当前位置:文档之家› 关于travel的雅思口语范文5篇






Q: describe your latest travel in detail. with whom?and the destination,it take u how long to get to the destination.

A: Last month I went on a trip to Xi'an with my wife and my daughter.

We went there by train .It took about 20 hours from Guangzhou to Xi'an, I admit that Xi'an is my hometown. I have not gone back to see my parents for 4 years, We miss my family very much. After arriving Xi'an, we visited one of the 8th wonders of the world. That is terracotta warriors. My wife and I have visited several times before.

I have long wanted to show my daughter the wonder of the world. This is the first time she visited. Unfortunately she did not like them. I thought she was too young to enjoy them.She is only 12 years old.

Q:describe the natrual scene.some intersting things happened during ur

tavel?can u describe it for me? ur reason to travel is what?

A: The terrocotta warriors is the tomb of Qinshihuang emperor about 2000 years ago ,who is the first emperor in China history. In his tomb, there are thousands of terracotta warriors and horses.

These terracotta warriors are lifelike, also there are lots of ancient weapons such as swords, spears and so on. It is said that the swords are very sharp-edged now.If you visit the museum, you will find how magnificent it is.


Describe a long journey you enjoyed.

You should say

where you went

when and why you went there

what landscapes you saw

and explain why this was such an unforgettable trip.

One journey I went on that was very long indeed was my trip around Europe last summer, travelling by train.

I went for a whole month, going all around Europe from my home country of England east until I got to Eastern Europe, and then back in a loop to Italy. I went so I could see the rich history and culture of the continent, which was practically on my doorstep. I felt it was high time I embarked on a long trip to experience some more of the world and its people.

Travelling by train I kept myself occupied by looking out of the window at the landscapes as they flashed by. The countryside was mostly fields, but once I got to the Alps then it became beautiful. There were towering cliffs of rocks with fast-flowing rivers cutting between valley walls. I could even see a castle on one of the hillsides. Each city I visited brought a new style of architecture and type of person on the street. I saw medieval cottages, baroque cathedrals and shabby, modern apartment blocks. The landscape varied with each country I came to.

I’ll never forget this trip because it was the first time I was travelling without a home base. I went with a good friend and we spent a lot of time together. We had memorable conversations on the long train journeys about live, society, religion... all very deep stuff. I also had the chance to see some of the world’s most famous sights like the Eiffel Tower and the Dom cathedral in Cologne. It was fascinating waking up on a moving train knowing that the next stop I got off at was going to present me with a whole new country with many surprises. It was a unique experience.

travel雅思口语范文篇三:Travel by plane

Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

Where this person travels to

and explain why this person likes to travel by plane.

I would like to say something about my teacher whose name is Simon. He is responsible for recruiting international students for my university, which is why he has to fly a lot to foreign countries to promote my university and give interviews. The places that he visits frequently are England and Canada because students from these two countries are particularly interested in learning Chinese in China. I think he enjoys the travel because he once told me that sometimes some unexpected but wonderful things would happen during the flight. For example, there was a time when

he had to travel to Leeds, a city in England. In the airport he lost his wallet. He was desperate to search for it but the boarding time was quite limited. Surprisingly, he finally found his wallet as a cleaner found the wallet under the chair where he sat. He told me that he was quite grateful at that moment.


1.Have you ever shared this traveling experience with your friends?

2.What do you need to prepare when you travel to a place far away?

3.What choices would young people make when it comes to travel?

4.What problems do you think will happen in a long journey?

5.How can people make the long journey comfortable?

6.Do most people like to travel with someone or travel alone?

7.Where do Chinese people like to travel to most?

8.Do you prefer to travel in your own country or travel abroad?

1.Yes, I like sharing my traveling experience with friends on websites. There’s a website named Nations Worldwide, which allow users become friends and create groups to share their traveling experience. Sometimes I create a personal travel map and share it on social media, such as on micro-blog. I also post photos and videos on the websites, and add friends, family members and fellow travelers to network with. I think sharing experiences is one of the most valuable things in life.

2.Well, if I’m not familiar with this place, I’ll read up on where I’m going on the map and make a list of the places that most interest me. Since it’s a long journey, I think safety is the first priority. I may contact a local travel agency and arrange accommodation in advance. I’m always practical when I pack, so I just take money, medicines, comfy shoes and clothes that I can mix and match. In this way, I can travel lighter, if I need something else, I’ll buy it on the journey.

3.of them. I’m independent-minded and I like doing ventures sometimes. I have travelled to South Korea, Bali on my own, and currently driving around Australia on my own.

4.Lots of problems could occur in one’s trip. One of the biggest problem is the cancellation of air service or delay which completely interrupt the trip. Also, personal problems like getting sick also need to be considered. Infection is very common due to blend food that is out of our eating habits. If people travel to some tropical

countries, they may suffer from virus infections, and mosquitos also generate diseases.

5.My advice is to take less luggage. Well-prepared and travelling light will make the trip be a rewarding delight. So every time I take a long journey, I only take a change of clothes, a camera and enough money. In terms of accommodation condition, I don’t care too much about it, but there should be at least a comfortable, clean bed.

6.I think most people like to travel with a companion. People always have someone to talk to if they travel in a group. They can share food, clothing, accommodations, and they will also have someone to share their memories with. What’s more, people may forge a life-long friendship with their travel companions.

7.I think Chinese people want to go abroad for the same reasons anyone would: so see a new country and experience a different culture. They may also want to see what other people think about China. There aren’t many foreigners living within China so it can be fine to find one to talk to. The Olympic Games recently exposed many Chinese people to the international community; they may have a new taste for international travel as well. Another reason may be to improve their English or to study at a foreign university. There are thousands of Chinese students studying for a degree or enrolled at language schools all across Europe and North America.

8.I prefer travelling domestically. Because I think it’s usually more expensive to travel abroad than travel domestically. The plane tickets and accommodation can cost a lot of money. The second reason could be that I find it stressful to travel in a foreign country where I can neither understand the local language nor easily integrate with the locals. Considering these reasons, I choose to travel domestically since I can also enjoy a wonderful time and go to more places with less money. travel雅思口语范文篇五

1. Do you like travelling?

You bet! I am a big fan of travelling around. I spend months all together each year to go somewhere else. I feel that it’s not only an indispensable part of my life, but also can culture my mental development.

2. In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

I guess the autumn is the best time to travel, as it is neither too hot nor too cold, people will feel comfortable to go out. Besides, as the foliage of trees will turn yellow

or red, you will find the picturesque views all around you. Wherever you go, you will experience a memorable trip.

3. Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?

Yes, Chinese people are renowned for their hospitality to visitors. And there are also numerous tourist attractions around the country. For instance, you can visit the natural landscape to see the picturesque views, or you can go to the historical relics to know the events through the long Chinese history, or you can just stay at the metropolises to experience the local people’s lifestyle.

Q: describe your latest travel in detail. with whom?and the destination,it take u how long to get to the destination.

A: Last month I went on a trip to Xi'an with my wife and my daughter.

We went there by train .It took about 20 hours from Guangzhou to Xi'an, I admit that Xi'an is my hometown. I have not gone back to see my parents for 4 years, We miss my family very much. After arriving Xi'an, we visited one of the 8th wonders of the world. That is terracotta warriors. My wife and I have visited several times before.

I have long wanted to show my daughter the wonder of the world. This is the first time she visited. Unfortunately she did not like them. I thought she was too young to enjoy them.She is only 12 years old.

Q:describe the natrual scene.some intersting things happened during ur

tavel?can u describe it for me? ur reason to travel is what?

A: The terrocotta warriors is the tomb of Qinshihuang emperor about 2000 years ago ,who is the first emperor in China history. In his tomb, there are thousands of terracotta warriors and horses.

These terracotta warriors are lifelike, also there are lots of ancient weapons such as swords, spears and so on. It is said that the swords are very sharp-edged now.If you visit the museum, you will find how magnificent it is.












2018年雅思口语part2话题高分范文:改进社区今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是2018年雅思口语part2话题高分范文:改进社区的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! Describe a public place that you think need improvements You should say: What the place is When do you go there What do you like and dislike in the public place The public place that I think need improvements is the community library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week. There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the internet, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy access to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time. However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future.


雅思口语范文16篇 1.Describe a sport you are good at: Tennis I would like to talk about tennis, which is my best love among all the popular sports. Tennis is popular all over the world, especiall y loved by teenagers. There is a comic book named, Prince of Tenn is, illustrated by a Japanese artist. The spread of this book made te nnis more popular. The spirit of tennis is practice makes perfect, and we should nev er give up. When I was in sixth grade, I began to learn how to pla y tennis because I was a fan of the comic book. When I play tennis, I will devote myself to it. I have entered for many tennis competiti ons. I like winning so the procedure seems exciting. At that time, I was not good at sports. But after playing tennis, my PE grades bec ame the best in my class. Because of tennis, I learned that I should never give up when I face difficulties. I still have lots more to work on. Tennis is my favo rite outdoor sport. 2.Movie---starstruck


2020年雅思口语范文素材:喜欢的一本书Describe a kind of book you like. You should say: What kind of books you like most. What they are about. Why you like them most. What effects books brought on you? Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative. 1. a) Because I like reading widely, it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of book. I am sure you can appreciate my dilemma. b) Anyway, I have always enjoyed reading autobiographies. 2. a) An autobiography is a book, which a person has written about his or her life. b) For example, famous people write about their experiences throughout life. There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about autobiographies. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. 3. a) Firstly, I have been able to learn valuable lessons from the lives of others. b) For example, the determination shown by people like Newton and Nobel has inspired me to persist with my studies.


雅思口语范文 雅思口语考题基本上是五大原则:人,物,地点,事件,媒体。 T:在讲五大原则任何一个的时候,务必把这个原则与你联系在一起,开头的时候有个主题句,通过这句话引入下面的支持观点,这个主题句可以通过一到两句话来完成,但最好是对你有影响的。描述这个人---对你有影响;描述这个物----对你有意义;描述这个地点---对你有回忆等等。。。 S:支持观点,在这里要注意,我相信很多同学都会用观点来支持自己,但太过于白话文,大部分用例子来支撑,部分考生喜欢用For example,First , se condly, last but not the least来讲分论点,但这样给考官的感觉是在背作文,而不是真正的口语。在S这的观点一般是需要比较正式点的语言,每讲的一句话最好不少于5个单词以下,但最好不超过5句话。过渡词用什么好呢?最好用well , also , actually ,as a matter of fact , you know 等等词。 E:当然就是找到支持观点的例子,恰当的例子,但是字数不能过多,要简练。 以上就是这篇雅思口语万能模板的主要内容,大家可能会觉得这个模板过于简单,但是这是一个非常有用的模板,也是在论述一个话题的时候最有用的论述方法,尤其是对于雅思口语第二部分的答题很有帮助!下面小编就此模板给大家整理了16篇较为经典的范文,希望大家仔细斟酌,化为己用! 经典范文 1.Describe a sport you are good at: Tennis I would like to talk about tennis, which is my best love among a ll the popular sports. Tennis is popular all over the world, especially

【2019最新】雅思口语高分范文:family-范文word版 (1页)

【2019最新】雅思口语高分范文:family-范文word版 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思口语高分范文:family 家庭话题一直都是雅思口语考试当中最常见的一类,所以大家多准备一些 关于家庭的雅思口语范文进行参考是十分有好处的。 Think of a person in your family that is the most similar to you . Who is this person ? How is he / she similar to you ? What kind of family is yours ? Is it of a typical family structure in China ? My family is a typical family in China . There are grandparents , parents , a brother , my wife and I in my family . I look just like my father . Medium build , pointed nose and dense black hair . My father is very kind and easy going . His love is the most selfless love . I am luck enough because I have a good father . My father has been specially thirsty for knowledge as he had only a few years of schooling himself . He believe that knowledge can change fate . So , my father offer more opportunity for me to study To sum up , my family is harmony and our life is very happy . 1) What do you think are the differences between families in and past and today , and what have caused these changes ? In the past , there were several children in a family . But now , government has is sued one -- child policy to limit the size of the family . So , there is only one child in a family . Couples will be punished financially if they have more than one child . This is one -- child policy . 2) What is your opinion of one -- child policy ?


1、雅思口语范文:Hometown 备考雅思口语需要平时积累相关的信息,在口语考试中,如果思路不够灵活,就会出现卡壳的状况,所以为了避免这一情况的发生,还是多参考雅思口语范文来拓展灵感吧。以下是为大家准备的雅思口语范文:Hometown,供参考。 Hometown话题是雅思口语Part1中的必考话题,所以考生们准备一些关于Hometown的雅思口语范文是很必要的应对措施。下面就是雅思口语中关于Hometown话题的常见问题以及相应的范文。 Where do you come from? How long have you lived in your hometown? I come from Guangzhou. My parents have been living here for the past thirty years or so. I grew up here and attended a well-known high school called Zhixin High School. We live in a nice area with many shops, restaurants, and other businesses. ( 雅思口语Part1关于Hometown5 - 6分的范文) I come from Guangzhou. My parents have been living here for the past thirty years or so. I grew up here and attended a well-known high school called Zhixin High School, a major middle school in the province. We live in a respectable area with many shops, restaurants, and a variety

2019-2020-雅思口语Part3范文-范文word版 (1页)

2019-2020-雅思口语Part3范文-范文word版 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思口语Part3范文 雅思口语 Part 3范文雅思口语范文是考生们备考雅思时很好的资料,下面为雅思考生们提供的雅思口语 Part 3范文,大家可以阅读与背诵,希望 对大家有所帮助! 雅思口语 Part 3范文一、 What are the benefits for playing sports ? Well , in general , playing sports gives us physical fitness and psychological enjoyment . Sports help people to become stronger and healthier . Activities increase the heart rate , which will lead to several hours ofalertness . Thus , people become energetic and can improve their working efficiency . Moreover , a regular exercise routine can make fatigue problems disappear . 二、 What are the advantages for a country to hold major international sport events ? Well , holding major international sports events makes a country win a wider reputation . Now more and more people in the world have got to know that China is developed and powerful enough to hold the Olympics . Thus , it increases the opportunities for foreign investment , tourism , exports and other international cooperation . 三、 What are the common ways for Chinese people to keep fit ? They are different among different groups of people . Young people would like to play basketball , football , volleyball in schools , while those working people prefer jogging or taking a walk . Old people usually go to the park to play Taiji or dance in the morning . 四、 What are the sport facilities like in your city ? I am glad to say that we have more sport facilities in our city now . People can easily access those facilities and do exercise . In every community , we have outdoor facilities and they are free . Fitness centers or stadiums are thoughtfully distributed in the whole city . 五、 Do you believe that the sport a person likes can reflect his personality ? Yes , I think so . People who like participating in games are more competitive in personality . Some people like team sports , such as basketball , football , which require team spirit among team members . So people of this type are more cooperative in teamwork . 以上是 为您整理的信息,预祝您在雅思考试中取得好成绩!


雅思口语话题part2高分范文分享 备考雅思口语需多看优秀范文,今天了雅思口语part2新题范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 Describe a public place that you think need improvements You should say: What the place is When do you go thereWhat do you like and dislike in the public place 1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements) The public place that I think need improvements is the munity library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week. There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the

library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the inter, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy aess to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time. However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future. Describe a city or country you most want to live in the future You should say: What is it Where is it located


雅思口语新题part1参考范文 多看一些优秀的雅思口语范文有助于备考雅思口语,今天和大家分享一下雅思口语题库part1必考话题范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 1.How often do you use the puter? I use it on a daily basis. I mean, I can’t go a day without it now because I use it to do almost everything, like searching for information, keeping in touch with friends, reading news and loosening up. My puter is a big part of my life now. on a daily basis 每天 search for information 查询信息 keep in touch with …和…保持联系 I can’t go a day without it 我完全离不开它 loosen up 放松

A big part of my life 我生活中非常重要的一部分 2.Who taught you how to use a puter? Well, my memory's a bit sketchy now. I think it must have been my dad. If I remember correctly, he taught me how to type when I was a 4th grader. I remember thinking it was super difficult and I didn't want to learn it at all, but my dad told me that typing would be an essential skill in the future. He was right. My memory’s a bit sketchy now 我的记忆有点模糊了 A 4th grader 四年级学生 3.Do you think puters have changed your life a lot? Yes, definitely. The puter has changed my life dramatically. For starters, when I was a child, I used to play with my little friends outside every day and we always had a ball together. However, now, in my downtime, I just


雅思口语雅思托福技巧雅思口语-美联国际教育 雅思口语范文:Lifestyle 2014-01-21 14:20 类别:雅思口语来源:enguo 责编:meten 以下是小编为大家搜索整理的有关雅思口语范文Lifestyle相关信息介绍,每年雅思写作会涉及到Lifestyle方面的考题,所以一下雅思口语范文考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。 You should say: - who he /she is - how you know this person - what sort of person he/she is (or, what he/she is like) and explain what he/she does that is healthy Part 3 A Healthy Lifestyle What do you think makes a "healthy lifestyle"? Can you give some examples of how a person's lifestyle affects their health? What are some examples of an unhealthy lifestyle? Do you think celebrities usually have a healthy lifestyle? How much sleep per day do you think a person needs in order to maintain good health? Well let me think, I suppose my grandmother Linda is the one who keeps a healthy lifestyle. Grandma Linda loves nature Grandmother Linda finds some ideas for healthy lifestyle. First of all, she became a vegetarian when she was young and has a fat free diet more than 50 years. Secondly, she drinks tea every day. According to a scientific study, tea is better than coffee, for tea can lower fat in our body, fight cancer and protect our heart. Meanwhile, she doesn't stay up late and does lead an orderly life. As an old saying goes, healthy is happiness. My grandmother leads a healthy lifestyle and lives happiness. 以上即是雅思口语范文Lifestyle话题介绍,大家在备考雅思口语时可以结合以上提到的内容进行练习,俗话说熟能生巧,考生朋友们加油!


雅思口语7分经验分享 雅思口语7分--既然选择出国,哪还在乎背一本机经,家带来了雅思口语7分经验分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语7分--既然选择出国,哪还在乎背一本机经 20XX-08-17 16:36新东方网整理分享到个人状况:大学勉强过四级,没考6级。工作后突然觉得学历不够,要继续读研,提高英语。于是断然辞职,用了将近半年多的时间复习,备考,战斗。 终于overall : 6.5 speaking:7 首先我想说的是,如果你英语不错,自认随便考考就可以考个7之类的朋友,建议你不要看此贴。因为你能力够好,不需要分享我的经验,我的每一步都是脚踏实地,没有运气,没有天赋,有的只是付出巨大的努力去换回应得的那一点点回报。 听力和阅读我就不多说了,基础不太好的同学,这两项应该都不会好到哪里去,所以我自认自己非常的努力,我的作文和口语从比这两项要考得好很多。

听力:我后来是每天坚持听BBC,并且听写下来,听力的单词一定要会拼写,我很遗憾,考了几次每次都有低级的单词拼写错误,所以一定要拼写下来。 阅读:我阅读一直没很大的提高,剑桥的书做了很多遍,有时做了7,有时6,考试还偶尔考个5.5,问题不知出在哪里,但多看总是没错的,我考完后因为读材料和自己申请,觉得阅读提高很多,现在再去考不知道会不会提高点。 重点我想说说口语和写作,这是我能分享的成功经验。我雅思先后考了4次,但庆幸每一次都有收获,没有浪费一分钱。没有之前的失败,不会有最后的成功,所以不管考几次,一定要自己认真总结。 但4次里面,我的口语都不低于6,之后是6.5,最后是7,稳步提升。我的经验就是我从不怯场,可能和工作有关,我的沟通能力较强,比较胆大,这可能也是我胜算的原因,还有一点就是:我努力。我准备了几乎所有的话题,每天背2——3个小时,也就是说我保持说口语的状态each day,并且说的都是和雅思考试相关的内容。 但这个很难坚持,我告诉很多人,他们都表示去死也不可能坚持每天说3小时口语。但,你如果不坚持,随便准备个十来个话题,我保证你必败,除非你就是运气好,再无其他。


雅思口语话题Part3高分范文分享 苦于没有词穷口难开?怎么办?别怕,今天和大家分享一下雅思口语话题Part3高分范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语话题Part3范文:an English lesson that you have taken 参考答案:Describe an English lesson that you have taken 1. What qualities should a good language teacher have? Well, I guess an effective language teacher should, first of all, be knowledgeable and competent to be able to answer all students questions accurately and lay a good foundation for mastering the language. They should also be imaginative and innovative to break monotony as well as get students excited to learn the language and take lively Participation in the class. I also guess its vital for a good language teacher to be interactive to develop students creative self-expression communicative skills, and, of course motivating to spark language learners to use target language whenever possible. 2. Why do people learn foreign languages?


雅思口语---介绍顺德碧桂园业主论坛https://www.doczj.com/doc/c114161582.html,/bbs.php 描述一个人 1. describe a person you once helped Why and how can parents teach children to help others? How can school teach students to help others? Do you like helping others? Why? What should you do when you help children/elderly people? Why do you think people want to choose careers that can help others, e.g. nurse, teacher? /Why should teachers and doctors help others? 2. describe a teacher you want to meet again What should the teacher do if the students dislike him or her? Why do you think some people want to become teachers? How can the government encourage the elite to become teachers? How are teachers paid now? What are the characteristics of good teachers? Some people think education is less popular than before, do you think so? Nowadays, how are teachers different from teachers in the past? 3. describe a foreign friend Can people you admire be good examples for you? In what areas can a good example influence you? What kind of young people can become successful? How does technology affect communication? What’s more important, educational background or experience? What do you think of friendship? What is the most important part of a friendship? Should friends share the same interests? Why? Do you think it’s better for friends to have different interests? What factors can break up friendships? Do you make friends who are much older or younger than you? 4. Describe a respectful family member What’s the difference between big families and small families? How does your family make big decisions? Who has the final say in your family? What kind of people can be successful? Can you define success? Why do you think people want to be successful? Why do people always link success and money together? How can one balance between work and life? 5. describe an adventurous person


雅思口语Part1范文:Transportation 同学们在雅思口语备考阶段,可以适当地选择一些好的范文进行模仿。但是切记,我们只是模仿范文中好的表达方式,而不是通篇背诵哦~希望以下内容能够对大家的雅思学习有所帮助! 1. What public transport is available in your hometown? There is a wide variety of transportation available in my hometown. For instance, busses follow routes all over the city. Secondly, taxis are usually available whenever you are in need of one. Of course they are more expensive than the busses, but then they are much faster and more comfortable. Lastly, there are the minibus taxis, but they are not to be recommended as they are known to drive recklessly. 2. What type of public transport do you prefer? That's an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I would say that I prefer to travel by bus. It is convenient, comfortable, and safe. For example, there is a bus stop right in front of my hostel, from where I can travel to any destination in the city. Some people might not think that it is all that


剑桥雅思7Test2Part3口语范文-Ideas and education Discussion topics: 剑桥雅思7Test2Part3口语范文: 范例 Ideas and education 1. Q: Some people think that education should be about memorizing the important ideas of the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why? A: I am really not sure about it. Education should be teaching the way of thinking. Students should learn from past experience, but creativity is more important for students. The aim of education is to supply students with foundation, and students will be able to create something more original by taking their own initiative. 2. Q: Should education encourage students to have their own new ideas? Why? A: I think this is really important. If there were no new ideas, it would not be possible for the human society to make progress. We need new ideas for innovation. Students will be the pillars of the human society and their ideas are what we need. 3. Q: How do you think teachers could help students to develop and share their own ideas? A: I guess students really need the encouragement of their teachers. When they have a novel idea and have the courage to share it, no matter whether it is right or wrong, their bravery should be affirmed by the teachers. 剑桥雅思7Test2Part3口语范文-口语考官答案 Discussion topics: Ideas and education 1. Q: Some people think that education should be about memorizing the important ideas of the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why? A: Memorizing is important, but not the most important... you have to have a solid base in every education aspect before you start inputting your knowledge and your skills into real life. In order to get the basic level, you have to memorize in the beginning, afterwards it always better to take decision and think in your own way. You should insist on your original ideas and your point of view that what matters in real life, and we should teach kids to do that from the very beginning. 2. Q: Should education encourage students to have their own new ideas? Why?

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