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Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points, 1 point each)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 7 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) , and decide which is the best answer.

1. A) To the bank. B) To a book store. C) To a shoe store. D) To the grocer’s.

2. A) Near the train station. B) In the countryside. C) In the city. D) Near the workplace

3. A) the choice of courses B) a day course C) an evening course D) their work

4. A) The pear. B) The weather. C) The sea food. D) The cold.

5. A) George’s wife.B) George’s father. C) George’s brother D) George’s wife’s father.

6. A) She is pleased to lend him the car. B) She refuses to lend him the car.

C) She agrees to lend him the car. D) She offers him the car.

7. A ) Policeman and driver. B) Policeman and thief.

C) Teacher and pupil. D) Director and actress.

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A) Books a room. B) Reserves a room.

C) Confirms his reservation. D) Tells the receptionist he has reserved

a room.

9. A) On Tuesday. B) Probably on Thursday.

C)Three days later. D) Probably seven days later.

10. A) At 7. B) At 7:30. C) At 8. D) At 6:30.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 11. A) A conductor and a conductress. B) A bus driver and a conductress.

C) The organizer of the race and a participant. D) A reporter and a conductress.

12. A) A day before the race. B) A day after the race.

C) Right after the race. D) A few hours after the race.

13. A) She won the first prize in the cycle race.

B) She bought the beautiful racing bicycle by collecting money.

C) She was taught to cycle when she was five.

D) She was the first conductress who won a cycle race.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you’ll hear 2 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A) Courses in British history. B) Language courses.

C) Courses in sports. D) Teacher training courses.

15. A) To attract more students.

B) To make the courses suitable for students of all levels.

C) To let the students have a good rest.

D) To make the summer school more like a holiday.

16. A) Because they all work very hard.

B) Because their teachers are all native speakers of English.

C) Because they learn not only in but also out of class.

D) Because they are all advanced students.

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. A) He was novelist. B) He was a playwright.

C) He was a poet. D) He was an actor.

18. A) To visit his friends. B) To visit his family.

C) To attend the New York Film Festival.

D) To help with the production of his play by an American TV company

19. A) It was about an immigrant family from Pakistan to England.

B) It was about cultural differences between Pakistan to England.

C) It was about the struggle of a Pakistani youth in England.

D) It was about the miserable life of the immigrants in England.

20. A) He missed his plane. B) The taxi driver overslept.

C) He heard a terrible accident reported over the radio.

D) He would have been dead if he hadn’t overslept.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A) , B ) , C ) and D ). Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through center.

B21. The improvements in technology have _____the prices of computer considerably in recent months.

A) brought back B) brought down

C) brought on D) brought up

A22. As the manager’s private secretary, Helen has easy _____ to all his correspondence.

A) access B) approach C) accent D) response

D23. The editor asked his journalists not to ____D_ any details in their reports of the accident.

A) leave for B) leave on C) leave off D) leave out

B24. The party had to be____B__because the host went down with a bad case of flu.

A) called in B) called off C) called on D) called up

C25. Since his wife died, he has___B___ himself into the research work.

A) devoted B ) dedicated C) thrown D) contributed

A26. He has spent all his life working with mentally____A__people.

A) disabled B ) diverged C) naked D) abolished

B27. The road to the island only appears when the tide has__B____.

A) sprinkled B) receded C ) tilted D) diminished

C28. Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to____C__the impact of the oil spill.

A) reject B) belittle C) minimize D) reclaim

D29. I would always_____buying a good quality car rather than a cheap one.

A) appreciate B ) approve C) introduce D) recommend

A30. I didn’ t know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite___B___.

A) arbitrary B ) obvious C) evident D) fortunate

C31. I followed her____C__but I still couldn’ t work out how to use the sewing machine.

A) description B ) introduction C) instructions D) comments

A32. Employees are__A__to join the company’s pension plan after a year’s service.

A) compelled B) acquired C) responded D) regarded

D33. She soon_____the actor who had starred in the popular movie Speed. A) specified B) realized C) justified D) identified

A34. We collected hundreds of____in support of not allowing cars into the city centre.

A) signatures B) awareness C) stationery D) statements

D35. The young man struggled to ___D___where he was at the time the murder took place.

A) reflect B) respond C) resolve D) recall

B36. All the while he was terrified by the fear_____he had cancer of the stomach.

A) which B) that C) what D) such

C37. People found to their horror that two - thirds of the adult population in that area had ____AIDS.

A) contacted B ) contrasted C ) contracted D) compacted

A38. Though faced with many difficulties, he would not___D___online learning.

A) give up B ) get through C) get by D) give in

C39. As National Day is round the corner, Shanghai is______a festive atmosphere.

A) looked on B ) involved in C ) bathed in D) surrounded with

A40. He is so kind and easy-going that the kids go______him in a big way.

A) for B) to C) with D) off

41. She seemed to be aware of the delicacy of the situation and she was taking great care not to say anything to______her companion.

A) ignore B ) neglect C) charm D) embarrass

42. The obvious unfairness of such poverty side by side with conspicuous affluence reminded them of their______parents back home.

A) vulnerable B ) destructive C) critical D) sentimental

43. Writing a letter or reading a book may appear to be ______activities in which individuals exercise personal skills.

A) scarce B) sophisticated C) solitary D) sincere

44. He took her hand and felt the scar on her thumb, ______of an accident with a kitchen knife in the early days of their marriage.

A) mode B) premise C) signature D) legacy

45. As each black creature______and flapped away into the graying sky, she watched it, tears in her eyes.

A) fluttered B) featured C) fussed D) ferried

46. The moment seemed to______out endlessly, his gaze travelling across her face, her neck, her shoulder, returning to her eyes.

A) stretch B) expand C) skip D) slip

47. Although the poem contains such pessimistic overtones and pathetic acceptance of fate, there is hope to be found in the last two lines which seem to be______from the rest.

A) taken apart B ) set aside C ) set apart D) fallen apart

48. His aim was to______pride in being black and to inspire black Americans to campaign for equal rights.

A) respond B) restore C) restrain D) retreat

49. A class is said rather vaguely to ______a group of persons sharing similar occupations and incomes, and as a consequence similar life-styles and beliefs.

A) consist of B) contrast with C ) contribute in D) composed of

50. The couple have tried hard to save their troubled marriage______their children.

A) in contrast to B) rather than C) for the sake of D) regardless of Part III Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: There are 3 passages in this par. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. Choose the correct answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One

How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space requirements are not adequately met? Sociologists and psychologists are conducting experiments on rats to try to determine the effect of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have adequate living space, they eat well,

sleep well, and reproduce well. However, if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior patterns and even their health perceptibly change. They cannot sleep or eat well, and signs of fear and tension become obvious. The more crowded they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is adequate space not only desirable, but also essential for human survival?

51. This passage is mainly about ______.

A) living space and behavior

B) population and living conditions

C) interesting experiments on rats

D) a natural law for human society

52. What is the purpose of the experiments described in the passage?

A) To determine how much living space a rat needs.

B) To see what happens when rats live in a limited space.

C) To know the likely effects of inadequate living space on human beings.

D) To find out the relationship between population and living conditions.

53. How would rats behave when their living conditions become too crowded?

A) They eat a lot and become friendly to others.

B) They sleep little and act quite peacefully.

C) They eat little but sleep soundly.

D) They become nervous and tend to be war-like.

54. The passage suggests that overcrowded conditions ______.

A) are directly related with population

B) may cause an increase in violence

C) may lead to high birth rate

D) may bring about pollution problems

Passage Two

Many people hope that the whole world will one day speak a common language. Over the Years, people have made up new languages with this aim. At least six hundred languages have been developed in the search for a language which all human beings would be able to speak. The most famous one, Esperanto ( 世界语) , was the idea of Ludwig Zamenhof, a doctor in Warsaw. He published a book about his new language in 1887.

To encourage people to learn the Language, he made it as simple as possible. Esperanto has never been accepted as an official world language, but it has been suggested as an auxiliary language. By 1950 it had been taught to one and a half million speakers, and it was spoken in six hundred schools. Today Esperanto is spoken by about eight million people, and more than one hundred newspapers and magazines in the language are published regularly throughout the world. Thousands of books have been written in Esperanto, including those translated from other languages.

Today the need for a new auxiliary language like Esperanto seems less obvious. Throughout this century English has grown more and more important. It has become a second language for many millions of people. The fact that more are learning English shows that the use of English is still growing worldwide. No one would deny the usefulness of world language, but not many people think that Esperanto is likely to play such a role.

55. Over the years, people have made up new languages in the hope that ______.

A) all people will be able to speak a common language

B) people will learn a foreign language better

C) people can understand each other better

D) people will be able to speak several languages

56. Zamenhof made the language as simple as possible because ______.

A) he wanted people to learn it quickly

B) he hoped more and more people would be willing to learn it

C) he wanted everyone to speak it without any difficulty

D) he hoped it would be accepted as an official world language

57. Which of the following is NOT true of English?

A) It is widely taught in schools.

B) It has become a second language for many millions of people.

C) Many books have been written in English.

D) It is less popular than Esperanto.

58. What is the best title of the passage?

A) The language made by one man.

B) A talk about the world language.

C) English as a second language for everyone.

D) Esperanto—a better language than English.

Passage Three

After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had news to report: The damage and death toll could have been much worse.

More than 60 people died in this earthquake. By comparison, an earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 claimed 25 ,000 victims. Injuries and deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a. m. on a holiday, when traffic was light on the city’s highways. In addition, changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the city ’ s buildings and highways, making them more resistant to quakes.

Despite the good news, civil engineers aren’t resting on their successes. Pinned to their drawing boards are blueprints for improved quake - resistant buildings. The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place.

In the past, making structures quake - resistant meant firm yet flexible materials, such as steel and wood, that bend without breaking. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations. The most recent designs give buildings brains as well as concrete and steel supports. Called smart buildings, the structures respond like living organisms to an earthquake’s vibrations. When the ground shakes and

the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to shift in the opposite direction.

The new smart structures could be very expensive to build. However, they would save many lives and would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.

59. One reason why the loss of lives in the Los Angeles earthquake was comparatively low was that ______.

A) new computers had been installed in the buildings

B) it occurred in the residential areas rather than on the highways

C) large numbers of Los Angeles residents had gone for a holiday

D) improvements had been made in the construction of buildings and highways

60. The function of the computer mentioned in the passage is to ______.

A) counterbalance an earthquake’s action on the building

B) predict the coming of an earthquake with accuracy

C) help strengthen the foundation of the building

D) measure the impact of an earthquake’ s vibrations

61. It can be inferred from the passage that in minimizing the damage caused by earthquakes attention should be focused on ______.

A) the increasing use of rubber and steel in capital construction

B) the development of flexible building materials

C) the reduction of the impact of ground vibrations

D) early forecasts of earthquakes

62. The main purpose of this passage is mostly to______.

A) compare the consequences of the earthquakes that occurred in the U. S.

B) encourage civil engineers to make extensive use of computers

C) outline the history of the development of quake - resistant building materials

D) report new developments in constructing quake - resistant building Section B

Directions; Match the Chinese sentences in the left column with the English in the right column, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer with a single line through the centre.

Part IV Translation Section A

Directions: Put the following sentences into Chinese. All of them are taken from the passages you have just read.

71. Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected

by space.

________________________________________________________________________ _______

72. At least six hundred languages have been developed in the search for a language which all human beings would be able to speak.

________________________________________________________________________ _______

73. Throughout this century English has grown more and more important. It has become a second language for many millions of people.

________________________________________________________________________ _______

74. By comparison, an earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 claimed 25, 000 victims.

________________________________________________________________________ _______

75. The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place.



专升本英语阅读理解50 篇 (1) One sho u ld be moderate(适度)in a ll things. Moderation i s a l ways the safes t way to do t h ing s and a v irtu e(品质)we shou ld have. Let's take th e stodcnt Ii fe for exam pl e. The re arc some students who s tu dy too hard a nd play 100 little, while there are o th ers who play too mu c h and study too linle. On o n e hand, it is harm fu l 10 his heallh i f h c ha s too few exercises, and on the o th e r hand, i t is harmful 10 h is mind if h c pl ays t oo mu c h. In th e matter of eating, one a l so shou l d be m odera t e. Do not eat 100 much or 100 li ule. Too much eat in g wi ll m ake you s ick, whi l e 100 litt le eating will make yo u weak T h e man of progrcss i s h e who neithcr has I OO h ig,h an opin i on of h imse lf nor Ihin ks lOO poorly of h imse lf. l f a man thinks 100 hig h ly of h imse l f, he is sure 10 become very pro ud, but ifhe has 100 poor an o pini on of h i m self, h e w ill ha ve no courage 10 make an adva n ce. Bo 由lh c cond 山ons above wi ll make you l ose your advancing a im. A broad m i nded man i s he w h o a l ways moves with in the o rbit (轨道)of rca onab l cness. W h c1hcr in any aetivilies in life, moderation i s one of the be t ways 10enjoy re a l happin css. I . ''Someone c modcra1e" mea n s A.he wa l ks neither 100 fast nor 100 s l owly B.h e hasgood characters and good ways to do things C. h e i s not on l y safe bu1 a l so successful D. he i s e i1h crt a ll o r shor l 2.T h e ,vriter s u gge 1s that a st u dcn l shou l d A, have much more time to st ud y 1han10 play B.spend m ost of 1h c time playing difleren1 games C.on l y study hard w i t h o ut any 1irne to play D.correct l y arrange (安排)h i s time for study and play 3. Modcra1c eating m eans A.eating as much food as o n e ca n if 1he food i s 1a t y B.eating food ri ch of fa1 C.eati n g a proper amounl of food D.eating either too much or 100 l i1t l e 4 , If one want to be br oad-minded. he must A.believe in himself B.be full of co u r age C.enjoy rea l happine s D, do every1h ing that i s reasonable 答案:B D C D (2) Daniel Boone was born in the U n i ted States in 1734. He didn't go to schoo l a nd cou l dn't r ead, a lth ough h e l earned a ll about th e fo r csl , streams and hunting. He could move sile nt ly lik e an Indian l eaving no marks. He l oved to li ve alone in th e woods where nothing frightened him When he grew up, he married an d tri ed t o 沁ide down o n a farm. A year la t er, however, h e wasn't sa ti sfie d a nd decided t o go i nt o the unknown western land s, crossing the Appalachian Mou nt ai n s. Whe n he returned a 仆er l\vo years, hebecame famous for h is lo n g journey. He brought va lu ab l e an im a l sk in s and t o ld stories about the Indians. After thi s, he cho沁10 keep travelling to unknown places. Once he lost t o the Indians in batt le and was taken away. T h e Indian. li ked him and bec"1me his frie n岱 Daniel Boone died a t the age of86.He i s remembered as a n ex p lo r c(-r探险者)a nd a p i o n eer who lived an exciting li fe in the early years of American nation I . Daniel Boone's ea-rly li fe was mainly s p en t i n A. l earn ing about nature 8. hunting wi th his friends


2017年成人高考专升本英语真题及参考答案 第1卷(选择题,共125分) I.Phonetics ( 5 points) Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and iden-tify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answerby blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. penalty B. moment C. quarrel D. absent 2. A. sympathy B. material C. courage D. analysis 3. A. starvation B. suggestion C. satisfaction D. situation 4. A. donkey B. turkey C. money D. obey 5. A. revise B. consist C. advertise D. visit Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 points ) Directions : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper. A. walk B. the walk C. wallks D. a walk 7. He pointed at the new car and asked, "___ is it? Have you ever seen it before?" A. Why B. Where C. Who D. Whose


2018年北京高职升本科招生统一考试 英语试卷 本试卷共8页,共100分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or works from the 4 choices marked A.,B.,C. and D. then you should write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 1. —All the streets are wet. —Yes, didn’t you know? _______ for 20 minutes. A. It’s raining B. It’s been raining C. It was raining D. It had rained 2. Here’s your money—if I were you, I__________ it in the bank right now. A. put B. have put C. would put D. should have put 3. ________in 1896, Thomson School is proud of its excellent reputation. A. Establish B. Establishing C. Established D. To establish 4. I believe his design is ________, for it’s completely different from others ’. A. common B. original C. practical D. reliable 5. Being curious, working hard, and believing in____________ was true made Jenny a success. A. what B. that C. which D. whether 6. The painters say that _________ the downstairs rooms by Wednesday afternoon. A. They’ll finish B. they’ve finished C. they’re going to finish D. they’ll have finished 7. I am sick of all the quarreling among politicians who____________ be concentrating on vital issues. A. could B. must C. might D. should 8. The new law will have a great effect___________ the lives of most people. A. about B. in C. on D. of 9. More and more people are coming to appreciate the contribution______________ these talents make to our society. A. which B. where C. when D. whom 10. If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into__________ . A. others B. another C. the other D. one another 11. The expression on her face suggested that she_____________ glad to go shopping with me. A. was B. is C. will be D. should be 12. Weather_________ , we will go boating this afternoon. A. to permit B. permit C. permitted D. permitting 13. All parents worry about_____ their children are getting enough of the right foods. A. how B. when C. whether D. where 14.The quickest way was to use the car. It was a risk_____________ he decided it had to be taken. A. and B. but C. for D. or 15.We are said__________ in the Digital Age. A. living B. lived C. to have lived D. to be living


2019年安徽省普通高校专升本招生考试试题 英语 注意事项: 1.试卷共8页,请用黑色签字笔答题,答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。 2.答题前请将答题纸上密封线内的项目填写完整。 PartI Vocabulary and Structure(1point each;30point in all) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences.You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and then write the write the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. 1.—Hello,____Kate? —Yes,speaking. A.is this B.is that C.are you D.is it 2.By the time I got home,my mother____to bed. A.went B.was getting C.had gone D.has gone 3____everything____,it was not a bad holiday. A.brining--into effects B.learning--by heart C.petting--into practice D.taking--into account 4.When waiting at a bus stop for a long time,most people often look____and asleep. A.bored B.surprised C.excited D.amused 5.____the effective method,I answered all the questions correctly. A.Thanks to B.In case of C.As well as D.Apart from 6.If you are like most people,your intelligence____from season to season. A.turns B.change C.varies D.ranges 7.No cream hot me,thanks.I am____a diet. A.in B.on C.from D.off 8.____really worries George is that his parents expect too much of him. A.What B.This C.Whichever D.It 9.Mary loves Jazz,and she has played____for years. A.piano B.a piano C.one piano D.the piano 10.Ted made up has mind soon and accepted the invitation____. A.without hesitation B.without doubt C.without understanding D.without exception 11.It is good manners____help to others when they are in need. A.to obtain B.obtaining C.to offer D.offering 12.____you've grown your favorite flowers,the following job is to take care.


山东省 2019 年普通高等教育专升本统一考试英语试题 本试卷分为策I 卷和策II 卷两部分,共12 页。满分100 分。考试用时120 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写到试卷规 定的位置上,并将姓名、考生号、座号填(涂)在答题卡规定的位置。 2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在本试卷上无效。 3.第Ⅱ卷答题必须用毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷 PartⅠ Listening Comprehension.(1 point each,20 points) Section A Directions: In will section, you will hear 8 short conversations. 41 the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause, During the peruse, you must read the four suggested answers marked A) B) C) and D), and decide which is the best answer Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet . Short Conversations 1. A. His car was hit by anothercar. B.H e was hurt while involved insports. C.He fell down somestairs, D.While crossing a street he was hit by acar.


2014年英语试题 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points, 1 point each) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 7 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) , and decide which is the best answer. 1. A) To the bank. B) To a book store. C) To a shoe store. D) To the grocer’s. 2. A) Near the train station. B) In the countryside. C) In the city. D) Near the workplace 3. A) the choice of courses B) a day course C) an evening course D) their work 4. A) The pear. B) The weather. C) The sea food. D) The cold. 5. A) George’s wife.B) George’s father. C) George’s brother D) George’s wife’s father.


[专升本类试卷]河北专接本英语(阅读理解)模拟试卷7 0 Long before recorded history, our ancestors were bathing for pleasure and health. The earliest records often mention the use of rivers for bathing. And the Hindus have believed for centuries that the Ganges River has the power to clean the soul, as well as the body. Several thousand years ago, the inhabitants of the island of Crete built baths with running water. The early Jews took ceremonial baths on certain occasions, making use of oils and ointments(油膏). The Jews also had a custom of bathing the feet of all strangers that came within their gates. This friendly custom is still practised in parts of Palestine. Swimming was popular among the Greeks of ancient time. By the third century before Christ, almost every Greek city of a certain size had at least one public bath. The wealthy classes had private baths and pools, some of which were beautifully decorated. Many of the public baths that the Romans built utilized natural mineral springs. Since most of these springs were naturally warm the Romans took advantage of this free hot water. By the time of the Roman Emperors, these baths were often housed in large, marble(大理石) buildings. The baths built by the Emperor Caracalla, in the center of Rome, covered about one square mile and could hold sixteen thousand people. 1 The earliest bathing place was probably_____. (A)the river (B)the Nile (C)the Ganges (D)the River Jordan 2 According to the passage, today, some parts of Palestine also have the custom of_____. (A)bathing in public baths (B)bathing for pleasure


单选题 1(2分)、 2 Reading ____ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. A、 rectifies B、 prolongs C、 minimizes D、 furnishes 参考答案:D 2(2分)、 2 I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday. A、 was playing B、 am playing C、 play D、 played 参考答案:A 3(2分)、 2 We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ________ but to take a taxi. A、 way B、 choice C、 possibility D、 selection 参考答案:B 4(2分)、 Measles(麻疹) ________ a long time to get over. A、 spend B、 spends

take D、 takes 参考答案:D 5(2分)、 2 He asked the waiter ________ the bill. A、 on B、 of C、 for D、 after 参考答案:C 6(2分)、 When you go to the doctor he asks you to describe your ____ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断). A、 indications B、 signs C、 symbols D、 symptoms 参考答案:D 7(2分)、 2 I forgot to return the book to you yesterday. So I _____________today. A、 might do it B、 must do it C、 had to do it D、 must have to do it 参考答案:B 8(2分)、 2 The electric fan has blown away the terrible smell in the hall, ______?


河南省 2016 年普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 ) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.- 1. Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband. A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Or 2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news. A. when B. than C. then D. until 3. I’m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem. A. be set up B. will be set up C.must be set up D.has to be set up 4. The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love. A. first of all B.not at all C.after all D. All in all 5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size. A. Formal B.former https://www.doczj.com/doc/881380123.html,tter D. later 6. The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon. A. Transfer B.transport C.transplant D. transact 7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest. A. Having been watered B. Watering C. Having watered D. Being watered 8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time. A. devotion B.faith C.trust D.interest 9. The children have been ____since their father left. A.out of style B.under control C.out of control D.in style 10. It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy. A.which B. that C. while D.what 11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on. A. be informed B. Informed C. inform https://www.doczj.com/doc/881380123.html,rming


大学英语阅读理解辅导资料:(共45题) Passage 1 The Antarctic is actually a desert. It is the only continent on the earth without a river or a lake. The Antarctic is all ice all year round. The warmest temperature ever recorded there is zero, at the South Pole. Explorers used to think that a place so cold would have a heavy snowfall. But less than ten inches of snow falls each year. That is less than half an inch of water. Ten times that much moisture falls in parts of the Sahara. The little snow that falls in Antarctica never melts. It continues to pile up deeper and deeper year after year. When the snow gets to be about eighty feet deep it is turned to ice by the weight of the snow above it. 1. Antarctica is called a desert because it ________. A. is sandy B. has the same temperature as a desert C. has little moisture and no lakes or rivers D. All of the above 2. The Antarctic has ________. A. ten times as much moisture as the Sahara B. the same amount of moisture as the Sahara C. about one-tenth the moisture of the Sahara D. None of these. 3. The temperature in the Antarctic is ________. A. always above zero B. always below zero C. never recorded D. Both B and C 4. The snow in Antarctica is very deep because it ________. A. never stops falling B. piles up year after year C. never melts D. Both B and C 5. The snow turns to ice when ________. A. it gets wet B. the temperature gets colder C. the next snowfall comes D. the snow above it is heavy enough 答案:CDBDD Passage 2 Astronomers ( 宇航员) can tell just how hot the surface of the moon gets. The side of the moon toward the sun gets two degrees hotter than boiling water. The night side reaches 243 degrees below zero. In a lunar eclipse (月食) the earth's shadow falls on the moon. Then the moon's temperature may drop 300 degrees in a very short time. A temperature change like this cannot happen on the earth. Why does it happen on the moon? Astronomers know that the surface of the moon is dust. On the earth, rocks store heat from the sun. When the sun goes down, the rocks stay warm. But the dust of the moon cannot store heat. So when the moon gets dark, the heat escapes quickly. The moon gets very cold.


2018年成人高考专升本英语考试真题及答案 )125分第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共 I. Phonetics(5 points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked a, b, and https://www.doczj.com/doc/881380123.html,pare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.A.capt ai n B.sust ai n C.cont ai n D.ret ai n 2.A.pen sion B. mis sion C.ten sion D.revi sion 3.A.actr e ss B.busin e ss C.exc e ss D.endl e ss https://www.doczj.com/doc/881380123.html, b ination B.climbing C.bam b oo D.am b ition 5.A.bl ew B.cr ew C.s ew D.J ew II. Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. asked two passers-by how to get to the new railway station, but of them knew it. A.none B.either C.neither D.both 7. —The boss wants to talk to you. He seems unhappy with your performance. —Oh,I be in trouble. I hope he won't fire me. A.must B.can C.should D. would 8. my daughter reaches the age of eighteen she can apply for driving license. A.Unless B.Because C.Since D.Once 9. I'll consider Ms. Smith tonight, but I am not sure if I have the time. A.to see B.seeing C.to have seen D.see 10. The train to arrive at 11: 30, but it was an hour late. A.was supposed B.is supposed C.supposes D.supposed 11. Bob doesn't look his age. I think he's somewhere . A. in forty B. in forties C. in his forty D. in his forties 12. I feel very excited the thought of joining my family in a week. A.on B.for C.at D.in 13. a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner. A. Finding B.Having found C.We finding D.We found

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