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一、迎光35. 机械 Mechanic

(一)商36. 推 Salesman / Salesperson

1. 裁 / 会 / 理事 President 37. 采 Purchaser

2. 董事会主席 / 董事38. 部 Minister

Chairman (board of directors) 39. 副部 Vice-Minister

3. 董事 Director 40. 部助理 Assistant Manager

4. 行董事 Executive Director 41. 省 Governor

5. 干事 Director-General 42. 市 Mayor

6. 理事 Trustee/Council Member 43. 副(省 / 市) Vice- / Deputy

7. / 主任 Director 44. 常副(省 / 市)

8. 理 Manager Senior (Vice-Governor / Vice-Mayor)

9. 理 General Manager ( GM)45. / 司Director-General, ⋯

10. 副理 Assistant General Manager Department

11. 理助理 General Manager Assistant 46. 局 Director-General, ⋯ Bureau

12. 公关部理 PR (Public Relations) Manager 47. Director, ... Division

13. 售部理 Sales Manager 48. 科 Section Chief

14. 市部理 Marketing Manager 49. 副( / 司 / 局 / ) deputy

15. 生部理 Production Manager

16. 研部理(二)机

R & D (Research and Development) Manager 1. 国航班 International Flight

17. 厂 Factory Managing Director 2. 国内航班 Domestic Flight

18. 主任 Workshop Manager 3. 航班号 Flight Number

19. 高工程 Senior Engineer 4. 起 / 抵达 Departure/arrival time

20. 助理工程 Assistant Engineer 5. 机大楼 Terminal Building

21. 首席行官 / 裁 6. 航班 / 机料示牌Flight Information

(Chief Executive Officer) Board

22. 首席官 / 7. 候机室 Departure Lounge

(Chief Financial Officer) 8. 室 VIP Room

23. 主管 Financial Controller 9. 登柜台 Check-in Counter

24. 高会 Senior Accountant 10. Information Desk

25. 会 Accountant 11. 理出境 / 入境 / 海关手

26. 助理会 Assistant Accountant to go through / complete the (exit/ entry/

27. 注册会Certified Public Accountant customs) formalities

(CPA) 12. 出境登卡 Departure Card

28. 会 Treasurer 13. 入境登卡 Landing Card

29. 出 Teller 14. 安全 Security Check

30. 首席信息官 / 咨15. 照 Passport Control

(Chief Information Officer) 16. 种 Type of visa

31. 首席运官 / 运17. 一次性 / 多次性入境

(Chief Operation Officer) Single-entry/Multiple entry visa

32. 技 Technician 18. 再入境 Re-entry visa

33. 程序 Programmer 19. 旅行 / 居留 Travel/Residence visa

34. Designer 20. 出境 / 入境 / 境 /

Exit/Entry/Transit/V isitor ’s visa 63. 行李牌 Baggage Tag

21. 有效期 validity of visa 64. 行李推 Luggage

22. 入境日期及口岸 date and port of entry cart/trolley/handcart/pushcart

23. 抵达 / 出境日期 date of arrival/departure 65. 日程安排;旅行路schedule; itinerary

24. 婚配状况 marital status

25. 居留事由 / 期限 purpose/duration of stay (三)酒店入住

26. 旅行 / 居住 travel/residence permit 1. reception desk 前台

27. 海关申 Customs Service Area 2. vacant (spare) room 空房

28. 海关 the Customs 3. single room 人房

29. 海关关 customs officer 4. double room 双人

30. 申 currency declaration 5. standard suite 普通套房

31. 关税 customs duty 6. luxury suite 豪套房

32. 免税店 duty-free shop 7. presidential suite 套房

33. 免税商品 duty-free items 8. a double room with a bath 浴室的双人房

34. 增税 VAT (Value-added Tax) 9. wake-up call 叫醒

35. 需税商品 dutiable goods / articles 10. 入住 check in

36. 填写关 to fill in/out the declaration 11. 退房 check out


37. 个人物品 personal effects (四)表示迎

38. / 出口可 import/export permit 1. 到机接人 to meet sb. at the airport

39. 反海关定to violatecustoms

regulations; against customs regulations 2. 不起,您是来自⋯⋯的⋯⋯?我叫⋯⋯,

40. 走私 to smuggle; smuggling 是⋯⋯(位)的⋯⋯()。位是⋯⋯。

41. 照章税 to pay customs duty according to Excuse me. Are you ⋯ from ⋯ ? Please allow

the regulations me to introduce myself. My name is ⋯ ,

42. 机票 Air Ticket the ⋯ of ⋯ company. This is ⋯ , the ⋯

43. 开始票 Checking-in (position) of the ⋯ (company).

44. 开始登机 Boarding 3. 您一定是我久盼的客人。

45. 停止登机 Closing You must be our long-expected guest.

46. 登机牌 Boarding Pass 4. 迎来到⋯⋯,一路辛苦了。

47. 程机票 One-Way Ticket Welcome to ⋯ ! Did you have a good/

48. 来回机票 Round-Trip Ticket pleasant/ enjoyable journey/ flight?

49. 等 First Class 5. 途跋涉,加上差,您一定累了。

50. 商 Business Class After a long flight, you must be jetlagged.

51. Economy Class 6. 是我第一次面。

52. 盥洗室 Lavatory This is the first time we have met.

53. 使用中 Occupied 7. 我一直盼望着您来。

54. 无人 Vacant We have been expecting your arrival.

55. 女空服 Stewardess 8. 我很荣幸的介⋯⋯

56. 男空服 Steward I ’ m glad to have the honor to introduce ⋯

57. 行李 Baggage/Luggage 9. 您程来接我。Thank you very much for

58. 托运的行李 Checked baggage coming all the way to meet me.

59. 行李取 Baggage claim area 10. 久大名。 I have heard your name before by

60. 行李 claim one ’ s baggage reputation. / I have heard a lot about you.

61. 行李取凭 claim check 11. 久仰、久仰!I have long been looking forward

62. 随身行李 Carry-on baggage to meeting you. / I have long desired to