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Yogurt 9 authenticity rumors

Paper introduction: civil, rumors about the yogurt, so those rumors are true? Small knitted for you by revealed 9 truth of the rumor on yogurt.
Yogurt you rumors rumors rumors of yogurt is real yogurt

"Sour milk" popular rumor, "yogurt to aid digestion", "yogurt calcium than milk", "yogurt drink, the more the merrier", these rumors are true? Small series will be announced individually for you below.

1. eat yogurt to aid digestion

In the eyes of many people, "Digest" is one of the yogurt most primary health care function, thus also preferred yogurt when stuffed. In fact, yogurt will help promote gastrointestinal activity and drain the digestive tract, often drinking to improve digestion is really for assistance. But not in favor of us stuffed then drink, because yogurt oneself is a strong sense of satiety foods stuffed yogurt but will accelerate again satiety feelings, not bad for the digestion. And yogurt oneself is also rich in calories, stuffed after eating yogurt is equal to the total intake of these heat, prolonged exposure may cause weight gain. Original yogurt without a specific time constraints between meals drink may be able to.

2. yogurt calcium than milk

When it comes to calcium, most people thought of milk not yogurt. Originals with an equal amount of yogurt than milk calcium content is slightly higher during the process of fermentation, lactic acid bacteria lactose in the milk into lactic acid, decreased the content of lactose, but retain other nutrients in milk, yogurt still has the effect of calcium supplementation. Others, absorption of calcium in yogurt than milk in the high, not low, due to lactic acid peptide and protein differentiation, can promote calcium absorption.

3. the yogurt drink, the more the better

Yogurt is not able to feel free to drink as much drink how much? Of course not! Yogurt note just right, otherwise it is simply too much acid, and affect the gastric mucosa and the excretion of digestive enzymes, and decreased appetite, damage the body's electrolyte balance. In particular, usually sour stomach, spleen, abdominal distension, not to mention the drink. About healthy people, drink one or two cups every day, that is, one day is approximately 250-500 grams comparison is appropriate.

4. diabetic patients can't eat yogurt

And milk, yogurt with high sugar content and thus considered by many diabetic patients "contraband." Original sour cream add sugar, is fast but it raise your blood glucose. Due to lactic acid in yogurt can delay gastric emptying, helping control postprandial glucose. Yogurt is rich in calcium, and calcium help the normal release of insulin and helps balance blood sugar. Thus, diabeti

cs can drink 1 cup of yogurt every day (125 grams of mercy), if real worries sugar diet yogurt.

5. yogurt acid better and better

Sources of acidity of yogurt, is using lactic acid bacteria lactose metabolism of lactic acid, with Starter bacteria and fermentation time and other factors involved. Make yogurt it is necessary to use Bulgaria Lactobacilli and next to Streptococcus thermophilus, lactobacillus-dominated acidity will be very strong, but it cannot be stated that yogurt is very good quality. The other, the acidity of the yogurt is also a limit if the yogurt out of cold chain during storage, logistics, such as being placed at room temperature may be the wild, acidity of yogurt as a quick breeding of lactic acid bacteria added, beyond the acceptable size. So the yogurt will taste very sour, lactic acid bacteria activity, milk proteins add a degree of degeneration, not conducive to the human body, is not conducive to gastrointestinal health.

6. yogurt and yogurt drinks

Supermarkets sell all kinds of yogurt and yogurt drinks, so consumers there. Original wants to buy yogurt, easy to buy home yogurt drink. According to the Sichuan Provincial Institute of nutrition experts, the original people to know there are still some misunderstandings in the yogurt. Yogurt is made from superior milk by lactic acid bacteria fermentation of essentially attributed to the category of milk. Yogurt drink, is just one drink, no longer milk, nutrient content of both is different. In accordance with the rules for dairy professional, 100 grams of yogurt protein content of 2.9 g, yogurt drinks, mercy has only 1 gram of protein content. Yogurt drinks, as a summer resort, thirst-quenching drinks, it is certainly in the thirst of nutrient value, but no substitute for milk and yogurt.

7. the yogurt drink slimming

Yogurt does have a certain amount of weight, it is important because it contains a number of active lactic acid bacteria, can be useful to adjust the balance of bacteria in the body, promote gastrointestinal activity, and relieve constipation. Constipation and for a long time that add a degree of Association. And yogurt also has a definite sense of satiety, slight hunger, a drink can be useful to reduce imagined appetite, then cut down eating a meal. But don't forget the yogurt itself is rich in calories, higher calories than milk, if dietary Foundation in Plateau rated eat, add also can cause weight gain. The best way is to select marked skim and low-calorie yogurt, although they taste less rich than the full-fat yogurt and honest, but low in calories and does not make heat quick accumulation of fat in the body.

8. eat yogurt tastes

In fact, yogurt is good, but not everyone is suitable for human Diarrhea or other bowel disease patients after intestinal damage yogurt carefully; babies under age 1, nor on yogurt. In addition, patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis, cholecystitis

and pancreatitis patient is best not to drink whole milk yoghurt containing sugar, or simply aggravated conditions. Right yogurt crowd: drinkers, smokers, often engaged in computer operations, often constipated patients, antibiotics in patients, patients with osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and so on.

9. the yogurt can only be refrigerated not heating

Says yogurt on many materials cannot be heated to drink, heated and most valuable of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt is killed, and the taste and texture will change its nutrient value and functions of health care will decline. But if it is only heated to lukewarm yogurt, lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt is not killed, instead of adding lactic acid bacteria activity, its unique health benefits will be even greater. You can make yogurt even bag or Cup into the mercy of 45 c warm water slowly heated, heated rock, enjoy its mild, you can drink this than in the cold of winter drink a cold Cup of yogurt make happy many.

Some probiotics in yogurt can improve intestinal dysbacteriosis, constipation, constipation of appropriate for human consumption, but many of their diarrhea it is inappropriate to eat might aggravate diarrhea.


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