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·Verbal Intercultural Communication非言语行为:People from different cultural backgrounds communicate with other people through language.

·Social cultural elements:①cultural values ②worldview ③social organization ·globalization:①refers to the establishment of a world economy,in which national borders are becoming less and less important as transnational corporations, existing everywhere and nowhere ,do business in a global market. ②also refers to what is called time-spacecompression.(the increasing global mobility of people/ the impact of new electronic media on human communication)

·human needs: ①physiological(fundamental need)②safty ③ the belongingness (love,affection)④the esteem(respect) ⑤self-actualization(reach one’s potential)

·文化冰山理论(Edward T Hall):Culture like an iceberg can be divided into two parts: culture above the waterline and culture below the waterline. Culture above the waterline is explicit, visible, tangible, easy to change with time, a tip of the iceberg. Culture below the waterline is implicit, invisible, intangible, hard to change with time, the majority.

·culture:can be defined as the coherent, learned, shared view of a group of people about life’s concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropriate, and dictates behavior.

·language and culture: ①language reflects the environment in which we live. ②reflects cultural values ③language lives, it changes over time. ④language –and-cultural is embedded in cultural products, practices, perspectives, communities, and persons. language –and-cultural are two sides of the same coin, members of the culture use their language to portray their culture, to put their cultural perspectives into practice. Language unites products, practices, perspectives, communities, and persons.

·文化维度cultural dimensions(Geert Hofstede):individualism-collectivism,uncertainy avoidance ,power distance, masculinity-femininity ,long-term vs short-term.

·communication:①元素:context, participants(affecting aspects are relationship, gender, culture), messages(meaning, symbols, encoding and decoding), channels(sound and sight), noise(external, internal, semantic), feedback. ②过程,本质:dynamic process不断变化; symbolic象征的; systemic影响全局; complex; involves making inferences; has a consequence. ③作用:communication is a process involving the exchange of messages and the creation of meaning. It is effective to

the extent that we are able to minimize misunderstanding. Generally, the greater our cultural and linguistic knowledge, and the more our beliefs overlap with the people with whom we communicate, the less likelihood there will be misunderstandings.

④方式:high involvement高度卷入(Talk more, Interrupt more, Expect to be interrupt. Talk more loudly at times, Talk more quickly than those from cultures favoring “hig h considerateness”)。。high considerateness高度体谅⑤言语交际方式:1)person-oriented /status-oriented verbal styles:=individual-centered verbal mode,emphasizes the importance of informality & role suspension symmetrical interaction respecting unique, personal identity/= role-centered verbal mode,formality& large power distance,asymmetrical,honoring prescribed power-based membership identities 2)Self-enhancement(boasting about one’s accomplishments and abilities) /Self-effacement(emphasizes the importance of humbling verbal restraints, modest talk) ⑥非言语交际作用:repeating, complementing, substituting, regulating, contradicting。。nonverbal behavior functions as a culturally rule-governed communication system. The rules are governed by culture,and the rules and nonverbal behavior differ among cultures.

·高低语境 high-context(Mexico, Japan, the Middle East)/ low-context(Germany, UK, US)

: ①定义:A high-context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the massage. A low-context (LC) communication is just the opposite; ., the mass of information is vested in the explicit code. ②features:low-context emphasizes direct talk, person-oriented focus, self-enhancement mode, and the importance of talk.·孔子confucianism: is not a religion but a set of practical principles and ethical rules for daily life.

①social order and stability are based on unequal relationships between people.(leader and follower, father and son, husband and wife, older brother and younger brother, friends) ②the family is the prototype for all social relationships ③proper social behavior consists of not treating others as you would not like to be treated yourself ④people should be skilled, educated, hardworking, thrity, modest, patient, and persevering.

·the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: A hypothesis holding that the structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakers and thus influences their thought patterns and worldviews. It alerted people to the fact that language is keyed to the total culture, and that it reveals a people’s view of its total environment.·stereotype: is a fixed notion about persons in a certain category, with no distinctions made among individuals. In other words, it is an overgeneralized and oversimplified belief we use to categorize a group of people.

·prejudice: an attitude based on erroneous beliefs or preconceptions.包括verbal