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中考英语完形填空试题解析 完形填空(Cloze Test)是中考必考的一个能力性题型,其实它是一种Blanked Cloze,即每题给出一组选项(一般为4个),要求选择出能符合上下文语言和意义要求的选项,它考查内容灵活,综合性强,易于操作,倍受命题者青睐。随意抽取了‘96 ‘97两年全国省市级中考英语试题43份,完形填空题平均占11.09分;在被统计的47 篇完形填空短文中,以故事性题材居多(共26篇,占55%),故事往往具有幽默性或富有哲理,其他还有科普小品、文化体育、风土人情、人物、史地等。请看下表:题材故事小品科普小品风土人情文化体育人物史地篇数26 7 7 4 2 1 百分比55% 16% 16% 9% 5% 2% 许多题目多与课文一般介谈足球运动2 介绍林介绍有出人意题材, 如绍英语篇, 另介绍体肯、爱城市备注料之结局卫星、植国家的育活动和英语迪生等情况树、水等风土人学习各一篇。名人情况。有关。情。完形填空选文的体裁也值得一提,请看下表:体裁记叙文说明文应用文议论文其他篇数26 13 3 1 4 百分比55% 27.7% 6% 2% 8.5% 包括科以书信就事论事主要是普、风、电话, 谈集体备注故事性土人情记录、精神等。短文等类短对话为文。主。完形填空题的两空之间一般相隔7 10个词,短文第一个句子一般不设填空题,通过分析‘96 ‘97全国各省市中考英语完形填空题的命制情况,总结出如下的特点:1)本题型设空以考查文意为主,信息词汇(或通常所说的实词 名词、动词、形容词和副词等)比重极大,且有逐年增加的趋势。2)降低对单词本身词意的考查要求,以突出本题的主要测试目的:理解全文,通篇考虑,掌握大意,注重关联。3)增加了考查连词的题,涉及考生对于行文逻辑的掌握及文句之间关联的理解,恰到好处。4)注意结合文意考查对



2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语科试题完形填空题一览 1、北京卷 第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。 A Race Against Death It was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow. On the 20th of that month, Dr.Welch 36 a Sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的)disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 37 if it struck the town. Dr.Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 38 , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage. How could the medicine get to Nome? The town`s 39 was already full of ice, so it couldn`t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn`t travel on the 40


高考英语真题完形填空真题汇总集锦 高考英语全国一卷 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to 42 a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t 43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster, which 45 I would be learning from one of the game’s 46 . I could hardly wait to 47 him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and, 52 , to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 53 and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54 . Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I’m still putting to use what he 55 me:“The absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and 59 the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my 60 as a journalist. 41.A. put forward B. jumped at C. tried out D. turned down 42.A. waste B. earn C. save D. pay 43.A. excited B. worried C. moved D. tired 44.A. title B. competitor C. textbook D. instructor 45.A. urged B. demanded C. held D. meant

2020-2021年 中考英语完形填空练习题基础、提高、难题_汇总(含答案)

2020-2021年中考英语完形填空练习题基础、提高、难题_汇总(含答案) 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 One day, when the Lion was asleep at noon, the little Mouse came running by. He was in a 1 to get home. Because the Mouse didn't see the Lion, he ran 2 the Lion's nose. The Lion opened his eyes, shouting "I'm going to eat you! You 3 me up!" "Dear Lion, please do not eat me! I shall 4 do it again and I shall never forget your kindness. Maybe someday I will 5 you back!" The Lion was 6 the idea of the Mouse. Then he said, "I think I will let you go. I am not 7 anyway." The little Mouse was so happy! He ran 8 to his home. A few days later, the Lion 9 into a net (网)by accident. The Lion shouted, trying to get free. Just then, the little Mouse happened to pass by. "I will help you, dear Lion." The little Mouse cut the net with his little teeth. It 10 him a long time. At last, the Lion was free! The Lion and the Mouse became best friends. The Lion said, "A little friend can be the best friend of all!" 1. A. way B. need C. hurry D. order 2. A. right into B. right now C. right away D. right through 3. A. hit B. put C. bring D. woke 4. A. always B. often C. never D. seldom 5. A. see B. meet C. give D. help 6. A. careful of B. pleased by C. angry with D. sorry for 7. A. hungry B. tired C. thirsty D. terrible 8. A. through B. from C. off D. for 9. A. was dropped B. fell C. felt D. fallen 10. A. spent B. took C. costs D. paid 【答案】(1)C;(2)A;(3)D;(4)C;(5)D;(6)B;(7)A;(8)D;(9)B;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述一只急冲冲想回家的老鼠不小心跑进了正在睡觉的狮子,恼怒了狮子,于是狮子要把老鼠吃掉,但聪明的老鼠苦苦哀求狮子,说这次狮子放了它,有朝一日,它会帮助狮子作为回报,此处的狮子并不怎么饿,而且听的老鼠的诚恳的 哀求,于是乎狮子放了老鼠,有一天狮子不小心掉进的一个网,正好小老鼠路过,小老鼠 用锋利的牙齿救出的狮子的故事。 (1)句意:他急急忙忙的回家。way道路;need需要;hurry匆忙;order命令.in a hurry 匆忙的,介词短语,故选C。


完形填空中考真题 (2018河南中考) 完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried chicken.” She said I wasn’t funny, but she wasn’t __36__, because everyone else laughed. My parents told me to always be truthful and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite __37____. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a(n) __38____ of PETA. He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. __39____ my teacher sent me to the principal's office (校长室). I told him what happened, and he __40____, too. Then he told me not to do it again. The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was. I told her it was chicken. She asked me __41____, just like she’d asked the ot her children. I told her it was because people could __42____ them into fried chicken. She sent me back to the principal’s office. He laughed, and told me not to do it again. I don’t __43____. My parents taught me to be honest, __44____ my teacher doesn't like it when I am. Today, my teacher asked me to tell her what famous person __45____ like(s) most. I told her, “Colonel Sanders(肯德基创始人).” Guess where I am now? 36. A. anger B. right C. patient D. serious 37. A. food B. animal C. answer D. taste 38. A. example B. discover C. enemy D. member 39. A. Instead B. Again C. Anyway D. Also 40. A. laughed B. believed C. shouted D. agreed 41. A. when B. where C. how D. why 42. A. cut B. divide C. make D. add 43. A. care B. regret C. understand D. remember 44. A. but B. and C. or D. for


全国高考英语完形填空真题汇编 (2000-2017年真题集锦) 1.2000年全国卷 I climbed the stairs slowly , carrying a big suitcase , my father following with two more . By the time I got to the third floor , I was 26 and at the same time feeling lonely . Worse still , Dad 27 a step and fell , sending my new suitcases 28 down the stairs . "Damn !" he screamed , his face turning red . I knew 29 was ahead . Whenever Dad's face turns red ,30 . How could I ever 31 him to finish unloading the car 32 screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls , girls I would have to spend the 33 of the year with? Doors were opening and faces peering out (探出),as Dad walked 34 close behind . I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a bad start. "35 the room , quickly ," I thought . "Get him into a chair and calmed down ." But 36 , would there be a chair in Room 316 ? Or would it be an empty room? 37 I turned the key in the lock and 38 the door open , with Dad 39 complaining (抱怨) about a hurting knee or something . I put my head in , expecting the 40 . But to my surprise , the room wasn't empty at all ! It had furniture , curtains , a TV , and even paintings on the walls. And there on a well-made bed sat Amy, my new 41 , dressed neatly . Greeting me with a nod , she said in a soft voice , "Hi , you must be Cori ." Then , she 42 the music and looked over at dad , " And of course , you're Mr. Faber , she said smiling. " Would you like a glass of iced tea?" Dad's face turned decidedly 43 before he could bring out a "yes."


During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to42 a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me. He was an international grand master, which 45 I would be learning from one of the game’s46 I could hardly wait to 47 him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and 52 .to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 53 and leaned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54 . Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I' m still putting to use what he 55 me:“the absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and 59 the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my60 as a journalist. 41. A put forward B jumped at C tried out D turned down 42. A waste B earn C save D pay 43. A excited B worried C moved D tired 44. A title B competitor C textbook D instructor 45. A urged B demanded C held D meant 46. A fastest B easiest C best D rarest 47. A interview B meet C challenge D beat 48. A chance B qualification C honor D job 49. A real B perfect C clear D possible 50. A attend B pass C skip D observe 51. A add B expose C apply D compare 52. A eventually B naturally C directly D normally 53. A game B presentation C course D experiment 54. A criterion B classroom C department D situation 55. A taught B wrote C questioned D promised 56. A fact B step C manner D skill 57. A grades B decisions C impressions D comments 58. A analyze B describe C rebuild D control 59. A announce B signal C block D evaluate 60. A role B desire C concern D behavior


2019年中考英语完形填空真题汇编(名师精选全国真题+详细解析答案,值得下载打印练习) 一.完形填空(共8小题) 1.(2018?真题)Helping others always brings you something,sooner or later,one way or another.I didn't know that until one day when I went to my (1)B school.It was a cold and (2)A morning after the winter vacation.Actually,it was my (3)C day at my new school.I was walking slowly and worrying about lots of things.It was early and there weren't many people on the road. A girl (4)B was on a bike passed me quickly.She was riding on snowy ice when suddenly she fell off her bike just a few steps in front of me.She was trying hard to get up,(5)D fell again.Without thinking,I went over and helped her stand up.She said "Thank you" with a smile and then rode away.The words "Thank you" (6)D me and this small event made me feel less nervous about my new school. (7)B,I got to school.The teacher led me to the classroom and asked me to sit down (8)A a girl.I was so nervous.I knew some of the students were looking at me but I didn't dare to look at them.Soon the first class started.It was English.They used a different textbook from my old school and I didn't have a copy.As I was wondering what to do,a book appeared in front of me."Let's share," the girl next to me said."And hi,I'm Carrie." I (9)A.It was the girl I helped that morning.(10)C a surprise! From then on,we became good friends.She was my first and best friend at my new school.Helping her also helped me find a friend. (1)A.old B.new C.small D.big (2)A.snowy B.rainy C.cloudy D.sunny (3)A.third B.second C.first D.last

中考英语 完形填空题的常考点

完形填空题的常设考点 由于完形填空题以考查文意为主,注重考查考生的逻辑判断能力,所以完形填空题的常设考点主要集中在: 1.注重对实词的考查,特别是对动词、动词短语、名词、形容词、副词等的考查; 2.注重在具体的语境中考查词语(特别是名词、形容词)的用法; 3.对连词进行考查,考查考生对行文逻辑的掌握及对关联词的正确运用。 完形填空题与单项填空题有着本质上的区别:单项填空题侧重于对语法知识的考查,而完形填空题则侧重于对语用能力的考查,它更注重对语篇的理解,而不是对单个句子的理解。要想做好完形填空题必须始终注意对文章的理解和注意上下文的呼应,这是完形填空题的做题原则。绝大多数完形填空题,只看单个的句子,有时所提供的四个选项从语法角度来看都讲得通,但是在具体的语篇中只能有一个正确答案。因此,看一空做一空的做法是不可取的,必须从语篇的角度来考虑所选答案。做题时一定要联系上下文,从字里行间寻找隐藏信息,同时要善于根据四个选项的设置特点来进行选择: 1.所给选项是不同的名词,则要根据上下文的意思来判断要用哪一个名词的什么形式或者是否涉及固定搭配等来考虑; 2. 所给选项是形容词、副词,则要根据上下文的意思或者其在句中的作用来确定,形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词和形容词; 3.所给选项是同一动词的不同形式,则要考虑空白处要求用什么时态、语态或哪种非谓语动词形式; 4. 所给选项是不同的动词,考查的是语境中动词的用法及意义,这时要从上下文来判断或者从固定搭配方面来考虑; 5. 所给选项是连词,可以从上下文的意思、连词的用法(含义)以及习惯搭配入手进行选择,and表并列,but表转折,because, so, therefore表因果,though, although表让步; 6. 所给选项是代词,则要从上下文的指代关系以及代词的用法来考虑。 中考英语完形填空题的题型特点 完形填空是一项考查学生英语阅读理解能力和语言运用能力的综合性题型。做完形填空题对学生的要求较高,不但要有扎实的的英语基础知识,还要有较强的分析和判断能力。完形填空通常出题形式是将一篇短文按一定的间隔删掉若干词语,要求考生通过把握文章的整体意思,补全空缺部分,使其恢复原貌。具体说来,完形填空题有以下特点: 1. 完形填空题不是一般的单项选择题,它要求考生不仅能掌握词语在特定语境中的使用,而且要能理解全文、照顾文章的前后逻辑关系。 2. 完形填空题检测的面广、量大,不仅从词汇、语法方面考查,还有可能涉及到一些文化背景知识,所以一定要全面考虑。考试大 3. 一篇文章传达的是作者的观点、思想感情,做题时不能把自己观点想当然的带入,一定要从文章本身的语境去考虑。 4. 完形填空考查的体裁各不相同,有议论文、说明文、(考试大)记叙文等,考查的知识也包括很多方面,有日常生活的、社会文化的和自然科学的等,所以考生平时一定要有较强的阅读面和知识面。 5. 完形填空一般不给标题,但有主题句,主题句往往在文章的开头,有时也在中间或结尾。主题句是了解文章的“窗口”,抓住了主题句,就能更好的了解文章大意。


2018年高考英语真题完形填空真题汇总集锦 2018高考英语全国一卷 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free”course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to 42 a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t 43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster, which 45 I would be learning from one of the game’s 46 . I could hardly wait to 47 him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and, 52 , to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 53 and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54 . Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I’m still putting to use what he 55 me:“The absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and 59 the best move from among all your options.”These words still ring true today in my 60 as a journalist. 41.A. put forward B. jumped at C. tried out D. turned down 42.A. waste B. earn C. save D. pay 43.A. excited B. worried C. moved D. tired


★2016.6.23整理 2016全国各地中考英语完型填空真题专题汇编试题(一) 温馨提示:所选择题目均有一定难度,供备考复习使用 1.(2016·苏州)The earliest maps were probably drawn in the Middle East . Some of these maps have 16 and they show us the people at that time thought the earth flat (平的) . As tim e went by , the pictures became more detailed and maps were more 17 made . Later on , ancient Greeks(希腊人) used their 18 of math and science to make maps . Greek maps tell us the Greeks knew the world was 19 . From simple pictures , mapmaking has turned into a science . Maps are made 20 surveying(勘测) land . In the 1900s , people around the world started to share information to make 21 maps . With the help of the photographs taken from the sky and space , maps are now more exactly made than ever . 22 the world is always changing , we will always need new maps . There are many types of maps , but almost all use 23 and pictures to describe what a place is like when the map is made . A map usually tells what the pictures 24 . Some maps may show the whole world . A road map will help you know the 25 from one place to another . Other maps may use pictures to show the temperature and population in different places . 16. A. disappeared B. survived C. gone D. left 17. A. slowly B. simply C. correctly D. carelessly 18. A. knowledge B. courage C. energy D. challenge 19. A. long B. small C. square D. round 20. A. into B. by C. of D. from 21. A. cleaner B. lighter C. better D. older 22. A. Though B. So C. Unless D. Since 23. A. sounds B. models C. words D. stories 24. A. stand for B. go for C. ask for D. wait for 25. A. weather B. distance C. feature D. culture 2.(2016·绍兴)When I was a child, my father had to do three jobs for a family of seven. Every time I saw him come back late, looking tired, I promised myself that somcday I would show my 16 to my father for what he had done. Over the next twenty years, my father worked hard to 17 our big family and suffered (遭受) a lot from a heart problem. One morning, my father's old car 18 and he asked me to pick him up after his medical examination. He had 19 refused when I offered to replace(取代) his old car. He said that he did not want something that he was unable to pay himself.


完形填空中考真题 VII. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分;满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 (2019安徽)A Dear Michael, I am glad to learn that you have been chosen to study in China. Your dream has come true! I can well remember that you 46 China for the first time when you were nine. Ever since you returned, you have been interested in Chinese culture and have put a lot of 47 into learning Chinese. When you first started to learn Chinese, I 48 it was nothing but a passing fad (一时的狂热). However, you didn’t 49 halfway, but kept on learning and did a good job in the HSK (汉语水平考试). Now you finally got what you had 50 for a long time. You got the chance to 51__ life in China for one year. You should have it, my son, for chances only come to those who are 52 . When you study there, you will have to face 53 in everyday life that you have never experienced before, but after a year abroad, you will return with a new 54__ at life—and at yourself. Your mum and I are both 55__ you. Keep it up, my son! Love, Dad 46. A. built B. visited C. missed D. changed 47. A. difficulty B. success C. effort D. space 48. A. thought B. agreed C. forgot D. added 49. A. cheer up B. grow up C. turn up D. give up 50. A. written B. wanted C. toured D. paid 51. A. introduce B. experience C. respect D. imagine 52. A. prepared B. honest C. friendly D. helpful 53. A. examples B. meetings C. challenges D. dreams

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