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1.Over my dead body! (想都别想)除非我死,跨过我的尸体

2.soap opera=chick flick 文艺片,连续剧,肥皂剧

3.Roving eyes=roaming eyes 左顾右盼

4.I wish he didn't have such a roving eye. 我希望他不会老是偷看别人

5.This computer game is so addictive. 这个电脑游戏太吸引人了

6.This food looks so tempting! 这食物看起来太诱人了

7.She's a real knockout. 她真的太迷人了

8.She's one in a million. 她可是百里挑一的美女

9.Too see her is to love her. 谁看见她都会被迷倒的

10.No one dares ask me for a date. 大家都不敢约我

11.He has a lot of guts. 他很有魄力

12.The faint at heart never won a fair lady. 懦夫难得美人心

13.Nothing ventured,nothing gained. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子

14.I was trying to say I love her but just didn't have the guts.


15.Love me if you dare! 有勇气,就来爱我吧

16.Be brave!Take courage!If you love someone.. 如果你爱一个人,就鼓起勇气真诚地表白吧

17.Eventually Jim got hitched. (get hitched=get married)最后吉姆结婚了

18.He proposed to her at a fancy restaurant, 他在一个很棒的餐厅向她求婚了

19.He popped the question. 他求婚了

20.gross-out comedy 令人作呕,使人憎恶的喜剧

21.the obnoxious,foul-mouthed guy 这个讨厌的,脏话连篇的家伙

22.Your bachelor days are over. 你的单身生活结束了

23.I am worried about you becoming a confirmed bachelor. 我真担心你成为一个坚定的单身汉

24.We cuddled up together and tried to get warm. 我们依偎在一起,互相取暖

25.She hugged the baby and he stopped crying. 她抱住了宝宝,宝宝马上停止了哭泣

26.Why don't you give her a big bear hug! 为什么不给她一个紧密又热情的拥抱呢

27.He embraced her warmly. 他很热情的抱住了她

28.Have you hugged your wife today? 你今天抱过你的妻子了吗

29.I hate couples who kiss and hug at the movie theater. 我讨厌在电影院接吻和拥抱的情侣

31.They have to embrace change! 他们必须接受改变

32.Kate hugged him tightly. 凯特紧紧的抱住了他

33.The road hugged the edge of the cliff. 那条路旁边就是万丈悬崖

34.I was really pissed off when he talked to me like that. 他那样对我说话时,我真的气坏了

35.I am really getting P.O.d. (P.O.d=pissed off) 我快气死了

36.Let's break up/split up. 我们分手吧

37.I've had it enough. 我受够了

38.Is your love lost in translation as well? 你的爱情也因为不会翻译,而迷路了吗

39.He's completely lost in that book. 他完全沉浸在那本书里

40.I got lost in subway yesterday. 我昨天在地铁里迷路了

41.You look lost.Can I help you? 你好像迷路了,需要帮忙吗

42.lost in love 陷在爱情里

43.bring home the bacon/make the dough 养家糊口

44.Getting news reports are my bread and butter. 获取新闻报道是我的职业

45.I am the only breadwinner. 我是家里唯一一个负担家用的人

46.I've had to bring home the bacon for my family. 我得担起养家糊口的责任

47.I live paycheck to paycheck.


48.What do you do for a living? 你的职业是什么

49.What do you work for? 你的工作是什么

50.How do you like your job? 你喜欢你的工作吗

51.I am content with my present job. 我很满意现在的工作

52.A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔,转业不聚财

53.Love actually is all around us. 爱其实就在身边

54.movie goer 电影发烧友

playgoer 戏剧发烧友

operagoer 歌剧发烧友

museum goer 经常逛博物馆的人

party goer 经常去派对的人

55.《Love Actually》is an ensemble romantic comedy! 《真爱至上》可以说是浪漫戏剧的大总汇

56.This movie is ultimately touching! 这部影片特别感人

57.It was a touching story. 这是个感人的故事

58.The end of the movie was very touching. 电影的结尾很感人

59.What is the most touching movieyou have ever seen? 你看过的最感动的电影是哪一