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My english

Investor 出资者fragrance 芳香cosmetics 美容品

Avon rejects takeover bid from coty---Avon rejected a $10 billion takeover bid(出价)from fragrance maker Coty Inc(科迪集团), calling it opportunistic and saying it undervalues the cometic.

China Three Gorges 中国三峡工程

Sparx group ,one of Asia's largest hedge funds(对冲基金),renewable-energy project(可持续经济方案)

Grim (残酷的)Data Cast Cloud Over Euro Zone-----

Dire figures on unemployment and manufacturing(制造的) activity in euro zone's weakest members highlight the scale of the currency bloc's (集团)economic problems.

Rode an aggressive(好斗的) bet on mortgage (抵押借款)bonds to beat most of the fund's rivals(竞争对手).

Rebels in Syria.叙利亚反对派Myanmar缅甸

Ceasefire 停火outright war 完全的战争

Parole 假释panel 专门的小组smuggle ;contraband 走私

AP news agency 美联社warship 军舰dairy exporter 牛奶出口商(供应商)Fonterra Cooperative Group 恒天然合作社集团allege 宣称,断言Lounge 休息厅,休息室;stylish 有格调,有风格;

Sluggish 行动迟缓的console 安慰;how to fix it

Dissident 持不同政见的反对派battle 战役

Heavy casualties in Sudan oil-field battle 重大人员伤亡

HSBC 香港——上海汇丰银行。Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Gunner would carry out massacre again in Norway

Prosecution 起诉testimony 证词;shuttle 航天飞机;

Home secretary 内务大臣;in full compliance of law 完全符合法治

Deport 驱逐;Cleric 牧师,教士;bomb attacks 炸弹袭击;

Be under way 正在进行中;radical 激进的;

Journal 期刊,杂志;intimate 密切的,亲密的;

Anthropological 人类学的;change extremely accurately

Intensely focussed 强烈地;auction 拍卖;

Doubts swirled 疑惑绯闻;

Nippon Sheet Glass shares tumble(翻滚);日本单玻璃股份;

Probe into,探索;Cambodia 柬埔寨;military 军事的;

Brew it up with 酿造;monitor 监视;battered 受伤的;

Resume 重新开始;draft 草案;uprising 起义,暴动;

Shelling will resume as soon as the observers left;炮击将重新开始

Overall 总体上的;estimate 估计;

the UN estimates that government forces have killed more than 9000 people in the uprising .

That comes on top of the aid that is being delivered to refugees who have fled to neighboring countries; sanction 批准;webhost 网站空间;

Launched the attacks 发动袭击;a denial-of-service 拒绝服务;

To campaign for human rights and democracy in China;民主;

Allegation about the fate of sb; 断言命运;

Hatchet man 打手;serve seven months in jail 服刑七月;

Bahrain 巴林;The heavily-guard race track 守备森严的赛道;

The body of a Shia man killed in overnight 什叶派的一名成员死于当晚;

On the eve of the event 事件的前夕;spotlight on ,聚焦在;

Another infected an early primate with the result that it was found in apes,human and other primates as well.灵长类;compared to an outbreak of disease 比起爆发的疾病;

In the same way as an epidemic(流行病)of an infectious (传染的)disease but operating over millions of years.

Have any obvious or directed health effects;

News Corp 新闻集团;BSkyB 英国天空广播公司;

Mr Murdoch said he discussed the BSkyB bid with Mr Cameron at the home of former News ; press regulation 按规定;

Counter-productive 适得其反的;commercial transaction 商务交易;

He had no prior knowledge of the scale of wrongdoing on the newspapers he controlled;

An era of deals aplenty ,一个时代的交易中心;

Of one's own accord 按照自己的;the menaces posed to his life and his family's 对他的生活和他的家庭的威胁。deploying dozens of thugs to keep visitors away, 部署几十个恶棍让游客离开。