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1. 绝对不是。Absolutely not!

2. 你跟我一起去吗?Could you go with me?

3. 你能肯定吗?Are you sure?

4. 尽快。ASAP.

5. 相信我。Give me some credit.

6. 买下来!Have it!

7. 明天打电话给我。Call me tomorrow.

8. 请您说得慢些好吗?Could you speak slowly?

9. 跟我来。Follow me.

10. 恭喜恭喜。Congratulations!

11. 把它做对。Do it right!

12. 你是当真的吗?Do you mean it ?

13. 你经常见到他吗?Do you see him often?

14. 你明白了吗?Do you see it? = Do you understand?

15. 你要吗?Do you want it?

16. 你想要些什么?Do you want something?

17. 不要做。Don’t do it .

18. 不要夸张。Don’t exa ggerate.

19. 不要告诉我。Don’t tell me that.

20. 帮我一下。 Give me a hand .

21. 一直往前走。Go right ahead.

22. 祝旅途愉快。Have a good trip.

23. 祝你一天过得愉快。Have a nice day.

24. 你做完了吗?Have you finished?

25. 他没空。He doesn’t have time.

26. 他现在已经在路上了。He is on his way.

27. 你好吗?How are you doing?

28. 你要呆多久?How long are you staying ?

29. 我对她着迷了。I am crazy about her.

30. 我在浪费时间。I am wasting my time .

31. 你太性急了。You are impatient.

32. 你看上去很累。You look tired.

33. 你让我大吃一惊。You surprise me.

34. 你疯了。You’re crazy.

35. 别客气。You’re welcome.

36. 你总是对的。You’re always right.

37. 你的心情不好。You’re in a bad mood.

38. 你在撒谎。You’re lying.

39. 你错了。You’re wrong.

40. 多坏的天气。What terrible weather!

41. 我要走了。I’m leaving.

42. 我习惯了。I’m used to it .

43. 我会想念你的。I’ll miss you.

44. 我很无聊。I’m bored.

45. 我玩得很开心。I’m having fun.

46. 我明白了。I’ve got it .

47. 我受够了。I’ve had it .

48. 真是难以置信!It’s incredible!

49. 离这很近。It’s near here.

50. 不值得。It’s not worth it .

51.It's up to you.(由你决定。)

52.I envyyou.(我羡慕你。)

53.How can I get in touch with you? (我怎么和你联系?)

54.Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?)

55.What's the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)

56.Where are you headed [朝…方向行进]? (你要到哪里去?)

57.I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。)

58.What do you do for relaxation[消遣、娱乐]?(你做什么消遣?)

59.It’s a small world.(世界真小!)

60.It’s my treat[请客、款待] this time.(这次我请客!)

61.That's not like him.(那不象是他的风格。)

62.I couldn't get through.(电话打不通。)

63.I got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。)

64.Be my guest.(请便、别客气)

65.Can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?)

66.Let's keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。)

67.Keep that in mind.(记住那件事。)

68.I couldn't help it.(我没办法。)

69.Something's come up.(有点事/出事了)

70.Let's get to the point.(让我们来谈要点。)

71.When is the most convenient time for you?(你什么时候最方便?)72.Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)

73.I'm crazy about rock music. (我对摇滚乐很着迷。)

74.How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?)

75.What was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?)

76.Would you care for a cop of coffee?(要杯咖啡吗?)

77.She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。)

78.So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。)

79.It drives me crazy.(它使我发疯。)

80.She never showed up.(她一直没有出现。)

81.Think nothing of it.(别放在心上。)

82.I'm not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。)

83.I have a sweet tooth.(我喜欢吃甜食。)

84.I can't express myself very well in English.(我不能很好地用英语表达自己。)85.For the time being.(暂时;暂且)

86.This milk has gone bad.(这牛奶变质了。)

87.Don't beat around the bush. (别拐弯抹角了。)

88.It's up in the air.(尚未确定。)

89.Math is beyond me.(我对数学无能为力。)

90.It slipped my mind.(我忘了。)

91.You can't please everyone.(你不可能讨好每一个人。)

92.I'm working on it.(我正在努力。)

93.Drop me a line.(写封信给我)