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Lesson 83 After the elections大选之后

New words and expressions

election n. 选举 former adj. 从前的

defeat v. 打败 fanatical adj. 狂热的

opponent n. 反对者,对手 radical adj. 激进的

progressive adj. 进步的 ex- prefix(前缀,用于名词前)前…… suspicious adj. 怀疑的

Who was the former Prime Minister?

Who has always been a fanatical opponent of ne ‘s Radical Progressive Party? Why did Patrick go to the house again and again?

In the recent elections,was the former Prime Minister defeated or not? What happened to the former Prime Minister and where is he now?

★ election n. 选举

a general election 大选 an election campaign [kæm'peɪn] 竞选活动 elect v. 选举(某人)

eg:We’d like to elect a chairperson now. 我们想现在选出一名主席。 elect + sb + to …..选举(某人)担任(某职)

eg:We elect her to the Board of Education . 我们选她加入教育委员会。 elector n. 选举人、合格选民

★ former (1) adj. 从前的、以前的

my former English teacher in former time/days 以前、往昔

(2)(前述两者中的)前者的、前面the former 前者←→ the latter 后者eg:I prefer the former design to the latter .

formerly adv. 以前、原本nowadays 现今,现在

★ defeat (2) v. 打败

defeat an enemy 战胜敌人、打败敌人

eg:Our team defeated our opponent by 5:0.

(2) n 挫折、失敗

eg:Our baseball team has suffered another defeat .

admit defeat 认输

a decisive defeat 一個決定性的失敗

a crushing[krʌ] /total defeat =an utter [ˈʃtəʌ] defeat 彻底失败

★ fanatical = fanatic(1) adj. 狂热的


fan n.(口)迷、热心爱好者a baseball fan 棒球迷

be crazy about ……非常喜愛 ..., 醉心于=be mad about …

★ opponent n. 反对者,对手

eg:He best his opponent by three sets to one . 他以三比一击败对手。 oppose v. (1)反对、抵抗

eg:I oppose your going there alone . 我反对你去那里


oppose + sth + to = oppose + sth + against 对立、对抗

eg:He considered the matter , opposing its merits against / to its demerits .他对比了优点和缺点来讨论这件事

be opposed to sth 与某事物相对立, 反对某事物

eg:She is strongly opposed to their plan.

★ radical (1)根本的、彻底的(thorough)

radical improvements 徹底改進; radical change 裂變


the radical party 激進黨; radically adv. 根本地, 完全地, 過激地

radicalism ['rædiklizəm] n. 急進主義, 根本的改革主義

★ progressive (1) adj. 进步的

←→ conservative [kənˈsə:vətiv] a.保守的,守舊的;傳統的 n.保守的人 a mayor with progressive ideas 思想進步的市長

eg:The new chairman is quite progressive . 新主席是相當前衛的。

(2)前進的、進行的←→ regressive [riˈgresiv] a.退步的,退化的 progress (1)n. 前進、進行

make swift progress toward the destination 目的迅速前進

←→ make slow progress toward the destination目的緩慢前進

(2) n. 進步、上進、發展

the progress of medicine 醫學進展

eg:You’ve made great progress in speaking English .


(3) n.經過、過程、進展

eg:The patient is making remarkable progress.


(4) v. 前進、進行、上進、提高

eg:We are now progressing steadily with our work .
