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Unit 5 China and the World

Topic 1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.



1. attract (v.) 吸引---attraction (名词)-- attractive (adj.) 吸引人的

2. tour ---tourist (名词) 游客

3. introduce (动词)--introduction(名词)

4.long ( adj. )--- length ( n. )

5. high( adj.) – height ( n.)

6. wear ---- wore ---- worn

7 enemy -- enemies 8. responsible ---- responsibility

( 二.)重点短语

1. know little about 对……几乎不了解

Know more / a little / nothing about…

2. place(s) of interest 名胜古迹

3. the birthplace of Chinese culture 中华文化的发源地

4. attract millions of tourists 吸引了成百万的游客

5. a great number of 许多

the number of …的数目

6. the second longest river 第二长河

7. fetch sb. sth. = fetch sth. for sb. 为某人取某物

8. introduce…in detail 详细地介绍……

introduce A to B 把A 介绍给 B

introduce oneself 自我介绍

9. lie in 位于……内

10.run / go through…流经/ 途经……

11. be well worth doing sth.很值得做某事

12. regard…as…把……看成…..

be regarded as …被当作…

13. a symbol of imperial power 帝王权利的象征

14.carve sth. on the stone 把…刻在石头上

15.guard the whole nation 守卫整个民族

16.play an important part / role in 在…发挥重要作用

17.be made of white marble 由白色的大理石制成

18.stretch from …..to…从…. 延伸到….

19.be made of packed earth and wood 由成袋的泥土和木头制成

be made of stone and brick 由石头和砖块制成

20.bring tourists into China 把游客带入中国

21.a treasure of Chinese civilization 中华民族的瑰宝

22.join…together …. 把…连接在一起

23.wear away (wore away, have / has worn away )磨损

24.separate …. from …把…从…分开

25. be famous for 因…而著名

be famous as …be known as …. 作为….而出名

26.an important Chinese export 一项很重要的中国出口产品

27.sound similar to 听起来和…很相像

28.the mild climate 温和的气候

29. rich soil 肥沃的土地

30.develop unique tea culture 发展独一无二的茶文化


1. It is / has been …… since ….. 自从…以来已经多久了

2. And many of them are famous, such as Mount Song, Mount Huang and Mount Emei.


3. Among them, the Changjiang River is the longest one and the second longest one is the Yellow River.


4. What grand buildings! 多么壮丽的建筑物啊!

5. It’s said that ….. 据说…

6. It’s a mountain with lots of strange pine trees. 它是一座长着很多奇松的山

7.It stretches from Shanghaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west .


8.The first emperor ,QinShihuang, joined all these smaller walls together to make the Great Wall.


9. These early walls that were made of packed earth and wood wore away in the rain and wind.


10.The Great Wall was first built by ancient people to separate them from their enemies.

\ 起初建筑长城是为了将人们和敌人分离开。

11. The Great Wall is a treasure of Chinese civilization and it is regarded as a symbol of the Chinese nation.



1. If you want to learn more, I can fetch you Guide to China.


fetch = go somewhere and bring sth./ sb. back 到别处去取回或把人请来

fetch sb. sth.= fetch sth. for sb. 为某人取某物

eg. Could you fetch me some chalk? = Could you fetch some chalk for me?

Have you fetched the doctor?

*bring 指从别处把某人(物)带来(拿来)。

take 指拿去;带去”。与bring相反。

fetch 指到别处去取回或把人请来

carry 指搬动较重的物体,无方向性。

eg. Bring me today’s newspaper, please. 请帮我把今天的报纸拿来。

Take this book to my office. 把这本书拿到我的办公室去。

Please fetch a doctor for Lao Li. 请为老李请一位医生来。

Students often help the old man carry water. 学生们经常帮那位老人提水。

2. It (The Yellow River) is the second longest river in China. 它(黄河)是中国的第二长河。

“the +序数词+形容词最高级+可数名词单数”,表示“第几……的”。如:

I think computer is the first most useful tool of all. 我想电脑是所有工具中最有用的。

The second most important thing is to come here by yourself. 第二重要的事是你自己来到这儿。