交以来,两国的各方面交流就以飞快的速度增长。近几年来韩国与中国之间的经济和文化交流空前壮大。自此我萌生赴韩留学深造的想法。韩国是亚洲经济强国,社会安定、人民友善的发达国家,国际贸易往来频繁。是我学习国际贸易知识与经验的最佳地点;其次,贵国大学一流的师资和教学也是我学习进修的理想校园。并且贵国语言,礼节,建筑,服饰,饮食,娱乐等各方面文化是一直深深吸引着我想去接触了解的国度。 由于语言并不精通,我打算在韩国首先学习语言,争取在最短时间内熟练掌握运用,尽早融入韩国社会,再继续我所选 专业课的学习。因为对韩国语言有一定的基础和对其有一定了解,所以会很快完成这一转换过程。此期间在韩国学习以及各项其他费用均由我家人提供。他们都有稳定的工作和收入。尤其对我赴韩留学非常支持。在学习期间我会努力充实自己,利用一切时间提高自己的知识高度,学习先进的理念。 在结束所有的课程后,条件准许的话我会继续深造读研,或是返回中国。(回国理由:把我所学的专业知识发挥出来并应用到实践工作中。目前的中国,已经加入世界贸易组织,经济蓬勃发展,正吸引着国际复合型人才的目光,相信未来的中国,会有更大的发展空间和更多的机遇。所以我要努力提高自己的水平,体现我最大的价值)。 留学毕业生自我鉴定 留学毕业生自我鉴定 大学四年,转瞬即逝。在这十几年的学习生涯中,这四年的经验和经历是最为可贵的,因为我已经逐渐树立起成熟健康的人生观和价值观,着眼于课本以外的现实世界,能辩证的看待各类信息和现状。除了专业知识以外,更注重提高自己的素质和修养。后两年的英国生活,更让我体验了异国文化,开阔了眼界,学会独立的操持生活。 在思想品德方面,我热爱集体,关心他人,心怀祖国。从中学的被动接受政治课本知识变成如今的主动关心时事,忧国忧民。进入大学,人际关系的性质也发生了根本变化,从纯纯的同窗之情变成互相帮助互相扶持的亲切交往。尤其是到了英国,更能明白这种交情的可贵,也从而真正意义上的学会关爱他人。 在学习上,除了认真学习了计算机的专业知识,获益最多的是养成了辩证的思考习惯。我明白了不能依赖课本知识,或单一观点来判断事物的对错,应该多方面搜集信息,结合自己的观点和想法,来做出判断。这一思考模式,不但为我的商科学习提供支持,更让我在这个精华与糟粕并存的信息网络时代中,能清醒的分析时势并接受有用的知识。另外,通过这


准留学生们在动手写个人陈述(Personal Statement)的时候往往摸不着头脑,不知如何下手,其实留学个人陈述只要在写之前理清思路和重点,就能下笔如有神助哦。专门提供留学资讯的Hotcourses中国小编就以一篇留学个人陈述范文为例,为大家解析一下留学个人陈述模板的框架和语言风格。 留学个人陈述模板的开头部分 留学个人陈述在开头需要直奔主题,因为外国老师不喜欢绕来绕去的措辞,最好在开始就表现出积极的态度,以及表明自己为什么想要学这个专业,同时也不要忘记了阐述自己的独特之处。当然,因为这个是开始,所以要以简单明了为主。 以下就是英文的模板例文: I graduated from xxx university with a degree in xxx (subject). I would like to apply xxx at youruniversity. With my great passion in the area, I hope to become an expert in xxxx industry. Iunderstand that xxxx university is famous for xxxx, it has established a great r eputation in thexxx industry with lots of graduates from becoming leaders in the field. I want to become one ofthem, and therefore, I am very interested and keen to be involve d in your university… 译文:我是某某大学某某专业毕业的学生,想申请贵校的某某专业。我对某某专业很感兴趣,希望将来能成为这个行业的专家。我知道贵校的这个专业十分出名,在业界有很高的声誉,也培养了很多此行业的精英。我想成为此行列中的一员,所以我很想成为贵校的一份子,在该专业领域深造。 分析:这个开头的语言简练,并以第一人称为主,能让招生老师一目了然。留学生们切记,开头段不要写太长太复杂的句子,因为长难句不仅会显得啰嗦,还会让人失去阅读兴趣。 留学个人陈述模板的主体部分 需要开始阐述留学生的学术背景,如果有工作经验的话,需要描述一下工作背景如何和此专业相关 英文模板例文如下: My preparation for your programme has been expansive and thorough. First, I have a sol idbackground in xxx and xxx. Second, during my undergraduate years, I joined a club cal led xxxwith the focus on xxx. Our projects dealt with xxx, and other xxx. My work outsid e the campus,in job placements through xxx university, granted me excellent opportuniti es for real-worldexperience. While exploring the possibility of graduate-level work, I discovered that my interests are perfectlymatched with your programme. My interest in xxx, especially, was piqued during my xxx class.The aspects of the xxx fascinated me and made me long to supervise a lar ge project in this fieldone day. Although I realise my current limitations, my whole-hearte d enthusiasm, combined withguidance from your exceptional faculty, will carry me throug h the rigors of studying and forge meinto an expert xxx after the one/two year master co


出国留学如何写个人陈述 First, you will have to register with Ucas and enter your personal details. You will then be able to apply for up to five courses. Make sure you cross reference the course requirements with your predicted grades and A-level choices so you won t get rejected before you have even taken your exams. You will then be asked to detail your education and qualifications to date and to give details of any jobs you have had. It s also a good idea to nail down who will be providing your academic reference as soon as possible - make sure you give your teacher enough time to make it a good one. Finally, before you submit your application, you will be asked to include your personal statement. This is your chance to convince your university or college that you are the right person to study their course. For some people, writing a personal statement will come easily. But for those who are feeling daunted1 about the prospect2 of putting 4,000 characters together, you are not


I have always had an interest in science-based subjects, especially those relating to biology. Whilst undertaking my A-level Biology course, the module energy and ecosystems was of particular interest to me. My interest in the natural world, and study of science encouraged me to further my understanding in this area by applying to study environmental biology at degree level. I wish to take this course to enable me to develop scientific skills that will provide me with a greater understanding of the environm ent and factors that affect it. I am also studying Chemistry and Maths at A-level. The practical element of my chemistry course involves an understanding of procedures and precautions necessary throughout all science-based experiments; I feel that this understanding will improve my ability in practical elements of the course. After studying A-level maths, I feel being able to interpret numerical data at a high level will also enable me to develop my understanding of any numerical information that features i n the course I am keen on sports and outdoor pursuits. I have enjoyed a range of activities from countryside walks to kayaking and abseiling. Because of this I feel I would particularly enjoy the fieldwork the course offers. I have been able to combine this interest in sport with a part time job as a leisure attendant at local sport centres. As part of this post I was asked to lead a youth sports and activities group which aims to promote sport among young people in my area. This activity has also allowed me to introduce other young people to activities that I have enjoyed. This role has also helped me to develop skills that would help me while I am at university. The sports group involves arranging individual sessions as well as trips out This has improved my organisational skills, which has reflected my ability to combine part-time work with college effectively. Working as part of a team and serving members of the public has also improved my social skills, making me more confident when working with others I wish to study at university, not only for the knowledge that I will gain from the course, but also for the experience of university life has to offer. During my two years at college I have participated in various activities. For example, I represented the college at an open day, volunteered as a collage council representative for my form group, participated in a blood donation scheme and was also involved in the shoebox appeal. These activities meant that I have to be confident, approachable and polite. I feel these are characteristics that will enable me to get involved with student life at university My ambition is to participate in conservation work abroad, before gaining experience in a career based in this area. I feel the experience outlined above and the knowledge I will gain from the course will enable me to achieve this ambition.


出国留学个人自述写作说明及四篇范例 个人自述基本结构开头:具体介绍一下自己的个人背景,如,出生地点,对于入北理工之前的情况加以介绍。中间:第一:是否有工作经验,从事的是什么工作。第二:有什么特殊爱好和特长,获过什么荣誉。第三:申请的原因第三:出国以后对于自己的学习有什么计划和要求,以后想要学习和研究的专业方向第四:学成以后的工作计划。结尾:表达一下申请的强烈愿望英文范例1 My interest in science dates back to my early childhood. I have always excelled in physical sciences and have received numerous awards in mathematics in high school. At age 18, I attended Beijing Normal University, majoring in physics. Four years of extensive study on in physics and my current work in surface science inspire me to undertake a greater challenge in pursuing a doctorate degree in physics. My aspiration to be a research scientist also makes the graduate study an absolute necessity for me. As an undergraduate student, I specialized in physics, mathematics, and computer science. And in my junior year study I studied computational physics in Applied mathematics III, during which I developed a 2-dmensional model with the finite size effect as a course project. in addition to being elated by my computer simulated phase transition phenomena, I was also pleased with the computed values of the critical exponents which closely agree with theoretical values. During the two-year course on the fundamentals of experimental physics, I diligently studied the techniques of operating experimental equipment, such as the epitaxy systems, lithography, and computer controlled data acquisition interfaces. I enjoyed these hand-on experiences. My current duty, as a research assistant, is to set up diamond film growth kinetics experiments which is designed to verify whether the mechanism of H atoms destroying C-H bonds in diamond film growth is the bottleneck reaction to diamond film formation. The results will give valuable insights and better enhance the research efforts of another group here. In the meantime, I am learning about the scanning probe microscopy, charged particle optics, energy analyzers and instruments used in surface science through the seminars held in my group. In order to be knowledgeable in the breadth of physics, I have attended workshop and symposiums in different fields. In the symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics held in 1995 in Beijing, I worked as an interpreter and edited the article "Conceptual Beginnings of Various Symmetries in the Twentieth century Physics" from Prof. C. N. Frank yang�s speech and translated it into Chinese. Not only did I keep an open mind to get experiences in academics, I also actively participated in extracurricular activities in my university years. In the senior year, I was a part-time teaching assistant grading exams and answering questions in the courses, A Journey to Subatomic World and From Quarks to Black Holes. I also had a part-time position as the bulletin board system administrator for the Physical Society of PRC. I am currently constructing their WWW home page to improve information exchange and science education in China. Accumulating these valuable experiences, I am preparing myself for a career in scientific research. Being exposed to surface science, I am interested in mesoscopic systems and nanostructure materials. I plan to concentrate on condensed matter physics. Having carefully read the content of the graduate studies and on-going research programs at University of Washington at Seattle, I believe that UW is the best place for me to be. I am confident in that my diverse research experiences together with a firm commitment to physics have merited me to be qualified to undertake graduate study at the University of Washington at Seattle. 英文范例2 Personal Statement I believe that a good university offers an excellent opportunity to further my learning in a more challenging environment and to deepen my understanding of the knowledge and skills I already have. I am


出国留学文书个人陈述范文 个人陈述是留学申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的部分。当申请者苦恼于GRE、TOEFL等标准化考试的成绩,一份得体的个人陈述却有可能让你力挽狂澜,从众多申请者中脱颖而出。在某些学校,个人陈述已经代替了面试,作为评价学生的一个重要依据。因此,个人陈述在整个申请材料的准备中占据了举足轻重的地位,也有必要赢得众位申请者的重视——来自admitwrite专业留学文书写作机构推荐,超一流的写手导师,名校招生信息实时更新。 个人陈述应回答: 为什么要选择这个学校和专业; 有什么优势、潜力或业绩使你符合对方录取标准; 出国后打算、计划和目标。 个人陈述是每个人个性和独特经历的体现,并没有统一的语言要求和写作格式。但是在留学文书的准备中,个人陈述属于正规的书面文体,用语最好符合书面语的规定。版面的安排应该整洁有序。同时在个人陈述的准备过程中应该仔细阅读申请学校的网页,寻找学校是否对于语言和格式有明确的要求。在个人陈述的写作中切忌不要堆砌辞藻,不要过多使用长句和难懂的单词。否则会使阅读者头疼,可读性降低。写作要真实、诚恳、具体,语言要流畅,逻辑要清晰,内容要有血有肉,富有感染力和说服力。一般以1-2页600-800字为佳,太长则令人没有耐心仔细读完。另外,不要把文章写成炫耀你词汇量和句法的“GRE阅读文章”。 写个人陈述是一件见仁见智的事,并没有明确而统一的写法。书写个人陈述首先要做的是搜集素材,认识自己,挖掘出自身的特点,寻找自己的闪光点。认识自己,这是一件说起来容易,做起来难的事。要知道,申请的过程其实是你向学校推销自己的过程。 Chemistry What I love about chemistry is the constant sense of discovery: looking at the simplest reactions on a molecular level is like glimpsing a whole new world. I am keen to learn at the cutting edge of current knowledge and to contribute to new discoveries. During the course of my degree I hope to take part in some research; after leaving university I am looking to work in science, possibly in research, and some experience will almost certainly come in useful. I would also like to continue my study of French at university - I think it is a beautiful language and one of my ambitions is to become fluent. As part of my study, in addition to the A level course, I have taken part in the RSC Analytical Chemistry competition in a school team; I am a regular subscriber to the New Scientist magazine and have attended several courses, including an ISCO course on Forensic Science. I am also an affiliate of the RSC, and I’m currently looking for work experience possibilities in this field. I joined ***** School on a scholarship and during my time here I’ve won seven prizes in total, including two for French and Maths; I am now looking forward to the challenges presented by my appointment as one of fifteen Gown Prefects in the school. However, as well as taking my work and responsibilities seriously I have a lot of fun as well. I sing in the school choir and the chamber

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