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function [errmsg,Z,X,t,c,fail] =

BNB18(fun,x0,xstat,xl,xu,A,B,Aeq,Beq,nonlcon,setts,options1,options2,ma xSQPit,varargin);

%·ÇÏßÐÔÕûÊý¹æ»®Ä£ÐÍÇó½â·ÖÖ§¶¨½çµü´úËã·¨¡£ÔÚMATLAB5.3ÖÐʹÓã¬ÐèOptimizat ion toolbox 2.0Ö§³Ö?

% Minimize F(x)

%subject to: xlb <= x <=xub

% A*x <= B

% Aeq*x=Beq

% C(x)<=0

% Ceq(x)=0


% x(i)¿ÉΪÁ¬Ðø±äÁ¿£¬ÕûÊý£¬»ò¹Ì¶¨Öµ

% ʹÓøñʽ


%fun£º MÎļþÃû£¬±íʾ×îС»¯Ä¿±êº¯Êýf=fun(x)

%x0: ÁÐÏòÁ¿£¬±íʾ±äÁ¿³õÖµ

%xstat£º ÁÐÏòÁ¿£¬xstat(i)=0±íʾx(i)ΪÁ¬Ðø±äÁ¿£¬1±íʾÕûÊý£¬2±íʾ¹Ì¶¨Öµ

%xl£º ÁÐÏòÁ¿£¬±íʾ±äÁ¿Ï½ç

%xu: ÁÐÏòÁ¿£¬±íʾ±äÁ¿ÉϽç

%A: ¾ØÕó, ±íʾÏßÐÔ²»µÈʽԼÊøϵÊý

%B: ÁÐÏòÁ¿, ±íʾÏßÐÔ²»µÈʽԼÊøÉϽç

%Aeq: ¾ØÕó, ±íʾÏßÐÔµÈʽԼÊøϵÊý

%Beg: ÁÐÏòÁ¿, ±íʾÏßÐÔ²»µÈʽԼÊøÓÒ¶ËÖµ



% Ceq(x)ΪµÈʽԼÊø

%setts: Ëã·¨ÉèÖÃ

%errmsq: ·µ»Ø´íÎóÌáʾ

%Z: ·µ»ØÄ¿±êº¯Êý×îСֵ

%X: ·µ»Ø×îÓŽâ



% max x1*x2*x3

% -x1+2*x2+2*x3>=0

% x1+2*x2+2*x3<=72

% 10<=x2<=20

% x1-x2=10

% ÏÈд Mº¯Êýdiscfun.m

% function f=discfun(x)

% f=-x(1)*x(2)*x(3);


% clear;x0=[25,15,10]';xstat=[1 1 1]';

% xl=[20 10 -10]';xu=[30 20 20]';

% A=[1 -2 -2;1 2 2];B=[0 72]';Aeq=[1 -1 0];Beq=10;

% [err,Z,X]=BNB18('discfun',x0,xstat,xl,xu,A,B,Aeq,Beq);



% BNB18 Finds the constrained minimum of a function of several possibly integer variables.

% Usage: [errmsg,Z,X,t,c,fail] =


BNB18(fun,x0,xstatus,xlb,xub,A,B,Aeq,Beq,nonlcon,settings,options1,opti ons2,maxSQPiter,P1,P2,...)


% BNB solves problems of the form:

% Minimize F(x) subject to: xlb <= x0 <=xub

% A*x <= B Aeq*x=Beq

% C(x)<=0 Ceq(x)=0

% x(i) is continuous for xstatus(i)=0

% x(i) integer for xstatus(i)= 1

% x(i) fixed for xstatus(i)=2


% BNB uses:

% Optimization Toolbox Version 2.0 (R11) 09-Oct-1998

% From this toolbox fmincon.m is called. For more info type help fmincon. %

% fun is the function to be minimized and should return a scalar.


% x0 is the starting point for x. x0 should be a column vector.

% xstatus is a column vector describing the status of every variable x(i). % xlb and xub are column vectors with lower and upper bounds for x.

% A and Aeq are matrices for the linear constrains.

% B and Beq are column vectors for the linear constrains.

% nonlcon is the function for the nonlinear constrains.

% [C(x);Ceq(x)]=feval(nonlcon,x). Both C(x) and Ceq(x) should be column vectors.


% errmsg is a string containing an error message if BNB found an erro r in the input.

% Z is the scalar result of the minimization, X the values of the accompanying variables.

% t is the time elapsed while the algorithm BNB has run, c is the number of BNB cycles and

% fail is the number of unsolved leaf sub-problems.


% settings is a row vector with settings for BNB:

% settings(1) (standard 0) if 1: use phase 1 by relaxation. This sometimes makes the algorithm

% faster, because phase 1 means the algorithm first checks if there is a feasible solution

% for a sub-problem before trying to find a best solution. If there is no feasible solution BNB

% will not try to find a best solution.

% settings(2) (standard 0) if 1: if the sub-problem did not converge do not branch. If a sub-

% problem did not converge this means BNB did not find a solution for it. Normally BNB will

% branch the problem so it can try again to find a solution.

% A sub-problem that is a leaf of the branch-and-bound-three can not be branched. If such

% a problem does not converge it will be considered unfeasible and the parameter fail will be

% raised by one.

% settings(3) (standard 0) if 1: if 1 a sub-problem that did not converge but did return a feasible

% point will be considered convergent. This might be useful if fmincon is having a hard time with

% a certain problem but you do want some results.

% options1 and options2 are options structures for phase 1 and phase 2.

% For details about the options structure type help optimset.

% maxSQPiter is a global variable used by fmincon (if modified as described in bnb18.m).

% maxSQPiter is 1000 by default.