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1.make a list of 列清单

2.advantages and disadvantages 优缺点

=strengths and weaknesses

=pluses and minuses

3.keep in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系

get in touch with sb. 取得联系

lose touch with sb. ---失去联系

be in/out of touch with sb. ---有/无联系

4.be against one’s principles违背---做人的原则

5.the evolution of ---的演变/发展

6.contribute to 对---作出贡献;是---的原因

7.have many drawbacks 有很多缺点

8.make important breakthroughs 取得重大突破

be under construction = be being built 在建造中

9.be delayed until 被推迟/延迟到---

=be put off until

=be postponed until/to

delay doing sth. 推迟---

10.(The library)be accessible to (the students) 可


=(the students)have access to (the library) 11.be distribute d throughout the country 散布于全

12.a small percentage of people 一小部分人

13.(sb. ) benefit from (sth.) 从---中得益

(sth.) be beneficial to (sb.) 对---有益

14.wind up the clock 给钟上发条

wind one’s way 蜿蜒前行

a winding road 一条蜿蜒的路

ponent 部分


17.go digital 数字化

go red 变红

go bad 变质

18.be available to

19.keep pace with 跟上----的步伐

20.portable 便携的

21.foresee (foresaw , foreseen)预见

22.rely on 依靠,信任(=depend on , trust)reliable


23.adaptation 适应,改编

24.relay 转播,广播

25.be skeptical about 对---怀疑

26.have ample time 有充足的时间

ample= adequate= more than enough

27.medical insurance医疗保险

28.have a casual conversation 随意的聊天

29.obvious明显的obviously adv.

30.answer for 对---负责

31.decide against 决心反对

32.adjust to= get used to 适应

33.in particular 尤其,特别

34.pay attention to 关注

35.all-round 全面的

36.weigh the parcel 称包裹

The parcels weighs 1kg. 包裹重1公斤

Overweigh 比---重要

lose/ put on weight 减/增重量

37.idiom 谚语

38.be suitable for 适合---

39.scan (scanned, scanned) 扫描

40.be clear and to the point简洁明了切中要点

41.assume= make an assumption 假定,假设

42.for religious reasons 出于宗教原因

43.in truth= in fact 实际上

44.vote on 针对某事投票表决

vote for 投票赞成

vote against 投票反对

45.have tight communities 关系紧密的社区

46.dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事

47.oppose doing sth. 反对做某事

be opposed to 反对---

48.value sth. 重视---

49.have a talk face to face=have a face-to-face talk


50.have a valid point 有个合理的观点

51.It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说方


52.Under no circumstances should anybody come in

without permission.无论在什么情况下,任何人都不得未经许可擅自入内。

53.be absorbed in = be lost in= be buried in 沉浸


Absorbed in his book, he didn’t notice the noise.

54.merely=only 仅仅,只不过

55.It is typical of sb. to do sth. 做某事是某人的典


56.focus on 专注于

57.sacrifice health for money 为金钱牺牲健康

58.live stable lives 过稳定的生活

59.for good measure 额外