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I .语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)



Just before Christmas 1978, Kenneth was a passenger in a car as it drove through the Navajo Nation.The night was dark, and the driver, an elderly woman, 1 and killed an eight-year-old boy.

Later, when he saw how sad the boy’s family were, Kenneth made a(n)

2 .He would “do whatever it takes to make

3 happy at Christmas time.”

A year later, at the age of 18, he was living with his mother and younger brother. They were hardly making ends meet on his low wages, but Kenneth bought a used Santa suit and went around 4

people as poor as himself to give candy and fruit for families even more needy.Just before midnight on Christmas Eve, he went knocking on doors

of 5 houses in the poorest section of the Navajo Nation. Many of the darkened homes didn’t have 6 .

Some families were 7 to open their doors so late at nig ht. “It’s a man! He has a big bag!”

He 8 a boy, holding up a lantern and watching from behind the curtains, tell his parents. Kenneth convinced them he was 9 .

At every opened door, he 10 candies, oranges, toys and so on. Many Navajo kids had never seen 11 before, so his old costume and store-bought beard

didn’t 12 them.It touched Kenneth that the kids were excited by so 13 .He 14 it up year after year, gathering more “elves (精灵)” to help him.His Christmas

Eve 15 have grown into an annual Navajo feast with gifts of clothing, tools and toys for over 700 people.Kids who can’t make it to the event because they’re sick or lack transportation get a personal visit from Kenneth or one of his elves.“My grandfather taught me that you l earn to be a man by sharing and by keeping promises,” he says.

1.A.struck B.touched C.found D.stopped 2.A.conclusion B.excuse C.promise D.effort 3.A.the family B.children C.brothers D.his mother 4.A.suggesting B.persuading C.requiring D.calling 5.A.old B.big C.bright D.lonely 6.A.electricity C.doors 7.A.happy B.angry C.afraid D.eager 8.A.thought B.hoped C.let D.heard 9.A.gentle B.generous C.harmless D.helpful 10.A.reached for B.put down C.picked out D.handed out 11.A.Kenneth B.candies C.elves D.Santa Claus 12.A.disappoint B.satisfy C.attract D.please 13.A.much B.big C.little D.many

14.A.held B.kept C.gave D.took B.experiences C.excitements D.visits 第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The task of being accepted and enrolled in a university begins early for some students. Long before they graduate 16 high school, these students take special courses to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one or more examinations that test 17 well prepared they are for the university. In the final year of high school, they complete 18 (apply) and send them, with their student records, to the universities 19 they hope to enter. Some high school students may be required to have an interview 20 people from the university. Neatly dressed and usually very frightened, they are determined to show that they have a good attitude and the ability to succeed.

After the new students 21 (accept), many colleges and universities

offer 22 instruction program for them to get to know the procedures for registration and students advising, university rules, the use of the library and all the 23 major services of the university.

Beginning a new life in a new place can be very 24 (puzzle). The more knowledge students have about the school, the easier 25 will be for them to adapt to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life.