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A.sugar anize C.strange D.together



B. achieve

C. check

D. machine


A. pollution B.struggle C. useful D. bury


A. baggage B.attract C. CanadianD. magazine


A. theatreB.breathe C. break D. heaven



6. The moment Igot home, I foundI my jacketonthe playground. A.had left B. left C. have leftD. was leaving

7. Not until the motorbike looked almost newrepairingand cleaning it.

A. he stopped B.didhe stopC.stopped he D.he didstop

8. Tomorrow isTom’sbirthday. Have yougot any idea theparty is tobe held?

A. what B.which C. that D.where

9. –What sortof housedo youwant tohave? Something big?

--Well, itbe big--that’s not important.

A. mustn’t

B. needn’t

C. can’tD.won’t

10.I ate sandwich while Iwas waiting for 20:08 tr ain.

A. the,a

B. the, the

C.a, the

D. a, a

11.Themessage is very important, so itissupposed assoon aspossible.

A. to besent B. tosend C. being sent D. sending

12.Hedoesn’t have furniture in his room --just an old desk.A. any B. many C. some D.much

13.Theman pulled out a gold watch, weremadeof small diamonds.

A.the hands of whom

B. whom thehandsof

C. which thehandsof D.the hands of which

14. around theWaterCube, we werethen taken toseethe Bird’s Nest for the 2008Olympic Games.

A.Having shown B. To beshown C.Having beenshown D. Toshow

15.–Didyou go totheshow last night?

–Yeah.Every boyandgirl inthe area invited

A. were

B.have beenC.has been D. was

16.Tenyears ago the populationof ourvillage was that of t heirs.

A.as twice large as B. twiceas large as

C.twice asmuch as D. astwicemuch as

17.Though wedon’tknow what discussed,yet wecanfeel thetopic.

A.had changed B. will change C.was changedD. has been changed

18.–Thefloor is dirty.Can anyone cleanit?

–I doitallthe time.

A. Don’tmention it. B.Why you? C. Not sure D. Not me again.

19.Elizabeth hasalready achievedsuccess herwildest dreams.

A.at B. beyondC. within D. upon

20. It’sgoingto rain. Xiao Feng, Will youplease help metheclothes ontheline?

A. get off B.get back C. get in D. get on



A woman id hersixties livedalone in her little cottage with a pe ar tree ather door. She spentallhertime takingcareofthetree.But the children nearby drover her 21by makingfunofher.They would climbher treeand then run away withpears, 22 “Au ntyMisery” at her.

One evening,apasserby asked to 23for thenight.Seeingthathe had an24Face, she let him in and gave him a nice25. Thenext morning the stranger,actually asorcerer(巫师), thankedhe rby granting (允准)her 26that anyonewho climbed upher tr ee27not be able to come back downuntil she28it.