当前位置:文档之家› 2017高考英语短文改错技巧











eg: 1) I have many hobby, such as football, sing, listen music.

Hobby是可数名词,在这要用复数形式;playing football是一项运动,football只是一种球;sing和listen to 要用动名词形式。

2) Do exercises do good to our healthy. exercise作运动讲是不可数名词,do exercise作主语要用动名词形式,谓动用单数;healthy是形容词,这里要用名词形式。

3) Reading books is one of my hobby.

one of 后的名词应用复数形式。


1).He drove too fast, and the police stopped her.


2).This is the best film which I have ever seen.

先行词前有最高级修饰应用关系代词that 而不是which。

3. 冠词:英语中只有三个冠词,但用起来却很复杂,在短文改错中,错误不外乎该用冠词时没有用,不该用时却用了;该用an用了a,该用a(n)却用了the.

1) I meant to write letter and tell you all the things…


2) I like playing the football. 去the

3) He is a honest boy. a改为an



1) I am writing to thank you with your kind help.

thank sb. for sth.为固定搭配,故应将with 改为for.

2) …I’m the happiest in all.

此句想表达的意思是“我是所有人中最高兴的”。故应将in改为 of.

3) Under the help of my father, I …under 改为with

4) He went to Beijing in next Sunday. in 改为on


1) I had not interest in English .interest是名词,应用形容词no来修饰,而not是副词,副词不能修饰名

2) These are the happier girls I’ve ever seen.(NMET2007)

此处有I’ve ever seen限定,应用最高级,故happier应改为 happiest.

3) You can borrow a book very easy. easy 改为easily.

4) These books are very worth reading. 用well 修饰


平行结构常借助与并列连词and , or , but ,

not only…but also…, …not…but…, either…or…, neither …nor…, as well as等。

1) As it has been raining these days, so we have decided to put off our sports meeting.

由于前句有As引导原因状语从句,因此后句不能再用so,故应把so 去掉。

2) The population is growing, but the earth must support too many people.




1) 动词的时态、语态错误

a. I will write again and send you the photos we take together.

take photos动作发生在过去,应用过去时.

b. The book you borrowed from the library should

混动词的用法错误; 动词的第三人称单数错误;动词的非谓语形式,以及动词的句型搭配错误等。在改错题中,动词方面的考查比例较大。returned in five days.


c. In school, I often playing football for my friends.

playing改为 play; for 改为with

2) 易混动词使用错误

a. I persuaded him to stop smoking, but he didn’t listen.

persuade 意为“说服”,强调成功的结果,而根据下句 he

didn’t listen可知,劝说并没有成功,故应改persuaded为 advised.

b. You please rise your hands.


raise your hands.这属于及物动词与不及物动词的误用。

3) 非谓语动词使用错误

a. We are looking forward to see you on the birthday party.

look forward to 中的to是介词,应加动名词,将see改为seeing.

b. I’m sorry I keep you wait for a long time .I got caught in the traffi


在任何情况下keep均和doing连用,如keep doing sth.;

keep sb. (sth).doing sth. ;keep …from doing… 等.

c. I’d like to your pen friend, and get to know more about your country.




1) My teacher advised me to keep my diary.

keep a diary是固定搭配,意思是“写日记”.

2) In my surprise, he did very well in his previous job.

To one’s surprise 是固定搭配

3) I thought that was dull to watch a game…(NMET2005)


考点1 时态前后不一致

[典例1] When I was a child ,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.(2015·全国Ⅰ)

分析:整个语境讲的就是过去的事情,所以think 也是当时的想法,故应该用一般过去时。故think 改为thought 。

[典例2] In the mornings ,it was full of students exercising.The view from the back of the classroom is also splendid.Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees...(2015·浙江)

分析:从前一句中的it was 到后面一句的there was 可以判断整个语境应该是一般过去时,所以将is 改为was 。

考点2 缺少谓语或谓语动词形式错误

[典例1] We must found ways to protect our environment.(2015·全国Ⅰ)

分析:情态动词must 后应该跟动词原形,句中we 与find 之间为主谓关系,所以found 应改为find 。 [典例2] So real friendship should able to stand all sorts of tests.(2014·大纲全国)

分析:able 是形容词不能直接作谓语动词,其前应加be ,be able to do sth.意为“能够做某事”。

考点3 语态错误

[典例1] Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.(2015·全国Ⅰ)

分析:studies 与show 之间为主动关系,所以应该去掉been 。 [典例2] Tony was scared and begun to cry.(2015·全国Ⅱ


此题考查it 的功能,It + be + adj. + to do 为固定结构。

4) …the activities are not only enjoyable and also helpful.解析:

not only… but also…为固定结构,故将and 改为but.

5) I have no difficulty learn maths. have difficulty (in) doing sth.为固定结构 6) He spends too much time play games. spend some time (in) doing sth.为固定结构

分析:was scared与begun为并列谓语,scared为形容词,表示过去的动作或状态,begin的过去式是began,所以begun改为began。


[典例1] My dream school look like a big garden.(2014·新课标全国Ⅱ)

分析:整篇短文的语境为一般现在时,而且主语为第三人称单数My dream school,因此谓语动词应用looks。

[典例2] The early morning barking have been disturbing us as we are often up all night with the baby.(2014·辽宁)

分析:本句主语为The early morning barking,baking为不可数名词作主语,故谓语动词have应改为has。


[典例1] If you are me,would you talk to them?(2015·四川)


[典例2] My punishment lasted a year.Meanwhile,I found out that with more patience I must make my toys last.My attitude changed from then on.(2012·新课标全国)











1.As I tell you last time,I made three new friends here.

2.My soccer coach retired last week.I wanted to do something special for him at his retirement party.My mum makes the best biscuits in the world,so I decide to ask her for help.

3.Hello,boys and girls!Today,I am going to talk about what you should do when a fire alarm go off.

4.I was taking a train to London’s Victoria Station.I had noticed that the carriage was noisy and filled with people. 5.Suddenly...they were looked like rain!



[典例1] It’s been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.(2015·四川)


[典例2] The position of the classroom with its view made me felt like I was dreaming.(2015·浙江)

分析:使役动词make后跟不带to的动词不定式作宾补,即make sb. do sth.,表示“使某人做某事”,故felt 改为feel。


[典例1] After looks at the toy for some time,he turned around and found...(2015·全国Ⅱ)


[典例2] Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner,which might not be served until 8 o’clock at night.(2013·新课标全国Ⅱ)

分析:分析句式结构可知句子的主语为Have tea in the late afternoon,所以应该用动名词形式作主语,即把Have 改为Having。


[典例] I also shared with my friends many photos taking in Beijing.(2012·陕西)



1.We’ve been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars.

2.I enjoyed sit close to the windows and looking at the view.

3.I might have to retire again next year just get some more of these biscuits.

4.My favorite picture at the party is of my coach and me enjoy the biscuits with happy laughter!

5.One evening at sunset,we sat by the fire,have our barbecue.

6.It is difficult to understanding why she barks every minute she’s outside.


考点1 单复数或所有格错误

[典例1] The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.(2015·全国Ⅰ)

分析:由后面的定语从句we breathe 可知,此处先行词的意思是“空气”,air 当“空气”讲时为不可数名词。故airs 改为air 。

[典例2] One day ,little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.It was...his parents were missing...Tony saw his parents.(2015·全国Ⅱ)

分析:从后文可以看出Tony 的父母一起和他去的商店,后文两次出现parents ,所以应该将parent 改为parents 。

[典例3] When I finally arrived at my friend he lent me lots of clothes.(2011·新课标全国)

分析:根据句意可知,当我最后到达“我朋友的家”(my friend ’s),他借给我许多衣服。故friend 应改为friend ’s 。

考点2 词性转换错误

[典例1] This made for the grow in the porcelain industry.(2013·新课标全国Ⅱ) 分析:定冠词the 后面应跟名词形式,故grow 应改为growth 。 [典例2] He has ruined his healthy.(2013·辽宁)

分析:在形容词性的物主代词后应用名词,所以应把healthy 改为health 。 方法归纳:遇到名词首先注意区分名词是可数名词还是不可数名词;其次还可以根据名词前的修饰语或谓语动词的单复数来判断。此外,还要注意名词的所有格。常考考点如下:

(1)在several ,few ,many ,one of ,a couple of ,three ,one and a half ,a large number of ,scores of ,dozens of 等词语后,或虽没有这些词但语境提示我们,本应接复数可数名词的,但文中却用了单数



(1)作主语或宾语不能用动词原形,通常改为-ing 形式或不定式。因在短文改错中,只能改

一个词,如果主语是原形,就只能改为-ing 形式了。

(2)熟记其后只能接-ing 或只能接to do 作宾语的动词。

(3)介词后要用动词的-ing 形式。注意区分to 是介词还是不定式符号。

(4)一些固定短语或句式中的非谓语动词形式。 (5)根据非谓语动词或其逻辑主语的关系来确定用-ing 形式还是用-ed 形式。







1.As I told you last time,I made three new friend here.

2.My old classroom was interesting because three side of the classroom were made of glass.

3.Mum taught me some basic step of baking.

4.We’ve called several time about Cleo’s early morning barking.

5.No one in the carriage had previously spoken to or even noticed the ticket-owner before.Yet they had so quickly offered the strangers their help.



[典例1] Lots of studies have shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.(2015·全国Ⅰ) 分析:名词前应该用形容词作定语。故seriously应改为serious。

[典例2] Dad and I were terrible worried.(2015·全国Ⅱ)



[典例1] Nearly five years before,and with the help of our father,my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果) in our back garden.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)


[典例2] As a result,the plants are growing somewhere.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)



[典例1] Much rare animals are dying out.(2015·全国Ⅰ)

分析:animals为可数名词复数形式,所以用many修饰,much只能修饰不可数名词。故Much改为Many。[典例2] He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.(2015·全国Ⅱ)



[典例1] My mum makes the better biscuits in the world,so I decided to ask her for help.(2015·陕西)

分析:由该句中的in the world以及前面的the可知此处应该用形容词的最高级。故better改为best。

[典例2] To make matters bad,now I have to share a room with my younger sister,Maggie.(2013·浙江)

分析:to make matters worse使事情更糟糕的是,为固定搭配。故bad改为worse。


[典例1] I am awfully tiring,but I know I’ll never fall asleep.(2013·浙江)


[典例2] Gradually,I became interesting in biology and chose to learn biology when I entered the college. (2012·重庆)







(4)注意many,much,(a) few,(a) little;very,so,(n)ever,hardly等修饰词的



1.On the left-hand side of the class,I could easy see the football field.

2.I thought the biscuits were really well.

3.That is too much for us,considering how closely the houses are.

4.Don’t panic or get out of line and try to remain quiet and calmly.



[典例1] We must find ways to protect your environment.If we fail to do so,we’ll live to regret it.(2015·全国Ⅰ) 分析:从整个语境以及句子的主语来看应该把your改为our才能讲得通,也可以改为the。

[典例2] Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them.(2015·浙江)



[典例1]My uncles immediately jumped up and shot their arrows at the bird.Neither of the arrows hit the target.(2014·陕西)

分析:从My uncles immediately jumped up and shot their arrows at the bird可知,射出去的箭不仅仅两支,因此应把Neither改为None。

[典例2] He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our small town...(2013·新课标全国Ⅰ)



[典例] Five minutes later,Tony saw parents.(2015·全国Ⅱ)



1.I wanted to do anything special for him at his retirement party.

2.It’s been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many.

3.In fact,I don’t like to go anymore,but I’m afraid I’ll lose their friendship.What do you think I should do?If you were me,would you talk to him?

4.We appreciate our apologies and goodwill,but we hope that you can figure...

5.Then everyone in the carriage began searching for the ticket,which was eventually found under a seat several rows from his owner.










[典例1] After looking at the toy for some time,he turned around and found where his parents were missing.(2015·全国Ⅱ)


[典例2] There the air is clean or the mountains are green.(2015·全国Ⅰ)



[典例1]Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year,but we have never had any disease or insect attack problems.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)


[典例2]He had a deep voice,which set him apart from others in our small town,he was strong and powerful.(2013·新课标全国Ⅰ)

分析:句中which引导的是定语从句,修饰主句He had a deep voice,而主句与从句后的分句he was strong and powerful之间缺少连词,根据他们的并列关系,确定he前加and。


[典例] In fact,he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or do homework with me.(2013·新课标全国Ⅰ)












1.How do you think I should do?

2.My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up.

3.In fact,I don’t like to go anymore,so I’m afraid I’ll lose their friendship.

4.If I was only a child when I studied in that classroom,I will never forget it.

5.We ran to escape but fortunately no one was injured.



[典例1] Unfortunately,on the development of industrialization,the environment has been polluted.(2015·全国Ⅰ) 分析:with the development of为固定短语,意思是“随着……的发展”。故on改为with。

[典例2] One day,little Tony went to a shopping center with his parents.It was very crowded.Tony saw a toy on a shop window.(2015·全国Ⅱ)



[典例1] We can lie on the grass for a rest,or sit by the lake listening music.(2014·新课标全国Ⅱ)


[典例2] When the teacher asks us very difficult questions,I’ll think quickly and stand to answer.(2013·大纲全国) 分析:根据句意“站起来回答”,stand后应加up。


[典例1] Please help with me and give me some advice.(2015·四川)


[典例2] The book I’m reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain.(2013·新课标全国Ⅱ)

分析:分析句式结构可知 I’m reading为定语从句修饰The book,所以介词of多余。




(3)不该用介词的短语中用了介词,如next year常写成in the next year。

(4)某些及物动词短语中介词缺失,如look (at),listen (to),take care (of)等。

(5)有些及物动词多加了介词,如enter the room常写成enter into the room;return my

book常写成return back/to my book等。



1.My old classroom was interesting because three sides of the classroom were made from glass.

2.My soccer coach retired in last week.

3.If you hear the alarm,stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside.

4.My uncles immediately jumped up and shot their arrows on the bird.

5.We appreciate your apologies and goodwill,but we hope that you can figure a good way of settling the matter.



[典例1] Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.(2015·全国Ⅰ)

分析:城市生活与乡村生活对比,此处特指乡村,所以用in the countryside。

[典例2] As result,the plants are growing everywhere.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)

分析:as a result为固定搭配,故as后应加a。

[典例3] This custom soon became another meal of day.(2013·新课标全国Ⅱ)



[典例1] Tony saw a toy in a shop window...A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside a shop.(2015·全国Ⅱ)

分析:特指上文提到的商店,因此用定冠词the,故outside a shop应改为outside the shop。

[典例2] My soccer coach retired last week.I wanted to do something special for him at his retirement party...At a party,my coach,with a biscuit in his mouth,asked surprisingly who made them and joked,“I might have to retire again next year just to get some more of these biscuits.”(2015·陕西)

分析由语境可知party再次出现,指的是前文他们一起参加的那个晚会,属于特指。故At a party改为At the party。


[典例] In a fact,he even scared my classmates away when they came over to play or do homework with me.(2013·新课标全国Ⅰ)

分析:in fact为固定词组,意为“事实上,实际上”,故去掉a。





1.I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning.

2.Besides,Cleo tends to bark a average of six hours a day.

3.Today,I am going to talk about what you should do when a fire alarm goes off.If you hear the alarm,...Soon the firefighters will come and put out a fire.

4.That day I didn’t learn much about animals,insects or trees,but I learnt a impressive lesson about gravity!5.A passenger realized he couldn’t find his ticket...The person who found a ticket smiled withpleasure at his success.



When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.There the air is clean or the mountains are green.Unfortunately,on the development of industrialization,the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.Much rare animals are dying out.We must found ways to protect your environment.If we fail to do so,we’ll live to regret it.



One day,little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.It was very crowded.Tony saw a toy on a shop window.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.After looks at the toy for some time,he turned around and found where his parents were missing.Tony was scared and begun to cry.A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop.Five minutes later,Tony saw parents.Mom said,“How nice to see you again!Dad and I were terrible worried.”Tony promised her that this would never happen again.



Nearly five years before,and with the help by our father,my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes (圣女果)in our back garden.Since then—for all these year—we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.As result,the plants are growing somewhere.The fruits are small in size,but juicy and taste.There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors.Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year,but we have never had any disease or insect attack problems.We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost!



My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m.and ends at 3:30 p.m.They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We didn’t need to do so many homework.Therefore,we have more time with after-school activities.For example,we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.

My dream school look like a big garden.There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings.We can lie on the grass for a rest,or sat by the lake listening music.The teachers here are kind and helpfully.They are not only our teachers but also our friends.



Nothing is impossible!If you have a dream,your dream will must come true as long as you always work hard.To tell you truth,my dream is common.I want to be a doctor.There was a time that I was in hospital.I saw with my own eyes that a doctor fights all night to save a baby’s life.I was touched by the kindly behavior of the doctor.I think doctors are the greatest.We can make patients recover from a disease.However,I am determined to be a doctor to help whomever suffers from illnesses.I hope that I am able to help people keep healthy.At the same time,I will devote myself to treat patients.In a word,if I become a doctor in the future,I will try my best to help each patient.From now on,I will spare no effort to study every subjects so that I can go to a key university.


Dear Mr.Green,

I’m very exiciting to learn that you will start a magazine together.That sounds great and I definitely agree you on that.Some of the columns that you mention in the letter are really my cup of tea.“Cultural Express” give us a better understanding of the world.Since people from different part of the world have different values,it’s necessary to learn from each other.Apart from that,“Blurt Out” is pretty good for Chinese students to learn English idioms and improving oral English.“Entertainment” is also cool!The popular singers,actors or celebrities are so attractive that you absolutely can’t miss this part.Teenagers are to\ fond of popular things,too.

Well,I can’t list more.I really can’t wait to read this magazine.


Li Ming


Dear Mandy,

I’m not doing well in my lessons at school,especial in maths.My dad says I must try hard because he wants me go to university.He thinks I’m lazy,but it’s not true.I work really hard,often study late into the night!I’ve tried to talk to my mother,but she always said I have to work as hard like my brother does.My brother doesn’t study very hard,and he always gets excellent grades.It’s not fair!

The only thing I like it\ is art.My teacher says I’m the best student she’s had for year.When I told my dad,all he said was,“You mustn’t waste your time in art.You must focus your mind on your lessons!”

I’m feeling quite puzzling what to do now.Would you please help me out?

Thanks a lot!

Yours sincerely,



Dear editor,

I’m sorry to occupy your precious time,and I really want to tell you anything about the problem of some people keeping too many pets nowadays.I take the problem more and more seriously for the following reason.First of all,as it\ is known to people,pets make so much noise that trouble residents a lot.What’s more,it is widely accepted that animal waste pollutes the environment,where makes people quite uncomfortable.Many owners like taking their pets to public place where they may frighten children or even bite people.The mostly important is that pets can spread some diseases and this has attracted much attention.Take all these factors into consideration,I sincerely hope that I can get help from you and expect the media do something for this.

Yours truly,

Wang Lin


高考英语短文改错的解题技巧与方法 摘要:短文改错是近年高考英语测试题中的一个必考题。其目的是考查学生综合运用英语的准确性,测试考生发现、判断纠正文章错误的能力。 关键词:短文改错准确性上下文正确理解行文逻辑 短文改错题是目前高考英语的必考项目,也是平时期中、期末考试的必考题型,短文改错是融语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性英语试题,旨在考查学生对语言的发现,判断,纠正文章中错误的能力以及对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力。短文改错其实并非难题,但得分率不高。究其原因,主要与学生对短文改错的特点和做题方法有很大的关系。 一.短文改错设置的错误的主要类型 短文改错设置的错误的主要类型有:⑴名词的单复数;⑵动词的词态和语态;⑶非谓语动词;⑷介词的搭配;⑸主谓一致性;⑹不定冠词与定冠词;⑺固定词组的搭配;⑻行文逻辑一致性;⑼词性的混淆;⑽同义词辨异;⑾连词的误用;⑿代词的格与数;⒀句子成份残缺等。归纳为语法错误、词汇错误和上下文关系错误。这些错误大致涉及以下几个方面:(一)一致性问题 所涉及的一致性问题主要包括主谓一致、时态、语态一致、代词指代一致、名词的数与格的一致、句式结构与语意一致、行文关系的一致。例如:主谓不一致 eg: There were a football game on TV last Saturday evening. 讲解:原句中a football game决定了谓语动词必须用单数,所以应该把were改为was。 (二)词性问题 词性问题不单单是识别的问题,能够说出所给单词的词性,并不说明能够在句中找出用错词性的地方。其主要目的是检测考生是否真正了解主要词类的语法作用及其在句中的经常性位置,如名词在句中一般作主语、宾语、表语,动词作谓语,形容词充当表语、定语和宾补,而副词则充当状语,修饰形容词、动词乃至句子。 名词主要考察能力:单复数混用和出题形式: 单复数混用 eg: Helen is seve nteen year old. She is very busy. 讲解:“年龄多大了”应该为复数形式,应此应该把year改为years。注意:代词单复数混用类似。 eg: As for a friendship, we can readily find them in our classmates and other people ar ound us. 讲解:显然因该把them改为it,指代前面提及的friendship。此句话意思是“就友谊来说,我们可以很容易地从我们的同学和周围的人中找到。” 形容词/副词主要考察能力:两者之间是否混用。 出题形式:形容词与副词混用。即该用形容词的地方原文用了副词,该用副词的地方原文用了形容词。 ①副词代替正确形容词出现在文章当中 eg: During the football season, Helen is much busier than usually. 讲解:很明显“与平时相比较更忙”,因此需要把usually改为usual。 ②形容词代替正确副词出现在文章当中 eg: As the time clock showed one minute an d forty-two seconds left in the game, she began cheering excited,“Come on-get going!”


话题七:生态环保类 (一 The need to feed a growing population is putting much pressure on the world's supply of water. With 97% of the world's water too salty to be drunk or used in agriculture, the worldwide supply of water needs careful management, especially in agriculture. Although the idea of a water shortage(短缺 seems strange to someone fortunate enough to live in a high rainfall country, many of the world's agricultural industries experience constant water shortages. Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons, the costs of water redistribution(重新分配 are very high. Not only is there the cost of the engineering itself, but there is also an environmental cost to be considered. Where valleys(山谷 are flooded to create dams, houses are lost and wildlife homes destroyed. Besides, water may flow easily through pipes to fields, but it cannot be transported from one side of the world to the other. Each country must therefore rely on the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements. This is particularly troubling for countries with agricultural industries in areas dependent on irrigation (灌溉 . In Texas, farmers' overuse of irrigation water has resulted in a 25% reduction of the water stores. In the Central Valley area of southwestern USA, a huge water engineering project provided water for farming in dry valleys, but much of the water use has been poorly managed. Saudi Arabia's attempts to grow wheat in desert areas have seen the pumping of huge quantities of irrigation water from underground reserves. Because there is no rainfall in these areas, such reserves can only decrease, and it is believed that fifty years of pumping will see them run dry. 1. From the first two paragraphs we learn that________.


高中英语作文写作技巧方法 导读:本文高中英语作文写作技巧方法,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 审题是做到切题的第一步。所谓审题就是要看清题意,确定文章的中心思想、主题,并围绕中心思想组织材料。 高中英语作文写作技巧方法:构思并列出简单的提纲审好题、立好意后,就要写提纲,打造文章的骨架。文章布局要做好几件事:安排好层次段落,铺设好过渡,处理好开头和结尾。 高中英语作文写作技巧方法:扩展成文根据字数多少扩展成篇。扩展的内容一定要紧扣主题,千万不要写那些与主题不相关的内容。展开的方式包括:顺序法、举例法、比较法、对比法、说明法、因果法、推导法、归纳法和下定义等。可以根据需要任选一种或几种方式。 在这一步骤中还需注意三方面问题: 1)确保提纲中段落结构的思路与各段主题句的一致性。只有这样,才能保证所写段落不 偏题、不跑题。 2)要综合考虑各个段落的内容安排,避免段落内容的交叉。 3)用好连接词,注意段落间、句子间的连贯性。要做到所写文章层次分明,思路清晰, 文字连贯,就需要在句与句之间、段与段之间架起一座座桥梁,

而连接词起的正是桥 梁作用。 在扩展的过程中也有些窍门,以下几点可供参考: 1)在整篇文章中,避免只是用一两个句式或重复用同一词语。英语中存在着极为丰富的同义词,准确地使用同义词可以给读者清新的感觉。同时要灵活运用各种句式,如 倒装句、强调句、省略句、主从复合句、对比句、分词短语、介词短语等,从而增加 文章的可读性。 2)使用不同长度的句子。如果一个意思用一句话写不清楚的话,通过分句和合句或用两 句、三句来表达,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。 3)改变句子的开头方式,不要总是以主、谓、宾、状的次序。可以把状语至于句首,或 用分词等。 4)学会使用过渡词。 (1) 递进furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition,then,etc (2) 转折however,but,nevertheless,afterwards,etc (3) 总结finally,at last,in brief,to conclude,etc (4) 强调really,indeed,certainly,surely,above a11,etc (5) 对比in the same way,just as,on the other hand,etc


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷Ⅲ) 英语答案解析 第一部分:阅读理解 第一节 1.【答案】A 【解析】题干问的是三月份可参加的旅行,而第一个项目San Francisco Winery Tour的时间是从2月1日到4月30日。故选A。 【考点】冠词,细节理解。 2.【答案】C 【解析】第二个项目Back to the Fifties Tour中提到在San Francisco你能免费品尝冰淇淋。而其他选项在这个旅行中没有被提到。故选C。 【考点】介词辨析,细节理解。 3.【答案】D 【解析】第四个项目Holiday Lights Tour的最后一句话提到”Advance reservations required”,由此可知,该旅行需要提前预定。故选D。 【考点】代词,细节理解。 4.【答案】B 【解析】根据第一段的最后一句”As one group of workers carried out the rubbish,another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the buildings end”可推断出工人们清理垃圾和清除座位及其他剧院设备是在为剧院的关闭做准备。故选B。 【考点】副词辨析,推理判断。 5.【答案】D 【解析】根据第二段中的”Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate”可知,剧院的老板亲自选定了The Last picture Show这部电影,因为他认为这部电影很合适。原文中的“appropriate”和D选项的“suitable都表示“合适的”。故选D。 【考点】细节理解。 6.【答案】C 【解析】第四段最后一句说剧院被卖给了当地的开发公司,该公司计划在剧院所在地建综合购物大楼,因此可推断出剧院将被推倒拆除。故选C。 【考点】动词的时态,推理判断。


短文改错试题汇编 2017 全国一 In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor’s orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I forgot what he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!”“Slow down!”“Turning left!” I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road. 2017 全国二 Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening tools. Beside, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. When summer came, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables! 2017 全国三 When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of how fast time flies. I had grown not only physically, and also mentally in the past few years. About one month after this photo was took, I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club. Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time, car magazines and musical instruments. I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the late music albums. This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days. 2016全国一 My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live. Though not very big, but the restaurant is popular in our area. It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some People even had to wait outside. My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time. Instead, he hopes that our business will grow steady. 2016全国二 The summer holiday is coming. My classmates and I are talking about


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A To American visitors, Iceland is a very interesting country, partly because it is different in so many ways from what he or she is used to seeing at home. There are quite a few things that are not done, or that do not exist on the island —quite a few "No's". There is no pollution, for instance. No dogs are permitted in Reykjavik, the capital. There is no television on Thursdays or during the entire month of July, and only three hours of black-and-white TV the rest of the time. There is no hard liquor on Wednesdays and no beer at any time. There are no handguns; only one jail of thirty-five cells in the entire land —an admirable figure, even for a small country of 313,376 people. There is no army, air force or navy. There is no tipping for anything. There are no large stores open on Saturdays or Sundays. Since Iceland is situated just under the Arctic Circle, there is no darkness in summer and no daylight in winter. But thanks to Gulf Stream, the climate is rather mild, with temperatures ranging from 34 degrees Fahrenheit to 52 degrees in July. The rules on television, liquor, and guns are the result of governmental decision. But the absence of pollution is due in great part to the fact that Iceland gets its power from the enormous geyser(间歇泉and the thousands of hot springs that come out of the ground. They provide all the energy needed by the country. In fact, Iceland uses only 3 percent of all its available power. Iceland has been described as a democratic independent country where more fish are caught and more books published per person than anywhere else in the world. The Icelanders have always felt a particular love for literature. They composed their first works in the ninth and tenth centuries AD. These works were poems and tales about the kings, heroes, and heroines of Iceland and Norway. At first the stories were memorized


高考英语写作技巧:写作之描写篇 这里所说的描写,是指对自然景物、社会环境和动植物的描写。 描写,是用生动形象的语言,把景物的形体、特征、性质等具体地描绘出来,使人产生如临其境、如睹其物的感受。它是用富有表现力的文字描绘客观事物的一种表现形式。运用描写,可以展现地域、环境、自然景物的画面,可以绘声绘色、有形有神地展示动物、植物的神态。 人们通常所说的描写,主要是指艺术性描写。我们这里所说的描写也包括了一部分用于说明文里的技术性描写,如地区的介绍等。描写,有单独成文的,也有穿插在其他体裁之中的。比如,在记叙文中,景物描写可以创造某种气氛,烘托人物性格、展示事件背景等。我们这里选编的主要是单独成文的描写文。 一、描写方式 所有描写都包含两个要素:一是对象(object),二是观察者(observer)。前者指看到的或听说的客观事物,后者指看或听的人,一般是指描写文的作者。根据二者之中哪一个要素处于支配地位,我们可把描写方式分为两种: 1.客观性描写 客观性描写独立于观察者的感知和感情,精确记录描写对象的面目。它是一种真实的报道,目的在于告诉不能亲眼看见描写对象的读者景物的真实情况。作者把自己当作是一部照相机,用词语如实摄制真正的照片。从其超然或公正的特点来看,客观性描写文作者很像是科学家,他要从自己的工作中严格排除个人意见和感情。例如,他在描写上楼时,不能写“I am going upstairs”,而只能直接写“on the second floor”;也不能用反映个人意见内涵的词语,例如,要说“大楼”就要用陈述事实的“large building”,而不能用含有感情的表达“a magnificent building”。 2.印象性描写 印象性描写与客观性描写截然不同。它注视的是描写对象在观察者或作者心目中引起的情绪或情感,而不是描写对象本身的存在。就是说,它不是向读者传达信息,而是要激发读者的感情。它是让人们去感觉,而不是让人们去看。所以,感情交流是印象性描写的首要目的。交流的过程起始于作者,它必须来源于真诚的感情。作者要想使自己的描写成功,不仅感觉要深,而且要在自己的心目中明确那是什么感情。只有作者了解了自己的心情才能把它交流给读者。 二、描写类型 描写文有多种分类方法,有从对象上分类的,有从方法上分类的,还有从描写角度分类的。就我们的需要而言描写文可从内容和技法两方面进行分类:


徐老师 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号 涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是C。 1. What does the woman think of the movie? A. It’s amusing. B. It’s exciting. C.It’s disappointing. 2. How will Susan spend most of her time in France? A. Traveling around. B. Studying at a school. C. Looking after her aunt. 第1页

3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Going out. B. Ordering drinks. C. Preparing for a party. 4. Where are the speakers? A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore. 5. What is the man going to do? A. Go on the Internet. B. Make a phone call. C. Take a train trip. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the woman looking for? A. An information office. B. A police station C. A shoe repair shop. 7. What is the Town Guide according to the man? A. A brochure. B. A newspaper. C. A map. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What does the man say about the restaurant? A. It’s the biggest one around. B. It offers many tasty dishes. C. It’s famous for its seafood. 9. What will the woman probably order? A. Fried fish. B. Roast chicken. C. Beef steak. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Where will Mr. White be at 11 o’clock? A. At the office. B. At the airport. C. At the restaurant. 11. What will Mr. White probably do at one in the afternoon? A. Receive a guest. B. Have a meeting. C. Read a report. 第2页


【解题技巧】 1、通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑,尤其是有的行文逻辑方面的错误在看单句时难以发现错误(比如前文用mike,后文代词用she等)。在通读全文时把一些容易的错误先改好,再进行分句改错。 2、分局阅读,逐行找错。在完成第一步后,要进行逐行主句的改错。这是要对文中的词法、句法和语篇角度着重分析和特别注意。 3、最后把改好的短文再阅读一遍,检查答案是否正确,感觉是否还有不妥之处,最终形成定稿。 【考查要点】 1 词法的测试: 2 定冠词和不定冠词的用法,即a, an, the三者的转化与增减。例:A beauty of the West Lake is more than I can describe.正解:A--The 3 名词的单复数和名词所有格。 例:More than one students can’t take in it.正解:students—student 4 动词的时态、语态、语气,情态动词和非谓语动词。

例:He is good at sing songs.正解:sing—singing 5 人称代词的格、物主代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等用法。 例:The book is her.正解:her—hers 6 词性的变化。 例:John deep believed that the God knows everything.正解:deep—deeply 7 并列连词、从属连词的用法。 例:She insisted that the boy told was a lie.正解:that—what 8 形容词、副词以及比较级与最高级的用法。 例:They all exacting by the exacted news.正解:exacting—exacted ; exacted—exacting 9 固定搭配与习惯用法。 例:It happened all of sudden.正解:of 后加a 11、句法的测试: 12 考察英语的一致性现象,主要包括:主谓不一致、代词不一致、


2017高考英语冲刺训练 短文改错专练 Ⅰ.真题回顾 (2014全国卷Ⅰ) Nearly five years before ,and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果)in our back garden, since then---for all these year---we had been allowing tomatoes to self seed where they please . As result, the plants are growing somewhere. The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors .Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had any disease or insect attack problem. We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at on cost! (2015全国卷Ⅰ) When I was a child, I hoped to live in the ciyt. I think I would be happy there. Now I am living in a city ,but I miss my home in countryside. There the air is clean or the mountains are green. Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. Much rare animals are dying out . We must found ways to protect your environment. If we fail to do so ,we’ll live to regret it . Ⅱ.模拟训练 (2016皖南八校) When Molly's father was about to work, his daughter Molly, aged 8,hand him a bag.The father was in hurry so he didn't know what was inside. While having lun ch, he took outthe contents: a plastic dinosaur, a tiny sea shell and three small stone. The busy fathersmiled, finished eating, and sweeping the desk clean into the dustbin include Molly's junk.This evening, Molly wanted her bag back because she had not made a note into it: I love you,Daddy. The father went to his office hurried, carrying the junk home. He asked Molly to tellher about the junk. It was turned out that everything in the bag had a story. To Molly theywere not junk and treasures! A Last weekend our school hold a sports meeting. Realizing it wasour last school sports meeting, we decided to make it a unforgettable experience. We first attended the opening ceremony, for whom our class had made a lot of preparations. Much for our excitement, our performance was a success. My classmates took part in various event, such as running, high jump and long jump. Due to the hard training the athletes have done before, their performance was very impressively. My classmates applauded and cheered for the athletes, some raising their cameras to capture the excited moments. The result was announced. Our class won the second place and our efforts were paid off! Cup in hand, we took a picture together proudly. This sports meeting will be a precious memory for all of them as time goes by. B Many of us are familiar to the World Cup, a football competition which is popular among people in almost all nation. Do you know there is another football competition that was well known worldwide? It’s calling the Super Bowl and is held every January in the USA. It is very different from the football we know. However, the more you know about them, the well you will like it. Each year the Super Bowl is played in different American city. This is of great important because it helps make sure that the game is fair. Now the Super Bowl is broadcast on TV all over the world. But if you want to see the Super Bowl lively, you had better to have a lot of money, since the ticket for the game is pretty expensive. C Yesterday my English teacher asked each student write a composition title “The Greatest Achievement of My Life”. I was not sure how to write about it. I’ve thought it over for a long time. I do many things. Coming to America, get a job and meeting new people was my achievements. I think my greatest achievement is learning English. Though sometime I don’t understand everything people ar e saying, but each day I get better and better. I told my teacher this was difficult composition to write. Above all, it is hard to measure everything you have done. D Tom is one of my best friends at high school. We spent a lot of time together every day. We share a lot common. For example, we both work hardly and love sports. Although I am not so smart as her, we both do very well at school. Tom’s favorite subjects is history and Chinese, and he also speaks excellent English. I am used to be bad at English. Thank to his



高考英语阅读 文体类型及阅读理解答题技巧 一、英语阅读文体类型简析 高考英语阅读常见的文体类型有:记叙文、议论文、说明文和应用文。 1、记叙文 英语记叙文以描写叙述为主,主要描写人物、事件、地点、或过程。特点是,其主题往往潜伏在字里行间,没有直接地表白出来;文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼。描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开。阅读记叙文体应采取略读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线。高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主。 2、议论文 英语议论文通常为三段式,即“论点、论据、结论”三部份组成。首先借助某一现象引出论点,然后通过一定论据从各个层面上加以推理论证,最后得出结论。议论文体主要考查学生对论点及论据的把握。因此,遇到议论文体时,应采取抓主题句的方法来把握文章主旨,弄清作者的观点。一般来说,作者的论点通常在文章首段被引出,接着是对这一论点的逻辑推理和论证,最后为结论。还应注意的是:在对论点论证的过程中,每一段的首句都是该段的主题句。把握全文论点、弄清论证各段的主题句、理解文章层次、找出中心论点的位置是理解议论文的关键。 就议论文而言,其论证的常见结构方式有: 1,总分式总---分;分----总;总----分---总; 2,并列式几个论据之间属于平等关系; 3,递进式几个论据之间属于递进关系; 4,对照式把两种事物加以对比,以彰显其中一种。 3、说明文 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、说明过程和归纳总结。常见的说明方法: 1,定义与诠释说明; 2,举例与引用说明; 3,分类与图表说明; 4,比较与比喻说明; 5,分析与综合说明; 就高考英语说明文的阅读而言,首先要抓住文章说明的要点,也就是要抓住被说明对象的实质性特征;弄清作者从哪个角度、哪个层面开始说明;并明白文章最后的说明结论。高考说明文阅读材料通常介绍最新科技、重大成就、生活时尚、流行现象等。了解说明文的写作手法、说明方法,理清短文结构及段落中心思想是答题关键。 4、应用文

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