当前位置:文档之家› 资质要求有效的工商营业执照副本组织机构代码证













组织机构代码查询平台 组织机构代码查询平台,由组织机构代码信息核查、组织机构代码共享平台、组织机构代码电子档案、组织机构代码GIS系统组成,是组织组织机构代码查询的官方平台和基础。 组织机构代码信息核查马永顺律师推荐 全国组织机构代码信息核查(实名制共享平台)为社会公众提供机关、事业单位、企业、社会组织(社会团体、民办非企业单位和基金会)以及有工商营业执照、有注册名称和字号、有固定经营场所并开立银行账号的个体工商户等各类法人机构及其分支机构基本信息的开放查询,并以全国组织机构代码管理中心核发的上述组织机构的组织机构代码证书式样表现。 组织机构代码共享平台 全国组织机构代码共享平台是基于全国组织机构代码信息数据库开发的搜索引擎,实现对全国各政府部门、企业、社会组织、事业单位及其他各类合法组织机构的代码和基本信息实施管理、查询、检索和组织机构关联性统计分析的系统软件。在安全授权的条件下,授权的用户可以通过网络登录该平台,进行信息的查询、检索和统计分析等操作。平台采用先进的搜索引擎技术,响应时间控制在毫秒级。 组织机构代码电子档案 组织机构代码电子档案,是指将全国各类组织机构成立的合法依据、历史变迁的文字、图表的纸质档案形成数字化的档案。这些纸质档案包括:组织机构批准成立的证件,如企业的营业执照、事业单位的事业单位法人登记证书、机关单位的批准成立文件、社会团体的社会团体法人登记证书、民办非企业的单位登记证书以及其他组织机构成立的合法证明的复印件;组织机构的法人代表(负责人)身份证复印件和经办人身份证复印件;申领组织机构代码证申请表及其他需要归档的纸质资料以及每一个单位的变迁情况。 组织机构代码GIS系统 全国组织机构代码管理中心拥有组织机构代码共享平台,每个单位的信息都含有所代表组织机构的地理位置信息。以地理信息为纽带将组织机构嵌入空间地理信息系统生成GIS共享平台,将为组织机构代码共享平台和空间地理信息系统拓展更大的应用空间,为组织机构代码为国家和社会提供更优质服务方面取得进一步发展。


Translation: Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person (Duplicate Copy) Registration No. XXXX The Enterprise Name: XXXXXXXXCo.,Ltd. Address:XXXX Village, XXXX Town, XXXX District, XXXX City Legal Representative: XXXXXXXX Registered Capital: RMB 600,000yuan Paid-in capital: RMB 600,000yuan Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability(Natural investment or holding by Natural person) Scope of Business: XXXX XXXXXXXXCo.,Ltd.(Sealed) Date of Establishment: 30 April, 2002 Term of Operation: From 30 April, 2002 to 29 April, 2022 Notice 1.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3.The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5.Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6.Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1 through June 30. 7.No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted . 8.To cancel its registration, the company shall have the original copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. 9.Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for a reassurance. Annual Examination Administration of Industry & Commerce of Shanghai 2011 Annual examination (seal) 6 June 2012 Date of annual examination is from March 1 to June 30. Please put in the documents before June 30. XXXX Branch Administration of Industry & Commerce of XXXX (seal) 10 November, 20XX


企事业单位和社会团体统一代码标识的审批 1 适用范围: 1.1 本标准规定了企事业单位和社会团体统一代码标识的服务部门、服务类型、 服务依据、服务申报资料、服务流程、法定办理时限、部门承诺办理时限、收费标准、收费依据、申报条件、服务限数等; 1.2 本标准适用于芜湖市行政服务中心质监局窗口。 2 设立依据: 《安徽省组织机构代码管理办法》 3 申报条件: 3.1 企业单位需持有营业执照; 3.2 机关需持有成立批文; 3.3 事业单位需持有事业单位法人证书; 3.4 社会团体需持有社团登记证; 3.5 学校幼儿园需持有民办非企业登记证; 3.6 卫生服务部门(站)需持有上级主管部门核发的成立批文; 3.7 工会需持有工会法人证书; 3.8 街道办、居委会等其他机构需持有上级主管部门核发的成立批文。 4 申报材料: 4.1 单位成立批文及相关有效的营业执照、民办非企业登记证、事业单位法人证 书、社会团体法人登记证书、律师事务所执业许可证、工会法人资格证书等原件及A4纸复印件一份,(有年检要求的须先进行年检); 4.2 法定代表人(负责人)和经办人的身份证(军官证、护照、回乡证)A4复 印件各一份,二代身份证需正、反面复印在一张A4纸上; 4.3 有主管单位的需提供主管单位代码证书A4纸复印件一份; 4.4 申请表加盖单位公章; 4.5 换证,变更,迁址,年检需加带组织机构代码证书正、副本原件和代码IC 卡(年检需要IC卡如没有需40元补办); 备注:组织机构应在批准成立或者核准登记之日起30日内,持有关批准文件或者登记证书,向批准其成立或者核准其登记的管理部门同级的技术监督行政管理部门申请代码登记;组织机构的名称、住所等发生变更时,应当自变更之日起30日内,持变更证明到技术监督行政管理部门申请换领代码证书;组织机构应当在有效期届满前30日内,持代码证书的正本和副本及电子副本(IC卡)向原发证技术监督行政管理部门办理换证手续。根据代码证书上的告知,按期年检。 逾期处罚。 5 办理时限: 5.1 法定时限:3个工作日; 5.2 承诺时限:即办 6 办理程序: 6.1 受理;

中华人民共和国组织机构代码证 英文翻译版

The People’s Republic China Remarks Organization Code Certificate https://www.doczj.com/doc/8613393681.html,anization Code of the People’s Republic of China is the sole and unchanged legal code (Duplicate) for an organization in the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The Code certificate is the certificate for an organization’s legal code mark,made in original and duplicate. Code: 2.The certificate shall not be leased,lent,infringed,transferred,forged,modified, or illegally transacted. Name of Organization: 3.It must be applied for change registration when the registered matters of the certificate have any changes. 4.The organization shall make annual check according to related regulations of issuing authority. Type of Organization: Undertaking Legal Person 5. When the organization is cancelled or annulled, cancellation for registration shall be made (Legal Representative: ) with the original issuing authority,and the code certificate shall be recalled. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Address: of the People’s Republic of China ( Seal) Certificate annual check shall not be informed seperately Annual Check Record Term of Validity: Array Issue by: Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of XXX Registration NO.:ZDG NO.


BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON ( DUPLICATE ) (1-1) Register Number: XXX Date of Set-up: Issued By: The Bureau of XXXXXX Industrial and Commercial Administration XXXXXX Branch (seal) Date: The Enterprise Name: Address: Legal Representative: Capital Amount: Economic Type: Scope of Business: Main Business: Operation Type: Operation Period:

ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON According to "The People's Republic of China Enterprise Legal Person Registration Regulations," the relevant provisions of the enterprise legal person shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. A registered company registered in the competent authority for approval to collect a "Business License" means to obtain legal personality. Enterprise Legal Person With a "Business License" can be engraved seals, open a bank account, signed a contract to carry out business activities. 2. Enterprise legal person shall be registered within the approved business scope engaging in business activities. 3 Enterprise legal person to change the name, residence, business premises, legal representative, of an economic nature, scope, mode of operation, registered capital, operating period, and the addition or revocation of branches, the competent authority shall apply for registration of change of registration. 4 Enterprise legal separation, consolidation, migration, the competent authority shall apply for registration of change of registration, open registration or cancellation of registration. 5 Out of business enterprise legal person has been revoked, declared bankrupt or for other reasons the termination of business, the competent authority shall apply for registration of cancellation of registration. 6 Enterprise legal person receiving "enterprise legal person business license," after the expiry of six months or the cessation of business activities have not yet carried out a full year of operations as if they go out of business, the registration authorities shall be confiscated "enterprise legal person business license" and its copies and official seal. 7 Enterprise legal person registration of each of the competent authority should be required to submit annual report, balance sheet or the balance sheet, handling an annual inspection. 8 Registration issued by the competent authority "enterprise legal person business license" is the enterprise legal documents, in addition to the registration authorities in accordance with legal procedures may be withheld or revoked, the other of any unit or individual shall not be confiscated, seized and destroyed. "Business License" and its copy shall not counterfeit, alter, lease, lend, transfer, sell, and unauthorized copying.


组织机构代码证的办理 组织机构代码证书申办、换证、年审、变更应提供的证件、材料: 1、代码证申请表(填表、左上角盖章) 2、法定代表人(非法人单位提供负责人)身份证件及复印件; 3、经办人身份证件及复印件; 4、组织机构授权经办人办理的证明; 5、代码证正、副本及电子副本; 6、主管部门代码证书复印件; 7、批准各类机构成立的证件或批文如下: a、企业:营业执照(正本或副本原件及复印件一份); b、事业:事业单位法人证书(副本原件及复印件一份); c、社团:社会团体法人登记证书(副本原件及复印件一份,正面和背面均要复印); d、民办非企业:民办非企业登记证(副本原件及复印件一份,正面和背面均要复印); e、机关:政府部门“三定”方案(编制文件)(复印件一份); f、工会:社会团体法人资格证书(副本原件及复印件一份); g、其他机构:许可证、批文等(如:律师事务所的执业许可证副本、村(居)民委员会需有上级主管部门证明信、当选证书等证明机构成立的材料原件及复印件一份)。 以上复印件均为A4纸并在空白处加盖公章。 代码咨询电话:0372-51160620372-5116027



填表说明 一、机构类型:按94版和国标GB/T20091-2006分别填写。 二、机构名称:填写组织机构名称必须是全称(与批件一致),逐格填写。 三、法定代表人或负责人:具备法人资格的单位填写法定代表人的姓名及身份证号码,其他证件填入类别及证件号码;不具备法人资格的单位填写负责人的相关内容。 四、经营或业务范围:各类机构分别根据自己证照上的经营或业务范围(职责或宗旨)填写;其他机构可根据自身开展的具体业务填写。 五、经济行业:根据国标GB/T4754-94和GB/T4754-2002《国民经济行业》分别填写对应的经济行业及代码。 六、经济类型:根据国标90版和2000版《经济类型分类与代码》填写对应的经济类型及代码。 七、成立日期:按批件成立日期填写,批件无此项的填写组织机构实际设立日期 八、职工人数:按本单位实际职工总数填写。 九、主管部门: 1、国有、集体企业、事业单位和机关等申办单位填写上一级行政主管部门的名称及其机构代码; 2、社会团体、工会等机构填写业务归口或业务主管部门的名称及其机构代码; 3、无主管企业和部门的不必填写。 十、注册资金:按批件注册资金填写,批件无此项的不填。十一、外方投资国别(地区):仅外资企业填写。 十二、行政区划:填写机构地址所在区划。 十三、邮编:填写机构地址所在区的邮编。 十四、机构地址:按批件逐字填写。批件无地址的按下一条填写。 十五、经营地址:应如实填写单位经营所在地址,逐格详细填写。应包括省、市、、县(市、区)、乡(镇)、村、街道名称和门牌号。与上条完全一致的可写“同上”。 十六、联系电话和法人手机:要据实填写,能及时通知到为准,Email邮箱地址有就填写,无则可不填。 十七、登记或批准机构:填写核准登记或编制审批本单位设立的机关名称全称。 十八、注册号(批准文号):按批件的证照号码或文号填写。十九、申请证书数:副本和IC卡按自己实际需要填写。二十、主要产品:(限生产企业填写)据实填写三项以内。二十一、是否涉密:一般填否,视为可以公开。填是(涉密)请出具保密主管部门的证明。 二十二、单位网址:有就据实填写,无可不填。 二十二、经办人:填写真实的名称与身份证号码或者其他办证机关认可的证件号码,联系方式为手机号码。 申请表一律使用黑色钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹要工整。左上角加盖申办单位行政公章。 本表格可以登录省代码中心网站下载,网址为:https://www.doczj.com/doc/8613393681.html,/ 代码申办、换证、年审、变更应提供的证件、材料: 1、代码证申请表(填表、左上角盖章) 2、法定代表人(非法人单位提供负责人)身份证件及 复印件; 3、经办人身份证件及复印件,组织机构授权经办人办 理的证明; 4、代码证正、副本及电子副本; 5、主管部门代码证书复印件; 6、批准各类机构成立的证件或批文如下: a、企业:营业执照(副本原件及复印件一份);新办 企业还应提供公司章程; b、事业:事业单位法人证书(副本原件及复印件一 份); c、社团:社会团体法人登记证书(副本原件及复印 件一份,正面和背面均要复印); d、民办非企业:民办非企业登记证(副本原件及复 印件一份,正面和背面均要复印); e、机关:政府部门“三定”方案(编制文件)(复印 件一份); f、工会:社会团体法人资格证书(副本原件及复印 件一份); g、其他机构:许可证、批文等(如:律师事务所的 执业许可证副本、杂志社的期刊出版许可证等证明机构成立的材料原件及复印件一份)。 以上复印件均为A4纸并在空白处加盖公章。 代码咨询电话:9600150。 河南省组织机构代码中心制

营业执照副本 中英文对照

Business License For Enterprise as Legal Person (Duplicate) Reg. No.: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Company Name Domicile Name of Legal Representative Reg. Capital Paid-in Capital Corp. Type Business Scope XXXXXXXX RMB 1,000,000 Yuan RMB 1,000,000 Yuan Limited Liability Company(invested or held by natural person) General management project: General management project:Establishment Date: Operating Period: NOTES 1.Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person is the certificate for an enterprise to get the legal business corporation qualification and lawful operation. 2.Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person has ORIGIOANL and DUPLICA TE versions with equal legal effect. 3.The ORIGIONAL should be placed at an outstanding position at the legal person’s domicile. 4.Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person should not be fabricated, altered, leased, borrowed or transferred. 5.Should any item change, the corporation should apply to the original registration au thority for alternation of registration and change Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person. 6.From March 1 to June 30, the corporation should take annual examination on the business corporation. 7.In case Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person is revoked, the corporation should not engage in any operating activities except liquidation 8.The Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person (ORIGINAL AND DUPLICA TE) should be returned back to the original registration authority when being Cancelled of Registration. 9.In case of loss or damaged, the corporation shall declare the invalidation of the lost license in newspaper designated by original registration authority and apply for a new one. XXXXXX File No.: XXXXXXXX


BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON (Duplicate) Registration No.XXXXXXXXXXX Name of enterprise: XXXXXXXXXXXX Address: XXXXXX Legal representative:XXXXXXXX Registered capital: XXXXXXXXXX Paid-up capital: XXXXXXXXXX Type of business:XXXXXXXXXXX Scope of business: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Date of establishment: Duration of operation: Notices 1. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3. The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5. Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6. Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from Mar. 1 through Jun.30. 7. No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted . 8. To cancel its registration, the company shall have the original copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. 9. Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for an reassurance. Annual Review of the Enterprise Please submission the enterprise registration materials of annual examination before Jun. 30th,without any further notice. XXXXX Administration for Industry and Commerce (sealed) Oct. 21, 2011


附件: 办理组织机构代码证所需资料 1.1登记主管部门核发的有效登记证书原件及复印件,其它类型的组织机构应提交相应的批准文件: ⑴企业:市工商局颁发的《营业执照》,《外国(地区) 企业常驻代表机构登记证》,《外商投资企业办事机构注册证》; ⑵机关:市委(府)、编委的批准文件(2001年机构改革后批文); ⑶事业单位:市事业单位登记管理局核发的《事业单位法人证书》; ⑷民间组织:市民政局核发的《社会团体法人登记证书》 《民办非企业单位登记证书》; ⑸工会:基层工会凭上级工会核发的《工会社会团体法人资格证书》; ⑹律师事务所:省司法厅核发的《律师事务所执业许可证》; ⑺城乡基层群众性自治组织:市民政局核发的《当选证书》; ⑻医疗卫生机构:卫生局核发的《医疗机构许可证》; ⑼记者站:广东省新闻出版局核发的《记者站登记证》; ⑽其它类型机构:核准该机构登记或批准其成立的主管机关出具的有效文件。 1.2、法定代表人(或负责人)的身份证正、反面复印件一份;如果法定代表人(或负责人)为港、澳、台人士或外国人,则提供回乡证、台胞证或护照的复印件,非中文类证件需提供盖有单位公章的中文翻译件一份;

1.3、经办人的身份证复印件一份; 1.4、填写《中华人民共和国组织机构代码申报表》一份,加盖公章; 1.5、分支机构需提供上级主管部门有效的代码证书复印件一份; 1.6、变更企业需提供工商部门核发的“企业核准变更通知书”复印件一份; 1.7、《代码证》正、副本及电子副本IC卡(新办除外),《代码证》正副本复印件各一份。 2.注销单位需提供登记部门(如工商部门)或上级主管部门核准注销文件复印件一份,经办人的身份证复印件一份,交回《代码证》正、副本及电子副本IC卡; 3.遗失补办《代码证》需先在报社刊登遗失声明,遗失声明包括机构名称、机构代码、证书有效期、IC卡流水号等内容,然后凭报纸原件办理补证手续,所需资料与申领代码证相同。


关于组织机构代码证过期的说明 市质量技术监督管理局: 我公司成立于2014年月日,营业执照注册号:,组织机构代码证号:,由于工作疏忽,本应年月日前到贵单位办理变更手续,截止现在超期个月。违反法律法规相关规定,在此,我公司表示深刻的反省与歉意。 组织机构代码是国家质量技术监督部门根据国家标准编制,并赋予每一个机关、事业、企业单位、社会团体、民办非企业单位和其他机构颁发的全国范围内唯一的、终身不变的法定标识,覆盖所有单位(包括法人和非法人以及内设机构),是连接政府各职能部门之间的信息管理系统的桥梁和不可替代的信息传输纽带。已成为单位在进行社会交往、开展商务活动所必需的“身份证明”。 组织机构代码证是企业法人的身份证,企业的机构代码证失效,他的社会事务也难以开展,比如说不能开展业务,办理各种手续,不能去银行办理对公业务等等,如此,将给企业的正常发展带来困难。 反省我公司此次组织机构代码证变更延迟的原因,主要是经办人员工作交接失误造成的。新入职工作人员对组织机构代码证延期手续办理流程认识不足,相关材料准备不充分,以致错过办理期限,造成目前的状况。 我们已经认识到了错误,认识到了事情的严重性,我们愿意接受贵局的严厉批评,认真接受此次教训,严格遵守贵局的各项规定,并保证以后决不再出现类似的事情。望贵局在对我们批评教育之后,能

够给予办理注销代码证事宜为盼。 对此,我公司深刻检讨,明确相关人员职责,并完善相关证照办理的流程,形成制度;并保证一定按期办理证照审验等手续。对我公司的工作失误,我们再次表示歉意。 希望贵局给予我们改正的机会,及时补办机构代码证的延期手续。 特此申请,望贵局批准。


Corporate Entity Business License (Duplicate) (1/1) Serial No.: 320902000200904210279S Registration No: 320902000087498 Name:Yancheng Xiangshan Garden Co., Ltd. Business Residence: No.3 Wubu Road, Bufeng Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City (15) Legal Representative: Lu Zhujun Registered Capital: CNY 2, 000, 000.00 Paid-in Capital: CNY 2, 000, 000.00 Business Type: Limited Liability Company (natural person) Business Scope: Approved Business Items: None. General Business Items: Landscape engineering design, construction; Earthwork and stonework construction; Trees, lawn and flowers planting and sale. Date of Establishment: April 21, 2009 Business Period: From April 21, 2009 To April 20, 2029 NOTE 1.Juridical Person Business License is a certificate certifying that the enterprise has Juridical Person qualification and may legally run its business. 2.Juridical Person Business License has original and duplicate, which are of the same legal effect. 3.The original license should be placed at a notable place at the residence of the corporation. 4.This license cannot be forged, altered, rented, lent or transferred. 5.Any change of the registered item should be reported and altered to the registration organ. 6.Annual inspection of the enterprise will be done by the registration organ from March 1st to June 30th each year. 7.After withdrawal of the license, no business other than liquidation may be done. 8.When the enterprise cancels its registration, the original or duplicates of business license should be returned. 9.Any loss or damage of the Business license should be declared on the newspaper designated by the company registration institute, and a renewed copy may be applied for. Enterprise Annual Inspection Year 2009 inspection passed Yancheng Administration for Industry and Commerce, Tinghu Branch (seal) April 21, 2009


申领组织机构代码证基本信息登记表 公章请盖在指定处,其他地方盖章无效,非公章无效。 (填表说明见背面) 申办状态 □新办 □变更 (名称、地址、法定代表人或负责人、注册号、注册资金、经营范围) □ 换证 □ 年度验证 □ 补办 □ 其他 机构名称 法定代表人 (负责人) 身份证(护照、通 行证)号码 经营范围或 业务范围或 职能、宗旨 成立日期 年 月 日 有效期至 年 月 日 主管部门或 隶属机构 主管单位代码 (如无请勿填写) 注册资金 (万元) 货币种类 □人民币156 □港币344 □美元840 □其它 机构地址 广东省惠州市 行政区划 广东省 惠州市 邮政编码 办公电话 法定代表人 (负责人)手机 职工人数 (人) 批准文号或注册号 以下粗线方框内请勿填写 登记批准机构 主要产品 (限生产企业) 投资机构国别或地区代码 代码证正本 (本) 声明: 1、本单位委托经办人办理组织机构代码证书业务。本单位承诺所填信息真实准确, 所提交的证明文件和证、照原件均真实且来自发文、发证、发照机关。 2、本单位愿承担填报或提交虚假信息、资料所带来的全部法律后果。 纸质副本 (本) 电子副本 (个) 盖章处 所填信息是否涉及国家机密,若选择是,请提交保密部门有效文件 □否 □是 经办人手机 经办人(签名) 年 月 日 居民身份证号码 以下由广东省组织机构代码管理中心惠州分中心填写 办证日期 年 月 日 作废日期 机构类型 经济类型 受理人 年 月 日 经济行业 94版 02版 录入人 年 月 日 收 费 人 发证人 年 月 日 开单金额、开单人 扫描人 年 月 日 广东省组织机构代码管理中心惠州分中心制 中华人民共和国组织机构代码证申报表填表说明 ★申办状态 由申办单位按照申领代码证的实际情况填写。 组织机构代码 年 月 日 4 6 1 3 7 8 5 2 17 20 18 12 9 10 13 14 15 16 19 11


Translation of the Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person (Duplicate Copy) Registration No. 1234567890(1-1) Beijing ABCDE Co.,Ltd (seal) The Enterprise Name: Beijing ABCDE Co.,Ltd Address: No.19 Minzhu Road , Dongcheng District, Beijing City Legal Representative: Tom Green Registered Capital: RMB100,000,000yuan Paid-in capital: RMB100,000,000yuan Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability(legal person) Scope of Business: Date of Establishment: 10 June 1999 Term of Operation: From 10 Jun 1999 to 9 June 2029 Notice 1.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3.The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5.Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6.Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1 through June 30. 7.No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted . 8.To cancel its registration, the company shall have the original copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. 9.Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for a reassurance. Date of annual examination is from March 1 to June 30. Please put in the documents before June 30. Administration of Industry & Commerce of Beijing(seal)15 May 2009

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