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Unit 4 Life under the spotlight

Listening to the world

4-2 Sharing

Practice 1

Practice 2

1) finding out

2) a normal person

3) feel about fame

Practice 3


Practice 4

I exciting

2. worthwhile

3. a model

4. real famc

5. invention

6. in the street

Practice 5


4-3 Listening

Use the skills I


Use the skills 2

1) advertising

2) enjoy the job

3) travel

4) chance

5) go traveling / go travelling

6) a doctor

7) have time

8) play the piano

9) writing songs

10) wanted to do

11) make more time

12) playing her own music

Think and speak 1

4-4 Viewing

Get a clue 1

View it 1

1. (I) the attitude (2) the talent

2. (3) speed

3. (4) Formula One (5) big guys

4. (6) ambitious drivers

View it 2

1) speed


3) October

4) richest

5) track

6) bank

7) glory

8) better

View it 2

1) seven / 7

2) four/ 4

3) everything

Think and speak 1 Speaking for communication

4-6 Role-playing

Note them down 1

1) White House

2) tomorrow afternoon

3)a space flight / a flight into space

4) next week

5) her husband

6) 80/ eighty

7) three or four/ 3 or 4


9) this weekend

10) restaurant service

11) French

12) Paris

13) directions

14) book

Note them down 2


4-7 Presenting

Get ideas 1

1) South Wales

2)a rock star

3) his dream

4) drum kit

5)write songs

6) apart from

Organize ideas 1

More practice in listening

4-8 More practice in listening Conversations 1


Conversations 2


Passages 1


Passages 2

1) commentators

2) exaggerated

3) focus on

4) lead an active life

5) laid the foundation

6) annual

7)a series of

8) advocating

9) abolish

10) influential

News 1


News 2


Unit text(要注意选项和内容对不对应)

4-10 Unit test


1) B. Often there is a high price to pay for success.

2) B. Tim Berners- Lee deserves the large award.

3) B. They both think the tickets are expensive.

4) B. To show that successful ads are often stories with happy endings.

5) D. Because she started riding a pony when she was very young.


6) B. On November 14, 1944

7) B. His father.

8) C. Writing novels.

9) C. He died after a long period of ill health.


10) B. Modern America.

11) C. He had insight and management ability.

12) C. The hopes and fears of ordinary people.

13) B. Because his studio made training films for soldiers.

14) A. 1966.

15) champion

16) challenges7

17) Regardless of

I 8) inspiration

19) remarkable

20) legendary

21) dominance

22) appeal in

23) aspire to

24) magnificent

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写2 U校园答案说课材料

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写2U校园答 案

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程2 U校园答案UNIT 1 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.doczj.com/doc/9919179107.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Banked cloze 1.obliged 2.tedious 3.beneficial 4.abundant 5.adjusted 6.bulk 7.evidently

8.functions 9.efficiently 10.distress Expressions in use 1.feel obliged to 2.be serious about 3.run into 4.distinguish between 5.thrust upon 6.was allergic to 7.get lost 8.be attracted to 9.make sense 10.looked upon as UNIT 2 Words in use 1.promotes 2.accelerate 3.mystery 4.insight 5.boost

6.analysis 7.calculate 8.barriers 9.destruction 10.prospect Banked cloze 1.insight https://www.doczj.com/doc/9919179107.html,cation 3.boost 4.mystery 5.prospect 6.promote 7.invest 8.appreciation 9.affected 10.speculate Expressions in use 1.are liable to 2.in favor of 3.is bound to


Uint4 II. Basic Listening Practice 1.Script M: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies. W: I know, it?s over there. There?s not much happen though. I had a look already. Maybe you should look on the Net instead. Q: What is the man looking for? 2.Script M: Y ou don?t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position? W:I?m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skills lie in this area, and I?m confident that I could handle the challenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself. Q: What is the woman saying? 3. Script M: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you?re good with these things, and I really need someone to edit it. It?s way too long. W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more than one page, you know. And it should list you experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we?ve got some work to do! Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation? 4. Script M: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company? W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success. Q: Why does the woman apply for the job? 5. Script W: Where do you see yourself in five years? time? M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least. I?m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don?t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years? time, watching everybody above me. Q: What does the man want in fie years? Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.B


《U校园》新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版 unit4答案 Unit 4 Life under the spotlight Listening to the world 4-2 Sharing Practice 1 Practice 2 1) finding out 2) a normal person 3) feel about fame Practice 3 BAAAB Practice 4 I exciting 2. worthwhile

3. a model 4. real famc 5. invention 6. in the street Practice 5 CEFDAB 4-3 Listening Use the skills I AAB Use the skills 2 1) advertising 2) enjoy the job 3) travel 4) chance 5) go traveling / go travelling

6) a doctor 7) have time 8) play the piano 9) writing songs 10) wanted to do 11) make more time 12) playing her own music Think and speak 1 4-4 Viewing Get a clue 1 View it 1 1. (I) the attitude (2) the talent 2. (3) speed 3. (4) Formula One (5) big guys 4. (6) ambitious drivers


u校园新视野大学英语2视听说unit4教程答案 1、—______ is it from your home to the bookstore?—About 15 kilometers.()[单选题] * A. How far(正确答案) B. How much C. How long D. How many 2、Grandpa pointed to the hospital and said, “That’s _______ I was born?”[单选题] * A. when B. how C. why D. where(正确答案) 3、Mary _______ a phone call with her mother now. [单选题] * A. will make B. made C. is making(正确答案) D. makes

4、Don’t play games on the computer all day. It’s ______ for your eyes. [单选题] * A. bad(正确答案) B. useful C. helpful D. thankful 5、The hall in our school is _____ to hold 500 people. [单选题] * A. big enough(正确答案) B. enough big C. very small D. very big 6、Neither she nor her friends ______ been to Haikou. [单选题] * A. have(正确答案) B. has C. had D. having 7、There may be something wrong with her _______. She can’t see things clearly. [单选题] * A. eyes(正确答案)

新视野大学英语 视听说教程3(第三版)Unit text Uint 4 听力原文和答案

Unit 4 test Next Directions: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordings Parts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts playi please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menu above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording. Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. They are taking photos. B. They are barbecuing. C. They are playing with the woman's sister. D. They are looking at photos. 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The man's mom will always scold him when he and his brother fight. B. The man's mom will always scold his brother when they fight. C. The woman's sister is very naughty. D. The woman sometimes fights with her little sister. 3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The woman thinks parents shouldn't allow children to watch TV at all. B. The man's child is a couch potato. C. The woman's child doesn't like watching TV.


u校园新视野视听说2第三版完整答案 科目:听力 题型:选择题 1. What is the passage mainly about? A. How to study effectively. B. How to prepare for exams. C. How to manage your time. D. How to get good grades. 答案:A 2. According to the passage, what is one way to stay focused while studying? A. Take breaks every 5 minutes. B. Study with a friend. C. Use your phone as a timer. D. Set specific goals for each study session. 答案:D 3. What is the purpose of the instructor's demonstration in the lecture? A. To show students how easy the task is. B. To show students how difficult the task is. C. To show students the correct way to do the task. D. To show students how to work with a partner. 答案:C 4. What does the professor suggest students do in order to improve their speaking skills? A. Record themselves speaking and listen back to it. B. Participate in class as often as possible. C. Take an online language course.


U校园&大学英语视听说教程2 1. Which of the following is a cybercrime? B terrorist threat using emojis on Facebook. 2. What is the expert's opinion of emojis? D It's helpful to use emojis to avoid misunderstanding. 1. Why was English Language Day settled on April 23? C To celebrate William Shakespeare's birthday. 2. Which of the following is not an aim of creating Language Days? C To memorize Shakespeare's 400th anniversary. 1. What is the finding of the study? D.The more languages you speak, the less likely you will develop cognitive problems. 2. Who took part in the study? C.230 men and women with an average age of 73. 3. What will be the focus of further studies? B. Whether the protection is applied to other areas of cognition. 1. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.They are classmates. 2. How many aspects of the differences are mentioned in the conversation? C.Three aspects: words, spellings and idioms. 3. What would Americans say when they mean that "don't waste time and energy in doing something"? B.Don't beat a dead horse! 1. Why was Ming arrested by the cops? D.He was mistaken to "hijack" the plane. 2. What did the waiter think "ASAP" meant? A new order. 3. What are the two speakers talking about? D.Misunderstandings caused by words. 1. What is the speaker talking about?


u校园新视野大学英语3读写教程答案u4 1、He went to America last Friday. Alice came to the airport to _______ him _______. [单选题] * A. take; off B. see; off(正确答案) C. send; up D. put; away 2、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] * A.too much(正确答案) B.much too C.too many D.many too 3、They were both born _______ March, 1 [单选题] * A. in(正确答案) B. at C. on D. since

4、Before leaving the village, he visited the old house _____ he spent his childhood. [单选题] * A in which(正确答案) B. which C. to which D at which 5、1.I saw ________ action film with my friend yesterday, and ________ film was amazing. [单选题] * A.a...a B.a...the C.an...the(正确答案) D.an...a 6、He has two sisters but I have not _____. [单选题] * A. none B. some C. ones D. any(正确答案) 7、If we want to keep fit, we should try to _______ bad habits. [单选题] * A. keep


u校园新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程2q u i z4答案(总18页) --本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-- --内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--

长篇阅读10题,总分值:20分 Directions:You are going to read a passage with 10 statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Proactive Strategies to Build a Social Life A) A lot of people believe that developing a social life is something that should just happen and develop naturally, without you needing to do anything. I disagree. I think that while this can happen for some folks, in certain stages of their life, it’s not always the case, which is why many of us today lack a fulfilling social life. If you’re in college where you get to hang around lots of other people and you’re naturally a social person, your social circle will develop on its own. But if you’re an accountant working in cubicle all day and you’re kind of shy and don’t go out much, your social life may be seriously deficient.B) In my view, building a social life requires the same active and strategic approach that making money or building a career requires. The approach is based on setting goals and acting on them. Coming from this angle, I want to show you some proactive (积极主动的) strategies to build a social life.C) A fulfilling social life looks differently for different people. Some of us need lots of friends and a large social circle. Some of us are more fond of having just a few friends, but who are very close to us. And some prefer a mix of the two. What is your preference Do you know Take some time to think about this and visualize what your ideal social circle would look like.D) Another aspect to think about is what kind of people you want in your social circle. Do you prefer people who are artistic, or people who are tech-oriented People who are outdoorsy or prefer to be indoors Usually, you will get along best with individuals who are similar to you. So I advise you to consider your dominant traits and consciously decide which of these traits are important for you to find in others. If you know what kind of people you want in your life, you’re much more likely to find them.E) Once you know how many and what kind of friends you’re looking for, it’s time to take action in order to meet them. This may seem obvious, but it’s something many of us ignore: If you just wait for others to come to you, you’ll never build a social circle.


新视野大学英语第三版视听说思政数字课程2答案 (注意:每单元最后一个测试的选择题是乱序,不能根据abcd来选,要根据选项内容选) Unit 1 Life is a learning curve Listening to the world 1-2 Sharing Practice Practice-1 参考:The podcast is mainly about the things people are learning at the moment and the most difficult thing they have ever learned. Practice-2 1) new things 2) At the moment 3) quite difficult Practice-3 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) B 7) A 8) A Practice-4 1) I have ever learnt,I have ever learned,I've ever learned,I've ever learnt 2) found 3) a combination 4) body movements 5) Learning to drive 6) nine cases,9 cases 7) by most standards 8) French 9) hated 1-3 Listening Use the skills Use the skills-1 1) I encountered some difficulties while learning English. First of all,I had a limited vocabulary, and sometimes I found it hard to express my ideas in English. Secondly,I had difficulty understanding authentic listening materials,especially when native speakers speak very fast. 2) I was advised to carry around a notebook with me so that I could memorize new words whenever I was free.I was also advised to watch English movies with English subtitles to improve my listening skills. 3) I found the best way to increase my vocabulary was to learn new words within a context.I read a lot of English newspapers and magazines. When I came across

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写4 U校园答案

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写2 U校园答案UNIT 1 Words in use 1. crumbled 2.discern 3.surpass 4.shrewd 5.conversion 6. distort 7.radiant 8. ingenious 9. stumped 10.proposition Banked cloze 1.mentioned 2.determine 3.gained 4.responsible 5.heavily 6.artistic 7.opposite 8.analytical 9.distorted 10.stumped Expressions in use 1.were dripping with 2.in exchange for 3.flared up 4.make an analogy between 5.set a date for 6.make 7.out of 8.made a pact 9.had appealed to UNIT 2 Words in use 1. deficient 2.prosecution 3.outrage 4.appeased

5.conformity 6.strand https://www.doczj.com/doc/9919179107.html,plement 8.

transient 9. appliances 10.outfit Banked cloze 1.achieving 2.gorgeous 3.considered 4.context 5.accessories 6.appreciated https://www.doczj.com/doc/9919179107.html,plexion 8.handsome https://www.doczj.com/doc/9919179107.html,ment 10. admiration Expressions in use 1. in hopes of 2. came up with 3. excused herself 4. was obsessed with 5.reaching out to 6.voice an opinion on 7. live up to 8.in terms of UNIT 3 Words in use 1. exquisite 2.dispersed 3.decentralized/decentralised 4.deduce 5.fixture 6. frugality 7. administrate 8. disjointed 9. Reviving 10.elapse Banked cloze 1.frequently 2. immersed 3.disrupted 4.stress 5.sphere


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程 2 答案 Unit 1 (1) Sharing ........................................................................................... 1... Listening ......................................................................................... 2... Viewing .......................................................................................... 3... Role-play ........................................................................................ 3... Conversations ................................................................................ 4... Passage ......................................................................................... 4 . Unit test .......................................................................................... 5... Unit 2 . (6) Sharing ........................................................................................... 6... Listening ......................................................................................... 7... Viewing .......................................................................................... 7... Role-play ........................................................................................ 8... Presenting ...................................................................................... 9... Conversations ................................................................................ 9... Passage ............................................................................................................... 1.0 ... Unit test ........................................................................................ 1..1. Unit 3 .. (12) Sharing ......................................................................................... 1..2. Listening ....................................................................................... 1..2. Viewing ........................................................................................ 1..3.


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程第四册答案 Unit1 Sharing Task3 bcfdca Task4 Task5 1.(1)anti-social 2.(1)appreciate 3.(1)tolerant 4.impress (2)awareof (2)attidude (2)cometoanend(3)walkaway Listening Task2activity2 Lark:Speaker1 Owl:Speaker2 Speaker6 Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7 Task2activity3 1.peaceful 2.beautiful 3.lovelypart 4.party 5.withapassion https://www.doczj.com/doc/9919179107.html,stsecond

7.walkingtheirdogs 8.withabounce 9.away 10.thebestpartoftheday 11.thinkingstraight 12.atmysharpest 13.wehadchildren 14.inthemornings 15.intheevenings Viewing Task2activity2 Role-playing Task1activity2 gafhbdce Morepracticeinlistening shortconversations1 DABCC longconversations CBDA Passages:Passage1 ACDC Passages:Passage2 1.distressing 2.desperate 3.urge 4.acquire 5.aretotallyunawareof 6.areisolatedfrom

u校园 新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程2 quiz4答案

长篇阅读10题,总分值:20分 Directions:You are going to read a passage with 10 statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Proactive Strategies to Build a Social Life A) A lot of people believe that developing a social life is something that should just happen and develop naturally, without you needing to do anything. I disagree. I think that while this can happen for some folks, in certain stages of their life, it’s not always the case, which is why many of us today lack a fulfilling social life. If you’re in college where you get to hang around lots of other people and you’re naturally a social perso n, your social circle will develop on its own. But if you’re an accountant working in cubicle all day and you’re kind of shy and don’t go out much, your social life may be seriously deficient. B) In my view, building a social life requires the same active and strategic approach that making money or building a career requires. The approach is based on setting goals and acting on them. Coming from this angle, I want to show you some proactive (积极主动的) strategies to build a social life. C) A fulfilling social life looks differently for different people. Some of us need lots of friends and a large social circle. Some of us are more fond of having just a few friends, but who are very close to us. And some prefer a mix of the two. What is your preference? Do you know? Take some time to think about this and visualize what your ideal social circle would look like. D) Another aspect to think about is what kind of people you want in your social circle. Do you prefer people who are artistic, or people who are tech-oriented? People who are outdoorsy or prefer to be indoors? Usually, you will get along best with individuals who are similar to you. So I advise you to consider your dominant traits and consciously decide which of these traits are important for you to find in others. If you know what kind of people you want in your life, you’re much more likely to find them. E) Once you know how many and what kind of friends you’re looking for, it’s

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