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( )1. Last night I saw___UFO flying in the sky and took pictures of it.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. 不填

( )2. Tim had tried twice, and his father asks him to have ___third try.

A. the

B. a

C. another

D. /

( )3. Many students in our school can play ________ guitar.

A. the

B. a

C. 不填

( )4. Liu Changchun is _________ first Chinese to join the Olympics.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. 不填

( )5. I think it's _________ useful advice, so I will always remember it.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )6. —Will you get there by _______ train?

—No, I'll take _______ taxi.

A. /; a

B. a; the

C. /; /

D. the; a

( )7. I read _____ story. It is _____ interesting story.

A. a; an

B. a; a

C. the; the

D. /; an

( )8. We always have _____ rice for ______ lunch.

A. /; /

B. the; /

C. /; a

D. /; the

( )9. ______ train is faster than _______ bus.

A. A; a

B. The; /

C. A; the

D. /; the

( )10. January is ______ first month of the year.

A. a

B. /

C. the

D. /

( )11. Einstein won ______ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )12. I like music, but I don't like ______ music of that TV play.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )13. ______ girl over there is ______ English teacher.

A. The; an

B. A; /

C. The; /

D. A; a

( )14. We often have sports after class, and I like to play _____ basketball.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )15. More college graduates would like to work in ____ west part of our country ___ next year.

A. the; the

B. /; /

C. /; the

D. the; /

( )16. We work five days ________ week.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )17. There's _______ “u” and _______ “s” in ______ word “use”.

A. an;a; the

B. a; an; /

C. a; a; a,

D. a; an; the

( )18. That's ______ useful book. I have read it already.

A. the

B. an

C. a

D. /

( )19. ______ Whites have moved to a new house.

A. A

B. An

C. The

D. /

( )20. Avatar is such _______ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it _____ second time.

A. a; a

B. a; the

C. /; the

D. /; a


考点一不定冠词a, an的用法


1. 表示类别,泛指一类人或物。

2. 表示某人或某物,但不具体说明是何人或何物。

3. 表示“每一”,相当于every.

4. 表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one 强烈。

5. 两个名词前只用了一个a或an, 就表示一个整体或一个人具有两个特征。

6. 用于固定短语中。


定冠词the与指示代词this, that, these, those意义相当,用于不可数名词、可数名词单复数前,表示某个或某些定的人或事物。

1. 表示特指时用定冠词the.

2. 表示说话双方都知道的人或事。

3. 指上文已提到的人或事物。

4. 用于世界上独一无二的事物前。

5. 用于序数词和形容词最高级前。

6. 用在某些由普通名词所构成的专有名词形容词前。

7. 用在乐器名词前。

8. 用在某些形容词前,表示一类人。

9. 用在姓氏复数形式前,表示“全家人”或“夫妇俩”。

10. 用于某些固定搭配中。


1. 复数名词或不可数名词表示一般意义而不指具体的人或事物时,不用冠词。

2. 名词前有this, that, my, your, their, whose, these, some, any, no, each, every等代词时,不用冠词。

3. 学科﹑球类﹑三餐前不加任何的冠词。

4. 颜色和具体的语言前不加任何冠词。

5. 在国名和地名前不用任何的冠词。

6. 职务﹑称呼语和头衔前不加任何冠词。

7. 用于一些固定短语中。



( )1. I got the news on ______ radio.

A. /

B. a

C. an

D. the