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Private Sub SplitExcelFile()

Dim MyName, dic, Did, i, t, F, TT, MyFileName1, MyFileName2, MyExcelFileName

Dim PathStr As String

Dim TPath As String, XSheet As Worksheet

Dim oFso

Dim wb As Workbook

Dim r As Range, c As Range

Dim sTemp As String

Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog

Set dlgOpen =

Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) With dlgOpen

If.Show =-1Then

PathStr =.SelectedItems(1)

End If

End With

Set dlgOpen =Nothing

PathStr = PathStr &"\"

Set oFso =


Cells(2,2)= PathStr


Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'create an dic object

Set Did = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dic.Add (PathStr),""

i =0

Do While i < dic.Count

Ke = dic.keys '开始遍历字典

MyName = Dir(Ke(i), vbDirectory)'find directories

Do While MyName <>""

If MyName <>"."And MyName <>".."Then

If(GetAttr(Ke(i)& MyName)And vbDirectory)= vbDirectory Then'if it's a sub folder, then append it to dic object

dic.Add (Ke(i)& MyName &"\"), ""

End If

End If

MyName = Dir '继续遍历寻找


i = i +1


Did.Add ("File List"),""'find all of the excel files under specified path

For Each Ke In dic.keys

MyFileName1 = Dir(Ke &"*.xls")

Do While MyFileName1 <>""

Did.Add (Ke & MyFileName1),""

MyFileName1 = Dir


MyFileName2 = Dir(Ke &"*.sql")

Do While MyFileName2 <>""

oFso.Deletefile Ke & MyFileName2

MyFileName2 = Dir



For Each Sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets '如果当前工作薄中存在该sheet则删除之,重新添加内容

If ="XLS File List"Then

Sheets("XLS File List").Cells.Delete

F =True

Exit For


F =False

End If


If Not F Then

="XLS File List"

End If

If Did.Count >1Then

Sheets("XLS File List").[A2] =1

Sheets("XLS File List").[A2].DataSeries 2, Step:=1,Stop:=Did.Count -1

End If

Sheets("XLS File List").[B1].Resize(Did.Count, 1)= WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Did.keys)

Application.ScreenUpdating =False

Application.DisplayAlerts =False

j =0

For Each excelkey In Did.keys

MyExcelFileName = Dir(excelkey)' excelkey: file path, MyExcelFileName: file name.

If MyExcelFileName <>""Then

Set wb = Workbooks.Open(excelkey)

TPath =


For Each XSheet In wb.Sheets

' XSheet.Activate

If Not(InStr(UCase(), "LOG")>0Or InStr(UCase(),"REMOVE")) And XSheet.Visible Then'如果Excel文件的sheet名还有log或者remove字样则不予保存,如果sheet隐藏不予保存


Open TPath &"\Scripts\"& oFso.GetBaseName(MyExcelFileName)&" - "& &".txt"For Output As#1

With edRange

For Each r In.Rows

sTemp =""

For Each c In r.Cells
