上海牛津新世纪八年级上英语知识点汇总复习(U 3)

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Notes & Grammar of 8A

Notes for Reading of Unit 3

1. deal with trouble

1) deal with … : handle (处理,应付,对待) a problem or person;

look after something and do what is necessary; deal – dealt – dealt

(1) deal with sb. 对待/对付某人 e.g. He is naughty. Nobody knows how to deal with him.

(2) deal with sth. 处理/应付问题

e.g. Do you know how to deal with the trouble / the case?

◊deal (n.) a great deal of +不可数名词大量的 e.g. a great deal of time 大量的时间

(v.&n.) 交易,协议 e.g. We have done a deal with him. 我们已经和他做了一个协议/做一笔生意。

◊ dealer n. 商人 a drug dealer 毒品贩子

2) trouble : problem, difficulty or worry 问题;困难What’s the trouble / the matter / wrong with you?

◊ (be) in trouble 处于困难中

◊ have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

◊ troublesome (adj.) 麻烦的;困难的;讨厌的

2. Paul is writing about an unusual thing which happened to him one day.


1) write about … 写有关于……

2) happen (不及物动词)

(1) (sb.) happen to do sth. (某人)碰巧去做某事(否定:happen not to do sth. 或do not happen to do sth.)

e.g. ①Paul happened to meet an old friend in the bookstore yesterday.

②I didn’t happen to have any time then. (那时我碰巧没有时间。)

= I happened not to have any time then.

= I happened to have no time then.

(2) (sth.) happen to sb. (某事)碰巧发生在某人身上

e.g. ①You look very sad. What has happened to you? 你看上去很难过。发生了什么事?

②I hope nothing has happened to my friend. 我希望我的朋友不会遇到什么不测。

比较―happen‖和―take place‖:

(1) 发生take place (事先计划/安排好的)= happen (偶然遇到/遭到)

(2) 举行take place = be held e.g. The concert will take place next Sunday. =will be held

3) unusual (元音开头adj.): strange or uncommon 特别的;不寻常的

→usual (辅音开头adj.) 通常的

→(un)usually (adv.)(不)寻常的;(不)通常的

4) one day (将来/过去)某一天some day (将来)某一天

3. Today my dad and I were waiting for the ferry when suddenly we heard a big argument.

1) wait – waited – waited – waiting

◊waiter / waitress

◊wait for … 等待/等候……wait to do … 等待/等候去做……

2) suddenly (adv.): all at once 突然间;突然地◊ sudden (adj.) 突然的

3) hear – heard – heard (感官动词)听见,听到

表示动作过程的词语: listen to 听…… look for 寻找…… look at 看……

表示动作结果的词语: hear 听到/见…… find 找到…… see 看到/见……

◊ hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事

hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事(全过程)/经常做某事

◊ hear from sb. = receive / get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信

4) argument (可数n.) angry talk between people with different ideas 争吵;争论;争辩

have an argument about sth. with sb. 和某人争吵有关于……

◊ argue (v.) : talk angrily; quarrel 争论;争吵;争辩

argued – argued – arguing argue about sth. with sb.(提示:―—ue‖结尾变形时要去―e‖,你还记得吗?)5) when

(1) 作特殊疑问词:何时;什么时候

(2) 作conj.连词:

①在那时候(本句中用法)= and at that time ②当……时候(可能会用―主一将,从一现‖)

4. Two women tourists and a young man were shouting at each other.

1) women tourists ◊ (单数) a woman tourist

man和woman修饰其它名词时变复数时,需要同时变复数。e.g. a man driver ◊ (pl.复数) men drivers

2) shout at … 冲……叫喊;冲……嚷嚷shout back at … 冲……回嚷

3) each other 互相;彼此(两者之间)

one another 互相;彼此(≥3 之间)两个短语的所有格都在短语后加―’S‖,互相的,彼此的。

5. The man held out a bag, and showed everyone that it was empty.

1) hold – held – held 握;持有;容纳;举行(= have)

catch / take hold of 抓住

hold out (动副结构)递出东西;伸出手(或胳膊)hold up (动副结构)举起

hold on 请稍等(可用于打电话中)

2) show – showed – shown show sb. sth. ◊ show sth. to sb. 将……给某人看

句中―… that it was empty‖是that引导陈述句作―宾语从句‖,引导词―that‖可以省去。

3) empty (v. & adj.) 将……倒空;空的◊ adj.反义词full

6. The crowd stared at the three people. No one knew what was happening.

1) crowd : (n.) lots of people together 人群;观众(v.) 拥挤;群集

the crowd 人群(复数含义) a crowd of + 可复


◊ crowded (adj.) 拥挤的be crowded with … 挤满……be filled with … 装满/充满…be full of …

2) stare at … 盯着…….看;凝视……

glare at … 怒视……stare out of window 凝视着窗外

look at … 看……look out of window 朝窗外看

3) no one (不定代词) = nobody

4) know – knew – known 知道……;认识……know about … 了解……

句中―what was happening‖作knew的―宾语从句‖。

7. My dad moved throu gh the crowd and said quietly to one of the women, ―What’s going on?‖

1) quietly (adv.) 小声地;安静地;悄悄地◊ (反义) loudly 大声地◊ quiet (adj.) 安静的

2) go on ①= happen 发生(本句中意思)

②继续go on doing sth. (不间断地)继续做某事= continue doing sth.

go on to do sth. (有间断地)继续做某事= continue to do sth.

go on with sth. 继续(做)某事

3) say – said – said say sth. to sb. 对某人说……

4) move through … 在……中穿梭

e.g. Cars move slowly through the traffic jams. 车辆缓慢穿梭在交通堵塞中。

through (prep.) (从……里)穿过……across (prep. & adv.) (从……上)穿过……

e.g. through the gate / the tunnel / the forest / the window / the peephole across the square / the river / the street

另外,through the night 彻夜through his father 通过他的父亲(帮助)

区别:throughout …

= all over … 遍及/遍布……

8. steal – stole – stolen (v.) 偷steal sth. from sb. / sp. 从某人/某地偷……
