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The ye end is ing, befe e ve n he ne ye, i’s high ie f ll f us d evie f he ye T e, ding his nnul evie is like geing ep d I’s n diffeen ih y nnul evie –exep hese esuls en’ f y sudies –hey’e bigge They’e f y life


Ipne f Ye End Revies


S hy is i ipn d ye end evie? Thee e 4 siple esns: 年终总结为什么这么重要?有这样四个简单的理由:

1 D lessns f he ye


Wh hve yu expeiened his ye? Wh hve yu lened f he? Wih evey expeiene e fe, hee e ipn hings len We n eihe le hese inidenes pss us by, e n sp undesnd, inenlize he, nd d lessns f he Life is yu shl, nd he lessns e dessed

up s yu eveydy inidenes Yu dn’ n be living ye fe ye ihu lening f yu expeienes Th’s jus sleeplking yu life y


Thee e l f lessns hih I len evey ye Lking bk y evie f , ne f he bigges lessns I lened is h u eins life’s siuins is hie, nd i’s up h e ke u f siuins e enune This elizin e fe highly inense peid y jb A h ie I s ledy psiive pesn, bu he siuin s s u f nl h i elly de e negive I s fe sh peid f feeling iseble h I elized h he eliy s suh nd i s up e ke he bes u f i I uld eihe si nd bih bu i hih uld d bsluely nhing hnge he siuin, I uld ke in nd ke he bes u f i This sll shif in y indse eed big shif in y eliy–i de e l e pive nd sluin-iened I de e elize h ny f us genee unneessy bggge ih negive siuins in life, nd

i’s ll bu king in ee he lives h e n Hppiness is uly hie



Beuse I uld ie dn lessns I lened eh ie (in y life hndbk), I uld hen build upn y lenings Rhe hn dej vuing hugh life siuins, evey ie I uld hink bu h I uld pply h I hd lened

elie nd h I uld d sehing diffeen As esul, I kep ving fd in y gh


Wp up h yu’ve dne his ye


Mny hings n hppen in ye nd his is he pefe ie p he upWee hee ny ups nd dns? Did yu ge pin? Did yu eenly qui yu jb nd jined ne kple? Did yu jus s up business? Did yu vene ple? Did yu jus end n unhppy elinship? Did yu ve n f bd pneship? Any j evens k ple? O pehps hee e nhing signifin h hppened?


This is he ie p up he ye I’s ie le g f ps bggge, ie up he lse ends, idy up yu feelings, nd ge edy f h’s hed
