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An Analysis of The Old Man and the Sea from the Perspective of Psychoanalysis


In September of1952The Old Man and the Sea was published by the Life magazine.The novella which sold over5million copies in a flash,brought a great honor to Hemingway,which included the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in1953and the Nobel Prize in Literature in1954.Without a shadow of doubt,the novella was a huge success both critically and commercially.The majority of concurrent criticism was positive.The famous novelist William Faulkner said the work to be Hemingway’s best,venturing even that it was perhaps the best single piece of any of his contemporaries.“This novel is the utmost achievement in which Hemingway successfully applied his‘Iceberg Principle’to the practice and the one-eighth of the iceberg of the narrative represents the seven-eighths portion of the hidden.”(展春蕾, 2008:7)In the novella,what can we find out about the seven-eights portion of the story that is presumably there but is neither spoken nor visible?How does the spirit of a code hero light up the road of Santiago?Furthermore,how can we understand the theme of the novella,namely,“man is not made for defeat,”and“a man can be destroyed but not defeated,”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:103)by applying psychoanalytic theories which are also called Freud theories?

According to Freud,the founder of Psychoanalytic School,the psychoanalytic study of human behaviors includes research into what has been seen,the essence and the hidden motives of these behaviors.Psychoanalysis is the study of human beings’unconscious psychic activities which are“the part of a person’s mind with thoughts, feelings,etc.that he is not aware of and cannot control but which can sometimes be understood by studying his behavior or dreams”(A.S.Hornby,2000:1653);it is a method of treatment as well as a theoretical system.In Freud’s view,the unconscious plays an important role in the psychic activities of the human beings.The object of psychoanalytic study should include the content of the unconscious,as well as the conscious content.Freud believed that literary creation was similar to dreaming. There are many common grounds between literature and dreams.Both of them belong to the field of the unconscious and show us the repressed desires which are the emotions or desires that one is not allowed to or hard to express.And these desires are always showed in new forms like literary creation or dreams.Most of the time,the literary works and dreams distort those pent-up desires nicely,and show them through the same processes which are condensation,displacement,symbolization and revision. Many scholars have conducted studies on applying psychoanalytic theories to literary criticisms;it is their great effort that has given different and new perspectives to the various literary works.The Old Man and the Sea has also received many literary

criticisms all over the world.This thesis will try to apply the three related theoretical elements,i.e.,the topographical theories,the feminine psychology and the religious elements to make a brief analysis of The Old Man and the Sea.It is hoped that this psychoanalytic reading can add a new layer of charm to the literary values of this worl d–famous classic.

2.A Topographical Reading of T he Old Man and the Sea

Topographical reading has been used since the early development of psychoanalysis,and has developed into a rich interpretive system.It provides as well as enlarges the direction for people in reading the literary works.

2.1An interpretation of Santiago’s dreams and behaviors

Freud divided the psyche of human beings into three different parts,and he took the iceberg for an example.In his reasoning,the psyche of human beings is just like an iceberg which floats in the sea.The part on the surface is the various psychic activities that we can see and feel.And it belongs to the field of the conscious.The primary part hidden under the water is invisible and that is what we can not be aware of,so we call this part the field of the unconscious;between them is the field of the preconscious.And he then called this separation of human beings’psyche as Psychical Topography which is further developed and summed up by his successors into Topographical Theory.Topographical Theory System has borrowed the word “Topographical”from the geological terms to describe the psychic activities of human beings which consist of the conscious,the pre-conscious and the unconscious,as can be shown in the following chart:

After we read The Old Man and the Sea,we know that Santiago’s dreams play an important role in this novella.As we have talked in the introduction,the unconscious can sometimes be understood by studying people’s dreams or behaviors.The descriptions of the psychological dreams and physical behaviors are an important

force in promoting the characterization of Santiago,and thus express his personal desir e—to possess the undefeated super power.

2.1.1Santiago’unconscious desires from the dreams

We often dream both in our sleep time and day life.What can we find out from a dream?How to interpret it?And why do people dream it?These are very important questions that human beings desire to resolve.“Dreams are a succession of images, thoughts,or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.”(http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Dream)Freud viewed dreaming as a kind of indispensable activity in our mind.Even when we are sleeping,we keep working both physically and mentally. The dreams can keep a psychological balance in our lives.If we are forbidden to dream,we will fall ill.And the dream itself is the representation of the pent-up content.To Freud,only the unconscious is the true psychical reality,which is a hidden and unknown world different from the transparent world,and“dreams are the Royal Road to the Unconscious”(qtd.展春蕾,2008:14)for“the dream is the embodiment of the instinctive desire.”(Freud,2004,12)In Freud’s opinion,dream interpretation is to find the latent content from the manifest dream.His work The Interpretation of Dreams which introduces a lot of methods of dream interpretation with many examples possesses a special place in the history of psychoanalysis and represents a milestone.

Freud thought that there were many sources for dreams in our daily life, including the recent impressions(the experiences one has before he falls asleep), infantile experiences(impressions from one’s childhood),and the somatic sources (stimulus from the body).These sources constitute the main elements of dreams.We can find the old man’s motives of dreams more comprehensible after we know about the sources.

As we talked above,dreams played an important role in Santiago’s life.There are six dreams in the novella,four of which are about the lions on the beach,the other two concerning porpoises and the village that Santiago lived respectively.In my opinion,the lions represent Santiago’s fighting spirit of never yielding and his positive attitude towards life.Additionally,the porpoises and the village indicate that the relation is not only harmonious but also dynamic and struggling between the humans and the animals,the humans and nature.Santiago believed that the essence of struggling is not to succeed but rather in the process of struggle itself that a real man should undertake.At the narrative level of the novella,we find that Santiago’s dreams are full of the unconscious desires.His motives are wishes.Dreams are the stretch of human psychic life,however,we can not be conscious of what the latent dream–contents are before analyzing the manifest dream-contents by using the methods of dream interpretation.To begin with,three types of dreams will be discussed in the following:

(1)The dreams of lions

There are four lion dreams in the novella,such as“He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach.They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:25)As we know,the lion is regarded as the king of beasts,which means it is at the top of the animal hierarchy.

The lion is power and strength.Dreaming the lion means Santiago’s pursuit for authority and honor.“People change the unconscious and existing mind into a set of sensuous video or visual scene unconsciously”(Freud,2004:13),because the old man’s pursuit exists deeply in his heart,he dreams lions repeatedly.And his pursuit is known as the unconscious desire.The dreams reflect the strong desire that he wanted to escape from lonely and poor life which is the worst form of bad luck,and the desire that he wanted to be the king of all the fishermen or to be a champion again.He would never be defeated whether he was old or not.The dream of lions comes from the second one of dream sources,the early impressions of Santiago’s childhood,for he told Manolin that“When I was your age I was before the mast on a square rigged ship that ran to Africa and I have seen lions on the beaches in the evening.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:22)Because of the pursuit of being a king,he dreamed the lions and expressed his desires through fetching up his infantile experiences and converting them to the dreams.If Santiago wanted to be the champion or the king,why not dreamed he was the king instead of lions?According to Freud’s idea,the dream is the disguised fulfillment of a repressed wish.The dream can be distorted by unconscious force.However,Santiago was never aware of this unconscious desire.The reason he dreamed the lions is that the unconsciousness has brought his desire into the psychic. By personality Santiago was brave,confident,and optimistic,not letting anything in life defeat him.The dreams of lions show us the indomitable will of the old man who would never bend the neck to the fate.In other words,it’s the spirit of a code hero who is undefeated.

(2)The dream of porpoises

After two days’fishing,Santiago“did not dream of the lions but instead of a vast school of porpoises……and return into the same hole they had made in the water when they leaped.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:81)According to the story,Santiago saw the porpoises in the previous night;therefore,this dream is the reflection of the recent and indifferent impression which is the first kind of source.As we know,lions are viewed as the king,and Santiago’s dreams about them have shown the pursuit that he wanted to be a champion.But what can we find out from his dream of porpoises? The porpoises are intelligent animals and their friendly appearance and playful attitude have made them popular in human culture.They can understand the commands and information from the human beings and always behave heroically.The dream of porpoises reveals the good nature of the old man.Though Santiago was a typical code man,he was also the good guardian of animals.The old man considered that the existence of life alone was not the most important in one’s life,but the existence of great personality was the foremost thing for code men.This dream is also the interaction between the impression and the desire.He believed that the porpoises were good and“they play and make jokes and love one another.”(Ernest Hemingway, 1952:48)As we have talked,the old man was lonely,thin and gaunt,moreover,he needed love and care,but he got no friends besides the boy.He sympathized with the birds and asked them to stay at his house if they liked.He regarded the birds and the porpoises as his friends.He said:“They are our brothers like the flying fish.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:48)This dream also shows us another Freud’s principle of dreams,

that is,“the non-fulfillment of one wish signifies the fulfillment of another.”(Freud, 1997:59)This dream shows us both Santiago’s desire of making friends and his kindhearted care to the lives.Losing Manolin’s company made Santiago feel isolated and lonely;however,he refused to be defeated.As a code man,he showed us another aspect of the great human natur e—the benevolent value toward life.

(3)The dream of the village

After he dreamed the porpoises,he dreamed his village.“He was in the village on his bed and there was a norther and he was very cold.”(Ernest Hemingway, 1952:81)This dream reveals Santiago’s strong desire to return to the village where he lived.On one hand,after two days of fishing and without sleeping,his body actually had reached its limits,and his body was in rebellion against fatigue and expressing the fatigue by the form of dreaming,hoping to go back to the village and have a good rest as soon as possible.On the other hand,dreaming of returning to the village indicates that he desired to extricate himself from the situation of being alone in the sea. However,his self-esteem did not allow him to go back to the village without catching a big fish;therefore,he put his desire to go home in the dream unconsciously.As a code man,he was undefeated;he also wanted to prove the super ability of him so that the other fishermen would not play jokes on him.

In some sense,we are free when we are sleeping,and our dreams are not the realistic behaviors but the subjectivity of the unconscious.When we fall asleep,we don’t need to take part in the battle for life,to conquer or defend.We can feel the world more truly in our dreams.Santiago expressed his desires and pursuits through the form of dreams.Though the situation about the old man was poor,his unyielding spirit would never fall down which exactly reflects the essential spirit of a code hero. He was not a strong man physically,but definitely a strong man psychologically.

2.1.2Santiago’s unconscious desires from the behaviors

After we read the novella,we find that a lot of behaviors of the old man help express his unconscious desires much more obviously than dreams,especially the words the man said.For example,when the boy and the man talked about the baseball, the man said:“The Yankees cannot lose,”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:17)and“in the American League it is the Yankees as I said.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:21) From the above words,we can understand Santiago’s desire easily.Were the Yankees in his mind always the winner?What did he think when he heard the news of DiMaggio’s failure?There is no doubt that the news was nothing to him.For he said:“That means nothing;the great DiMaggio is himself again.”(Ernest Hemingway, 1952:21)In his unconsciousness,he was DiMaggio,and DiMaggio was him.He thought that one failure meant nothing for man could never be defeated.And the thought coincided with the theme of the novella.

Briefly,the dream itself is a symbolic language;moreover,it is a kind of unconscious language conveying the desires into a set of visual pictures which form a dream.Santiago fulfilled his expectations through dreaming the lions,the porpoises and the village where he lived.Additionally,the name DiMaggio also symbolizes the old man’s undefeated spirit,i.e.,the name bears the weight of Santiago’s unconscious desires.

2.2An object relation study of Santiago and his objects

The word“object”was firstly used by Freud when he discussed the instinctive drive and the early relationship between mother and baby.What he discussed was only related to some sort of satisfaction of instinctive needs from the aspect of psychodynamic which is“the systematized study and theory of the psychological forces that underlie human behavior,emphasizing the interplay between unconscious and conscious motivation.”(https://www.doczj.com/doc/c111528173.html,/wiki/Psychodynamics)For Freud,an instinct is an inborn complex behavior of a living organism that is not learned,and it is a psychological sign of the body’s physical status.It is also an expression of human beings’psychological need.The instinct theory includes the life instinct and the death instinct which can be implied through the objects.

The objects are the goals which are able to meet the instinctive needs.It can be the human beings as well as things.In the broad sense,the object is some specific man or thing that the individual emotion or drive points to.Followers of Freud have generalized the relation into what is called Object Relation Theory.In the frame of this theory,the object is the corresponding concept of the subject and the person some individual dreams or behaviors point to.Briefly,Object Relation Theory is a theory which studies how to develop the relationships and the inner psychic structure from the past relationships and the perspective of psychoanalysis.The“objects”of the theory are both real specific others in one’s world and one’s abstract internalized images of others.This part will discuss the relationships between Santiago and his objects from the two aspects of the instinctive theory.

2.2.1The life instinct

For Freud,the life instinct is the desire to create life and favors construction, such as physical instincts like hunger and thirst,and psychological needs like emotions.


During the fishing,the old man“was thirsty too and he got down on his knees and…..He opened it and drank a little.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:46)The example shows us Santiago’s instinct of hunger and thirst which belongs to the low-level instinctive needs,the normal physiological satisfaction and his desire to survive.Man struggle for survival in different circumstances.Though Santiago was old,he still struggled against the fate;he refused to bend his neck to any difficulties.

(2)The bird

When the bird stood at the boat,the old man said:“stay at my house if you like, bird,I am sorry I cannot hoist the sail and take you in with the small breeze that is rising.But I am with a friend.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:55)The bird satisfied the old man from the aspect of the emotional needs which is the high-level instinctive need to the human.Furthermore,the emotional needs which are important components of the instinctive needs are included in the life instinct.They also meet with the old man’s demand for love or emotional needs.After we read the novella,we know that the old man had a strong desire to escape from the lonely and unlucky life. Can he achieve the desire and how?In fact,he knew that it’s difficult for him to carry out his desire,but he still hoped that his dream could come true one day.Without the

Manolin’s company,he felt lonely;however,it did not mean that he was defeated.To Santiago,the life was a struggle to be borne.As a code man,he knew how to change his mindsets,so he viewed the bird as a friend especially when he was alone in the sea.

(3)Manolin and the other fishermen

When Santiago went far away from the village,he said:“I wish I had the boy”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:45)for six times in the whole novella.“Whenever the boy rises in Santiago’s thoughts,he is filled with confidence and strength to struggle.”(蔡文,2003:39)In some sense,Manolin is the specific person that the old man’s emotion or drive points to.The boy made Santiago’s emotional needs come true.The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him as the old man thought.The old man also said:“the boy keeps me alive.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:106)The relationship between the boy and the man is not only the relationship of parents and son,but also the equivalent relation.Manolin is not merely a boy in some sense,he is the best fan of the old man,and also he is the youth of the man.He brings back the youth that the old man has lost.Manolin is not only Santiago’s genuine friend,but also his hope and future.More importantly,Santiago’s love for the boy stimulates him to be stronger and more confident.

The fishermen in the village are also the objects to Santiago.After40days without a fish,the boy’s parents told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao,which is the worst form of bad luck.And they took the boy away to another lucky boat.Some fishermen thought Santiago was a loser.Even at the end of the novella,the old man said:“There is only the boy to worry.”(Ernest Hemingway, 1952:115)The sentence reflects the cold attitude of other fishermen in treating the old man.The old man believed that only the boy’s love was true.However,he also considered that“Many of the older fishermen will worry.Many others too.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:115)Here he used the word“will”,denoting that though he was not sure if other fishermen were worried about him,he expected that they were kind and would love him.He even thought he lived in a good town.These fishermen also became the external existence where the old man balanced his psychology in both emotional losing and receiving.The other fishermen’s barbed remarks did not force Santiago to lose his self-confidence.Though the other fishermen did not really concern with the old man,they filled the emptiness inside him.To some extent,they drove away Santiago’s loneliness.

2.2.2The death instinct

The action of fishing is also one of Santiago’s objects and it concerns with the other aspect in the Instinctive Theory which is the death instinct.For Freud,“the target of all lives is death.”(沈德灿,2003:71)Everyone has a death target and an instinct of going back to the condition of nonliving and inorganic matters.The death instinct represents a drifting force which is a kind of destructive,invasive force and lurks in the lives of human beings.The death instinct is a kind of opposite strength to the development of lives,such as destruction,attack and provocation.In The Old Man and the Sea,the old man was not allowed to go fishing alone in the open ocean for both his age and physical condition,but he insisted on fishing so big a marlin that he

had never seen in the place where he never went,to challenge his personal limits.The frail body can better show Santiago’s iron will.To some extent,it reflects the adventurous spirit of the old man.Adventure is equivalent to seeking death,and it is the specific manifestation of the death instinct.When he struggled against the sharks and said:“Never have I seen a greater,or more beautiful……Come on and kill me.I do not care who kills who”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:92),we have seen both the calmness that the old man showed us when he faced death and the human beings’death instinct through the dangerous action of fishing.

The life instinct and the death instinct can sometimes be interchangeable. Santiago“was further out than he had hoped to be.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:30)He knew it’s dangerous to go far out of sea,but insisted on working far out.This shows his adventurous spirit when the death instinct is brought into full play.Meanwhile during the period of fishing the marlin,there exists a transformation between the life instinct and the death instinct.In his words“I could not fail myself and die on a fish like this”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:87),we can find his pursuit of survival.And at last,he killed the fish in self-defense.As stated above,we know that the individuals can express their desires through the objects no matter what they ar e—humans or things.

3.Feminine Psychology in the Sea

“Feminine psychology is a term sometimes used to describe and categorize issues concerning the gender related psychology of female human identity,and it emphasizes gender differences and has a scientific and empirical approach,is more closely aligned to the psychoanalytic tradition,pioneered by neo-Freudian Karen Horney.”(https://www.doczj.com/doc/c111528173.html,/wiki/Feminine_psychology.)Freud considered that it’s impossible for men and women to enjoy the equal rights.On the one hand,he agreed with the idea of the feminism when women supported his theories,thinking that women should have some equal rights to study psychoanalysis.On the other hand, he opposed the feminism when women declared that they wanted to compete with men.He held conflicting ideas towards the feminism.In the novella,Santiago “always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her”and“The old man always thought of her as feminine and as something that gave or withheld great favours,and if she did wild or wicked things it was because she could not help them.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:29)From these two sentences,we can understand the old man’s attitude towards females.He appreciated the sea as he viewed the sea as the women.“In the world of the patriarchal society, what men have to conquer is not only the bodies of women,but also their consciousness.”(王勇,2007:86)The women for Santiago were not only the conquerable objects,but also the best therapy.However,when he saw the Portuguese man–of–war,he despised it and said:“Agua mala,you whore,”(Ernest Hemingway, 1952:35)because men can be hurt by the poison,and“these poisonings from the agua mala came quickly and struck like a whiplash.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:36)Here we also see the different attitudes of the old man when he faced different women.He loved the kind women,who gave or withheld great favours to people;meanwhile,he hated those women who hurt others.In some sense,he knew clearly what to love and

what to hate.

Santiago’’s Thoughts and Language

4.Religious Elements in Santiago

There are many common grounds between religion and psychoanalysis.Both of them pay attention to the treatments of soul and body of human beings.And what they call soul actually is mind or psyche.According to Fromm(2006,11),in different places,we call the person who pays his attention to the treatments of soul and body of human beings in different ways.In the system of religion,the person who cares the treatments of soul and body is called“priest”,and in psychoanalysis,he is called “psychoanalyst”.For Freud,the reason for producing the religion is the disability when people face the outer natural force and his own instinctive force.Many theologists also think that the senses of reliance and incapability are the core of religious experience,for people are unable to counteract the repression of the outer world,they then turn to put their dreams on the religion.They believe that the religion can meet their desires,at least mentally.After we read The Old Man and the Sea,we obviously find out that there are so many religious words in the text.There are7 places mentioning the religion,including the Sacred Heart of Jesus,the Virgin of Cobre,Our Father,Hail Mary and so on.And Santiago asked God for help for four times within the7places.For example,“God help him to take it,”(Ernest Hemingway, 1952:42)“God help me to have the cramp go,”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:60)and“I promise to make a pilgrimage to the Virgin of Cobre if I catch him.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:65)From these examples,we can understand that the old man reposed his incapable desire to God when he felt it’s difficult to catch the fish.He thought God could help him,and then he asked.In some sense,he believed that it’s the only way to fulfill his expectation by believing in God.In the process of believing God,he tried to make himself more confident,and asked God to give what he did not have;he believed God would meet his desires.Each man needs dependence indeed, and Santiago regarded God as his reliance.And if we read the text more minutely,we will find that there is satire in the text from the perspective of religion.In the very beginning of the novella,the boy said:“It was papa made me leave.I am a boy and I must obey him.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:10)This sentence shows us the patriarchal system in the society which was greatly advocated by the religion.The old man said:“if Durocher had continued to come here each year your father would think him the greatest manager.”(Ernest Hemingway,1952:23)This sentence drops a hint that Santiago did not like the thought of the boy’s father,he satirized that the man was a timeserver and the whole system of the feudal patriarchy was corrupt.For he knew the system of the western religious world was based upon patriarchy.He opposed the religious system,but had to rely on it.This situation is the synthesis of contradictions, and also the poor plight of the old man.

Briefly,Santiago was a lonely old man,and he tried hard to shake off this hard life.He can do nothing but relies on the religion.The religion,to some extent,is his spiritual sustenance.And where he lived was the complex of dreams and reality.


As a psychoanalyst,Freud regarded the literary creation as an important activity to explore the psycho secrets of human beings.And he reduced the creative motives

of the writers to the satisfaction of the pent-up desires.As we have talked above,the original instinctive impulses and desires are hidden in the field of the unconscious. These instinctive impulses should be satisfied by doing something.However,in the true psychical reality,these desires are always pressed by many forces so that they can’t be achieved.For Freud,the impulses of the unconscious can be satisfied by literary creation.And the writers’pent-up desires can find contentment in writing.The writers are the dreamers;their literary creations are the unconscious psycho activities and the dream-works.This thesis mainly applies three related theoretical elements of the psychoanalysis to make a brief analysis of The Old Man and the Sea,a song of praise about human nature which is the unyielding spirit of a code man.In the novella, Manolin,the other fishermen,the sea as well as the dreams are used to illustrate the old man’s desires and his opinions about the world outside.This psychoanalytical reading not only affirms its close relation with literary creation,but more significantly broadens the scope of literary appreciation.


A.S.Hornby,2004.Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary[Z].Beijing:The Commercial Press.

Freud,1997.Interpretation of Dreams[M].A.A.Brill,译.北京:外语科学与研究出版社. Hemingway,Ernest,1952.The Old Man and the Sea[M].New York:Scribner’s.





王勇,2007.《老人与海》中现代西方男权文化的隐喻[J].佳木斯大学社会科学学报.第二期.85 -86.

展春蕾,2008.对海明威《老人与海》的拉康式解读[D].山东大学硕士学位论文.7、14. https://www.doczj.com/doc/c111528173.html,/wiki/.2007.01


Acknowledgements s

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have given me great help during the two-year study and the writing of the thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor,Ms.Wang Han,for her constant encouragement and guidance.She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis.Her precious guidance and help have made the completion of this thesis possible.Her earnest and conscientious attitude toward academic research and work,and her character have set a good example for us students.Without her consistent and illuminating instruction,this thesis could not have reached its present form.

Second,I am also greatly indebted to the teachers in the English Department who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.

Last,I would like to owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their hands to work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.


《老人与海》 语文精品课例:《老人与海》 1、教材版本 人教版高中语文第三册第一单元第三篇略读课文《老人与海》1课时。 2、目标确立 (1)教材分析。高中语文新课标对小说教学提出要求,即“培养阅读古今中外各类小说的兴趣,从优秀的小说中吸取思想、感情和艺术的营养,丰富、深化对历史、社会和人生的认识,提高文学修养”,并且包括“了解小说等文学体裁的基本特征和主要表现手法”等内容。鉴于此,高中人教版必修课程共设置了两个小说单元,选择的篇章都是富有代表性的古今中外名家名篇。 课文《老人与海》,是诺贝尔文学奖获得者、美国著名作家海明威的同名代表作品的节选,描绘了一位老人——桑地亚哥勇敢顽强地与鲨鱼搏斗的情景,表现了一种英勇无畏的硬汉精神。海明威说:“这本书描写的是一个人的能耐可以达到什么程度,描绘人的灵魂的尊严。”这一人物形象及其蕴含的精神的确有利于学生“形成健康美好的情感和奋发向上的人生态度”(新课标)。 此外,正如诺贝尔文学奖评委会在给海明威的颁奖词中指出“他精通于叙事艺术,突出地表现在他的近著《老人与海》之中”,作品的成功得益于他那高度简练的叙事技巧和那简约、含蓄的语言风格。所以,本课的教学重点放在人物形象、主题思想、语言风格等方面,这一方面是本文的重点及特色所在,同时也在整个小说教学中有承前启后的衔接作用。 (2)学情分析。对于小说这一叙事文体,高中学生大都能够比较有效地运用多种阅读方式解读文本,在对一般小说要素的把握上并不存在大的障碍。本文的突出特点一是篇幅较长,要求学生有较强的速读能力;二是海明威著名的“冰山理论”在这部小说中也有体现,表面上写老渔夫的冒险经历,实际上,作品中的形象却具有高度的概括性和寓意性,把握到这个层面,对学生来说是有难度的。此外,这一代学生是在和平温馨的环境中长大的,他们的内心深处相对脆弱、孤独,抗挫能力差,比如孙华泽、尹香美等同学。对于一篇激励了几代人奋斗不息的文学作品,我希望自己的学生能够从海明威充满魅力的文字中获取人生拼搏的力量,希望学生在感悟作者塑造的形象的魅力的同时去筑造自己人生的精神砥柱!


老人与海句子赏析 跟之前没有什麽区别。 24、我一定要把握住他伤口所在之处,他想。我的伤口不是问题,我可以控制住自己,但是他的伤口会让他发怒,失去理智。 25、他眺望着海面,知道他此刻是多么孤单。但是他可以看见在黑暗的深水里的棱镜和鱼线往前和那平静的波动。云朵现在贸易风,他朝前望去,看到一个飞行的野鸭在水面上的天空,模糊,然后蚀刻再次和他知道没有人是独自在海上。 26、在某种意义上,所有事物都在互相残杀。捕鱼就是要了我的老命,可是它同时也养活我。 27、不过人不是为失败而生的,他说,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。 28、你杀死它是为了自尊心,因为你是个渔夫。它活着的时候你爱它,它死了你还是爱它。如果你爱它,杀死它就不是罪过。也许是更大的罪过吧? 29、被人理解是幸运的,但不被理解未必不幸。一个把自己的价值完全寄托于他人的理解上面的人往往并无价值。 30、因为我怕我的自尊心会再一次激起我的倔脾气,而我身边又不宽裕,我请他们记下我的姓名,把书留在一边,就下了楼。那些目击者肯定对我作了种种猜测,他们一准会暗暗思忖,我花一百法郎

的高价来买这么一本书究竟是为了什么,这本书到处都可以买到,只要花上十个法郎,至多也不过十五个法郎。 31、实际上的方位只能稍微带给人少许无法忍受的感觉,但他几乎想象这是一件舒适的事情。 32、他巴不得在船头上歇一下,让鱼自顾自兜一个圈子,并不回收一点钓索。但是等到钓索松动了一点,表明鱼已经转身在朝小船游回来,老人就站起身来,开始那种左右转动交替拉曳的动作,他的钓索全是这样收回来的。 33、一个鱼食送下四十英寸的深处,第二个鱼食送下七十五英寸的深处,第三个和第四个鱼使分别送到了大海下面一百英寸和一百二十五英寸的地方去了。 34、老人和大鱼一直相持到日落,双方已搏斗了两天一夜,老头不禁回想起年轻时在卡萨兰卡跟一个黑人比赛扳手的经历。 35、靠墙放着一张三尺宽、六尺长的大桌子,奥科克和奥迪奥 ⑤制造的各种各样的珍宝在桌子上闪闪发光,真是琳琅满目,美不胜收。这上千件小玩意儿对于我们来参观的这家女主人来说,是梳妆打扮的必备之物,而且没有一件不是用黄金或者白银制成的。 36、陆地上空的云块这时候像山冈般耸立着,海岸只剩下一长条绿色的线,背后是些灰青色的小山,海水此刻呈现蓝色,深的简直发紫了。 37、我希望可以饲养这些鱼儿,他想著。他是我的兄弟。但是我必须杀掉他,还有保证强壮的身体来处理它。凭良心,他慢慢的吃


老人与海的优美段落 导读:渔民桑提阿果老了,运气也糟透了。84天以来,他天天出海,却又天天空船而归,连他的帆看上去都像是一面“标志着老打败仗的旗子”。他的老伴死了,以前跟他打鱼的小孩曼诺林也在父母的强迫下,到其他船帮忙去了。但曼诺林很尊重老人,每见老头回来,总要走下岸去,帮他收拾钓丝、鱼钩、鱼叉什么的。 老人的陋屋空空如也,老人与小孩说着晚上的饭菜(其实并不存在),谈着喜爱的棒球队,将对话日复一日继续下去。曼诺林照顾着老人,为他买来便餐,准备好明日用的鱼饵。老人睡了,他不再像年轻时那样老梦见狂风巨浪、大鱼、搏斗之类的事,而是梦见异域他乡和沙滩上的顽皮可爱的狮子。 这是老人没打到鱼以来的第85天出海了。天气晴朗,海面平静。他向远海划去,决心冲破霉运,捕一条大鱼。他一面划船,一面与大海、鱼、海鸟交谈,自孩子曼诺林离开他以后,他便养成了这种自言自语的习惯。 他感到钓竿动了。他觉得在下面100寻深处,一条马林鱼正吃着钩尖上的沙丁鱼。他拉拉钓丝,知道鱼很大。鱼很聪明,上钩后并不惊惶失措猛拉猛扯,它只是拉着小船向浩渺的海面缓缓游去。整个白天在奇怪的旅行中度过了。老人拉着钓丝的肩酸痛异常。此时,他多渴望孩子仍旧留在他身边,那就能搭一把手了。同时,他对鱼也产生了奇怪的感情,他欣赏鱼的勇气和聪明。夜里,老人很疲乏,他希望

自己能睡上一会儿。第二天,老人除了深深的疲惫外,左手又开始抽筋,而且痛得厉害。他终于看见了浮出海面的鱼,它比小船还长,非常漂亮。午后,抽筋停止了,老人吃了点生鱼,为即将到来的抗衡积蓄能量。夜里,老人的手在鱼的又拉又跳中,皮开肉绽,鲜血淋漓。 第三天,鱼开始打转儿,这是较量即将结束的迹象。鱼露出水面,老人努力将它拽近些,再拽近些。他忍住一切疼痛,使出全身力气,将鱼叉干净利落地扎进鱼腰。大鱼很快在挣扎中死去,老人将它捆在船边,开始返航。 可是,老人的麻烦并未结束。死鱼的血招来了鲨鱼。它们循着航线游来,大口大口地咬掉鱼肉。老人成功地杀死了一条鲨鱼,但鲨鱼下沉时也带走了鱼叉,不得已,老人只好凑合着用刀子、棍子、船舵与鲨鱼们搏斗。当半夜小船驶进港时,昼夜的搏斗已使老人筋疲力竭了。那条大鱼也已残缺不全,它的美丽和它那贵重的鱼肉都已不复存在。 第三天,鱼开始打转儿,这是较量即将结束的迹象。鱼露出水面,老人努力将它拽近些,再拽近些。他忍住一切疼痛,使出全身力气,将鱼叉干净利落地扎进鱼腰。大鱼很快在挣扎中死去,老人将它捆在船边,开始返航。 这本书讲了古巴的一个名叫桑地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的84天之后钓到了一条无比巨大的马林鱼。这是老人从来没见过也没听说过的比他的船还长两英尺的一条大鱼。鱼大


老人与海教案 (1)作家作品 海明威,美国小说家。1954年度的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。生于乡村医生家庭,从小喜欢钓鱼、打猎、音乐和绘画,曾作为红十字会车队司机参加第一次世界大战,以后长期担任驻欧记者,并曾以记者身份参加第二次世界大战和西班牙内战。晚年患多种疾病,精神十分抑郁,经多次医疗无效,终用猎枪自杀。50年代后,塑造了以桑提亚哥为代表的“可以把他消灭,但就是打不败他”的“硬汉性格”(代表作中篇小说《老人与海》1950)。在艺术上,他那简约有力的文体和多种现代派手法的出色运用,在美国文学中曾引起过一场“文学革命”,许多欧美作家都明显受到了他的影响。 (2)写作背景 小说主要写一个饱经风霜的古巴老渔夫连续84天在海上打鱼而一无收获,第85天仍然继续去捕鱼,终于捕到了一条大马林鱼,但在返航的途中,又遇到了大群鲨鱼的围攻,老人桑提亚哥奋不顾身,与鲨鱼进行了一夜的搏斗,结果当老人返回岸上时只剩下一副巨大的鱼骨架子了。 (3)字音字形 攮(nǎng)颚(è)啐(cuì)鲭.鲨(qīng)脊鳍.(qí)蚕噬.(sh ì)舵.柄(du?)船梢.(shāo)蹂躏 ..(r?u lìn)拽.掉(zhuài)榫.头(sǔn)桅.杆(wéi)皮开肉绽.(zhàn) 教学过程 一、导入 今天我们一起来学习世界100部著名文学作品之一、美国里程碑式30部文学作品之一的世界名著——海明威的《老人与海》,看看主人公桑提亚哥“硬汉”性格和李云龙“亮剑”精神有么相似的地方。90后的男生,各个涂脂抹粉,并宣称自己不能够不化妆就出门,动作也妩媚温婉,穿上女装之后甚至比女人还漂亮。那些温室里长大的花朵,让人总觉得缺少了点什么。台湾青年作家李湃曾说过这样一句话:“我在想,男人的骨子里缺少一点什么的时候,就自然会想到海明威。”让我们一起走进海明威的《老人与海》,解读这个问题。 故事梗概 海明威因《老人与海》这篇小说而获得了诺贝尔文学奖。这篇小说的创作素材来源于一位古巴老渔夫的亲身经历。这篇小说的故事情节非常简单。小说叙述的是古巴一位饱经沧桑的老渔夫桑提亚哥已经八十四天未捕到鱼了,在第八十五天,他又一个人出海远航,在海上经过三天两夜的搏斗,终于捕到了一条足有一千五百多磅的大马林鱼。然而,在归航途中,马林鱼却被鲨鱼吃掉。本文节选的是主要是老人与鲨鱼搏斗的情景,是小说临近结尾的部分,也是小说情节的高潮。 二、快速阅读,整体感知 1


老人与海好好段好句 1、这些闪着彩虹般颜色的大气泡很美。然而它们正是海里最欺诈成性的生物,所以老人乐意看到大海龟把它们吃掉。海龟发现了它们,就从正面向它们进逼,然后闭上了眼睛,这样,从头到尾完全被龟背所保护着,把它们连同触须一并吃掉。老人喜欢观看海龟把它们吃掉,喜欢在风暴过后在海滩上遇上它们,喜欢听到自己用长着老茧的硬脚掌踩在上面时它们啪地爆裂的声音。 2、孩子看见老人每天回来时船总是空的,感到很难受,他总是走下岸去,帮老人拿卷起的钓索,或者鱼钩和鱼叉,还有绕在桅杆上的帆。帆上用面粉袋片打了些补丁,收拢后看来象是一面标志着永远失败的旗子。 3、回到船头后,他把两爿鱼肉摊在船板上,旁边搁着飞鱼。然后他把勒在肩上的钓索换一个地方,又用左手攥住了钓索,手搁在船舷上。接着他靠在船舷上,把飞鱼在水里洗洗,留意着水冲击在他手上的速度。他的手因为剥了鱼皮而发出磷光,他仔细察看水流怎样冲击他的手。水流并不那么有力了,当他把手的侧面在小船船板上擦着的时候,星星点点的磷质漂浮开去,慢慢朝船梢漂去。 4、孩子走出屋去。他们刚才吃饭的时候,桌子上没点灯,老人就脱了长裤,摸黑上了床。他把长裤卷起来当枕头,把那张报纸塞在里头。他用毯子裹住了身子,在弹簧垫上铺着的其他旧报纸上睡下了。 5、既然这鱼他看见过一回,他就能想象它在水里游的样子,它那翅膀般的胸鳍大张着,直竖的大尾巴划破黝黑的海水。不知道它在那样深的海里能看见多少东西,老人想。它的眼睛真大,马的眼睛要小得多,但在黑暗里看得见东西。从前我在黑暗里能看得很清楚。可不是在乌漆麻黑的地方。不过简直能象猫一样看东西。 6、最好稍等一会儿再把这鲯鳅开肠剖肚,这样可以让鲜血留在鱼肉里,他想。我可以迟一会儿再干,眼下且把桨扎起来,在水里拖着,增加阻力。眼下还是让鱼安静些的好,在日落时分别去过分惊动它。对所有的鱼来说,太阳落下去的时分都是难熬的。


老人与海 教学目标: 1、帮助学生认识“惦、啤、崛、倚、潇、骼”,会写“惦、滨、啤、崛、镰、垒、潇、鲨、窜、骼”;理解“惦记、海滨、啤酒、崛起、镰刀、垒球、潇洒、鲨鱼、骨骼”等词语。 2、再默读,标出全文段序,想想主要内容,理清文层次。 教学过程: (一)谈话导入。 在五彩缤纷的世界文学的历史长廊中,有很多享有崇高誉的作家与作品。今天,我们要认识又一位这样的作家(出示海明威头像照片),阅读他的一部受人推崇的作品(先展示一《老人与海》的全文读本,后板书课题)。 (二)初读课文。 1、自由朗读,做到字音准确、句了通顺。 1、识字写字。 “崛”jué,与“发掘”的“掘”、的“倔强”的“倔”同音。 “骼”gé,与“个”“各”(gè)的声调不同:前为二声,后两字为四声。 2、可让学生比较下面各组字并组成词语: 店()宾()卑()廉() 惦()滨()啤()镰() 沙()串()各()萧() 鲨()窜()骼()潇() 3、词语解释。 惦记:(对人或事物)心里老想着,放不下心。又如:惦念。 海滨:滨,水边,近水的地方。靠近海水的地方。 海岬:岬,岬角,是突入海中的尖形的陆地。本文中写非洲的“高耸的海岬”就是指海中的这种尖形的陆地。 崛起:一指(山峰等)突起,二指(某某)兴起。本文中指大海中岛顶的突起。倚:本文中写“他弯下腰倚在船头上”,是“靠”的意思。 潇洒:(神情举止)自然大方,不呆板,不拘束。 磅:英美制重量单位。一磅合0.9072市斤。 蹂躏:践踏,比喻用暴力欺压、侮辱、侵害。 磷光:某些物质受摩擦、振动、光、热或电波的作用所发的光。例如金刚石经日光照射后,在暗处会发出青绿色的光。 骨骼:人和动物体内或体外坚硬的组织。 (三)再默读,标出全文段序,想想主要讲了些什么内容,给自己印象最深的情景是什么?


《老人与海》赏析(原文自己找) 《老人与海》:海明威无意识欲望的表征海明威把自己的创作比做"冰山",并用"冰山原理"来形象地概括自己的艺术创作风格和技巧。他曾说:"我总是试图根据冰山原理去写它。关于显现出来的每一部分,八分之七是在水面以下的,你可省略去你所知道的任何东西,这只会使你的冰山深厚起来。这是并不显现出来的部分"。 我们知道海明威所谈到的"省略"通常体现在事件情节的节略选择,做到厚积薄发,也表现在形象的单纯、主题思想的潜藏、感情的含蓄、言辞的经济和艺术风格的朴素简洁等方面。这些都是海明威自觉有意而为之。那么在海明威的作品中,那冰山水面以下的八分之七里,是否还隐藏着作家本人未发觉但又存在的个人无意识欲望呢?从分析《老人与海》里的桑提亚哥的梦和无意识言语中,我们可得知,《老人与海》是海明威本人欲望的替换的表征。 首先,桑提亚哥的梦和幻想表现了老人自身的无意识愿望:他梦见非洲和狮子,并幻想伟大的老狄马吉奥,鸡眼和斗公鸡。老人的无意识是海明威有意建构的。根据拉康的弗洛依德学说,"无意识是在暗喻和转喻的替代置换中进行工作的,它逃避意识的的伪装,但却以梦、玩笑和艺术的形式表现自己"。在梦中,凝聚和置换掩盖无意识内容,同样,当人

们应用语言时,隐喻和转喻遮盖着主体欲望的动机。在叙述创作(在此指桑提亚哥的叙述)中,无意识内容凝聚为暗喻和替换为转喻。读者的任务是去发掘表层话语是怎样掩饰深层含义,能指是怎样分解成明显的所指和隐含的所指对象。如果梦是显相的但又是无意识的伪装镜,那么小说就是其语言的反射镜。 桑提亚哥梦见狮子主要是他无意识欲望的作用,但文本说明了拉康的理论,即无意识的构成跟语言一样。"狮子"这个词作为能指,具有外延和内涵的意义。其涵义是一只动物,但它又是"兽中之王",因而处于动物的等级制度之上。我们可以用话语来重新表达老人的梦。既然狮子作为暗喻是"梦中的最主要内容",那么桑提亚哥就是狮子,他就是王,因为梦见狮子是自我人格的首要保证。可是桑提亚桑感到不幸,他从其他渔民的眼神中看到了自己的年迈、体弱和无能,这使他有一种失败感,并产生了一种对受到压抑的原始阉割的焦虑。他不甘心自己处于这种难以忍受的境地,必须跟自己的运气打赌,就是在较量中死去,也在所不惜:"我要跟它们(鲨鱼)斗到死为止"。 "桑堤亚哥是头狮子"这一暗喻表达了从一个在场的符号(狮子)到一个不在场的符号(王)的语义转换。这个不在场或看不见的符号意义是通过提到棒球冠军狄马吉奥和他自己在 西恩富戈斯酒馆里与一位黑人巨汉角力而得到增强的。这里


摘抄老人与海好词好句 导读: 1.他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上钓鱼的老人,至今已去了八十四天,一条鱼也没逮住。 2.他身上的每一部分都显得老迈,除了那一双眼睛。那双眼啊,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。 3.风在不住地吹,稍微转到东北方去,他知道这就是说风不会减退了。老头儿朝前面望了一望,但是他看不见帆,看不见船,也看不见船上冒出的烟。只有飞鱼从船头那边飞出来,向两边仓皇地飞走,还有一簇簇黄色的马尾藻。他连一只鸟儿也看不见。 4.大马林鱼开始快速地围着小渔船游动,将缆绳缠绕到了桅杆上,老人右手高举着钢叉,在它跃出水面的一瞬间,竭尽全力地向它的心脏掷去,一声哀鸣结束了大鱼的生命,它静静地浮在水面上…… 5、可是,老人的麻烦并未结束。死鱼的血招来了鲨鱼。它们循 着航线游来,大口大口地咬掉鱼肉。老人成功地杀死了一条鲨鱼,但鲨鱼下沉时也带走了鱼叉,不得已,老人只好凑合着用刀子、棍子、船舵与鲨鱼们搏斗。当半夜小船驶进港时,昼夜的搏斗已使老人筋疲力竭了。那条大鱼也已残缺不全,它的美丽和它那贵重的鱼肉都已不复存在。 6、老人的陋屋空空如也,老人与小孩说着晚上的饭菜(其实并不存在),谈着喜爱的棒球队,将对话日复一日继续下去。曼诺林照顾 着老人,为他买来便餐,准备好明日用的鱼饵。老人睡了,他不再像

年轻时那样老梦见狂风巨浪、大鱼、搏斗之类的事,而是梦见异域他乡和沙滩上的顽皮可爱的狮子。 7、破晓前天很冷,老头抵着木头取暖。他想鱼能支持多久我也能支持多久。他用温柔的语调大声说:“鱼啊,只要我不死就要同你周旋到底。”太阳升起后,老头发觉鱼还没有疲倦,只是钓丝的斜度显示鱼可能要跳起来,这正是他求之不得的事。他说:“鱼啊,我爱你,而且十分尊敬你。可是今天天黑以前我一定要把你弄死。”鱼开始不安分了,它突然把小船扯得晃荡了一下。老头用右手去摸钓丝,发现那只手正在流血。过了一会他的左手又抽起筋来,但他仍竭力坚持。他吃了几片金枪鱼肉好增加点力气来对付那条大鱼。 8、正在这时钓丝慢慢升起来,大鱼终于露出水里。在阳光下,这浑身明亮夺目,色彩斑斓。它足有18英尺长,比他的船还要大。它的喙长得象一根垒球棒,尖得象一把细长的利剑。它那大镰刀似的尾巴入水中后,钓丝也飞快地滑下去。 9、老人的陋屋空空如也,老人与小孩说着晚上的饭菜(其实并不存在),谈着喜爱的棒球队,将对话日复一日继续下去。曼诺林照顾着老人,为他买来便餐,准备好明日用的鱼饵。老人睡了,他不再像年轻时那样老梦见狂风巨浪、大鱼、搏斗之类的事,而是梦见异域他乡和沙滩上的顽皮可爱的狮子。 10、正当桑提亚哥目不转睛地望着钓丝的时候,他看见露出水面的一根绿色竿子急遽地附入水中。他用右手的`大拇指和食指轻轻捏


永不屈服的灵魂——《老人与海》赏析 摘要:从世俗胜利观的角度看,老渔夫不是最后的胜利者,因为尽管开始他战胜了大马林鱼,但是最终大马林鱼还是让鲨鱼吃了,他只是带着大马林鱼的白骨架子回到了岸上,也就是说,鲨鱼才是胜利者。可是,在理想主义者眼里,老渔夫就是胜利者,因为他始终没有向大海没有向大马林鱼,更没有向鲨鱼妥协和投降。人性是强悍的,人类本身有自己的限度,但正是因为有了老渔夫这样的人一次又一次地向限度挑战,超越它们,这个限度才一次次扩大,一次次把更大的挑战摆在了人类面前。在这个意义上,老人这样的英雄,不管他们挑战限度是成功还是失败,都是永远值得我们敬重的。 关键词:人生奋斗坚强 看《老人与海》这本书的时候,我会经常性地感觉到老人仿佛是海中一条久经沙场的大鱼,也许这样的形容不准确,或者说老人就是海,可却是历尽沧桑的海。老人的眼睛如文中所提一样,时间在变老,可那双眼睛却像海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。 老人与小孩都时常用谎言去修饰那穷迫的生活,小孩对老人的尊重甚至充满了崇拜,他对老人的信心有增无减,并不断地激励他、照顾他,男孩儿更带回了老人失去的青春,是他见到逃过去的自我。所以,独自在海上的那三天,他经常念叨着:“但愿那男孩在这儿就好了。”每说一遍,他就能重振精神来应付这艰苦的考验。小狮子也起着同样的作用,他“爱它们,如同爱这男孩一样”。我有时在想,老人就像一条大鱼,虽然身疲力尽,可是绝不向大海和渔人屈服。老人的身体、力量在逐渐缩小,可老人那长年积累的经验和技巧促使他存有信心,能捕捉到大鱼的信心。 可老人却始终做着与别人不同的事,他做的是别人敢想而不敢做的事,虽然有许多人不理解他,可他照样做。老人在海中经历了太多的事,当他捕到一条大青花鱼的时候,也兴奋的嚷了起来,经过两个多月来,他没有捕到一条鱼的事实,他开始自言自语,在海上交谈是一件不好的事情,这仿佛成了所有出海的渔人之间的一种品德,可老人却由于孤单也许有其他的外在因素,促成老人嚷出了自己心中的话,老人渴望遇见走失的鱼群,因为大鱼肯定会在其中,老人在八十五天的时候用大青花鱼做为诱饵,太阳在他的脑后,海岸远离了他,在他的视眼里有的只有一片一望无际的海与那青青的山。 经过老人的努力,一条马林鱼在吃下老人的诱饵,老人灵活地握着钓丝,用他那经验与技巧同躲在海下六百英尺的大鱼做着较量。老人感觉到大鱼的重量,慢慢将手中的线放下去,经过了好一段时间,老人决定收网了,可鱼也是很精神的,在那平静无波的水上,老人与大鱼做着无声的较量。老人的汗干了,全身冷冰冰的,两方都拿对方没有办法,就这么耗着。鱼叉、短棍、舵把……老人用了各种方法,鱼肉还是都被咬去。 海明威为什么没有让老人最终胜利呢?用小说中老人的话来说:“一个人并不是生来就要被打败的”,“人尽可以被毁灭,但却不能被打败。”这就是《老人与海》想揭示的哲理。不可否认,只要是人就都会有缺陷。当一个人承认了这个缺陷并努力去战胜它而不是去屈从它的时候,无论最后是捕到一条完整的马林鱼还是一副空骨架,这都已经无所谓了,因为一


读书笔记大全好词好句好段 导读:好词摘录:忽如其来、兴趣盎然、善良忠厚、专横跋扈, 暴躁乖戾、贪婪自私、沉默寡言、惟妙惟肖 羞愤、登极加冕、媚态柔姿、无疾善终、蠢动怒发、酡红、鄙薄、老谋深算、伶俐、瞻仰、字酣墨饱、明净滋润 好句摘录:1、伏尔加河蓝色的水面上,桔红色的轮船在逆流而上,而一张张金色的叶片则缓缓顺流漂下。 2、我非常害怕外祖父,总觉得他的绿眼珠无时无刻不在盯着我看。 3、那曲子激昂中含着忧伤,仿佛是从高山奔流而下的河水,激荡在房间中。 4、那一张张仰起的面孔让我想起没洗的脏盘子。 5、她微笑的时候,那黑得像黑樱桃的眼珠儿睁得圆圆的,闪出一种难容的愉快光芒。 6、当你眺望这些的时候,一句话也不愿意说,愉快的惆怅充满了胸怀。 7、我们不知道什么叫死亡,所以我们不会做出装死的行为!不管遭受什么样的虐-待,我们始终是正直的昆虫,绝对不会做出欺骗他人的行为,别说是因为我们不会飞,才想出装死的伎俩!别说是因为我们跑不快,才想出装死的伎俩!我们根本不知道什么是死亡,所以

不会做出装死的行为!尤其是自杀,连想都没有想过!那种愚蠢的事情,只有卑鄙的人才会做出来! 8、海风里早含着燥热,胖人身体给炎风吹干了,蒙上一层汉结 的盐霜,仿佛刚在巴勒斯坦的死海里洗过澡。 9、天仿佛听见了这句话,半空里轰隆隆一声回答,像天宫的地 板上滚着几十面铜鼓。 好段摘录:“在她没来以前,我仿佛是躲在黑暗中睡觉,但她一出现,就把我叫醒了,把我带领到光明的地方,用一根不断的线把我周围的一切连结起来,织成五光十色的花边,她马上成为我终身的朋友,成为最知心的人,成为我最了解、最珍贵的人,是她那对世界无私的爱丰富了我,使我充满了坚强的力量以应付困苦的生活。”——在与外祖母接触的这一小段时间里,阿廖沙就下此断言,可见她的人格魅力之高。 “一种浓厚的,色彩斑驳的,离奇得难以形容的生活,以惊人的速度开始奔流了。”——那是令人窒息的、充满可怕景象,普通俄罗斯人的生活。阿廖沙的童年生活也真正拉开了帷幕。 “阳光的辐射在紫藤色的天空中扩大着,天空渐渐变蓝了。云雀飞到目力达不到的高空,在婉转地歌唱,一切鲜花和音响,像露水珠儿似的往胸里渗透,使人感到宁静的喜悦,引起人们一种想快点起床做点事情,和周围一切生物友爱地生活的愿望。”——苦难的生活并没有息灭高尔基对生活的热爱、对未来的希望。


老人与海 【教学目标】 知识与技能: 1.了解作家海明威的生平与文学功绩 2.掌握内心独白对任务形象塑造的作用 过程与方法: 在分析情节的过程中来把握人物——桑提亚哥这位硬汉子形象,找出文中人物的内心独白,进一步明确人物的永不屈服的精神和丰富的内心世界。通过教师设计问题引导学生思考讨论,从而把握课文的知识点 情感态度与价值观: 学习老人的永不服输的顽强精神 【教学重点】 分析故事情节,找出人物内心独白,把握人物“硬汉”形象 【教学难点】 掌握内心独白对人物形象塑造的作用 【教学方法】 情境法、启发法 【问题探究】 讨论法 【课时安排】 1课时 【教学过程】 一、导入 同学们,刚才欣赏的是大家熟悉、喜欢的电视剧《亮剑》中的精彩片段----李云龙论述什么是“亮剑”精神?同学们听后觉得好不好?牛不牛?“亮剑”精神简单理解就是敢于与强大的敌人(对手)做斗争,无论对手多么强大,都要满腔勇气和信心,永不放弃、永不言败,要敢于亮剑……今天我们一起来学习世界100部著名文学作品之一、美国里程碑式30部文学作品之一的世界名著——海明威的《老人与海》,看看主人公桑提亚哥“硬汉”性格和李云龙“亮剑”精神有么相似的地方。(请同学们翻到课文,课件显示课题《老人与海》)

二、前小测试(积累文学名著中的名言名句) 三、作者简介 四、故事梗概 海明威因《老人与海》这篇小说而获得了诺贝尔文学奖。这篇小说的创作素材来源于一位古巴老渔夫的亲身经历。这篇小说的故事情节非常简单。小说叙述的是古巴一位饱经沧桑的老渔夫桑提亚哥已经八十四天未捕到鱼了,在第八十五天,他又一个人出海远航,在海上经过三天两夜的搏斗,终于捕到了一条足有一千五百多磅的大马林鱼。然而,在归航途中,马林鱼却被鲨鱼吃掉。本文节选的是主要是老人与鲨鱼搏斗的情景,是小说临近结尾的部分,也是小说情节的高潮。 五、梳理课文情节 因为小说节选的部分比较长,共有几段?(97)那我先给大家一些提示,大家可以根据五次与鲨鱼搏斗、两次搏斗后的心理活动、最后返港回家把全文分为八个部分。[学生从文中找,讨论交流后明确] 【问题探究】 1.老人在什么状况下与鲨鱼接二连三进行搏斗的? 年老体衰精疲力竭头昏眼花右手受伤 左手抽筋没有食物缺乏武器孤立无援 2.小说为什么要描绘鲨鱼的凶残? 鲨鱼:接二连三成群结队凶残强悍 对比——力量悬殊的对抗 3.老人先后几次与鲨鱼搏斗?结果如何? ①用鱼叉杀死一条鲭鲨 ②用刀子杀死两条星鲨 ③用刀子杀死一犁头鲨 ④用短棍击退两条星鲨 ⑤用短棍劈打成群鲨鱼 每次胜利都付出惨重的代价,最终遭到无可挽救的失败。 4.如何理解老人与鲨鱼的搏斗? 人—--自然(象征:不幸厄运困境) 弱----强(象征:敢于挑战,永不屈服、永不言败) 5.你如何看待桑地亚哥的失败? ①失鱼叉,鱼被吃四十磅; ②鱼被吃掉四分之一; ③刀子折断; ④半个鱼身被咬烂了; ⑤大马林鱼只剩下残骸…


[ 标签 :标题 ] 篇一:好词好句好段摘抄大全 好词好句好段摘抄大全 好词: 光明澄静 惊天动地、 悠然神往、 桃红柳绿、 稍纵即逝、 半明半晦、 粼粼微波、凉风习习、凝立悄然、海平如镜、庞然大物、风晨雨夕、膝下怀前连 绵不断、江帆点点、手脚匆忙、谈谈笑笑繁花似锦、春色满园、春意盎然、波澜壮阔、 风急浪高、黯沉沉、喜出望外,曲曲折折、不约而同、云淡风清、憧憬、斜风细雨沁 入心脾、 好句: 夏日晚风之中,在廊下拈着针儿,心里想着刚看过的书中的言语 ??这些满含着诗意的话,沁入心脾,只有微笑。 这次出了吴淞口,一天的航程,一望无际尽是粼粼微波。凉风习习,舟如在冰上行。 到过了高丽界,海水竟似湖光。蓝极绿极,凝成一片。 爱在右,同情在左,走在生命路的两旁,随时撒种,随时开花,将这一径长途,点缀 得季花弥漫,使穿枝拂叶的行人,踏着荆棘,不觉得痛苦,有泪可落,也不是悲凉。 指点我吧,我的朋友!我是横海的燕子,要寻觅隔水的窝巢。 春何曾说话呢?但她那伟大的潜隐的力量,已这般的,温柔了世界了! 成功的花,人们只惊慕她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了 牺牲的血雨。 家是什么,我不知道;但烦闷———忧愁,都在此中融化消灭。 半夜里听见繁杂的雨声,早起是浓阴的天,我觉得有些烦闷。从窗内往外看时,那一朵白 莲已经谢了,白瓣儿小船般散飘在水里。梗上只留个小小的莲蓬,和几根淡黄色的花须。 那一朵红莲,昨夜还是菡萏的,今晨却开满了,亭亭地在绿叶中间立着。 仍是不适意!——徘徊了一会子,窗外雷声作了,大雨接着就来,愈下愈大。那朵 红莲,被那繁密的雨点,打得左右欹斜。在无遮蔽的天空之下,我不敢下阶去,也无 法可想。 雨势并不减退,红莲却不摇动了。雨点不住的打着,只能在那勇敢慈怜的荷叶上面,聚了 些流转无力的水珠。 母亲啊!你是荷叶,我是红莲,心中的雨点来了,除了你,谁是我在无遮拦天空下的荫蔽? ——————摘自《荷叶 .母亲》 这时心下光明澄静,如登仙界,如归故乡。眼前浮现的三个笑容,一时融化在爱的调和 里看不分了。 如今在海上,每晚和繁星相对,我把它们认得很熟了。我躺在舱面上,仰望天空, 深蓝的天空里悬着无数半明半昧的星。船在动,星也在动,它们 是这样低,真是摇摇欲坠呢!渐渐地,我的眼睛模糊了,我好像看见无数萤火虫在我的 周围飞舞。海上的夜是柔和的,是 静寂的,是梦幻的。我望着那许多认识的星,我仿佛看见它们在对我霎眼,我仿佛听见它


老人与海名句赏析 1、他身上的每一部分都显得老迈,除了那一双眼睛。那双眼啊,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。 赏析:“那双眼啊,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。”这就是老人的青春之貌。书中虽然没有写出老件轻时的快乐生活,但我们依然可以想象得出,这在描绘老人屋内陈设时已作暗示. 2、风在不住地吹,稍微转到东北方去,他知道这就是说风不会减退了。老头儿朝前面望了一望,但是他看不见帆,看不见船,也看不见船上冒出的烟。只有飞鱼从船头那边飞出来,向两边仓皇地飞走,还有一簇簇黄色的马尾藻。他连一只鸟儿也看不见。 赏析:这是一段否定式的景物描写,看似无景,实则有景,老人多么想看到这一切啊,他太孤独了,可他什么也没有看到,因而情中生景。 3、大马林鱼开始快速地围着小渔船游动,将缆绳缠绕到了桅杆上,老人右 手高举着钢叉,在它跃出水面的一瞬间,竭尽全力地向它的心脏掷去,一声哀鸣结束了大鱼的生命,它静静地浮在水面上…… 赏析:我的心也像一块大石头落了地。我非常钦佩老人那种毫不畏惧、坚持不懈的精神,虽然知道对手实力很强,但他没有丝毫退缩,而是迎难而上。正因为有了这种精神,老渔夫才获得了这场生死较量的胜利。我们在生活中也要学习老渔夫的精神,做事情不怕困难,才能取得成功。 4、一个鱼食送下四十英寸的深处,第二个鱼食送下七十五英寸的深处,第三个和第四个鱼使分别送到了大海下面一百英寸和一百二十五英寸的地方去了。 赏析:《老人与海 》产生的视觉形象,画面感很强,这与作者应用部分电影 化手法是分不开的。作品一开始就使用了特写镜头,对帆和老人的面部做了展示。近景在老人下鱼食的细节上体现最为充分:一个一个放钓丝的动作那么仔细、真切。 5、老人和大鱼一直相持到日落,双方已搏斗了两天一夜,老头不禁回想起年轻时在卡萨兰卡跟一个黑人比赛扳手的经历。 赏析:剪接手法在这里也得以恰当的运用,表现在老人非常疲倦时,为了使自己增加信心,回想起年轻时与一个力气最大的黑人码头脚夫在一家酒馆里比赛掰手腕胜利的情景。这种剪接自然妥贴,他有存在的前提:这就是他左手抽筋、右手受伤的情况下,他想起了比赛,很符合老人此时此刻的心理,所以产生了这


《老人与海》好词好句 导读:《老人与海》好词好句 老人与海好词 深深的皱纹、褐色斑块、双颊、镌刻、很深的伤疤、风化、永不言败、泊船、白得耀眼、高耸、海岬、拍岸海浪、穿浪而行、填絮、瘦骨嶙峋、静悄悄、难以置信、银光闪闪、模模糊糊、有滋有味、血肉模糊、轻手轻脚晦气、倒霉透顶、听从吩咐、空舟而归、常败将军、瘦骨嶙峋、颈背、寂静无声、海底深渊、峭壁、旋涡、深不可测、水底洞穴、凌空飞翔时、莫大的恩惠、从容、平坦无浪、越发明亮、何人更直、湾流深处、精确、分毫不差、有所准备、盘旋飞翔、倏地、纹丝不动、随即、猛然俯冲、拚命、耸立、穿梭、浮游生物、船舷、高高兴兴、形态优美、游水迅速、、不怀恶意、残酷无情、身强力壮、抬眼望去、四处逃窜、四面八方、颤巍巍、干净利落、砰砰有声、自言自语、难以相信、挥动双臂、双膝跪下、竭力、身强力壮、相亲相爱、怜悯 老人与海好词好句赏析 1.他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上钓鱼的老人,至今已去了八十四天,一条鱼也没逮住。 点评:吸引人的悬念。海明威在《老人与海》中一开始就设了两个悬念:老人一连84天一条鱼也没捉到,他准备第85天继续捕鱼,他很背运(孩子的父母这样看他),那么,他能否捕倒一条大鱼?老人

在感到他的力气可能不支的情况下,认为自己有信心有诀窍,认为像他这样一个“古怪”的老头子会做好一切的,那么,他有什么样的信心和诀窍?他的“古怪”又表现在哪里呢?这是读者迫切想要知道的,这股巨大的吸引力牢牢牵着你去寻找你所想知道的一切,最后读完作品才会得到比较圆满的答案。 2.他身上的每一部分都显得老迈,除了那一双眼睛。那双眼啊,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。 点评:“那双眼啊,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。”这就是老人的青春之貌。书中虽然没有写出老件轻时的快乐生活,但我们依然可以想象得出,这在描绘老人屋内陈设时已作暗示. 3.风在不住地吹,稍微转到东北方去,他知道这就是说风不会减退了。老头儿朝前面望了一望,但是他看不见帆,看不见船,也看不见船上冒出的烟。只有飞鱼从船头那边飞出来,向两边仓皇地飞走,还有一簇簇黄色的马尾藻。他连一只鸟儿也看不见。 点评:这是一段否定式的景物描写,看似无景,实则有景,老人多么想看到这一切啊,他太孤独了,可他什么也没有看到,因而情中生景。 4.大马林鱼开始快速地围着小渔船游动,将缆绳缠绕到了桅杆上,老人右手高举着钢叉,在它跃出水面的一瞬间,竭尽全力地向它的心脏掷去,一声哀鸣结束了大鱼的生命,它静静地浮在水面上…… 点评:我的心也像一块大石头落了地。我非常钦佩老人那种毫不


老人与海 【教学目标】 分析小说的写作手法,体会作者精妙高超的叙事艺术。 感受海明威在小说中塑造的“硬汉子”形象。 深入理解“老人”与“海”的象征意义。 说明: 海明威的中篇小说《老人与海》发表于1952年,不仅轰动中西方文坛,更为他赢得了1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。颁奖辞中曾特别提到:“表彰他对叙事艺术的掌握,最近的例证是《老人与海》,表彰他对当代文学风格所做出的不懈努力”(for his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style),故而小说中作者精妙高超的叙事艺术是不容忽略的。在老人的几次与鲨鱼搏斗的过程中,作者的笔触始终紧紧抓住读者的视线,让人体会不到叙述者的存在,而仿佛直接面对着那惊心动魄的一幕又一幕,这种炉火纯青的叙事能力既让人叹为观止,又是当前的学生迫切需要学习的。在以往的语文教学中,我们注重培养学生的理性分析能力,却忽视了一种“讲故事式”的叙述能力,在通过对海明威小说的写作方法的学习之后,希望能在这方面为学生提供一些帮助。 小说中,老渔夫圣地亚哥在面对饥饿、疲劳、伤痛的威胁时始终保持着高昂的斗志和顽强的毅力,先与大鱼搏斗,再与鲨鱼几番搏斗,尽管最后精疲力竭、一无所获,但他直面困难、屹立不倒的“硬汉子”形象却给人以深刻的印象和极大的震撼。早在十九世纪二三十年代,海明威曾经塑造过一系列猎人、斗牛士、拳师等人物形象,从不同角度来表现“硬汉子”的的性格。这些生活在暴力世界中的人物,面对失败和死亡,从不妥协,毫不怯懦,绝不认输,而《老人与海》中的圣地亚哥则更为具体生动而全面的诠释了这种“海明威式”的“硬汉子”形象。课文节选了小说中最为惊心动魄的老人与鲨鱼搏斗的一段,老人的精神力量在这部分文字中得到了最高昂的彰显,是品读小说、走进文本的重中之重。同时,这种顽强坚毅的精神对学生来说也是人生历程中必不可少的宝贵品质之一。通过对本文的阅读,体味主人公在面对困难时的乐观心态和面临危险时迸发出的强大精神力量,对学生人格的塑造将有不小的影响力。 《老人与海》这篇小说以海洋、一个孤独的体弱的老人和鱼作为最主要的组成部分,其中还蕴藏着深厚的哲学含义。海明威曾说过:“我试图描写一个真正的老人,一个真正的孩子,真正的大海,一条真正的鱼和许多真正的鲨鱼。然而,如果我能够写得足够逼真的话,他们也


老人与海句子赏析 导读:本文是关于老人与海句子赏析,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、他能感觉到支架艰难的拉著,但是他的左手却被夹住了。它被沉重的绳索卷住了,老人嫌恶的看著左手。 2、孩子走出屋去。他们刚才吃饭的时候,桌子上没点灯,老人就脱了长裤,摸黑上了床。他把长裤卷起来当枕头,把那张报纸塞在里头。他用毯子裹住了身子,在弹簧垫上铺着的其他旧报纸上睡下了。 3、如果我是他,我会竭尽所能去直到事情发生。但是,感谢上帝,他们是不是我们谁杀了他们的智能;虽然他们更高贵、更能。 4、我不知道,如果他下来或者如果他倒地一声死了,我要怎么办。但是我知道,我会做一些事情。还有很多东西我可以做。 5、我想知道为什么他跳了,老人想。他就好像让我看看他有多大。现在我知道,无论如何,他认为。我希望我也能让他看看我是什么样的人。然后他会看到这只抽筋的手。让他觉得我比我的人,我会这样。我希望我的鱼,他认为,他所做的一切对我的意志和我的智慧。 6、现在不是去想缺少什么的时候,该想一想凭现有的东西你能做什么。 7、这回鱼兜圈子回来时,老人看见它的眼睛和绕着它游的两条灰色的乳鱼。它们有时候依附在它身上。有时候倏地游开去。有时候会在它的阴影里自在地游着。它们每条都有三英尺多长,游得快时全

身猛烈地甩动着,象鳗鱼一般。 8、我的头脑还足够能清醒,他想。我太清醒了,清晰到就像群星是我的兄弟。所以我仍然必须睡觉。 9、保持你头脑的清醒,并且懂得如何像一个男子汉那样承受痛苦。 10、然后他很同情那条大鱼,没有东西吃,他决心要杀死他从未放松他为他而悲伤。它能供多少人吃,他想。但他们配吃它吗?不,当然不是。没有人吃他从他的行为和他的伟大的尊严态度值得。 11、这两个肩膀挺怪,人非常老迈了,肩膀却依然很强健,脖子也依然很壮实,而且当老人睡着了,脑袋向前耷拉着的时候,皱纹也不大明显了。 12、“我从来没有见过或听说过这样的鱼。但我必须杀了他。我很高兴,我们不必去捕杀星星。” 13、和太强的人在一起,我会感觉不到自己的存在。和太弱的人在一起,我会只感觉到自己的存在。只有和强弱相当的在一起,我才同时感觉到两个人的存在,在两点之间展开了无限的可能性。 14、他的衬衫上不知打了多少次补丁,弄得象他那张帆一样,这些补丁被阳光晒得褪成了许多深浅不同的颜色。老人的头非常苍老,眼睛闭上了,脸上就一点生气也没有。报纸摊在他膝盖上,在晚风中,靠他一条胳臂压着才没被吹走。 15、他从容地划着,对他说来并不吃力,因为他保持在自己的最高速度以内,而且除了偶尔水流打个旋儿以外,海面是平坦无浪的。


《老人与海》读书笔记好句摘抄及感悟好句摘抄: 1、每一天都是一个新的日子。走运当然是好。不过我情愿做到分毫不差。这样,运气来的时候,你就有所准备了。 2、要保持头脑清楚,要懂得怎么才能受苦也像个男子汉的样子。 2、“不过人不是为失败而生的,"他说。“一个人可以被毁灭,但不能给打败。" 3、男孩看着老人每天驾着空船回来,心里十分难受。他总要走下岸去,帮老人搬钓绳扛鱼叉,再不是就是帮他卷拢那张裹着桅杆的船帆。那张破旧的船帆用面粉口袋补了又补,卷拢以后,看上去就像一面打了败仗的破旗子。 4、眼下可不是想你什么东西没有带的时候,想想你用手头现有的东西能做什么事儿吧。“我的闹钟就是这一把年纪,”老头儿说,“也不知道为什么,上了年纪的人都醒的很早,大概是想多拥有一点时间吧。”不管是人、是鸟,还是鱼,谁都得这样活着。 老人圣地亚哥是一位老渔民,老人与海就讲述了他在连续八十四天都没有捕到一条鱼的情况下,终于独自一人钓上了一条大马林鱼,但这条鱼庞大的像一座山丘,所以将老渔民圣地亚哥的小渔船整整拖了几天几夜叉筋疲力尽,被老人杀死绑在了小船的一头。老人返航的时候却遇到了鲨鱼,他

应用的抵抗鲨鱼的攻击。可最后回到港湾的时候,大鱼只剩下鱼头、鱼尾和一条脊骨。 这部荣获了诺贝尔文学奖和普利策奖的小说,通过这个孤独又坚强的老渔夫告诉了我们应该怎样去面对人生的各种困境,告诉了我们生命有多强大,告诉了我们心该有多宽。 5、他朝前望望,只见一行野鸭飞过水上。它们有时候给蓝天衬托得清清楚楚,有时候又影影绰绰。这时候他觉得,一个人在海上绝没有孤单的时候。 6、老人想:“它活着的时候你爱它,它死了你还是爱它。如果你爱它,杀死它就不是罪过。也许是更大的罪过吧?” 7、他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见妇女们,不再梦见伟大的事件,不再梦见大鱼,不再梦见打架,不再梦见角力,不再梦见他的妻子。他如今只梦见一些地方和海滩上的狮子。 8、“想点开心是吧,老家伙,”他说,“每过一分钟,你就离家近一步。丢了四十磅鱼肉你航行起来更轻快了。” 10、他的衬衫上不知打了多少次补丁,弄得象他那张帆一样,这些补丁被阳光晒得褪成了许多深浅不同的颜色。 11、我以前能做到的事情,现在依旧可以重新做一遍。经历过和没经历过就是不一样,大大的鱼骨架就是此次航行的战利品。 无可否认,只要是人就都会有缺陷。当一个人承认了这个缺陷并努力去战胜它而不是去屈从它的时候,无论他能否


老人与海精彩片段摘抄 学习啦!为你准备更多的老人与海精彩片段摘抄,希望对你有用!老人与海精彩片段摘抄(精选)一、他竭力把钓丝拉紧,但钓丝已经绷得很紧,快要折断了,要是猛拉一下,就会把鱼钩在鱼嘴里挂的口子加宽,鱼若再一跳,就会把钩子弄掉。 这时,大鱼突然晃荡一下,把老人拖到了船头那边去,他好容易撑住一股劲儿,放出一段钓丝,才没给拖到海里去。 他知道鱼一定受伤了,他拉住钓丝不动,身子往后仰,抵挡钓丝的张力。 他说:“鱼,你现在也觉得痛了吧!可是,老实说我也觉得痛啊。 二、钓丝慢慢稳稳上升,接着小船前面的海面鼓起来,鱼露出来了,水从它的身上向两边直泻。 它浑身明光耀眼,头和背呈深紫色的,两侧的条纹在阳光里显得宽阔,带着淡紫色。 它的长嘴像棒球棒那样长,逐渐变细,像一把轻剑,它把全身从头到尾都露出水面,然后像潜水员般滑溜地又钻进了水去,老人看见它那大镰刀般的尾巴出没在水里。 老人说:“他比小船还长两英尺呢。 钓索朝水中溜得既快又稳,说明这鱼并没有受惊。 老人设法用双手拉住钓索,用的力气刚好不致被鱼扯断。 他明白,要是他没法用稳定的劲儿使鱼慢下来,它就会把钓索全

部拖走,并绷断。 三、第二天清晨,一只小鸟停在钓丝上,孤独的老人兴奋地和小鸟讲着话。 大鱼还是拖着船游动,他一次又一次跳起,虽然钓丝不断送下去,但船走得非常快。 老人把钓丝绷紧,身子一动也不动。 第三天,鱼开始打转儿了,老人拼命拉紧钓丝,看见它尾巴从水面里露出来,游到前面来,举止从容不迫,非常优美,老人用力去拽,想把它拽近些。 他忍住一切疼痛,拿出当年的威风,拼出力气来,对付大鱼最后的挣扎。 鱼游过来了,它高高地举起鱼叉,使出全身力气,把鱼叉扎进鱼肚里,鱼往上一跳,仰身朝天,银花花的肚皮翻到水面上来。 他动手去拖鱼,绑紧它,用一四、个套锁栓住尾巴,另一个套锁栓住它的腰,把它捆在船旁边。 五、死鱼的血水招来鲨鱼。 它们嗅出踪迹,顺着船和鱼所走的航线游来,大口大口的咬掉大鱼的肉。 老人不忍心朝鱼多看一眼,它已经给咬得残缺不全了。 他说:“一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他,他用鱼叉扎死了六、第一条鲨鱼,但鱼叉也随着鲨鱼

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