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Division one Greek culture and roman culture
I . Greek Culture
Group one
• Leader:胡锦璞 • Members:孙京、杨建勋、赵元硕、段娟娟
• • • • •
Part 1-3 Part 4-6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
• Talks about the stories after the war • Hero : Odysseus
• 《史诗》是具有丰富意义的光辉巨著,它既是完美的 文学作品,又是研究古代氏族社会的重要历史文献。 • 它正式成书于公元前 6 世纪。包括两部史诗,一部为 《伊利亚特》,另一部是《奥德修纪》。史诗的内容 来源于公元前 12 世纪末希腊岛南部地区的阿开亚人 和小亚西亚北部的特洛伊人之间发生的一场 10 年的 战争。战争结束后,民间便有了许多传说,传说以短 歌的形式歌颂战争中涌现出来的英雄事迹,并与古希 腊神话交织在一起,由民间歌人口头传诵,代代相传, 每逢盛宴或节日,就在氏族官邸中咏唱。史诗的结构 异常精美。两部史诗的时间跨度都长达 10 年,但前 者只描写了 4 天的战斗、 21 天的埋葬仪式和 26 天 的空闲时间共计 51 天;后者也只集中描写了 41 天的 活动。与主题有关的事件构成核心故事 , 其它的社会 活动、贸易往来、宗教活动和生产作为穿插。
4、Lyric Poetry 叙事诗 Representive persons 代表性人物: Sappho 莎孚(约公元前612—543年) Pindar品达(约公元前518-438年)
Sappho 莎孚(或萨福)
她几乎是我们目前所知的远古时代最著名的女 诗人。然而,对于萨福的诗篇,世人所知甚少。 据传,萨福留有诗歌九卷之多,但目前仅存一 首完整的诗章,其余均为残篇断简。从公元前 三世纪起,萨福的名字就开始出现在诗歌、戏 剧和各种著述中,她逐渐被神化或丑化,按时 代的需求——或被喻为第十位缪斯;或被描绘 为皮肤黝黑、长相丑陋的女人。中世纪时,因 她诗篇歌咏同性之爱而被教会视为异端,将她 的诗歌全部焚毁。若不是在十九世纪末一位埃 及农民在尼罗河水域偶然发现纸莎草本上记载 萨福的诗歌,被淹没的诗歌会更多。但萨福的 传奇始终流传着,尤其是在各代诗人们心中成 为一座灯塔。
• Author : Homer
• It includes the • Iliad and the Odyssey.
• It talks about the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece against the city of Troy .
Today in Athens
2、Social and political structure
• • • • Athens was a democracy Exercise of power by the whole people Only the adult male citizens Economy rested on an immense amount of slave labor • Olympus mount
• The capital of Greek • The Acropolis(雅典的卫城) hill, so called the "Sacred Rock" of Athens, is the most important site of the city. During Perikles’ Golden Age, ancient Greek civilization was represented in an ideal way on the hill and some of the architectural masterpieces of the period were erected on its ground.
胡锦璞 赵元硕 段娟娟 杨建勋 孙 京
1、The Historical Background
• TIME: around 1200B.C. • Establishment : after the war between Greece and Troy. • Cultural Significance: mark by the successful repulse of the Persian invasion . • Spread : Alexander and his armies conquered large areas of Europe Asia and Africa. • End: it was conquered by the Romans
• Every four years they had a big festival on Olympus Mount
• He probably lived around 700 B.C. • He is bland • Weather did he exist
Homer Epics

I could not Baidu Nhomakorabeaope
to touch the sky
• Odysseus :was the son of Laertes and was the ruler of the island kingdom of Ithaca. He was one of the most prominent Greek leaders in the Trojan War, and was the hero of Homer's Odyssey. He was known for his cleverness and cunning, and for his eloquence as a speaker.