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PART Ⅰ: Vocabulary and Grammar

Section A (10 points)

Directions: Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.

1. Even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured. Power in Washington is _____ and horizontally spread out.

A. prudent

B. reversible

C. diffuse

D. mandatory


【解析】句意:甚至总统也不是真正的首席执行官,谁都不是。在公司中,权力集中且垂直分布。在华盛顿,权力分散且平行分布。diffuse散开的。prudent谨慎的,节俭的。reversible 可逆的,可撤销的。mandatory强制的,命令的。

2. In describing the Indians of the various sections of the United States at different stages in their history, some of the factors which account for their similarity amid difference can be readily accounted for, others are difficult to _____.

A. refine

B. discern

C. embed

D. cluster



3. The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster, implemented by Tony Blair, was designed to give the other members of the club a bigger _____ and to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.

A. say

B. transmission

C. decay

D. contention


【解析】句意:布莱尔实行的威斯敏斯特部分立法权的转移,是为了给联盟其他成员更大的话语权,反击似乎会威胁联盟计划的离心力。say发言权。transmission传递,传送。decay 衰退,腐烂。contention争论,争辩。

4. It can hardly be denied the proliferation of so-called dirty books and films has, to date, reached almost a saturation point. People do not acknowledge the _____

fact that children are bound to be exposed to “dirty words” in a myria d of ways other than through the public airwaves.

A. irrefutable

B. concrete

C. inevitable

D. haphazard


【解析】句意:难以否认,黄色书籍和电影的激增到目前为止几乎已经达到了饱和点。人们不愿承认一个不可辩驳的事实,除了面向公众的节目,孩子们会通过很多种途径接触到“黄色内容”。irrefutable不能驳倒的;不能回答的。concrete实在的,具体的。inevitable 必然的,不可避免的。haphazard偶然的,无计划的。

5. A condition is an essential term of the contract. If a contract is not performed, it may constitute a substantial breach of contract and allow the other party to _____ the contract, that is, treat the contract as discharged or terminated.

A. repudiate

B. spurn

C. decline

D. halt




6. Each of us shares with the community in which we live a store of words as well as agreed conventions _____ these words should be arranged to convey a particular message.

A. as the way by which

B. by the way in which

C. as to the way in which

D. in the way of which


【解析】句意:我们团体中的每一个人有着共同话语和约定,这些约定是关于如何将这些话组织起来传达特定的信息。as to常放于句中,表示“关于……方面”“有关……之事”。in which后跟的是定语从句修饰the way。

7. Rarely _____ a technological development _____ an impact on many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development as greatly as the growth of electronics.

A. has… had

B. had…had

C. has…has

D. have…had
