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语法专项9 ——并列句

【并列句综述】由并列连词(and, but, or等)或分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。


正:You help him and he helps you. 你帮他,他帮你。

误:The future is bright; the road is tortuous. 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。


1.表递进关系:用来表递进关系的并列连词有and,not only...but also...,neither...nor...,not...but...等。例如:

He had plenty of money and he spent it freely.他有足够的钱,可以随便花。

Not only did he speak more correctly,but also he spoke more easily.



(1)both … and 不能连接分句。

(2)not only … but also …连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循就近一致原则,也就是说要与靠近but also的那个主语一致。

(3)not only引导的分句位于句首时,其分句要用倒装,而but also引导的分句不倒装。2.表选择关系:常用的并列连词有or,either...or...,otherwise等。

Either you are right,or I am.要么你对,要么我对。

Don’t drive so fast or/otherwise you’ll have an accident.不要开那么快,否则你会出事的。3.表转折关系:常用的并列连词有but,yet,still, however, whereas,while, when等。Jane said she was ill, yet I saw her in the street just now.简说她病了,但刚才我在街上看到了她。Some men are rich,while/whereas others are poor.一些人很富有但其他人很贫穷。

He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.他个子不高,戴着深度眼镜,但是他有一种使他的课堂生动而有趣的方式。



Although he is young, yet he knows a lot. 尽管他很年轻,但是他知道的很多。

= Though he is young, yet he knows a lot.

= He is young, but he knows a lot.

4.表因果关系:常用的并列连词有so,for, therefore等。

It must have rained last night for it is wet all over. 昨晚一定下雨了,到处都这么湿。

The shops were closed so I didn’t get any milk.商店都关门了,所以我没买到牛奶。


so不能与because连用;for引导的句子一般不置于句首,表示补充说明,语气较弱;而therefore 常用语正式的文体中,前后用逗号隔开。

5.when还可用作并列连词,其意义为“那时,这时”,相当于and at this/that time, and then, just then, during the time。


sb. was doing sth. when...;sb. was about to/going to do/on the point of doing sth. when...;sb. had just done sth. when...。

We were having a meeting when someone broke in.


We were about to set off when it suddenly began to rain.


We were ready to rush away, when the snake moved. 我们正准备离开,这时蛇移动了。6.while作为并列连词,相当于at the same time表示相反和对照,常用来连接两个意义对立的分句,意为“而,却”,表示对比。

He likes pop music,while I am fond of folk music.


I like football, while my sister likes basketball. 我喜欢足球,而我姐姐喜欢篮球。


I 将下面各题中的两个分句合并成一个句子

1.a. He could all day sit on a wet rock and fish.

b. He did not say a word.


2.a. The university seemed small.

b. The university had many great programs.


3.a. Stop smoking now.

b. Your health will be ruined.


4.a. Kate‘s parents were proud of her.

b. Kate was the first member of the family to graduate from high school.


5.a. Tom has always been interested in computer science.

b. Tom is majoring in English now.



1.He couldn’t know the truth about me, ______ he wouldn’t treat me like this.

2.The bell is ringing______ the lesson is over.

3.Although he was ill, ______ he kept on working.

4.I can’t make up my mind ______we will go to Shanghai ______ we will stay in our city.

5.He doesn’t talk much, ______ he thinks a lot.

6.It must have rained last night, ______ the ground is still wet.

7.The president will visit the town in May ______ he will open the new hospital.

8.Jane was dressed in green ______ Mary was dressed in blue.

9.______ he did not speak distinctly______ I did not hear it clearly.

10.He is clever, ______, he often makes mistakes.

11.______ did we write to her______ we called up her.

12.He hasn’t any money, ______ I’m going to lend him some.

13.The child was sick; he, ______, didn’t go to school.

14.Mary was neither happy, _____was she sad.

15.Put on more clothes, ______ you’ll catch cold.


1.Although he has great learning, but he always works far into the night.