当前位置:文档之家› 外事接待口译常用




国际机场 international airport

机场大楼 terminal building

候机大厅 waiting hall

问讯处 information desk/inquiry desk

起飞时间 departure time /take-off time

抵达时间 arrival time

登机卡 boarding ticket /boarding pass

安全检查 security check

海关 the Customs

海关工作人员 customs officer

通过海关检查 to go through the customs

海关规定 customs requirements

海关条例 customs regu1ations

海关手续与准则 customs procedures and norms

办理海关例行手续 to go through customs formalities

报关 to make a customs declaration

海关行李申报表 baggage declaration form /luggagedeclaration form 外币申报表 foreign currency declaration form

应纳关税物品 dutiable goods /dutiable articles

往返票 round-trip ticket /return ticket

入境签证 entry Visa

出境签证 exit visa

过境签证 transit Visa

过境旅客 transit passenger

入境手续 entry formalities

简化手续 to simplify procedures

一次性签证 single entry visa

多次入境签证 multiple-entry visa

再入境签证 re-entry visa

旅游签证 tourist visa

护照 passport

外交护照 diplomatic passport

公务护照 service passport

出示护照 to show one's passport

免税商店 duty-free shop

免税物品 duty-free goods/duty-free articles

免税单 duty-free slips

行李提取处 baggage claim /luggage claim

手提行李 hand luggage

出租车候车处 taxi stand /taxi rank

随身携带行李 carry-on baggage

行李标签牌 baggage tag /luggage tag

行李寄存处 baggage depositary /luggage depositary

行李手推车 baggage handcart /luggage pushcart

健康证书 health certificate

种症证书 vaccination certificate

预防接种证书 inoculation certificate

接待 to host /to receive

接待单位 the host organization

接待人员 reception personnel

接待员 receptionist

受到友好接待 to be cordially received /to get a friendly reception 在旅馆下榻 to stay at a certain hotel

旅馆登记表 hotel registration form

旅馆休息大厅 hotel lobby /hotel lounge

旅馆服务员 attendant

旅馆女服务员 chambermaid

总统套房 presidential suite

豪华套房 luxury suite

单人房间 single room

双人房间 double room

招待客人 to entertain guests

设宴洗尘 to give a banquet in somebody's honor

举行盛大招待会 to hold a grand reception

答谢招待会 a reciprocal reception

冷餐招待会 buffet reception

感谢热情招待 to thank you for your kind hospitality

招待所 guest house

外宾 foreign guests /overseas visitors

贵宾 distinguished guests

外国专家 foreign experts/foreign specialists

外事办公室 foreign affairs office

外事组 foreign affairs section

外事往来 dealings with foreign organizations

活动日程 itinerary of a visit

初步拟订的活动日程 tentative itinerary

活动安排 schedule

紧凑的活动安排 tight schedule/busy schedule

精心的安排 thoughtful arrangements

详细介绍活动安排 to give a detailed account of the schedule

播放有关录像 to show a video entitled...

欢迎辞 welcome speech /welcome address

告别辞 farewell speech /farewell address

自我介绍 to introduce myself

久仰大名 I've long been looking forward to meeting you.

期待已久 long-expected

合作共事 to work as your colleague

深感荣幸 to feel greatly honored

亲眼目睹 to witness with my own eyes

东方巨龙 Oriental Dragon

实现梦想 to realize my dream

专程赶来 to come all the way

亲自接待 to meet in person

若有不便 to encounter any inconveniences

排忧解难 to help you out

与某人结识 to make the acquaintance of somebody

欢迎光临本公司 welcome to our company

参与我们的项目 to participate in our project

文化交流 cultural exchange

促进友谊 to promote friendship

加强合作 to enhance cooperation

不辞辛劳远道来访 to come in spite of the long and tiring Journey 短暂的访问 brief visit

有此殊荣 to have the honor of doing something

很高兴做某事 to have the pleasure in doing something

请允许我介绍 May I present somebody?/Allow me to introduce

请你不要介意 Hope you don't mind.

祝你参观顺利 Wish you a pleasant visit.

祝你访问圆满成功 Wish your visit a complete success.

祝你万事如意 Wish you all the best.

送别 to see somebody off

期待再次来访 Look forward to your visit again

希望再次相会 Hope to see each other again soon.

代我向某某问好 Say hello to...for me/Remember me to.

保持联系 Keep in touch

取得联系 to get into touch with.../to establish contact with

请多保重 Take care.

视你旅途愉快 Wish you a pleasant journey./Have a nice trip.

一路平安 Bon voyage./Have a safe trip home


外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb. out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 参观访问 第一篇 学位点degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科national key disciplines 两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育online education 科举制imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸 Oil refining 炼油 Metal fabricating 金属锻造 Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地产 Triple 增至3倍 Quadruple 增至4倍 Quintuple 增至5倍 High-rise office building 摩天办公楼Boutique 时装礼品店 Ethnic group 少数民族团体 Planetarium 天文馆 Aquarium 水族馆 Skating rink 溜冰场 Botanical garden 植物园 Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树 Sap 树液


口译必备词汇 Unit 1 外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 Unit 2 礼仪祝词 第一篇: 阁下your Excellency... 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment, long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson


外事接待常用的英语口语(礼物篇) 外事接待常用的英语口语有哪些呢?小编总结了一些,希望对大家有所帮助。 Mr. Taylor has invited me to a dinner party tonight. 泰勒先生 邀请我今天晚上去参加一个晚餐会。I have no idea about what I should bring. 我不知道我该带什么东西好。In fact , it is absolutely unnecessary for you to bring anything. 事实上,你完全不用带什么东西。But I don't feel good if I go empty-handed. 但是如果我空手去我觉得不太好。If you insist on brining something, it should be a small ,inexpensive item, such as a toy for his son, or some flowers for his wife, etc...如果你坚持要带点什么,也应该是一些小的、便宜的东西,比如,给他儿子带个玩具,或者给他妻子带些鲜花等等Since we're going to have a get-together ,so I prefer to bring some food.因为我们打算搞个聚会,所以我还是带点吃的东西吧。I've got an idea. 我有个主意What's that? 什么主意?Since Mr.Taylor likes Chinese food very much ,so you can cook a Chinese dish and bring it.既然泰勒先生喜欢中国食物,这样你就可做一道中国菜带去。Or you can bring something to drink. 或者带一点什么喝的东西。That's a wonderful idea. 这个主意真不错And I was told that Mrs.Taylor is especially intersted in traditional Chinese



英语口译常用词语应试手册词汇 第一单元:会议致辞(1) 21世纪海上丝绸之路 the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 把握机遇,精诚合作 seize opportunities and cooperate in good faith 包容、乐观、向上 inclusive, optimistic and courageous 包容并蓄的美德 a virtue that enables people to accommodate each other 毕业典礼 graduation ceremony/commencement 表示诚挚的感谢 extend heartfelt thanks 表示真诚的欢迎 extend sincere welcome 表示祝贺 express warm congratulations 不断将友好合作提高到新的水平 bring friendly cooperation to a new high 畅所欲言 be fully engaged in forum discussions

诚挚的问候 sincere greetings 吃苦耐劳 long suffering and hard working 充满生机活力 full of vitality 崇高使命 a lofty mission 传达祝愿 convey the best wishes to 传统美德,世代相传 traditional virtues taught from generation to generation maritime /?m?r??ta?m/ 海事的 Maritime is used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships. 海事的 [ADJ n] ...the largest maritime museum of its kind. …同类型海洋博物馆中最大的。 commencement /k??m?nsm?nt/ 毕业典礼 Commencement is a ceremony at a university, college, or high school at which students formally receive their degrees or diplomas. [美国英语]


林超伦实战口译笔记实例详解 时间:2008-10-06 16:02来源:实战口译网站作者:林超伦点击:5367次 在这里,我将举实例介绍我的笔记方法,以及我如何以笔记与大脑短期记忆互动的方式保证译文的精确度。 由于口译条件的限制,其精确度不能以笔译的尺度衡量,也没有必要这样做。口译的听众与笔译的读者,需求不同,预期也不同。 由于使用实例讲解,无法把口译要点分门别类地举例。我将顺着例子讲下去。讲完之后,各项要点也就都包括其中了。 人脑思维速度极快,一闪而过的念头,解说起来会显得繁杂。不过,我希望你能在开始时,多一点耐心。很快你就会发现,我的讲解读起来似乎繁杂,但背后的思路,也就是说一旦使用起来,要明快得多。 开始前,提醒一下,不要忘了笔记是必需和记忆互动的。二者缺一不可。以下的实例解说,均以此为基础。 讲话原文 Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. 第一层次:一个箭头,加97,再加"选",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"1997年大选之后"。 第二层次:一个"工"加圆圈,提醒"工"字后面还有话。另外,一条垂直线体现出第二层与第一层有关联。此后一个箭头,再加"权",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"工党上台掌权"。

第三层次:一个"M"加圆圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。从短期记忆中回顾出"宏观经济框架"。 接着,一条横线体现关联,线后一个"改"字,于是补齐译文:"对宏观经济框架进行了改革"。 最后划圈,带横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:使用的4个汉字都经过"理顺"。其中2个是一笔成字。 The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth. 承上启下:一划从上段的"改"字左斜拉下来,接着往右一拐弯。足以从短期记忆中回顾出:"改革的目的"。 第一层次:写一个"框"字。从短期记忆中顺着上文,不难说出:"是为了提供一个框架"。 届此,听到"improved",随之划一条上行箭头,再补一个"M"加圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。这样就不难说出:"以改善宏观经济稳定"。 若担心"M"不够,则可以加"稳"字,或一条水平横线代表之。 第二层次:此时,已听到"and economic growth",于是在"M"之下写"经"字,或"E"外带上弧线。这就不难说出:"促进经济增长"。 最后划个圈,顺手一横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:采用了同传里的断句和变通技巧,在"框架"后断句,"improved"翻做"改善";加"经济增长"前加"促进"两字完句。


人口老龄化population aging 可持续发展sustainable development 防控重大疾病 to prevent and control the outbreak of major disease 食品药品安全food and drug safety 临床经验clinical experience 免疫系统immune system 器官移植organ transplant 县级医院country-level hospital 试管婴儿test-tube baby 运动医学sports medicine 运动创伤sports injure 运动营养sports nutrition 运动康复sports recovery 医务监督medical supervision 固定资产fixed assets 工业产值industrial output 现 代化企业制度modern corporate system 社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 以市场为导向market-oriented 国际标准化组织International Standars Organization 首席执行官Chief Executive Officer 家用电器household electric appliance 质量检查quality control 国有企业state-owned enterprise 非国有企业 non-state enterprise 中外合资企业sino-foreign joint venture 独资企业wholly foreign-owned enterprise 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 宏观经济管理macroeconomic management 农业基础设施agriculture infrastructure 饮食习惯/结构dietary habits/structure 杂交水稻hybrid rice 陶制兵马俑terracotta warriors and horses 少数民族ethnic minority 了解民情to keep abreast of public feelings 交通动脉traffic artery 每隔一段距离at regular intervals 外事办公室Foreign Affairs Office 竞技性运动competitive sports 平均期望值average life expectancy 轨道交通系统rail transportation system 快速交通系统the rapid bus transit system 国家队national team 种子队seed team 主队home team 客队visiting team 行业、企业、事业单位industries ,businessess and public industries 入学率enrollment rate of school-age children 素质教育essential-quality-oriented education 改善办学条件to improve schooling condition 终身学习系统lifelong learning system 现代远程教育modern distance education 知识经济时代an era of knowledge economy 科教兴国战略the strategy of rejuvenating the nation through science and education 提高妇女地位to raise women ' s status 优化组合to optimize the production 家庭暴力family violence at home 国有企业state-run enterprise 世界卫生组织World Health Organization 总趋势the general trend 建筑面积floor space 人口密度population density 计划生育family planning 缺少劳动力to be short of manpower 集约/ 粗放型农业Intensive/Extensive agriculture 投资环境investment environment 公用事业单位public utilities 国家经济技术开发区state-level economic and technological development zone 势头良好show good momentum 深加工业deep processing industry 研发中心Research and Development Center 西电东送West-East Power Transmission Project 西气东输West-East Gas Pipeline Project 南水北调South-North Water Diversion Project 加入世贸组织accession to the WTO 经济全球化economic globalization 联合国安全理事会Unite Nations Security Council 联合国秘书处United Nations Secretariat 联合国开发计划署Unite Nations Development Program 联合国工发组织Unite Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国人口活动基金会Unite Nations Fund for Population Activities 联合国儿童基金会Unite Nations International Children ' s Emergency Fund 联合国粮农组织Unite Nations Food an Agriculture Organization 联合国环境规划署Unite Nations Environment Program 联合国教科文组织Unite Nations Educational,Scientific and Culture Organization 联合国经社理事会Unite Nations Economic and Social Council


Unit One Reception 外事接待 Text Passage One 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. Comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb out 1.欢迎希尔博士和夫人来访上海。 Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill. 2.请允许我做自我介绍。 Please allow me to introduce myself. 3.我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。 My name is Jianxin Hong, I am deputy managing director of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. 4.久闻先生大名。事实上,我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。 I've long heard of you and, as a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies. 6.我为能在上海接待您和您的家人身感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。 It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I'm very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months. 7.我们将给您配备两名实验助手。必要时,我们还想邀请您的一名同事一起参加我们的一项研究工作。We'll provide you with two lab assistants and if necessary, we would like to invite one of your associates to join us. 9.您若愿意的话,我们想把你们先安排在地处市中心的假日酒店下榻,从假日酒店开车40分钟可到我们的实验室。 If you don?t mind, we?d like to accom modate you (put you up)at the Holiday Inn, which is located in the downtown area, a forty-minutes drive from our lab. 10.旅馆住宿费由公司负担。 The company will pay for the hotel rooms.


口译中常用高频词汇(英汉对照) 口译中常用的高频词汇(英汉对照) A level playing field 公平竞争环境Accommodation 迁就型(处理冲突时) Accountability 问责性Adequate 足够Agriculture / Agricultural (adj.) 农业(的) Alienation 抽离/ 离群Americanization 美国化An alarming level 达警戒程度Anti-globalists 反全球化者Antisocial 反社会的Appalling consequences 可怕的後果Asset 资产Authoritarian parenting style 专制式的管教Authoritative parenting style 权威式的管教Autonomous regions 自治区Autonomy 自主性Avoidance 回避型(处理冲突时) Backward 落後Behavioral maturity 行为上成熟Beijing 北京Bias 偏见Biological clock 生理时钟Borderless World 无国界的世界Boycott 杯葛Capitalism 资本主义Carry out 实施Catastrophic effects 灾难性的/悲惨的後果Causation 起因/ 原因celebrity effect 名人效应Coastal cities 沿海城市

Collaboration 合作型(处理冲突时) Collusion between government and businessmen 官商勾结 commando 命令式Competitive edge 竞争优势compromise 妥协Consciousness 知觉,有意识Constitution / Constitutional amendments 宪法/ 宪法修订Constraint of time 时间限制Contemporary 当代的Core values 核心价值Correlation 相互关系County 县CSSA (Comprehensive Social Security Assistance) 综援Cultural imperialism 文化侵略Deforestation 过度伐林Dense population 人口密集Depletion of non-renewable resources 消耗非再生能源Desertification 沙漠化Developed countries 已发展/ 发达国家Developing countries 发展中国家Disadvantaged groups 弱势社群Disharmony 不和谐Disposable income 可用收入Disputes 纠纷distort 扭曲Diversification 多元化Diversity 多元性dogmatic 教条式Double-edged sword 有利有弊Drop out of school 辍学Dual identities 双重身份dynamic 活跃Ecological imbalance 生态不平衡Economic restructuring 经济转型Efficiency 效率Embargo 禁运Empathy 同理心/ 感同身受energizing feelings 增加精力(正面)的情绪energy-draining feelings 消耗精力(负面)的情绪Entrepot 转口港Equal opportunities Commission 平等机会委员会Ethnic groups 种族Exploit 开发/ 剥削Exploitation 剥削Export dumping 出口倾销feminine 女性化Financial Hub 金融中心Fiscal burden 财政负坦Fiscal deficit 财政赤字Foreign currency 外汇Frequent 频繁Gateway (e.g. HK is a gateway to China.) 大门口Geographical / functional constituencies 地区/功能议席Geographical boundaries 地域界限Gini Coefficient 坚尼系数Global icons 全球化的符号/象徵Global poverty 全球贫穷问题Global village 地球村Glocalization 全球在地化grandiose 夸张式


上海高级口译教程高频词汇汇总 第一单元外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co.Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make https://www.doczj.com/doc/c016546427.html,fortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb.out 第二篇 Stanford University斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office总部 magical power神奇的魅力 Oriental东方的 Confucianism儒家思想 Taoism道家学说 inexplicable难以言表的 set foot on踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city国际大都市 maximize充分利用 in no time不久 rewarding有成效的 第二单元礼仪祝辞 第一篇 阁下your excellency... 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson 中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China 不懈努力make unremitting efforts 与时具近keep pace with the times


外事接待实务英语常用词汇中英对照 外事接待实务英语是具备一定专业知识倾向的英语,并非我们日常在工作与生活中遇见或使用的英语。 一般来说,外事接待实务英语包括外事联络陪同口译、外事笔译、外事接待、留学移民业务、外事实用写作、外事礼仪、外贸函电与单证等等。 在我国加入WTO后,涉外事务增多,各企事业机构对于具备良好的英语听、说、读、写、译能力,具备丰富的跨文化交际知识,熟练掌握外事接待程序、知识和技能,并能从事外事工作第一线需要的应用型人才也相应增多。另一方面,有一定英语能力的人才也在储备外事接待实务英语知识,以便解决实际中的涉外接待需求。 Appendix 外事接待常用词汇表达(中英对照): International airport 国际机场 Terminal building 机场大楼 Waiting hall 候机大厅 Information desk/ inquiry desk 问讯处 Departure time/ take-off time 起飞时间 Arrival time 抵达时间 Boarding ticket/ borading pass 登机卡 Security check 安全检查 The Customs 海关 Customs officer 海关工作人员 to go through the customs 通过海关检查 customs requirements 海关规定 customs regulations 海关条例 customs proceddures and norms 海关手续与准则 to go through customs formalities 办理海关例行手续 to make a customs declaration 报表 baggage declaration form/ luggage declaration form 海关行李申报表 foreign currency delcaration form 外币申报表 dutiable goods/ dutiable articles应纳关税物品 round-trip ticket/ return ticket 往返票


(1)see/witness 用法:无生命(时间、地点或事物)成分作主语。 经济年均增长速度达到9.7%。(0303) China's economy has witnessed a strong/an impressive growth rate of 9.7%. 本公司成立于1988年。(0409) 1988 saw/witnessed the establishment of our company. 古老而美丽的“丝绸之路”,谱写了中欧千年往来的美好篇章。(0509) The ancient and beautiful Silk Roadsaw/witnessed the exchanges/communications between China and Europe in/over the past thousands of years. 上海建城有700多年历史,但最具人文发展历史的时期是开埠后的150年间。(1009)Despite a history of more than 700 years, the 150 years since it opened to foreign traders has witnessed the greatest humane development in Shanghai. (2)enjoy/boast 用法:表示人或物“有”好的东西。 现代传媒在信息的传播速度上有许多优势。(0103) Modern media enjoy advantages in the speed of information dissemination. 社会保持稳定。(0309) The society enjoys stability. 公司拥有一大批技术人员和管理人员。(0409) Our company boasts a large number of technical and managerial personnel. 香港有着其独特的文化氛围。(0503) (香港)还有8 所知名的大学。(0503) HK enjoys a unique cultural atmosphere. HK boasts eight prestigious universities. 在广州的百货业中新大新有自己独特的一面。(0809) Xindaxin boasts its uniqueness in the general merchandise industry in Guangzhou. (3)serve as sth/serve to do sth 用法:表示起到了某种功能作用,或者某物“能够怎么样”。关键是汉语原句中未必出现“起到…作用”之类的字眼。 西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁。(0303) The Great Western Development is sure to serve as a bridge between China and the rest world.


关于上海高级口译证书考试的问答 今天解答两位小朋友关于上海高级口译证书考试的问题,第一个是关于备考的问题,第二个是针对特定题型(spot-dictation)的具体问题。 1.最近做了从2011-2014年的真题,然后找不到近两年的真题了。请问您那有吗? 笔试 题目共6个section,可以分开做,但是每个部分必须限时。没有最近的真题不要紧,多看往年的题,或者是其他来源的题目都是一样的。 口试 我自己没有做过真题,买了真题,但是中间的停顿不够,就没有做了。推荐XDF的《中高级口译备考精要》。这本书高级部分的22套题(如果没记错),我每套都练习了至少2遍,多数都3遍,有的还4遍。建议大家:每次练习必须录音,完全按照考试的要求,千万要遏制住倒回去再听一遍的冲动。考试是没有机会听第二遍的,这个大家都知道。另外,每天录音至少2小时以上,我当时是口试前狂练一周,每天录音在3小时以上,如果你备考时间较长,也应该每天录音1小时以上。量变才能质变,同样是大家都懂的道理。 2.感觉真题中每年都会考到原题,翻译部分三月份不考九月份肯定考原题,我特别想知道三月份考原题了吗? 我是15年3月考的笔试,5月口试。笔试考原题的可能性没有,口试考原题也几乎没有,但是四段话中会有一段跟官方教材《高级口译教程》中的类似。 3.感觉听译部分理能解但记忆有点差,怎么提高? 如果觉得听懂了,但是记不下,就要在口译笔记上下功夫了。这部分如果单凭脑记,放在考试的紧张状态下,想记下来很难。 4.词汇方面,您有什么好的推荐或者资料吗?感觉词汇书太泛了,可能来不及看。 任何词汇书多多少少都这样,你可以在书上自己挑出重点来记。另外,词汇积累不是一朝一夕的功夫,临时记下的考试时候还能碰上并想起来的概率是很小的。................................................................ 关于笔试阶段spot-dictation题型的困惑及解答。 1. 能听懂大概,却记不下来。 这个“大概”有点不妙,最起码要听懂95%以上。


外事接待 常用词汇: 国际出发/抵达international departure/arrival 接机服务meeting service 机场大楼terminal building 候机大厅waiting hall 问讯处information/inquiry desk 起飞/抵达时间departure/arrival time 登记卡boarding pass 安全检查security check 海关the Customs 办理海关例行手续go through customs formalities 海关行李申报单Customs baggage/luggage declaration form Declaration form 报关单,申报单 外币申报单foreign currency declaration form 报关make a customs declaration 应纳关税物品dutiable goods/article Dutiable 应纳税的,应征税的 往返票round-trip/return ticket 入境/出境/过境签证entry/exit/transit visa 入境手续entry formalities

一次性/多次入境签证single-entry/multiple-entry visa 再入境签证re-entry visa 出/入境登记卡embarkation/disembarkation card Embarkation 登机,乘坐 旅游签证tourist visa 免签证明visa waiver Waiver 放弃,免除 外交护照diplomatic passport 转机interline connection; transboarding Interline 中转,插写进去 中转处transfer correspondence 免税物品duty-free goods/articles 手提行李hand luggage 随身携带行李carry-on baggage/depositary Depositary 存放处 行李提取/寄存处luggage/baggage claim 行李标签牌luggage/baggage tag 行李手推车luggage/baggage handcart/pushcart 机场行李搬运工skycap 机场班车airport shuttle bus Shuttle bus 班车 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service


口译常用词汇及表达 一、欢迎光临 (一)商务职衔 1.总裁/会长/理事长President 2.董事会主席/董事长 Chairman (board of directors) 3.董事Director 4.执行董事Executive Director 5.总干事Director-General 6.理事Trustee/Council Member 7.总监/主任Director 8.经理Manager 9.总经理General Manager(GM) 10.副总经理Assistant General Manager 11.总经理助理General Manager Assistant 12.公关部经理PR (Public Relations) Manager 13.销售部经理Sales Manager 14.市场部经理Marketing Manager 15.生产部经理Production Manager 16.研发部经理 R & D (Research and Development) Manager 17.厂长Factory Managing Director 18.车间主任Workshop Manager 19.高级工程师Senior Engineer 20.助理工程师Assistant Engineer 21.首席执行官/总裁 C.E.O (Chief Executive Officer) 22.首席财务官/财务总监 C.F.O (Chief Financial Officer) 23.财务主管Financial Controller 24.高级会计师Senior Accountant 25.会计师Accountant 26.助理会计师Assistant Accountant 27.注册会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 28.会计员Treasurer 29.出纳员Teller 30.首席信息官/ 咨讯总监 C.I.O (Chief Information Officer) 31.首席营运官/ 运营总监 C.O.O (Chief Operation Officer) 32.技术员Technician 33.程序员Programmer 34.设计师Designer 35.机械师Mechanic 36.推销员Salesman / Salesperson 37.采购员Purchaser 38.部长Minister 39.副部长Vice-Minister 40.部长助理Assistant Manager 41.省长Governor 42.市长Mayor 43.副(省长/市长)Vice- / Deputy 44.常务副(省长/市长) Senior (Vice-Governor / Vice-Mayor) 45.厅长/司长Director-General, … Department 46.局长Director-General, … Bureau 47.处长Director, ... Division 48.科长Section Chief 49.副(厅长/司长/局长/处长)deputy (二)机场词汇 1.国际航班International Flight 2.国内航班Domestic Flight 3.航班号码Flight Number 4.起飞/抵达时间Departure/arrival time 5.机场大楼Terminal Building 6.航班/飞机资料显示牌Flight Information Board 7.候机室Departure Lounge 8.贵宾室VIP Room 9.登记柜台Check-in Counter 10.问讯处Information Desk 11.办理出境/入境/海关手续 to go through / complete the (exit/ entry/ customs) formalities 12.出境登记卡Departure Card 13.入境登记卡Landing Card 14.安全检查Security Check 15.护照检查处Passport Control 16.签证种类Type of visa 17.一次性/多次性入境签 Single-entry/Multiple entry visa 18.再入境签证Re-entry visa 19.旅行/居留签证Travel/Residence visa 20.出境/入境/过境/访问签证 Exit/Entry/Transit/V isitor’s visa 21.签证有效期validity of visa 22.入境日期及口岸date and port of entry

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