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-----Andreas M.Kaplan 2.移动社会化媒体与企业:商业用途及其潜力



移动社会化媒体应用提供关于线下消费者活动在某个水平的细节数据,这在此之前由线上企业限制。现在任何一个公司都可以知道某个消费者在某特定时间进入了该公司其中一家经销店的信息,并可以在此过程中提出他们的看法。从历史上看,公司已经竭尽全力面对他们的匿名客户基础。然而如今,像Foursquare 这样的应用可以很容易的获得大致的数据,如每一天的用户的签到时间,性别,或年龄组;以及个体,如:哪个客户经常或最近有登记签到。把这些信息与复杂的数据挖掘技术相结合可以使传统的杂货店零售商,影音商店及拍卖行能和Amazon,iTunes或eBay一样做有效的营销活动。当社会化媒体大体上一直宣称更多权力会给最终消费者,移动社交媒体却将一些权力返回到公司。

从Safeway—北美第二大连锁超市中百事公司和Foursquare之间最近的合作,我们可以得到一些启示。在三个月的试点计划中,Safeway为那些把自己的Foursquare账户和他们的VonsClub忠诚度项目卡连在一起的客户提供了一套在选择百事产品时专用的折扣券。这种折扣券,以忠诚卡的形式表示,直接在结账处基于他们在Foursquare上的使用习惯,针对每个客户印制。如果你是一个习惯在许多不同地方做早起签到的人,那么,你就可以参加在纯品康纳橙汁和桂格燕麦的省钱活动。如果你拥有可以通过在健身房30天内签到10次而获得的健身徽章,那么在你下次训练课程上,你可能会喜欢SoBer Lifewater为你提供的补水折扣。

移动社会化媒体的对话有两种形式,一种是企业与消费者间的对话。例如,一家瑞典的传媒公司—新城国际,它使用Foursquare软件免费发布每日报纸—《加拿大地铁》。在Foursquare上关注该报纸的用户就可以获得一份基于位置的内容服务,例如关于附近餐厅的评论。同样的,英国的一位艺术家,Cheryl Ann Cole 通过Facebook Places来宣传她2010年的专辑—Messy Little Raindrops。只要人们经过在伦敦或纽卡斯尔的任一海报,就会被邀请到相应的虚拟公告牌上签到。一旦这样做了,他们就会自动的与Cheryl的Facebook连接,并可以通过抽奖获得附带住宿的X-factor的门票两张。这样的签到同样在该艺术家及用户的Facebook上分享,从而用户的所有朋友都可以看到这条消息,这就相对应的达到了专辑宣传的效果。除了该案例本身是一个有趣的例子外,这样的应用程序也证明了移动社会化媒体在监测揭露和媒体有效性上的潜力。








另一种选择是你将自己的忠诚度项目链接到Foursquare,类似于上述的西夫韦和百事可乐之间的合作。基于纽约的Tasti D-Lite公司以冰冻甜点闻名,它鼓励客户将自己的Foursquare和推特帐户与Tasti D-Lite会员卡连在一起。那些这么做了的消费者可以获得每次购买时额外的点数。作为交换,他们的Foursquare和Twitter账户在每次到店使用会员卡时会自动更新。这种做法增长了Tasti D-Lite 的品牌知名度,并且公司正在尝试把这些自动更新、优惠劵以及消费者的朋友或关注者可以晚些时候兑换相结合。此外,它鼓励在特许经营制度下经营的Tasti D-Lite商店老板与客户相处,并获得基于表现指标作为关系发展的努力。对Tasti D-Lite,经销商,消费者以及消费者的朋友而言,这象征着一个四赢的系统。










采用通用的活动,而不是个体化,信息通常表现较差;事实上,甚至可能弊大于利!以史泰龙的电影《敢死队》在Foursquare上的推广为例。在美国的11个城市,用户在某一确定的位置签到就会收到类似于“伴随着超过250000种订购汉堡的方式,难怪Five Guys汉堡店被认为是最厉害的。会在8月13日的《敢死队》开幕式带给你。”和“找撒德吧!圣地亚哥最厉害的纹身艺术家!会在8月13日的《敢死队》开幕式带给你。”的信息。本质上,这些信息集合了关于某一特殊位置的一般陈述,也就是说已被许多签到的用户知道,同时还伴随着以前并不与位置相关的《敢死队》电影。这样的宣传在Foursquare社区,因为缺少个性化最终收到了残酷的批评。









Business Horizons,Volume55,Issue2,March–April2012,Pages129–139 Available online at



If you love something,let it go mobile:Mobile marketing and mobile social media4x4 Andreas M.Kaplan

ESCP Europe,79Avenue de la Re′publique,F-75011Paris,France

Abstract Social media applications–—including collaborative projects, micro-blogs/blogs,content communities,social networking sites,and virtual worlds-have become part of the standard communication repertoire for many companies.Today,with the creation of increasingly powerful mobile devices, numerous social media applications have gone mobile and new entrants are constantly appearing.The purpose of this article is to take account of this evolution,and provide an introduction to the general topic of mobile marketing and mobile social media. Herein,we define what mobile social media is,what it is not,and how it differs from other types of mobile marketing applications.Further,we discuss how firms can make use of mobile social media for marketing research,communication,sales promotions/discounts,and relationship development/loyalty programs.We present four pieces of advice for mobile social media usage,which we refer to as the‘Four I’s’of mobile social media.Finally,we conclude by providing some thoughts on the future evolution of this new and exciting type of application.

#2011Kelley School of Business,Indiana University.All rights reserved. KEYWORDS:Social media;Mobile marketing;Mobile social media;

Geo-localization;Smartphone;Foursquare;Facebook Places;Google

Latitude;Gowalla;Groupon Now

1.Mobile marketing and mobile social media:The new revolution

How many of your friends own an iPad?When was the last time you met someone who did not have a mobile phone?And how would you feel if you had to exchange

your Blackberry or Android for,let’s say,a Nokia3310–—one of the most popular 2G phones,suitable only for making calls and sending text messages?Over the past decade,mobile devices such as cellular phones and tablet computers have become such an essential part of our lives that it is hard to imagine functioning without them. Once upon a time,people needed a dime and a public phone to arrange meeting times and places with friends.Now,however,this methodology seems as ancient as dinosaurs and black and white television.Indeed,90%of Americans own a mobile phone,with one-third of these being a smartphone;that is,a hand-held computer capable of multiple functions in addition to placing calls.In this environment,it should come as no surprise that three out of four https://www.doczj.com/doc/a516503208.html,panies are either planning to or are currently engaged in mobile marketing.

The first mobile device capable of offering location-based services–—and,therefore, capable of supporting mobile marketing–—was the Palm VII,a PDA introduced by Palm Computing in May1999.It allowed users to obtain zip code based weather and traffic reports,and Web browsing for an impressive$300per MB of transmitted data. Two years later,in December2001,NTT DoCoMo launched the first commercial location-based service on GPS with features such as a friend finder,a restaurant guide, and a mapping tool.But it is probably safe to say that the mobile marketing revolution only truly came to pass with the June2007launch of the iPhone.Since then,over100 million iPhones have been sold worldwide,giving users access to more than250,000 applications which allow them to read books(Kindle app),to research information (Wikipedia app),to make restaurant reservations(Open Table app),and to keep in touch with their friends(Facebook app).

After the iPhone exploded onto the scene,companies such as Gowalla(founded in 2007)and Foursquare(founded in2009)appeared on the landscape,specializing in a new form of mobile marketing called mobile social media.Soon thereafter,these were followed by specialized applications of leading Internet companies,including Google Latitude(2009)and Facebook Places(2010).Today,the pure player Foursquare is generally considered to be the market leader in the area of mobile social media,with nearly10million registered users and a growth rate of30,000per day.In essence, Foursquare allows one user to notify others about his or her location by‘checking-in’at a certain place.Mobile social media differ from traditional social media applications in important ways,and the purpose of this article is to highlight those differences and their implications for companies.In honor of Foursquare,we are structuring this article in Foursquare,four square,42,4x4parts:

(1)A definition of mobile marketing and mobile social media(Section1);

(2)A discussion of the business use of these applications(Section2);

(3)Four pieces of advice on mobile social media usage(Section3);

(4)A discussion of future–—and not so future–—trends and challenges(Section4). 1.1.Mobile marketing:What it is,and what it’s not

Mobile social media belongs under the wider umbrella of mobile marketing applications.For the purpose of our article,we define mobile marketing as any marketing activity conducted through a ubiquitous network to which consumers are constantly connected using a personal mobile device.Mobile marketing therefore requires three conditions.The first of these is a‘ubiquitous network,’a term first coined by Mark D.Weiser(1991),chief scientist at Xerox PARC in Palo Alto, California.Contrary to common belief,a ubiquitous network is not necessarily one single network,but rather a combination of different networks.A user can,for example,be connected at home through a wireless LAN,switch to3G when leaving the house,and log into a WiMAX network at work.The important factor is not the network itself,but that the switch or‘handshake’between different networks happens in a smooth and invisible way.The second condition entails the user having constant access to this network.For a mobile phone this stipulation is almost trivial,since many people rely so heavily on their phones that they wouldn’t dare leave home without them.For other devices–—such as tablet computers–—constant access depends more on the user than on the technology itself,as it requires a conscious decision to not switch off the device but instead keep it connected24/7.The last condition involves use of a personal mobile device.A mobile device is any tool that allows access to a ubiquitous network beyond one specific access gate.The most common example of a mobile device is a mobile phone,but a netbook also counts if it can access different types of wireless networks(e.g.,WLAN,3G,WiMAX).For mobile marketing to make sense,this mobile device needs to be personal;that is,not shared with anyone else.This requires that each household member has their own device and that each device can be identified uniquely,as through a built-in SIM card.

1.2.Mobile marketing:Classification of mobile marketing applications

Within this definition,we use two variables to differentiate between four types of mobile marketing applications:(1)the degree of consumer knowledge and(2)the trigger of communication.Regarding the degree of consumer knowledge,the use of a personal device allows companies to customize their messages to each individual user, similar to the idea of one-to-one marketing(Peppers,Rogers,&Dorf,1999).It is,

however,important to realize that this technical ability for personalization does not imply that all mobile marketing needs to be-or even should be-on a one-to-one basis. Also,we can differentiate between the degree of consumer knowledge of the network operator(e.g.,the mobile-phone company or the Internet service provider)and that of the initiator of the mobile marketing campaign,as they are not usually identical. Regarding the trigger of communication,we differentiate between push communications,which is initiated by the company,and pull communications,which is initiated by the consumer(Table1).

Within the first group(low knowledge/push),companies broadcast a general message to a large number of mobile users.Given that the firm cannot know which customers have ultimately been reached by the message,we refer to this group as strangers. Within the second group(low knowledge/pull),customers opt to receive information but do not identify themselves when doing so.The company therefore does not know which specific clients it is dealing with exactly,which is why we call this cohort groupies.In the third group(high knowledge/push),companies know their customers and can send them messages and information without first asking permission.We refer to this group as victims.The last group(high knowledge/pull)covers situations where customers actively give permission to be contacted and provide personal information about themselves.This allows for one-to-one communication without running the risk of annoying your clients,and we refer to this group as patrons.

1.3.Mobile social media:Definition and typology

Building on this definition of mobile marketing,as well as our previously-published definition of traditional social media(Kaplan&Haenlein,2010),we now define mobile social media as a group of mobile marketing applications that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated https://www.doczj.com/doc/a516503208.html,panies engaging in mobile social media will often have some sort of knowledge about the consumers with whom

they’re dealing,such as current geographical position in time or space.Additionally, these users will nearly always agree to receiving information from the company,for example by‘checking-in’at certain locations.This makes mobile social media users a specific form of patrons in our mobile marketing classification.Similar to mobile marketing in general,we differentiate between four types of mobile social media applications,depending on whether the message takes account of the specific location of the user(location-sensitivity)and whether it is received and processed by the user instantaneously or with a time delay(time-sensitivity)(Table2).

Location-sensitivity in a broader sense is not new to marketing,and geographic factors have previously been considered in marketing decision making.Examples of this include retail location planning(Inman,Winer,&Ferraro,2009;Ozimec,Natter, &Reutterer,2010)and demand forecasting(Yang&Allenby,2003).Today,however, technologies such as GPS,GSM,Bluetooth,and RFID make it possible to identify the exact location of a specific mobile device at a particular moment.Similarly, time-sensitivity allows the creation and transmission of messages that are of relevance at a particular moment.A company can,for example,spontaneously decide to launch a sales promotion that is only valid for1-2hours and broadcast this information to all mobile devices within a certain range.We refer to applications that are neither location-nor time-sensitive as slow-timers,and to applications that take account of time and place simultaneously as space-timers.Applications that only reflect one of these two dimensions are referred to as either space-locators(location-sensitive but not time-sensitive)or quick-timers(time-sensitive but not location-sensitive).Based on this classification,it is evident that space-timers are the most sophisticated form of mobile social marketing applications.The remainder of this article will therefore focus on this type of mobile social media.

1.4.Mobile social media:Theoretical foundations and implications

Like any type of communication device,mobile social media require two actors:(1)a sender who is willing to share information and(2)a receiver who is willing to listen to it.This raises two relevant questions.First,why would somebody expend the effort to check in at a certain location,simply to provide information regarding their detailed whereabouts?One reason for this lies in the concept of self-presentation and self-disclosure(Goffman,1959;Schau&Gilly,2003),which states that people are willing to reveal information about themselves if this information is consistent with the way they would like to be seen by others.For example,a trendsetter will happily check in at Saks Fifth Avenue in New York,but probably be more reluctant to let everyone know that it’s time again for weekly grocery shopping at the Wal-Mart Super Center on Staten Island.A second reason can be found in impulsiveness theory (Ainslie,1975;Hoch&Loewenstein,1991;Thaler&Shefrin,1981),which states that people constantly struggle between displaying long-term control and giving into short-term temptations.People might therefore be willing to post status updates and upload videos on their way to work for exactly the same reasons they would purchase a candy bar at the drugstore checkout,although it is incompatible with their plan to live a healthier life.

The second,and equally important,question is:Why do others–—that is,friends and firms–—care to read and react upon this type of information?For friends,the reason may lie in the concept of ambient awareness;that is,awareness created through regular and constant reception,and/or exchange of information fragments through social media.Knowing the places a person has been throughout the day,combined with some casual comments here and there,might tell you more about your friend than a2-page email.For firms,mobile social media allow marketing messages to be distributed that are relevant only for specific locations and/or time periods.The excitement that results from the expiration date of these messages can prompt more effective marketing communication.This is similar to what can be observed in the context of price promotions,where it has been shown that–—in addition to any potential financial windfall–—sweepstakes and contests create value for consumers through their mere entertainment character(Chandon,Wansink,&Laurent,2000). 2.Mobile social media and the firm:Business use and potential

By now,it should be clear that traditional social media offer a variety of opportunities for companies in a wide range of business sectors.This is true for social media in general(Kaplan&Haenlein,2010),as well as specific applications like virtual social worlds(Kaplan&Haenlein,2009)and micro-blogs(Kaplan&Haenlein,2011a).

Social media have,for example,been shown to be particularly powerful in generating viral marketing phenomena(Kaplan&Haenlein,2011b)and supporting new product launches(Kaplan&Haenlein,2012).Nevertheless,mobile social media–—and, particularly,space-timer applications–—differ significantly from traditional social media.Next,we discuss how companies can make use of these specific characteristics in areas as different as marketing research,communication,sales promotions/discounts,and relationship development/loyalty programs.

2.1.Marketing research

Mobile social media applications offer data about offline consumer movements at a level of detail heretofore limited to online companies.Any firm can now know the exact time at which a customer entered one of its outlets,as well as comments made during the visit.Historically,companies have gone to great lengths to put a face to their anonymous customer base.Today,though,applications like Foursquare make it easy to obtain general statistics,such as number of check-ins per time of day,gender, or age group;as well as individual ones,such as which customers have checked in most often or most https://www.doczj.com/doc/a516503208.html,bining this information with sophisticated data-mining techniques gives traditional grocery retailers,music stores,and auction houses the ability to become as efficient as Amazon,iTunes,or eBay.While social media in general have been claimed to give more power to end-consumers(Kaplan& Haenlein,2010),mobile social media might return some of that power back to companies.

For some inspiration,consider a recent collaboration between Safeway–—North America’s second largest supermarket chain–—PepsiCo,and Foursquare(Angrisani, 2010).During the3-month pilot program,Safeway offered a set of exclusive discounts on selected PepsiCo products to all customers who linked their Foursquare account to their VonsClub loyalty program card.Discount coupons were,following presentation of the loyalty card,printed directly at the check-out and tailored to each customer depending on his or her Foursquare habits.Are you a morning person, indicated by many early check-ins at different places?Saving money on Tropicana orange juice and Quaker Oats might just be for you.Do you own the‘Gym Rat Badge,’which can be earned by checking in at the gym10times in30days?If so, you may appreciate that discount on SoBe Lifewater to hydrate after your next training session.


Mobile social media communication takes two forms,the first of which is

company-to-consumer communication.An example of this can be found in Metro International,a Swedish media firm,which uses Foursquare to communicate around its free daily newspaper,Metro Canada.Customers who follow Metro Canada on Foursquare receive location-based content,such as reviews for restaurants in close proximity.In a similar spirit,the UK artist Cheryl Ann Cole relied on Facebook Places to promote her2010album,Messy Little Raindrops(Hosea,2011).People passing by one of114poster locations in London and Cole’s hometown of Newcastle were invited to check in at the respective billboard.Once was done,they were automatically connected to Cheryl’s presence on Facebook and entered into a drawing for two free tickets plus travel accommodations to one of her X-Factor shows.The check-in was also shared on the artist’s and user’s Facebook pages,which made it–—as well as the corresponding promotion of the album–—visible to all of the user’s Facebook friends.Besides being an interesting example in itself,such applications also demonstrate the potential of mobile social media to track exposure and effectiveness of the medium.

The second type of communication is user-generated content(UGC).If your company does something truly extraordinary,chances are that the Foursquare community will talk about it and probably transform a simple company message into a viral marketing phenomenon(Kaplan&Haenlein,2011b).On the2010Foursquare Day–—April16, or4/16–—McDonald’s offered$5and$10gift cards to100users randomly selected among those checking in at one of the restaurants.This promotion increased check-ins by33%(from2,146to2,865),resulted in over50articles and blog posts,and prompted several hundred thousand news feeds and Twitter messages.Not bad results for an investment of less than$1,000!Given the high power of viral marketing, Foursquare is supporting the creation of UGC by offering a‘shout’function,which allows leaving messages in the form of virtual graffiti at a location and awarding ‘Swarm Badges’if more than50Foursquare users check in at the same place at the same time.

2.3.Sales promotions and discounts

As illustrated,Foursquare offers many ways of taking sales promotions and discounts to the next level.Forget the old days,when coupons were printed in newspapers and clipped by consumers.Today,Foursquare allows the tailoring of promotions not only to specific users,but also specific time periods.The business newspaper Financial Times,for example,offers a premium https://www.doczj.com/doc/a516503208.html, subscription worth$300–—but only to Foursquare users who check in regularly at certain coffee shop locations around the

London School of Economics and New York’s Columbia University.If you have a new product to promote,follow the example of Virgin America.In launching its California-Cancun service,users who checked in through Loopt at one of three designated Border Grill taco trucks in San Francisco and Los Angeles between11am and3pm on August31,2010,could get two tacos for$1and two flights to Mexico for the price of one.In San Francisco alone,1,300people checked in during the 4-hour window,80%of whom actually purchased tickets from Virgin America(Olson, 2011;Quinton,2010).

Such promotions do not necessarily need to be associated with tangible benefits.The coffeehouse chain Starbucks,for example,offers users a‘Barista Badge’if they check in at five different Starbucks locations.In a similar spirit,the German airline Lufthansa created an Oktoberfest promotion on Foursquare.Customers flying to Munich during the period of the Oktoberfest received a message inviting them to check in at three different venues in Munich from a list posted on the Lufthansa Foursquare page.Upon doing so,they received the‘Oktoberfest Badge’and a20 voucher toward their next ticket purchase.Sales promotions are often considered the ugly duckling of marketing:necessary and efficient,but terribly boring.Yet,with applications such as Foursquare,they might just become the beautiful swan of mobile social media.

2.4.Relationship development and loyalty programs

Ultimately,long-term growth does not stem from the one-time transactions that can be triggered by sales promotions,but rather from repeat business and customer loyalty. Google Latitude offers customers the option to gain bronze,silver,or gold status at places where they check in regularly;American Eagle Outfitters remunerates such customers with a tiered10%,15%,or20%discount on their total purchase;and at Foursquare,users loyal to a certain location–—that is,checking in most often during the previous60days–—become‘mayor’of that place,garnering potentially considerable benefits.At Domino’s Pizza in the UK,the mayor receives a free pizza each Wednesday.Likewise,at the Golden Corral restaurant chain,mayors can eat and drink for free once a day.

Another option is to link your own loyalty program to Foursquare,similar to the aforementioned collaboration between Safeway and PepsiCo.The New York-based company Tasti D-Lite,known for its frozen desserts,encourages customers to connect their Foursquare and Twitter accounts to their Tasti D-Lite membership cards (Clifford,2010).Those who agree to do so earn additional points for every purchase.

In exchange,their Foursquare and Twitter accounts are automatically updated each time the card is swiped at a Tasti D-Lite store.This increases brand awareness for Tasti-D-Lite,and the company is experimenting with combining these automatic updates with coupons that a customer’s friends and followers can later redeem. Additionally,it encourages Tasti D-Lite store owners,who operate under a franchising system,to engage with customers and obtain performance-based metrics for their relationship development efforts.This represents a win/win/win/win system for Tasti D-Lite,franchisees,customers,and customers’friends.

3.Four I’s see more than two:Mobile social media advice

While myriad opportunities exist by way of this novel communication channel, companies undertaking the practice must also be aware of the associated challenges. Mobile social media offer two pieces of information not available through any other channel:data on the consumer’s time and place.This makes it possible for businesses to see clients in a completely different light.And since it is commonly said that four eyes see more than two,we have developed the‘Four I’s’of mobile social media usage to help firms entertaining this new environment.First and to the greatest extent possible companies should try to integrate their mobile social media activities into the lives of users,to avoid being a nuisance.Second,such integration can be achieved by individualizing activities to take account of each user’s preferences and interests,and provide the opportunity to,third,involve the user through engaging in conversation.If firms are really lucky,they might,fourth,even initiate the creation of user-generated content and word-of-mouth,which allows for tighter integration of activities into users’lives.As we detail next,although these four pieces of advice are targeted toward space-timers,they can be equally relevant for the other three types of mobile social media applications(Figure1).

3.1.Integrate your activities into users’lives,to avoid being a nuisance

As privacy is key in the area of mobile social media,companies should avoid disturbing their customers at all cost.Whereas computers are used mainly for business, searches,and transactions,mobile devices serve primarily to communicate with friends.If a customer installs your application,or checks in at one of your outlets for that matter,this can be seen as a strong sign of trust and indicates willingness to enter a commercial friendship with your company(Price&Arnould,1999).Firms should avoid abusing this trust;for example,by bombarding their users with off-the-shelf advertising messages or customer surveys.Otherwise,companies risk the friendship breaking up before it has actually started.Never forget that users can delete the application or block your messages with only a couple of clicks.While this rule applies to all types of mobile social media applications,it has special relevance for time-sensitive applications(quick-timers and space-timers)since companies have a higher tendency to over-communicate if the information is only relevant for a short period of time

One way of integrating your activities into the daily life of users is reflected by the ‘Louisville Tour,’a city tour organized in collaboration between Gowalla and the Louisville Courier-Journal,in anticipation of the Kentucky Derby(Indvik,2010).To allow visitors to get the most out of their trip to Louisville,Gowalla and the Courier-Journal created a series of eight suggested Gowalla check-ins at major landmarks,including Louisville Slugger Field and the Kentucky Derby Museum.For those interested more in entertainment than culture,the city also offered the ‘Louisville Bar Crawl,’comprised of a set of10restaurants,bars,and club venues that users could check in to.All users who checked into either the8major landmarks or the10entertainment venues,or even both,were awarded a badge as proof of their achievement.

3.2.Individualize your activities to take account of user preferences and interests Another dimension in which mobile devices differ from computers is that they are usually not shared,but rather belong to one individual.This allows for highly personalized company-to-consumer communication,an opportunity firms should capitalize upon.One way of doing this entails customizing messages based on the geographic area in which the user is present.This makes individualization a highly relevant option for location-specific applications(space-timers and space-locators). The mobile social media application Foursquare,for example,compares check-ins to official police statistics,which include among others robberies and violent crime,to

give people an impression of the safety of their current location.Another way is to rely on stated information about customer tastes and preferences.At the fast-food chain4Food,users can customize their own burgers and then check in their ingredients,rather than themselves.Points and a25-cent credit are awarded every time another customer orders the same burger,and winning burgers are displayed on a leader board in the restaurant.

Campaigns employing generic,as opposed to individualized,messages usually perform less well;indeed,these may even do more harm than good!Consider the Foursquare promotion for Sylvester Stallone’s movie,The Expendables(Van Grove, 2010).In11cities across the United States,users checking in at certain locations received messages such as:‘With over250,000ways to order your burger it’s no wonder that Five Guys burgers are considered bad ass.Brought to you by The Expendables opening August13!’and‘Ask for Thad!The most bad ass tattoo artist in San Diego!Brought to you by The Expendables opening August13!’In essence, these messages combined general statements about the specific location,which was already known to most users checking in,with a reference to The Expendables that was often unrelated to the location itself.This lack of individualization resulted in harsh criticism by the Foursquare community.

3.3.Involve the user through engaging conversations

The real-time response capabilities of mobile devices,combined with the potential for geo-localization,allows for the creation of highly engaging conversations with current and prospective customers.The most effective mobile social media campaigns therefore often involve the user in some form of interactive story or game to create a shared experience between the company,the user,and possibly even the user’s own social network.Time-sensitive applications(quick-timers and space-timers), especially,require high levels of involvement as they rely on synchronous and instantaneous communication.In these cases,companies have a very brief time window in which to speak with their customers;if they miss the occasion,there may not be a second chance.In April2010,the NBA’s New Jersey Nets partnered with Gowalla to distribute tickets for the team’s game against the Charlotte Bobcats (Dilworth,2010).Five hundred tickets could be found throughout New York and New Jersey by checking in at various sports-related locations such as bars,gyms,and equipment stores.Fifteen percent of all people who found a ticket actually attended the game–—a huge success,given the Nets’bad season and the fact that the game took place on a Monday night.

Firms must,though,pay close attention to keeping their employees in the loop when organizing this type of event.Otherwise,they may find themselves in the same situation as the retail clothing store chain Gap,which organized a promotion granting 25%off all purchases to Foursquare users–—but did not inform employees.As a result,instead of applying the discount,Gap staff members made fun of the event in front of customers.One client,for example,received the response:‘Oh,the hopscotch special with the magic code.Right,let me enter that in!’This resulted in feelings of insult and embarrassment,instead of appreciation.Disappointed patrons so negatively discussed the incidents on their blogs and Twitter accounts that many other users refused to even give it a try.Events like this are always critical,but when they involve a highly interactive medium such as mobile social media,they may turn into public relations nightmares.

3.4.Initiate the creation of user-generated content

Even when a firm respects all of the aforementioned rules and engages in integrated, individualized,and involving conversations with its customers,corporate messages will never be as effective as word-of-mouth communication between consumers.The Holy Grail of mobile social media usage is,therefore,to initiate the creation of user-generated content in order to ignite truly powerful viral marketing campaigns (Kaplan&Haenlein,2011b).This is particularly true for space-locators,who get their value from comments which users have made and attached to certain locations. Negative comments are certainly not good for your business,but no comments might even be worse;in this case,no news can indeed be bad news.Check out the Foursquare application of the restaurant guide,Zagat(https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/a516503208.html,/zagat). Users who check in at Zagat-rated restaurants can not only obtain the‘Foodie Badge,’but also have access to comments left by other users,including suggestions for activities or dishes to order at the specific venue.To engage the user community even further,Foursquare users who obtain mayorship at certain restaurants have the chance to be featured on the Zagat website in the form of a video interview in the‘Meet the Mayor’section(Maul,2010).

In all honesty,triggering such user-generated content is far from straightforward and many companies may not achieve this objective,no matter how much effort they put into it.Nevertheless,at the very least,firms should pay close attention to avoiding negative comments made about their actions within the Foursquare community;and with such a demanding group of customers,negative comments may be plentiful. Starbucks received,for example,harsh reviews when it became public that many


英文 小四号字,单倍行距,首行缩进2个字符,不能定义文档网格。约3千英文单词。 MCU Description SCM is also known as micro-controller (Microcontroller Unit), commonly used letters of the acronym MCU MCU that it was first used in industrial control. Only a single chip by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor. The first design is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system, smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. INTEL's Z80 is the first designed in accordance with this idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller and dedicated processors have parted ways. 一、SCM history SCM was born in the late 20th century, 70, experienced SCM, MCU, SoC three stages. SCM the single chip microcomputer (Single Chip Microcomputer) stage, mainly seeking the best of the best single form of embedded systems architecture. "Innovation model" success, laying the SCM and general computer completely different path of development. In the open road of independent development of embedded systems, Intel Corporation contributed. MCU the micro-controller (Micro Controller Unit) stage, the main direction of technology development: expanding to meet the embedded applications, the target system requirements for the various peripheral circuits and interface circuits, highlight the object of intelligent control.It involves the areas associated with the object system, therefore,the development of MCU's responsibility inevitably falls on electrical, electronics manufacturers. From this point of view, Intel faded MCU development has its objective factors. In the development of MCU, the most famous manufacturers as the number of Philips Corporation. Philips company in embedded applications, its great advantage, the MCS-51 single-chip micro-computer from the rapid development of the micro-controller. Therefore, when we look back at the path of development of embedded systems, do not forget Intel and Philips in History. 二、Embedded Systems Embedded system microcontroller is an independent development path, the MCU important factor in the development stage, is seeking applications to maximize the solution on the chip; Therefore, the development of dedicated single chip SoC trend of the natural form. As the microelectronics, IC design, EDA tools development, application system based on MCU SoC design have greater development. Therefore, the understanding of the microcontroller chip microcomputer can be, extended to the single-chip micro-controller applications. 三、MCU applications SCM now permeate all areas of our lives, which is almost difficult to find traces of the field without SCM. Missile navigation equipment, aircraft, all types of instrument control, computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation, real-time process control and data processing, extensive use of various smart IC card, civilian luxury car security system, video recorder, camera, fully automatic washing machine control, and program-controlled toys, electronic pet, etc., which are inseparable from the microcontroller. Not to mention the area of robot control, intelligent instruments, medical equipment was. Therefore, the MCU learning, development and application of the large number of computer applications and


2013年12月大学英语四级考试翻译题目 许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看,烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既味美又健康。 Most people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is considered as not only a skill bu t also an art. The well-prepared Chinese food is both delicious and good-looking. Alth ough cooking methods and food ingredient vary wildly in different places of China, it is common for good cuisine to take color, flavor, taste and nutrition into account. Sinc e food is crucial to health, a good chef is insistently trying to seek balance between ce real, meat and vegetable, and accordingly Chinese food is delicious as well as healthy. 信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速发展,中国公民也越来越重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。一部分人认为这是没有必要的,学生就应该学习传统的课程。另一部分人认为这是应该的,中国就应该与时俱进。不管怎样,信息技术引起广大人民的重视是一件好事。 As China citizens attaching great importance to the rapidly development of Informati on Technology, some college even set it as a compulsory course. Regarding to this ph enomenon, people holding different views. Some people think it is not necessary, for s tudents should learn the traditional curriculum. Another part of people think it is a nee d, because China should keep pace with the times. Anyway, it is a good thing that Inf ormation Technology aroused public concern. "你要茶还是咖啡?"是用餐人常被问到的问题,许多西方人会选咖啡,而中国人则会选茶,相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病,在明清(the qing dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本,但直到18世纪才传到欧美,如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一,茶是中国的瑰宝。也是中国传统和文化的重要组成部分。 "Would you like tea or coffee?" That’s a question people often asked when having meal. Most westerners will choose coff ee, while the Chinese would like to choose tea. According to legend, tea was discove red by a Chinese emperor five thousand years ago, and then was used to cure disease . During the Ming and Qing dynasties, tea houses were all over the country. Tea drin king spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not until the 18th century does it s pread to Europe and America. Nowadays, tea is one of the most popular beverage in the world, and it is not only the treasure of China but also an important part of Chine se tradition and culture. 中国结最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。在古代,人们用它来记录事件,但现在主要是用于装饰的目的。“结”在中文里意味着爱情,婚姻和团聚,中国结常常作为礼物交换或


哈尔滨工业大学毕业设计(论文) 英文原文(原文也可以直接将PDF版打印) ASSESSING CREDIT OR DETERMINING QUANTITY? THE EVOLVING ROLE OF RATING AGENCIES Lynnette D. Purda* This version: April 21, 2011 Abstract Over the past ten years, credit rating agencies have come under intense criticism from both practitioners and academics, first for their failure to identify problems resulting in bankruptcies at Enron and Worldcom and second for providing overly optimistic ratings for structured finance products. While many investors question the value of rating agencies in light of these criticisms, they have proven remarkably resilient. This paper provides a brief background on how rating agencies secured competitive advantages in evaluating credit quality. It then reviews the empirical evidence on the information content of ratings given these advantages. I argue that the information content of ratings stems from two intertwined sources: 1) information related to credit quality and 2) information related to the firm’s ability to access debt. Based on this evidence, I suggest that the dominant role for ratings today is as a benchmark for financial contracting. In this way, ratings remain influential in establishing the supply and demand of debt securities. 译文 评级机构的发展的作用评估信用还是决定数量? 本文:2011.4.21 摘要 在过去的十年,信用评级机构一直处于来自实践者和学者的激烈的批评中,首先他们未能发现问题,导致安然和世通破产;其次对结构性金融产品提供过于乐观的评级。虽然许多投资者因为这些批评对评级机构的价值提出了质疑,但他们仍然被证明是相当有活力的。这篇文章首先在评估机构如何在信用评级质量中获得竞争优势提供一个简单地背景介绍,然后考虑到这些优势回顾了一些信息内容方面的评级经验证据。个人认为信息内容的评级来自两种交织在一起(错综复杂)的来源:1)和信贷质量相关的信息;2)和公司获取债务资本能力相关的信息。以此为据,我建议当前评级的主导作用是作为基准的金融收缩。以这种方式,在建立债券的供应和需求方面评级仍然是有效的。 - -1


大连海事大学英语2580题库中英文对照学习完整版 [1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire. A. dry chemical or foam B. foam or soda acid C. carbon dioxide or foam D. carbon dioxide or dry chemical KEY: D二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。 [2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed. A. Captain’s cabin B. Chief Officer’s locker C. Chartroom D. Pilot’s cabin KEY: C在驾驶台或附近提供必要的装卸设备或用具和海图的存放和天文钟布置的房间叫做海图室。 [3]______:The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone. A. Frame B. Deckbeam C. Stringer D. Keel KEY: D在船舶底部沿首尾向铺设有时提及当做主骨架的主要首尾结构是龙骨。 [4]______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it. A. Buoyancy B. Freeboard C. Draft D. Displacement KEY: B船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离叫干舷。 [5]______20 targets can be tracked at one time. When maximum tracking capacity is reached, no further acquisitions are possible. A. As many as B. So many as C. As much as D. As more as KEY: A一次可以获取多达20个物标,当跟踪能力达到最大时候,就不再录取了。 [6]______amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation. A. Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Admiralty List of Lights C. Admiralty List of Signals D. Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: A英版航路指南详细描述海图的细节和安全航行所包含的信息。 [7]______are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts. A. Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Admiralty List of Lights C. Mariner’s Handbook D. Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: D英版航海通告出版是为了英版海图的改正。 [8]______are to be used for dunnage if you load rice. A. wooden planks B. rush mats C. steel bars D. wooden planks and rush mats KEY: D木板和席子被用来做垫舱料,如果你装载大米。 [9]______at 53N3 127E4 moving ely 12kts with cold front from center passing 51N3 126E1 to 51N2 125E4 and warm front from 46N1 128E2 passing 40N2 125E2. A. Low 1002HPA B. Low 1045 HPA C. High 1002 HPA D. High 1045 HPA KEY: A低气压1002百帕,位置53N 127E4向东12节速度移动,伴有冷锋中心经51N3 126E1移至51N2 125E4,伴有暖锋从46N1 128E2 经过40N2 125E2位置。 [10]______causing strong winds and rough sea north west Bay of Biscay. A. Strong low pressure B. Strong high pressure C. Steep pressure gradient D. Steep gradient pressure KEY: C强气压梯度导致了比斯开湾西北的强风和狂狼。 [11]______chart 3994, positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward. A. To consider B. To check C. To examine D. To agree with KEY: D为了与3994号海图一致,从这张海图上读出的位置应该向北移动0.03分的距离。[12]______is a full nautical record of a ship’s voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch. A. Sea Protest B. Deck Log C. Accident Report D. Seaman’s Book KEY: B航海日志全面记录了航次的情况,由值班驾驶员在每次值班结束后详细填写记录。 [13]______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water. A. Biodegradation B. Dissolution C. Cleaning up by crew with skimmers D. Oxidation including photooxidation KEY: C船员用浮油刮集船清扫不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。 [14]______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water. A. Emulsification B. Sedimentation / Sinking C. Oxidation including photooxidation D. Burning organized by RCC KEY: D由RCC(海上搜救协调中心)组织的燃烧不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。 [15]______ is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(B) bulge carrier 散货船 bulge bulk 散货容积大量 bulge container 散货集装箱 bulge eraser 整盘磁带消磁器 bulge frame 船腹肋骨 bulge freighter 散货船 bulge grain carrier 散装谷类运输船 bulge oil carrier 散装油船 bulge oil circuit breaker 多油断路器 bulge oil-carrying ship 散装油船 bulge ore carrier 散装矿砂船 bulge ore-and RoRo carrier 散货、矿砂、滚装三用船bulge test 鼓出试验 bulge test 鼓出试验批量试验 bulge test 批量试验 bulge transport department 散货运输处 bulge viscosity 体积粘性 bulge 不规则突起鼓起处 bulge 侧凸出部 bulge 船侧凸出部;舭部 bulge 桶腰 bulgecarrier 散货船 bulged blading 加厚叶片组 bulging shell 鼓出外板 bulging shell 舭外板 bulging test 鼓出试验 bulk carrier 散货船 bulk and general cargo carrier 散杂货运输船 bulk bauxite carrier 散装矾土船 bulk bauxite carrier 散装铁矾土船 bulk bauxite ore-carrier 铝土矿石船 bulk bead mark 防水壁标志 bulk boat 石油驳船 bulk capacity 散货容积 bulk capacity 散装容积 bulk cargo carrier 散装货船 Bulk Cargo Clause 散装货条款 bulk cargo container 散装货柜 bulk cargo container 散装货柜散装集装箱 Bulk Cargo Container 散装集装箱 bulk cargo hold 散货舱 Bulk Cargo Ship 散装货船


(英语)英语翻译专项习题及答案解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?(motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。(at the cost of) 3.让我的父母非常满意的是,从这个公寓的餐厅可以俯视街对面的世纪公园,从起居室也可以。(so) 4.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷落,急需改善。(whose) 【答案】 1.What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room. 或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.This museum is not well managed, whose exhibits are covered with dust, and there are few visitors, so everything is badly in need of improvement. 或The museum whose management is reckless, whose exhibits are piled with dust and whose lobby is deserted, requires immediate improvement. 【解析】 1.motivate sb to do sth 激发某人做某事,on earth究竟,major in 以…为专业,enthusiasm/ initiative热情/积极性,故翻译为What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.online payment网上支付,brings convenience to给…带来方便,at the cost of以…为代价,privacy隐私,故翻译为Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction令我父母满意的是,后者也那样so it is with。也可以用主语从句What makes my parents really satisfy 表语从句thatthey can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment。overlooks俯视,opposite the street街对面,living room 起居室。故翻译为To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room.或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.not well managed/ management is reckless疏于管理,be covered with dust/ be piled with dust被灰尘覆盖,few visitors游客稀少,be badly in need of improvement/ requires immediate improvement亟需改善。故翻译为his museum is not well managed, whose exhibits


河北建筑工程学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系别:机械工程系 专业:机械电子工程 班级:机电(本)091 姓名:张少强 学号: 2009322110 外文出处:English in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。 指导教师评语: 签字: 年月日 金属热处理 普遍接受的金属和金属合金的热处理定义是“在某种程度上加热和冷却金属或金属合金,以获得特定的条件和属性。”加热的唯一目的是进行热加工,锻造操作是被排除在这个定义之外的。热处理有时候也用产品表示,同样玻璃和塑料也被排除在这个定义之外。 变换曲线 热处理的基础是在一个单一的图表上绘制的包含三个所有的等温转变曲线或TTT曲线。因为曲线的形状,他们有时候也称为c曲线或s曲线。 TTT曲线绘制,特定的钢在给定的条件下和预定的时间间隔内记录以检查的组织结构转换的

数量。众所周知共析钢(T80)在超过723℃形成的是奥氏体,在此温度下形成的是珠光体。为了形成珠光体碳原子应该分散形成渗碳体。扩散是一个过程需要足够的时间来完成奥氏体向珠光体的转变。我们可以注意到在不同的样本内在任何的温度下数量都在发生变化。这些点被绘制在以时间和温度为轴的坐标内。通过这些点共析钢的变换曲线如图1所示。曲线的左极端代表在任何给定的温度下奥氏体向珠光体的转变。同样的右极端代表完成所需要的时间。这两个曲线之间转换的点代表部分转换。水平线条s M和f M发代表开始和完成的马氏体转变。 热处理工艺的分类 在某些情况下,热处理在技术和使用程序上是分开的。而在其他情况下,,描述或简单的解释是不够的,因为相同的技术常常可以获得不同的目标。例如,应力消除和回火需要相同的设备和利用相同时间和温度循环。然而这是两个不同的过程。 图8.1 T80钢在等温间隔下的热处理图 以下对热处理的描述主要是根据他们之间的关系来安排的。正火指加热铁合金到高于它转变温度上的一个合适温度(通常是50°F到100°F或28℃到56℃)。接下来是在精致空气至少是在低于其转变温度范围下冷却。由此产生的结构和性能和通过完全退火是一样的。对大多数铁合金来说正火和退火是不一样的。 正火通常被用作调节处理,尤其是没有经过高温锻造或其他热加工的精炼粒钢。正火的成功通常由另一个热处理来完成如奥氏体化的淬火、退火或回火。 退火是一个通用术语,它表示一个热处理,包括加热和保持在一个合适的温度后以一个合适的冷却速度冷却。它主要用来软化金属材料,但它同时也会产生其他属性或期望的微观结构。


汉译英翻译格式规范 I 格式规范 1. 正文标题、机构名称、图表格名称和表头中所有单词(除虚词外)的首字母均大 写;但标题为句子的情况除外; 2. 译文中出现的标准、规范名称,单独出现时每个单词首字母均应大写并斜体,不 加引号;在表格中出现时不用斜体; 3. 摄氏度符号统一从“符号”“Times new roman”中找到“°”(位于最右一列)插 入,然后在后面加上大写“C”,即“°C”; 4. 排比和并列的内容,标点应统一。一般做法是中间采用“;”,最后一个采用“.”, 最后一个与倒数第二个之间用“; and”; 5. 数值范围的表示形式应是:110-220 kV,而不是110 kV~220 kV;注意:数字和 连字符之间没有空格,数字和单位之间有空格数字与单位之间要加一个空格,但“°C”、“°F”和“%”除外; 6. 在英文中,百分号应采用英文半角“%”,而不可采用中文全角“%”; 7. 公式中的符号从“插入公式”中选择; 8. 文本框中第一个单词首字母大写; 9. 1号机组和2号机组、一期和二期的表示方法:Unit 1 & 2;Phase I & II; 10. 第x条(款、项)和第y条(款、项)的表示方法:Article x and Article y,即表 示条(款、项)的词不能省略; 11. 文件中出现公式时,公式后说明性文字的“其中”、“式中”统一译为“Where:”, 注意其后加冒号;对公式中的字母和符号进行解释时,采用“-”,其前后均不空格,“-”后的首字母为小写;公式后的说明要用分号,最后采用句号。例如: Where: F sc-short circuit current force (lb/ft); V-velocity; P-gas density. 12. 冒号后首字母小写; 13. 大于号、小于号、等号两边均有空格; 14. 表格的标题和标题栏字体加粗; 15. 注意上下标与原文一致; 16. 直径符号φ的输入方法:插入,符号,字体选择Symbol,然后选择输入φ,并采用 斜体;

【最新推荐】关于商务英语的翻译赏析-范文模板 (1页)

【最新推荐】关于商务英语的翻译赏析-范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 关于商务英语的翻译赏析 【原文】“天山”牌羊绒衫具有色泽鲜艳,手感柔滑,穿着舒适,轻便保 暖等特点。由于该产品质地优良,做工精细,花型、款式新颖,尺码齐全,受 到国外消费者的热烈欢迎。 【译文】"Tianshan" brand cashmere sweaters,characterized by their bright colors,soft feel and light weight,are warm and comfortable to wear.Thanks to/Because of their fine quality,excellent workmanship,novel designs and styles and complete range of sizes,they have gained popularity with consumers abroad. 【点评】汉语中的四字短语读起来铿锵有力,节奏优美,他们的使用是汉 语的一大特点,但汉语中的四字短语会呈现不同的结构,如主谓结构、动宾结构、偏正结构等。本例中的“色彩鲜艳”、“手感柔滑”、“穿着舒适”便是 主谓结构,但英译文将它们分别译成了“bright colors”、“soft feel”和“light weight”,这种结构属于汉语中的偏正结构,即形容词修饰中心名词,这样翻译是为了英语的行文需要而做的改变,因为这里英译文“characterized”之后需要接名词短语。

航海英语302 翻译版

航海英语302 烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机 1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines. A.The funnel烟囱 B.The messroom C.The galley D.The satellite antenna 人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气. 2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection. A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley D.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线 厨房是制作美味食物的地方. 3.——is where delicious food is cooked. A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley厨房 D.The satellite antenna 食堂是全体船员用餐的地方 4.——is where the crew eat their meals. A.The funnel B.The messroom食堂 C.The galley D.The satellite antenna 锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动. 5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary. A.The bulbous bow B.The anchor 锚 C.The bow thruster D.The propeller 船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动. 6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily. A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏 B.The anchor C.The bow thruster D.The propeller 船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。7.——is placed in the front of the ship under the water, which eases berthing or maneuvering sideways at low speed.


中国地址英文书写格式 地址翻译实例 : 宝山区南京路12号3号楼201室 room 201,building No.3,No.12,nan jing road,BaoShan District 如果地方不够可以将3号楼201室写成:3-201 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403,No.37,SiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District 中华人民共和国民政部政策研究中心北京河沿大街147号 No.147# HeiYian Street the policy center of civil administration department the People’Republic of China 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District 北京市崇文区天坛南里西区20楼3单元101 Room 3-101 building No.20,TianTan-NanXiLi Residential ChongWen District BeiJing City 江苏省扬州市宝应县泰山东村102栋204室 Room 204 building No.102, East TaiShan Residential BaoYin County JiangSu Province 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号王坤 Wang Kun Room 42,Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov.China 473004 中国四川省江油市川西北矿区采气一队 1 Team CaiQi ChuanXiBei Mining Area JiangYou City SiChuan Province China 中国河北省邢台市群众艺术馆 The Masses Art Centre XinTai City HeBei Prov.China 江苏省吴江市平望镇联北村七组 7 Group LiBei Village PingWang Town WeJiang City JiangSu Province 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店王坤 Wang Kun Hongyuan Hotel,Jingzhou city,Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司王坤 Wang Kun Special Steel Corp,No.272,Bayi Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov. China 473000 528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 王坤 Wang Kun Room 702, 7th Building,Hengda Garden, East District,Zhongshan, China 528400 361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室王坤 Wang Kun Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li,Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办王坤 Mr. Wang Kun Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004 266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲王坤 Mr. Zhou Wangcai NO. 204, A, Building NO. 1,The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory, 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao,Shandong, China 266042 英文地址的写法 [英文地址] 中国MPA在线的英文地址:Rome1232,Youth building,No.34 West Beisanhuan Road, Beijing,China 一、寄达城市名的批译: 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为“Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音 标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的,批译时要注意识别,以免错译。 二、街道地址及单位名称的批译: 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。 1、英文书写的,例如Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号; 2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号; 3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou 译为广州东风东路70号。 三、机关、企业等单位的批译: 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。 例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO. 译为:上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词 之前。 例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China 译为:中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。 例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch 译为:北京电子有限公司西安分公司。 四、姓名方面: 外国人习惯是名(Firstname)在前,姓(Lastname)在后。若碰到让您一起填的,最好要注意一 下顺序,不过你要是填反了,也没关系。中国银行收支票时是都承认的。 例如:刘刚,可写成GangLiu,也可写成LiuGang。 五、地址翻译——翻译原则:先小后大。 1、中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**区**路**号。 而外国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如 :**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的。例如:中国山东省青岛市四方区洛阳路34号3号楼4单元402户,就要从房开始写 起: Room402,Unit4,Building3,No.34.LuoyangRoad,sifangDistrict,QingdaoCit y,Shandong Prov,China (逗号后面有空格)。 注意:其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。 因为您的支票是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦您写成Technology Building,他们可能更迷糊。 注意:填写姓名时,姓在前,名在后,中间空格,首字母大 写。填写地址时,从小地址到大地址,逗号或空格后的第一个字母大写。 A: 室/房Room 村Village 号No. 宿舍Dormitory 楼/层F 住宅区/小区Residential Quater 甲/乙/丙/丁A/B/C/D 巷/弄Lane 单元Unit 楼/栋Building 公司Com./Crop/LTD.CO 厂Factory 酒楼/酒店Hotel 路Road 花园Garden 街Street 信箱Mailbox 区Districtq 县County 镇Town 市City 省Prov. 院Yard 大学College **表示序数词,比如1st、2nd、3rd、4th......如果不会,就用No.***代替,或者直接填数字吧! 另外有一些***里之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音***Li。而***东(南、西、北)路,直接用拼音也行,写***East(South、West、North)Road也行。还有,如果地方不够可以 将7栋3012室写成:7-3012。 201室:Room201 12号:No.12 2单元:Unit2 3号楼:BuildingNo.3 长安街:ChangAnstreet 南京路:Nanjingroad 长安公司:ChangAnCompany 宝山区:BaoShanDistrict 赵家酒店:ZhaoJiahotel 钱家花园:Qianjiagarden 孙家县:Sunjiacounty 李家镇:Lijiatown 广州市:Guangzhoucity

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