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1. 跳读首尾句进行预测

一般来讲,高考完形填空的首、尾句通常是不挖空的。先跳读这两句,便可判断体裁,猜想它要讲什么。若首句交代了when, where, who, what,即四个W,那么就是记叙文,很可能就是一个故事,为了测试语篇的理解能力,出题者特别注意选材的趣味性,其结尾往往出人意料,耐人寻味;若首句是提出或解释说明某事物,一般来说是说明文;若首句提出一个论点,那么就是议论文。


Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled how she became a percussion soloist (打击乐器独奏演员) in spite of her disability.

本文主要讲述的是苏格兰第一位女打击乐器独奏演员Evelyn Glennie在耳聋的情况下成功学习打击乐器的经历。根据首句给出的信息,下面我们可以猜想Evelyn Glennie学习打击乐器过程必然充满困难,而能够在耳聋的情况下学习打击乐器,Evelyn Glennie对音乐肯定也是充满热情的。

2. 利用语法分析解题


1) ____do you suppose he asked for them?

. A. What B. How C. Who D. Which

2) ____ I had been born in the 16th century, I would have had no job.

. A. Because B. While C. If D. Since

3. 利用固定搭配解题


1) They couldn’t read or write. They didn’t like to work and they never ____ baths.

A. took

B. washed

C. ran

D. covered

2) I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was useless and when I was 14 he said, “You’re neve r

going to be ____ but a failure.”

A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing

4. 利用固定句型解题


!) I haven’t had a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it’s several days ___ I used a ph one box.

A. as

B. when

C. if

D. since

2) It wasn’t long _____the police caught the thief.

A. after

B. when

C. before

D. until

3) “Why _____ you take a big man with you? You have to fight the sailor who is drunk.”

A. don’t

B. couldn’t

C. can’t

D. do


1) First of all, I respected his _____ to teaching. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered, students crowded into his classroom.

A. attention

B. introduction

C. relation

D. devotion

2) I put my head in, expecting the worst. But to my surprise, the room wasn’t empty at all. It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the wall. And then on the well-made bed sat Amy, my new ____, dressed neatly.

A. roommate

B. classmate

C. neighbor

D. companion

6. 利用跳读法解题


“Visitors!” repeated Josh, wide-awake at once. He__1__ up and looked around. A short distance away, a group of__2__ stood quietly watching us. One of them __3__ walking toward us. We both jumped to our __4__ not knowing what to expect.

1. A. sat B. stayed C. thought D. put

2. A. pilots B. natives C. editors D. assistants

3. A. avoided B. delayed C. began D. desired

4. A. boat B. car C. horses D. feet

7. 巧用排除法解题


1) The woman looked carefully at me ____ through her glasses, and then questioned me in a low voice.

A. as usual

B. for a while

C. in a minute

D. once again

2) He put the books into the return box. And after a brief ____ in the toilet, he would be on his way to the

playground to meet Eric.

A. rest

B. break

C. walk

D. stop

3) When I started playing ____ him, he told me I needed to relax because I looked nervous.

A. at

B. by

C. for

D. around

8. 利用逻辑关系解题


(1) 句中逻辑关系

Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and_____nitrogen. They are different in that their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin performs