当前位置:文档之家› 2018年最新国家开放大学《人文英语》形成性考核.doc






一、交际用语(共计 10 分,每小题 2 分)

1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。

1. - It’s raining so heavily outside. I’m terribly anxious about my son’s safety.

- .

A. Well. I totally agree with you. He is a good boy.

B. Yes, it is, and it is very likely to rain tomorrow.

C. Don’t worry. He will come back safe and sound.

2. - Linda, what’s wrong with your grandmother?

- .

A. She is not retired

B. She hurt her leg.

C. She got a new house.

3. -thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll ask Mary to take it to you soon.

- . I’ve bought a new one.

A. No sense

B. No hurry

C. No way

4. - Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer?

- ?

A. What for

B. What is it

C. How is it

5. - How about going to the cinema?

- .

A. Enjoy yourself!

B. Good luck!

C. Sounds like a good idea!

二、词汇语法(共计划分,每小题 2 分)

6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

6. the birth rate of the county decreases with years.

A. extremely

B. approximately

C. progressively

7. We often compare children flowers.

A. with

B. to

C. in

8. We consider it necessary tom should improve his behavior.

A. which

B. that

C. what

9. I want to know ·

A. what is his name

B. what his name is

C. what his name is

10. She chose to be a teacher, but personally I'd to be a caregiver.

A. fancy

B. prefer

C. love

11. Due to the increasing aging population in China, demand the caregivers will continue to rise.

A. with

B. of

C. for

12. An old lady can speak two foreign languages, surprises all the people.

A. which

B. that

C. who

13. Do you mind me the window beside you.

A. to open

B. opening

C. open

14. You’d better to hospital at once.

A. go

B. to

C. going

15. We found him in the laboratory.

16. He asked John he could swim.

A. that

B. if

C. how

17. She the children not to make any noise.

A. tell

B. told

C. said

18. This plant can’t be exposed strong sunshine.

A. in

B. to

C. by

19. A dictionary may define genetics simply “the science of the study of heredity”

A. with

B. to

C. as

20. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is I disagree.

A. why

B. where

C. what

三、阅读理解(共 40 分,每小题 4 分)

21-25 题:阅读下面的句子,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。

Passage 1

Stop Yelling At Your Kids

Parenting is hard. If you’re a parent, I’m sure that I don’t need to tell you that our

job is a tough one. When you're managing children, it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning. If you find yourself yelling at your kids more often than you want to, here are some ways that can help you reduce the yelling. I’ve been working on this for the past few months and I have to say,it’s been amazing for both the kids and me.

If you are having an argument with your child, you need to make sure you both take the time to really listen. It gives both of you time to think and really listen to each other, which is important. Kids are more likely to listen to you if you listen to them!

One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate expectations. You can’t expect that your youngest acts as responsibly as your oldest. You should lower what you expect -taking into consideration things like their age - it can make a big difference. You should do your best to take a moment before yelling and take in a deep breath. It makes a world of difference for you. Instead of yelling, you’d better whisper. It can also help diffuse any situation by making things quieter, not louder. Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better you’ll get at communicating with them. You’re both more likely to understand each other.

If your children aren’t listening or it seems they only don’t listen to you, you don’t take it personally. You should remind yourself that your kids are still learning and t hey’re

not going to be perfect.

( F )21. As a parent, you may know that parenting is an easy job.

( T )22. Listening to each other is a good way to stop argument between parents and their kids.

( T )23. Usually younger kids behave less responsibly than elder children.

( F )24. Parents should lower their expectation for their kids.

( F )25. Both yelling and whispering can help make things quieter.

26-30 题:阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案

Passage 2

For anyone who hates doing yard work, your new best friend may have arrived. A robot can autonomously shovel snow, collect leaves and cut grass.

“We’re t rying t o help people not spend time on yard work,”said Steven W aelbers, t he designer of t he robot. We want people to enjoy t heir free time with t heir family.”

The electric robot can run by itself in right directions with the help of two beacons(信号塔)t hat must be placed in the yard. the robot includes a camera and ultrasound sensor (超声传

感器)t hat Waelbers said would stop quickly when it finds pets and people.

Owners of the robot will need t o regulate t he values stored in the robot. then it will confirm the task it’s going to take. Before the robot operate by itself, an owner must manually wheel it around the yard 一 t aking it around any obstacles like trees, bushes or mailboxes. By doing this, the robot is taught how long and wide the lawn is, and won’ t accidentally (不小心)destroy your rose hush or run to the neighborhood.

Once this setup is complete, and the $3,999 robot has been trained on where to cut grass, rake leaves and shovel snow, it operates without any supervision.

Waelbers has always loved to build robots and play with electronics. He started work on

a high-tech company after his father asked him to make a robot that would shovel snow for him.Waelbers plans to start sales in early 2017.

26.This article mainly t alks about

A. a newly-designed robot

B. The founder of a company

C. problems with a new product

27. According to Steven Waelbers, the robot is designed t o·

A. encourage people to do exercise

B. help people keep healthy and fit

C. make people enjoy family time

28.the robot would stop in front of pets and people thanks to

A. the remote controller

B. the ultrasound sensor

C. the big and square yard

29. Which of the following steps should be done in the first place?

A. An owner must wheel the robot around the yard by himself.

B. The robot learns and stores the length and width of the lawn.

C. The robot operates the task it’s going to take without supervision.

30. Which of the following about Waelbers is TRUE ?

A. He didn’t love building robots when he was a young boy.

B. His father asked him to make a robot that could play balls.

C. He is starting to sell this snow-shoveling robot in early 2017.

四、写作(一篇作文,共 20 分)

31 题:根据写作要求,写出一篇作文。

31. Write a passage of no less than 100 words in English according to the situation given below.

昨晚十二点半,当所有人正在睡觉时,两个小偷闯入二楼的一个实验室 (lab),在那里发现了一些昂贵的仪器(equipment),正当准备将仪器搬出楼时,门卫(doorkeeper)听到响动,并立即打电话向学校附近的派出所报了警。20分钟后,两个窃贼被抓了。警察告诫(warn)大家要防范窃贼。

A Crime Happened in the School

At 12:30 last night

A Crime Happened in the School

At 12:30 last night, when everybody was asleep, two thieves broke into a lab on the second floor and there, they found some expensive equipment. When they were trying to move the equipment out of the building, the doorkeeper heard the sound and immediately called the police nearby the school. The two thieves were at last caught 20 minute later. the policemen warned everyone to keep away from thieves.



1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。

1. -It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?

A. Yes, please

B. No, go ahead

C. Sure, please

2. - Cherry, what do you think of today’s English homework?

- .

A. A little difficult.

B. The teacher assigned a lot.

C. No problem.

3. - Would you like to come to our party this weekend?

- .

A. Yes, I had great fun at the party

B. No, I’ d like to at tend the party

C. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend the party

4. -The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new every day.

- .I have chosen the online program at OU.

A. Because

B. Now that

C. That is the reason why

5. - I often feel lonely when I engage in my online learning. ?

- I join the online course community.

A. How do you solve this problem

B. How do you think about it

C. How often do you engage in online learning

二、词汇语法(共计 30 分,每小题2 分)

6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

6. Parents transmit some of their to their children.

A. characteristics

B. character

C. characteristic

7. the company is trying every to improve the quality of products.

A. meaning

B. means

C. mean

8. the news came we won the first prize in the competition.

A. that

B. which

C. whether

9. I have no idea to make my speech interesting.

A. how

B. why

C. when

10. This is an opportunity to the reputation of the company.

A. help

B. promote

C. enhance

11. ,the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years.

A. Undoubtedly

B. Doubtedly

C. Undoubted

12.thanks for helping me. Without your help, I not obtain today’s success.

A. would

B. can

C. will

13. was very not wise.

A. telling her the truth

B. told her the truth

C. tell her the truth

14. But the Internet can bring some effects, too. The most common one, some teenagers are addicted to computer games on the Internet.

A. negative

B. positive

C. important

15. I have some courses and software to my Smartphone, and I find they are interesting and easy to use.

A. uploaded

B. downloaded

C. copied

16. we have no money, we can’t buy it.

A. Since

B. Because of

C. therefore

17. We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much cost.

A. low

B. lowest

C. lower

18. One big of formal education is the high cost.

A. advantage

B. disadvantage

C. strength

19. I have just finished the in the online forum.

A. discussion

B. assignment

C. examination

20. Mr. Wang, , is coming up to us.

A. slowly

B. our new teacher

C. he is our new teacher

三、阅读理解(共计 40 分,每小题 4 分)

21-25 题:阅读下面的句子,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。

Passage 1

Better Life for All

In today’s society, working people can seldom find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules. They often work overtime because of too much work waiting in queue, which ends up causing a lot of physical and mental problems. However, more people are now aware that relaxation and stress-relief are necessary for life. One’s health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard. Indeed, finding time to relax makes people work more efficiently.

Many people plan trips to spend their free time travelling with their loved ones. This may have been a luxury in the past, but it has become more common in recent years. Travelling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable.

Going jogging and going to the gym have also become more popular, as they are rather convenient ways to exercise and stay fit. Exercising helps relax your body and has been shown, to relieve mental stress as well. This demand for recreation and leisure service has also stimulated the economy, as new businesses are created to meet these needs.

In sum, working hard is important, but having a good quality of life can actually facilitate your success at work. Knowing when and how to relax should be a part of well -balanced lifestyle. Take a walk outdoors, visit the gym, or go jogging. You will find that your time was not wasted, even if it was not spent working in your office.

( F )21. In today’s society, working people can often find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules.

( T )22. In the past few people might afford travelling.

( T )23.the demand for recreation and leisure service has made the economy develop.

( F )24. Exercising can only help relax your body instead of staying fit.

( T )25. People should take a balance between work and relaxation.

26-30 题:阅读短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案

Passage 2

Although they’re still the lovely young kitten or pup in our minds, your pets need extra care as they reach their senior years. Here’s our list of suggestions to keep them happy and healthy for as long as possible.

Keeping your pet’s diet healthy and nutritious (有营养的) is very important at any stage

of their life, but as they become old they need a different set of vitamins and minerals.

Different sizes and breeds of pets will have different needs, so it’s worth a quick chat with your vet to discover what they would recommend.

Gym membership

Although they may seem tired and slow for outdoor activities, this doesn’t mean they

shouldn't keep exercise anymore. You don’t have to drag them on a 10-mile uphill hike, but encourage your pet t o get out into t he fresh air.the sights and smells should inspire their natural urge to trot about and explore again. If t hey’re lazy, t ry small indoor games and toys t hat will keep their mind active.

Fit not fat

If you’re feeding your pet healthy foods in appropriate sized portions (分量)and making sure they’re getting enough exercise, you shouldn’t have an overweight friend

at your side.However, if you still think they need to lose a few pounds, you can

discuss with your vet how t o help them lose weight and keep a healthy weight.

The dreaded vets

Not many people enjoy a trip to the doctors and it’s certainly the same for your pet. But regular checks at t he vets can prevent minor health issues from getting m ore and m ore serious. Older pets should be taken to the vet at least once every six m onths. On your next visit, ask your vet what common issues usually affect their particular breed (种类)such as arthritis (关

节炎)or diabetes (肥胖症). You can then be more careful when taking care of them.

26. What is the main topic of the article?

A. How to choose a pet at the pet shop.

B. Some tips of looking after old pets.

C. Differences between kittens and puppies.

27. As your pets get older, the vitamins and minerals they need are.

A. t he same as they were fed in the past

B. Less then those when they are young

C. different from those they used to have

28. Which is NOT TRUE according to the article?

A. Old pets shouldn’t keep exercise anymore.

B. Fresh air will inspire old pets’natural urge.

C. If old pets are lazy, just leave them still at home.

fit but not fat.

A. your vet

B. your kids

C. your friends

30. Older pets should go for regular checks at least once

A. every half a year

B. every year

C. every month

四、写作(共计 20 分)

31 题:根据写作要求,写出一篇作文

31. What are the advantages and disadvantages of formal education? Make a list in the following chart.


?Embodies the principle of fairness and justice.


?Regularization of educational models and ease of operation.


?Train students to master super leaning and imitation ability.


?Deny the students' individuality, and classify them without teaching.


?The content of teaching is one sided and the pursuit of profit is blind.


?General attention is paid to Chinese, maths and English.


一、交际用语(共计 10 分,每小题 2 分)

1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。

1. 一 Do you have any experience with caring for babies?

- .

A. Yes, I do. I have looked after kids for 3 years..

B. No, you are freshmen. You should work hard.

C. Yes, they are. they are very cute and, smart.

2. 一 Could you please help me choose an mp4 player online?

一 my computer doesn’t work.

A. I don’t agree

B. I hope so

C. I’m afraid I can’t.

3. - What about learning a foreign language in the summer holiday?

- .

A. It’s a good idea.

B. Yes, I agree with you.

C. No, I don’t think so.

4. 一 Your phone looks good !?

- Yes, it is a Smartphone.

A. Can I have a look

B. Where did you buy it?

C. What’s it?

5. - Did you enjoy your college life?

- .

A. Yes, it was rich and colorful

B. No, it is interesting

C. I like my college very much

二、词汇语法(共计 30 分,每小题 2 分)

20 题:阅读下面的句子从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项

6. Young people 62% of University teaching staff.

A. comprise

B. compose

C. contain

7. Lily is a good student except she is a little bit careless.

A. where

B. which

C. that

8. Encouraging the elderly people to participate games is very important.

A. at

B. in

C. with

9. the better the elderly people are known, they are.

A. the happier

B. the happy

C. so happy

10. He is worth ·

A. trust

B. trusted

C. trusting

11. She said she lost a pen.

A. have

B. has

C. had

12. People foxes clever but sly animals.

A. consider···to be

B. consider···as

C. consider···X

13. 一 I drove to Zhu hai for the air show last week.

- Is that you had a few days off?

A. why

B. when

C. what

14. People wear suits on formal occasions.

A. informal

B. formal

C. casual

15. Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep ·

A. fitly

B. fitting

C. fit

16. You’d better listening to the teacher in the lesson.

A. pay attention to

B. paying attention to

C. paying attention on

17. It is in the afternoon he got the bad news.

A. when

B. I

C. that

18. Some universities offer free , non-credit MOOCs to anyone in the world.

A. useful

B. available

C. easy

19. Well, that 's to say, every coin has two sides ; technology.

A. so is

B. so does

C. so has

20. The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn every day just to stay current in the workplace.

A. something new

B. new something

C. everything

三、阅读理解(共计 40 分,每小题 4 分)

21-25 题:阅读下面的句子,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。

Passage 1

The law defines youthful offenders (aged 18 or under) as offenses. As for the same offenses,

the court would consider an adult as a offenders" are juveniles who commit offenses appropriate only to juveniles, such as truancy from school. Here are a few ideas to help prevent your

children from being a delinquent.

Keep your children in school to help prevent delinquency. Minor offenses, such as truancy,

can lead to more serious offenses. Make clear to your children your expectations about their

school attendance. Meet with school officials if necessary.

Exercise adequate supervision. Juveniles rarely commit serious offenses while under the supervision of an adult. Seek the assistance of your local service agencies、 if you feel you cannot control your children. Attend parenting classes, or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline.

Educate your children about the dangers of drugs. Drug offenses and addiction can have

serious consequences for your children. Let your children know you will not tolerate drug use.

Stay informed about drug use trends in children.

Get your children involved in after-school recreational activities, sports, community service

or other positive activities. Young people with positive outlets for their energy are more likely

to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency.

Know who your children’s friends are. Show an interest in your children's social life and

peer groups. Peer pressure may have a bad effect on teenagers and young people. Do not allow your children to associate with juvenile delinquents.

( F )21.the court would consider youthful offenders as “criminals” if they commit offenses.

( F )22. You must meet with school officials to prevent your children from delinquency.

( T )23. If you cannot control your children, ask for help from the local service agencies.

( T )24. Inform your children that you will not tolerate drug use and drug offenses can have serious results for your children.

( T )25. Children always involving in positive activities are more likely to do well in

school and avoid the problems of delinquency.

26-30:阅读短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案

Passage 2

I want to translate the Web into every major language: every webpage, every video, and, yes,even Justin Bieber' s tweets.

Nowadays, most of the Web is inaccessible (不能接触的) to most people in the world because

its content splits up into hundreds of languages with over 50% of it in English. this problem is

quickly developing regions entering the Web.

There are certainly systems (like Google translate) that are improving every day at translating the gist of things written in other languages than English. Unfortunately, they are not yet accurate enough: even when what they spit out is intelligible (智能的),it’s so badly written that people can't read more than a few lines before getting a headache.

This is why a new project called Duo lingo is introduced here. Duo lingo aims at breaking the language barrier, and thus making the Web truly “world wide.”

The idea behind Duo lingo is to kill two birds with one stone by solving both of these problems simultaneously. It is accomplished by transforming language translation into something that anyone can do 一 not just bilinguals 一 and that millions of people want to do: learning a foreign language. It is estimated that over one billion people worldwide are learning a foreign language, with millions doing so using computer programs.

With Duo lingo, people learn and translate a foreign language at the same time. When you

learn on Duo lingo, the website gives you exercises set specifically for you that teach you every aspect of the new language. You may be asked to translate a sentence, to pronounce or listen to a phrase, or to describe what you see in an image. In this way, Duo lingo produces translations

that are as accurate as those from professional language translators.

26. What does the author want to do? .

A. Business communication.

B. Online Translation.

C. Door-to-door sales.

27. According to the article, most people in the world can’t receive most of the information on the Web due to the problem of .

A. different languages

B. social conflicts

C. governmental disagreement

28. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem of many translating systems? .

A. They are not accurate enough.

B. They don’t work every day.

C. The translations are badly written.

29. to kill two birds with one stone means to .

A. Spend time and moneymaking success

B. Do things without conside1ing its results

30. What can you be asked to do to while using Duo lingo? .

A. To the product with others

B. To pay for the exercises you learn

C. To describe the image that you see

四、写作(共计 20 分)

31 题:根据写作要求,写出一篇作文。

31. Describe the following case and the criminal suspect according to the noticein about 100 words.


Crime: robbery

Victim: a young man

Time: at about 11. 00 p.m. last Saturday

Place: on the 6th Street

Loss: a handbag with a computer, mobile phone, his passport and something else Appearance of the suspect: short, slim; long, big face, big eyes with cruel eyesight; long, dirty fingernails; wear a worn jacket, a pair of jeans and trainers

Anyone with info.: contact 110 at anytime

Reward: RMB 5,000.

Wanted criminal

At about 11.00 p.m. last Saturday, there was a robbery on the 6th street. At that time, a young man was robbed by another man, and he lost a handbag with a computer, mobile phone and his passport. According to victim description, the wanted criminal was short and slim, and his face was long and big. He has big eyes with cruel eyesight, long and dirty fingernails. And he wore a worn jacket, a pair of jeans and trainers. If you would see someone like that description, you contact 110 at any time. The reward is RMB 5000.

作业 4


To Introduce Myself

Hello, everyone! My name is XXX, l' m a 25 year old boy. I like in the beautiful city of XXX. l' m an active, lovely and clever man. All the time, my favorite subject is maths. Perhaps someone thinks it’s difficult to study well, but I like it. I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well. And I also like sports very much, such as, running, volleyball and

OK, this is me. A sunny man.


2015年第一学期国家开放大学形考答案大家在看的时候,一定要看清答案的顺序,不要盲目的跟着本章答案选择,一定要看定顺序。 国家开放大学形考任务1 一、单项选择(每题5分,共计10分) 1、请将你认为不适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来。() 答案:国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式完全相同的大学 2:请将不能客观地描述国家开放大学学习方式的选项选择出来。() 答案:只有在面对面教学的课堂上才能完成学习任务 二、判断题(每题2分,共计10分) 3:制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对) 4:远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。(错)5:在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。(对) 6:在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。(错) 7:纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。(错) 国家开放大学形考任务2 一、单选题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分) 1:开放大学学制特色是注册后年内取得的学分均有效。() 答案:8 2:不是专业学位授予的必备条件。() 答案:被评为优秀毕业生 3:是专业学习后期需要完成的环节。() 答案:专业综合实践 4:转专业后,学籍有效期从开始计算。() 答案:入学注册时 5:不是目前国家开放大学设有的学习层次。() 答案:小学、初中 二、判断题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分)

6:办理转专业相关事宜时,拟转入专业与转出专业应属于同等学历层次,本科转专业还应是同科类相近专业。(对) 7:自愿退学的学生可重新报名参加国开学习,学生原来获得的学分,可按免修免考的有关规定进行课程或学分替换。(对) 8:入学后第一个学期可以转专业。(错) 9:申请转专业的同时不可以申请转学。(错) 10:入学后第一个学期可以转学。(错) 国家开放大学形考任务3 一、单选题(每题1分,共计4分) 1:国家开放大学门户网站网址是() 答案:https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c3112222.html, 2:学生使用空间资料管理功能上传的资料不能共享给其他同学浏览。(错)3:进入课程页面后,学生只能按顺序一章一章的进行系统学习。(错) 4:下面哪些作业类型不属于形成性考核() 答案:毕业论文 二、多选题(每题1分,共计4分) 5:国家开放大学课程考核方式通常采用()相结合的方式进行。 答案:形成性考核、终结性考核 6:依据在考试时是否允许学生携带、使用相关的学习资料参加考试,考试一般又可分为() 答案:开卷、半开卷、闭卷 7:国家开放大学专科起点本科层次学历教育的学生必须参加试点高校网络教育部分公共基础课全国统一考试(简称统考),所有学生都要参加的统考科目包括() 答案:《大学英语》、《计算机应用基础》 8:学生参加考试时必须要携带的证件有() 答案:身份证、准考证、学生证 三、判断题(每题2分,共计12分) 9:已具有国民教育系列本科以上学历(含本科)的学生,可免考全部教育


2018年春季《国家开放大学学习指南》网上作业参考答案 注意:由于答案的顺序是随机出现,并打乱的,请大家只看文字答案,不要看abed。 国家开放大学学习指南形考任务 1 一、单项选择(每题5分,共计10分) 题目1 ?请将你认为不适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来。(a) 选择一项: b. 国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资源 c. 国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 d. 国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别与普通高校的新型大学 题目2 ?请将不能客观地描述国家开放大学学习方式的选项选择出来。(c) 选择一项: a. 在网络上阅读和学习课程教学资源 b. 利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习 d.在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论 二、判断题(每题2分,共计10分) 题目3 .制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对) 题目4 .远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。(错)题目5 .在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email、 QQ

群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。(对) 题目6 .在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。(错) 题目7 .纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。(错) 国家开放大学学习指南形考任务 2 一、单选题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分) 题目1.开放大学学制特色是注册后(b )年内取得的学分均有效。选择一项: a.5 b.8 c.3 d.1O 题目2 . 不是专业学位授予的必备条件。(b) 选择一项: a.通过学位英语考试 b.被评为优秀毕业生 c. 毕业论文成绩达到学位授予相关要求 d.课程成绩达到学位授予的相关要求题目3 . 是专业学习后期需要完成的环节。(d) 选择一项: a.入学教育 b.入学测试 c.了解教学计划 d.专业综合实践 题目4 .转专业后,学籍有效期从开始计算。(c) 选择一项: a.转专业后学习开始的时间B.提出转专业申请的时间 c.入学注册时 < d.转专业批准的时间 不是目前国家开放大学设有的学习层次。(c) 题目5. 选择一项: a.专科 b.中专 c.小学、初中 d.专升本科 二、判断题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分) 题目6 .办理转专业相关事宜时,拟转入专业与转出专业应属于同等学历层次,

国家开放大学英语(3) 期末参考答案讲解

说明:本课程期末复习内容包括三部分: 1.教材Unit 6,Unit 12,Unit 18三个复习单元; 2.中央电大印发的《开放英语(3)期末复习指导》(2011.4印刷版)内一套样题和两 套模拟题; 3.英语II (1)期末复习提纲2011-6(如下) 英语II(1)期末复习提纲2011-6 一、交际用语 1.-Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? D -_______________. A. It‘s not very far from here B. The supermarket is very large C. The goods there are very expensive D. Sorry, sir. I‘m a stranger here myself. 2.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. C — ____________________. A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and weak C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now D. Tell me your ID number 3.Afternoon, sir. Where to? A — ___________________. A. Please get me to the airport B. please pick me up next time C. I‘ve been to t he airport D. The plane will take off in an hour 4.— Can I help you to get it down? C — . A. No problem B. Yes. Let‘s get it C. Thanks. It‘s so nice of you D. It‘s no trouble at all 5.—I‘m trying to call Marie, but there‘s no answer.D — . A. I didn‘t realize that B. Here is a message for her C. I‘m really sorry about it D. Really? May be she‘s out 6.— Are you sure about that? D — . A. You needn‘t worry about that B. I like the idea. C. Oh, no. I‘m afraid of that D. Oh, yes. I‘m absolutely positive 7.— Would you like to see the menu? A — . A. No, thanks. I already know what to order B. Your menu is very clear C. I hear the food here is tasty D. The setting is very comfortable 8.— What if my computer doe sn‘t work? B — .


形考任务1 正确的答案是“对”。 1.同学们,在学习了“任务一”的相关内容后,请将你认9入学后第一个学期可以转学()。 为适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来? 正确的答案是“错”。 正确答案是:国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别 10申请转专业的同时不可以申请转学()。 与普通高校的新型大学正确的答案是“错”。 国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 国家开放大学是为没有条件参与全日制校园学习的人群 形考作业3 提供学习资源的大学 1国家开放大学门户网站网址是()。 国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资 正确答案是:https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c3112222.html, 源 2进入课程页面后,学生只能按顺序一章一章的进行系统2.请将下列适用于国家开放大学学习的方式选择出来? 学习()。 正确答案是:在网络上阅读和学习学习资源正确答案是:错 在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论 3课程实践环节一般根据老师的安排如期完成即可,通常在集中面授课堂上向老师请教问题不作为形成性考核成绩记录()。 利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习 正确答案是:错 3制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时4下面哪些作业类型不属于形成性考核()。 地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对) 正确答案是:程序题 4在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,5国家开放大学考试通常采用()相结合的方式进行。 可以通过发email、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。正确答案是:形成性考核,终结性考核 (对)6国家开放大学专科起点本科专业的学生必须参加网络统 5远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方 考。网络统考的科目包括()。 法并不重要。(错)正确答案是:《大学英语》,《计算机应用基础》,《大 6纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。学语文》,《高等数学》 (错)7按是否开卷进行分类,一般又可分为()。 7在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程正确答案是:开卷,半开卷,闭卷 讨论。(错)8参加考试时必须要携带的证件有()。 正确答案是:身份证,学生证,准考证 形考任务29已具有国民教育系列本科以上学历(含本科)的学生, 1开放大学学制特色是注册后()年内取得的学分均 可免考全部统考科目。 有效。正确的答案是“对”。 正确答案是:810在入学注册时年龄满40周岁的非英语专业学生可免考 2请问以下是专业学习后期需要完成的环节? “大学英语”。 正确答案是:专业综合实践正确的答案是“对”。 3请问以下不是专业学位授予的必备条件?11论坛不需要登录。 正确答案是:被评为优秀毕业生正确的答案是“错”。 4学生本人要在学期开学后()内向学籍所在教学点12任何人博客内容浏览者都可以看到并可以进行评价。 提出申请,并填写《国家开放大学学生转专业审批表》,正确的答案是“错”。 经国开分部审核批准后,即可办理转专业手续。 13QQ群可以随意加入,不需审核。 正确答案是:3周 正确的答案是“错”。


试卷代号:1258 座位号口口 国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2014年秋季学期“开放本科”期末考试 混凝土结构设计(A)试题 2015年1月 一、单向选择题(每小题2分,共计40分,将选择结果填入括弧) 1. 现浇楼盖是指在现场整体浇筑的楼盖,关于其优缺点的表述不正确的是( ) A.整体刚性好 B.抗震性差 C.防水性能好 D.结构布置灵活 2. 对于钢筋混凝土现浇楼盖,若1l 表示短边的计算跨度,2l 表示长边的计算跨度,则( )。 A .当21/2l l ≤时,可按双向板进行设计 B .当21/1l l ≤时,不宜按双向板进行设计 C .当21/2l l ≥时,可按单向板进行设计 D .当212/3l l <<,宜按单向板进行设计 3. 关于井式楼盖的特点,下列叙述错误的是( )。 A.需较多地设置内柱 B.能跨越较大空间 C.适用于中小礼堂、餐厅以及公共建筑的门厅 D.用钢量和造价较高 4. 关于无梁楼盖的特点,下列叙述错误的是( )。 A.荷载由板直接传至柱或墙 B.使房间净空高、通风采光好 C.施工时支模复杂 D.用钢量较大 5.根据单向板肋梁楼盖的设计经验,其次梁的经济跨度为( )。 A .2~4米 B .4~6米 C .5~8米 D .7~10米 6. 在计算钢筋混凝土现浇单向板肋梁楼盖时,板和次梁的内力可以采用折算荷载来计算,这是考虑到( )。 A.在板的长跨方向也能传递一部分荷载 B.塑性内力重分布的有利影响 C.次梁对板的约束影响 D.出现活载最不利布置的可能性较小 7. 按塑性内力重分布考虑,钢筋混凝土连续梁的破坏标志是( )。 A.某截面钢筋屈服 B.整个梁成为几何可变体系 C.出现第一个塑性铰 D.某截面出现裂缝 8.单层厂房的结构体系中,纵向平面排架结构体系是由( )组成的。


2018 年 11 月 2 日星期五 10:59 一、选择填空 题目 1 未回答 满分 10.00 标记题目 题干 — I was worried about my driving test, but I passed it. 选择一项: A.Don't worry about it. B.Good luck to you. C.Congratulations! That's not easy. 反馈 解析:本题考核“表达祝贺”的交际用语。根据本题提供的信息,讲话人是在向他人诉说自己意想不到的欣喜,希望与人分享,所以根据英语的交际习惯,应该表示祝贺,所以这道题选择 C。 正确答案是: Congratulations! That's not easy.

未回答 满分 10.00 标记题目 题干 — I won the first prize in today's speech contest. 选择一项: A.Congratulations! B.Great! C.Thanks 反馈 解析:本题考核“祝贺别人”的交际用语。当别人告诉一个关于自己的好消息时候,通常都是要祝贺对方,所以这道题选择A。 正确答案是: Congratulations! 题目 3 未回答满分 10.00 标记题目

The novel I bought last week is _ of reading, I think. 选择一项: A.worthy B.worth C.that worth 反馈 译文:我认为上周我买的小说值得一读。 解析:本题考查 be worthy of +doing 的用法,表示某事值得被做。 Be worth+doing 也可以表示值得做,但没有介词 of, 所以选 A。 正确答案是: worthy 题目 4 未回答 满分 10.00 标记题目 题干 The street is ____ for five cars to go side by side. 选择一项:


国家开放大学学习指南”形考任务答案 形考任务一 一、多选题(每题 5 分,共计10分) 1、同学们,在学习了“任务一”的相关内容后,请将你认为适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来。(CDEF) A. 国家开放大学的学习参与活动必须要到校园中和课堂上 B. 国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式相同的大学 C. 国家开放大学是为没有条件参与全日制校园学习的人群提供学习资源的大学 D. 国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 E. 国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别与普通高校的新型大学 F. 国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资源 2、请将下列适用于国家开放大学学习的方式选择出来。(ABCD) A. 在集中面授课堂上向老师请教问题 B. 利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习 C. 在网络上阅读和学习学习资源 D. 在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论 二、判断题(每题 2 分,共计10分) 3、制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。 4、在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email 、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。 对错 5、远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。 对错 6、纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。

7、在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。 对错 形考任务二 一、单选题(每题 2 分,共计10分) 1、开放大学学制特色是注册后()年内取得的学分均有效。 A. 10 B. 5 C. 3 D. 8 2、请问以下是专业学习后期需要完成的环节? A. 专业综合实践 B. 了解教学计划 C. 入学测试 D. 课程形成性评价 3、请问以下不是专业学位授予的必备条件? A. 毕业论文成绩达到学位授予相关要求 B. 通过学位英语考试 C. 被评为优秀毕业生 D. 课程成绩达到学位授予的相关要 求 4、学生本人要在学期开学后()内向学籍所在教学点提出申请,并填写《国家开放大学学生转专业审批表》,经国开分部审核批准后,即可办理转专业手续。 A. 1 周 B. 2 周 C. 3 周 D. 4 周 5、转专业后,学籍有效期仍从()开始计算。 A. 入学注册时 B. 转专业后学习开始的时间 C. 提出转专业申请的时间 D. 转专业批准的时间 二、判断题(每题 2 分,共计10分) 6、办理转专业相关事宜时,拟转入专业与转出专业应属于同等学历层次,本科转专业还应是同科类相近专业()。 对错 7、入学后第一个学期可以转专业()。


《学前儿童科学教育》形成性考核册 ★学前儿童科学教育作业1 一、判断题 1、1935年,由雷震清副教授编写的《幼稚园的自然》一书出版,这是我国第一本供教师用的学前儿童科学教育的理论书籍。它全面地阐述了向学前儿童介绍自然的目的、教材内容、教学原则、方法和设备等内容。(√) 2、技术是指根据生产实践经验和自然科学原理而发展成的各种工艺操作方法与技能,以及生产的工艺过程或作业程序。(√) 3、在古代,虽然儿童科学教育有了很大的发展,但是一般的劳动人民子女仍然在家庭中接受科学教育。(√) 4、科学教育是培养科学技术人才和提高民族科学素质的教育。具体地说,科学教育是系统传授数学、自然科学知识,实现人的科学化的教育活动。(√) 5、人类早期的科学教育的特点是自然科学教育与生产劳动紧密结合,自然科学教育带有神灵色彩。(√) 6、学前儿童科学教育的目标,是根据学前教育的总目标、结合科学教育的特点而确定的,是学前教育总目标在科学教育中的具体体现。在制订学前儿童科学教育的目标时,不仅要考虑社会发展的需求,还要考虑年幼儿童身心发展的规律和特点,同时还要体现自然科学的学科特点。(√) 7、学前儿童科学教育的层次结构,也可以称之为纵向结构。学前儿童科学教育的目标按其层次,从上到下一般可以分为四个层次。(√) 8、学前儿童科学教育总目标,也可以称为学前儿童科学教育的领域目标,是学前阶段科学教育总的任务要求,它原则性地指出在学前阶段进行科学教育的范围和方向,是科学教育所期望的最终结果,具有较强的特殊性和相对的独立性。(╳) 9、根据学前儿童科学教育年龄阶段目标,4-5岁的儿童能按照自己规定的不同标准对物体进行分类。(╳) 10、中班的植物教育目标是:认识常见的蔬菜、水果、花草、树木各二、三种,知道它们的名称,从根、茎、叶、花、果中某些部分的外形特征,比较其明显的不同点。(╳) 11、根据学前儿童身心发展的特点,以及当代社会发展的需要,学前儿童科学素养主要包括二个方面:科学知识经验的获得和科学情感态度的培养。(√) 12、注意内容必须符合科学原理,不能违背科学事实,这是学前儿童科学教育内容选择的科学性要求。(√)13、科学教育选编的内容必须符合学前儿童的知识经验和认知发展水平,使他们在教师的支持下,通过一定的努力能够达到教育目标。这是学前儿童科学教育内容选择的启蒙性要求。(√) 14、科学教育内容在经过缜密的选择之后,还要加以合理与适当的组织,才能使科学教育活动获得最好的效果。其一般的组织方法有以下两种:理论的组织法和科学组织法。(╳) 15、心理组织法的优点是容易调动学前儿童的学习积极性和主动性,学习起来相对容易,能适合学前儿童的能力、兴趣及需要。但是比较难形成系统的经验,再加上学前儿童的兴趣难以预先确定,因此教师相对比较难以掌握。(√) 16、目前常用的学前儿童科学教育选编方法是:根据学前儿童科学教育的内容与季节联系的密切性选编教育内容。(√) 17、学前儿童科学教育的内容十分的丰富,它涉及了儿童生活周围的方方面面,这些内容突出体现了以下三个方面的观点:第一是强调以探究为中心的科学观;第二是强调科学、技术和社会的相互作用观;第三是强调人与自然和谐相处的生态观。(√) 18、将幼儿园三学年(或四学年)的科学教育内容编排成若干个单元, 每个单元从内容到形式都注重体现知识的系统性与学前儿童发展的连续性。每个单元又突出一个重点,围绕重点设计多种活动内容和形式,这是根据科学教育的各个领域选编内容。(√) 19、采用单元式选编内容的优点是能使学前儿童获得系统知识及训练理论的思考,但它忽视学前儿童的能力、兴趣及需要,容易使学前儿童感到乏味,不适合学前儿童的学习。(╳) 20、科学与技术的区别是:科学是发现新知识的过程,而技术是创造、发明新产品的过程。(╳) 二、选择题 1、竭力倡导发现学习的是(布鲁姆)。 2、科学技术的功能包括(认识功能、生产力功能)。 3、世界上首创用实验法进行科学教学的是(墨子) 4、我国的儿童科学教育通过专门设置的自然课程进行,是在清代(同治)年间。 5、科学的范畴极为广泛,我们把科学定义为:科学是关于(思维、自然和社会的知识体系)。 6、下列目标中,不属于学前儿童科学教育四个层次目标的是(学前儿童科学教育的总目标)。 7、我国教育部于2001年7月颁布了《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》,在《纲要》中的“科学”领域教育目标可以归类为(D )。A、科学情感和态度方面的目标B、科学过程和方法方面的目标C、科学


2015年第一学期国家开放大学形考答案 大家在看的时候,一定要看清答案的顺序,不要盲目的跟着本章答案选择,一定要看定顺序 国家开放大学形考任务1 一、单项选择(每题5分,共计10分) 1、请将你认为不适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来。()答案:国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式完全相同的大学 2:请将不能客观地描述国家开放大学学习方式的选项选择出来。()答案:只有在面对面教学的课堂上才能完成学习任务 二、判断题(每题2分,共计10分) 3:制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对)4:远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。(错) 5:在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。(对) 6:在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。(错) 7:纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。(错) 国家开放大学形考任务2 一、单选题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分) 1:开放大学学制特色是注册后年内取得的学分均有效。()答案:8 2:不是专业学位授予的必备条件。()答案:被评为优秀毕业生 3:是专业学习后期需要完成的环节。()答案:专业综合实践 4:转专业后,学籍有效期从开始计算。()答案:入学注册时 5:不是目前国家开放大学设有的学习层次。()答案:小学、初中 二、判断题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分) 6:办理转专业相关事宜时,拟转入专业与转出专业应属于同等学历层次,本科转专业还应是同科类相近专业。(对) 7:自愿退学的学生可重新报名参加国开学习,学生原来获得的学分,可按免修免考的有关规定进行课程或学分替换。(对) 8:入学后第一个学期可以转专业。(错) 9:申请转专业的同时不可以申请转学。(错) 10:入学后第一个学期可以转学。(错) 国家开放大学形考任务3 一、单选题(每题1分,共计4分) 1:国家开放大学门户网站网址是()答案:https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c3112222.html, 2:学生使用空间资料管理功能上传的资料不能共享给其他同学浏览。(错) 3:进入课程页面后,学生只能按顺序一章一章的进行系统学习。(错) 4:下面哪些作业类型不属于形成性考核()答案:毕业论文 二、多选题(每题1分,共计4分) 5:国家开放大学课程考核方式通常采用()相结合的方式进行。答案:形成性考核、终结性考核


一.单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 题目1 正确 获得3.00分中的3.00分 标记题目 题干 一国给予另一国国民的待遇不低于现在或将来给予任何第三国国民的待遇,称为:()选择一项: A. 互惠原则 B. 最惠国待遇 C. 非歧视待遇 D. 国民待遇 反馈 正确答案是:最惠国待遇 题目2 正确 获得3.00分中的3.00分 标记题目 题干 下列关于世界贸易组织基本原则的表述中正确的是:() 选择一项: A. 对于进口商品提出不同的环境保护的要求不构成贸易限制

B. 最惠国待遇原则使得外国产品能享受比本国产品更多的优惠 C. 世界贸易组织的透明度原则要求各成员国制定更为严密的贸易法规 D. 数量限制是比关税更具保护进口国市场作用的贸易保护措施 反馈 正确答案是:数量限制是比关税更具保护进口国市场作用的贸易保护措施 题目3 正确 获得3.00分中的3.00分 标记题目 题干 GATT第24条允许WTO成员建立关税同盟或自由贸易区,但是要求( ) 选择一项: A. 地区贸易集团必须实行对外统一关税 B. 地区贸易集团内必须取消影响相互之间贸易的所有关税和其它限制 C. 地区贸易集团内实施的优惠也应给予来自集团以外的产品 D. 地区贸易集团以外的WTO成员其经营者的待遇不应低于给予集团内经营者的待遇 反馈 正确答案是:地区贸易集团内必须取消影响相互之间贸易的所有关税和其它限制 题目4 正确 获得3.00分中的3.00分

标记题目 题干 WTO《贸易的技术壁垒协议》适用于与产品标准有关的进口国采取的措施,这里的“产品标准”是指( )。 选择一项: A. 产品的卫生标准 B. 影响产品性能的生产工艺、生产方法 C. 加工方法的环境标准 D. 产品的包装标准 反馈 正确答案是:影响产品性能的生产工艺、生产方法 题目5 正确 获得3.00分中的3.00分 标记题目 题干 GATT第20条一般例外不适用于( )。 选择一项: A. 影响货物在进口国销售的国内规章方面的措施 B. 进口国为保护本国资源所采取的进出口限制措施 C. 影响货物进口的边境措施 D. 进口国为保护全球资源采取的措施


国家开放大学学习指南形考作业1 一、多选题(每题5分,共计10分) 1、同学们,在学习了“任务一”的相关内容后,请将你认为适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来(BCDE)。 选择一项或多项:A. 国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式相同的大学 B. 国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别与普通高校的新型大学 C. 国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 D. 国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资源 E. 国家开放大学是为没有条件参与全日制校园学习的人群提供学习资源的大学 F. 国家开放大学的学习参与活动必须要到校园中和课堂上反馈 2、请将下列适用于国家开放大学学习的方式选择出来(ABCD)。 A. 利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习 B. 在集中面授课堂上向老师请教问题 C. 在网络上阅读和学习学习资源 D. 在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论反馈 二、判断题(每题2分,共计10分) 3、制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对)4、在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。(对) 5、远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。(错) 6、纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。(错) 7、在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。(错) 国家开放大学学习指南形考作业2 一、单选题(每题2分,共计10分) 1、开放大学学制特色是注册后(A)年内取得的学分均有效。 A. 8 B. 3 C. 10 D. 5 2、请问以下是专业学习后期需要完成的环节?(B) A. 课程形成性评价 B. 专业综合实践 C. 入学测试 D. 了解教学计划 3、请问以下不是专业学位授予的必备条件?(A) A. 被评为优秀毕业生 B. 毕业论文成绩达到学位授予相关要求 C. 课程成绩达到学位授予的相关要求 D. 通过学位英语考试 4、学生本人要在学期开学后(D)内向学籍所在教学点提出申请,并填写《国家开放大学学生转专业审批表》,经国开分部审核批准后,即可办理转专业手续。 A. 1周 B. 2周 C. 4周 D. 3周 5、转专业后,学籍有效期仍从(D)开始计算。 A. 转专业后学习开始的时间 B. 转专业批准的时间 C. 提出转专业申请的时间 D. 入学注册时 二、判断题(每题2分,共计10分) 6、办理转专业相关事宜时,拟转入专业与转出专业应属于同等学历层次,本科转专业还应是同科类相近专业(对)。 7、入学后第一个学期可以转专业(错)。 8、自愿退学的学生可重新报名参加国开学习,学生原来获得的学分,可按免修免考的有关规定进行课程或学分替换(对)。


1.请将你认为不适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来。(??) 选择一项:a.国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 b.国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式完全相同的大学 c.国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资源 d.国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别与普通高校的新型大学 答案是:国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式完全相同的大学 2.请将不能客观地描述国家开放大学学习方式的选项选择出来。(??) 选择一项:a.在网络上阅读和学习课程教学资源 b.在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论 c.只有在面对面教学的课堂上才能完成学习任务 d.利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习 答案是:只有在面对面教学的课堂上才能完成学习任务 信息文本二、判断题(每题2分,共计10分) 3.制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(??)选择一项:对错答案是“对”。 4.远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。(???) 选择一项:对错答案是“错”。 5.在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。(???) 选择一项:对错答案是“对”。 6.在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。(????) 选择一项:对错答案是“错”。 7.纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。(????) 选择一项:对错答案是“错”。 8.开放大学学制特色是注册后??????????年内取得的学分均有效。(????) 选择一项:a.3 b.5 c.8 d.10 9.???????不是专业学位授予的必备条件。(????) 选择一项:a.课程学习成绩达到学位授予的相关要求 b.被评为优秀毕业生 c.通过学位英语考试 d.毕业论文成绩达到学位授予相关要求 10.???????是专业学习后期需要完成的环节。(????) 选择一项:a.入学测试 b.专业综合实践 c.了解教学计划 d.入学教育 11.转专业后,学籍有效期从???????????????????开始计算。(????) 选择一项:a.转专业批准的时间 b.入学注册时 c.转专业后学习开始的时间 d.提出转专业申请的时间 12.???????不是目前国家开放大学设有的学习层次。(????) 选择一项:a.小学、初中 b.专科 c.专升本科 d.中专 信息文本二、判断题(每题2分,共5题,共计10分) 13.办理转专业相关事宜时,拟转入专业与转出专业应属于同等学历层次,本科转专业还应是同科类相近专业。(??????) 选择一项:对错


国家开放大学2018年秋思想道德修养与法律基础期末终结 考试试题及答案 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 国家开放大学2018年秋思想道德修养与法律基础期末终结考试试题及答案国家开放大学2018年秋思想道德修养与法律基础期末终结考试试题及答案一、试论成就出彩人生的途径是什么?(80分)二、马克思、恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中说:“法不过是被奉为法律的你们这个阶级的意志”,“而这种意志的内容是由你们这个阶级的物质生活条件来决定的。”马克思、恩格斯通过对资本主义法律的这一论述,提示出来的法的本质是什么?(20分)一、答:1.人生理想是出彩人生的总开关。人不能没有理想。一个人有了理想,他的才华才能发展得更快,生活才有质量,人生才能出彩。人的自身价值如果能按照自已设定的目标顺利实现,那么他在为目标奋斗过程注定是出彩的,他努力的结果也注定精彩。2.“三不怕”是出彩人生的基石。“三不怕”是指:-不怕苦,二不怕难,三不怕吃亏。第一,不怕苦。俗话说:“苦尽甘来”、“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”。这些都是鼓励人们要经受住辛苦的考验,面对辛苦的时候不怕苦,敢吃苦,能吃苦。只有保持这样一一种心态,这样-种干劲,这样-种行为,才可能走向人生的精彩与辉煌。具备好的心态才不怕苦,肯吃苦、能吃苦,才能苦尽甘来。



3 一、单选题(每题1分,共计4分) 题目1 国家开放大学门户网站网址是()。 选择一项: a. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c3112222.html, b. www.ou https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c3112222.html, c. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c3112222.html, d. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c3112222.html, 正确答案是:https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c3112222.html, 题目2 进入课程页面后,学生只能按顺序一章一章的进行系统学习()。 选择一项: a. 对 b. 错 正确答案是:错 题目3 课程实践环节一般根据老师的安排如期完成即可,通常不作为形成性考核成绩记录()。 选择一项:

a. 对 b. 错 正确答案是:错 题目4 下面哪些作业类型不属于形成性考核()。 选择一项: a. 专题讨论 b. 阶段性测验 c. 上传单个作业 d. 程序题 正确答案是:程序题 二、多选题(每题1分,共计4分) 题目5 国家开放大学考试通常采用()相结合的方式进行。选择一项或多项: a. 形成性考核 b. 纸质考核 c. 终结性考核 d. 阶段性考核 e. 网络考核

正确答案是:形成性考核, 终结性考核 题目6 国家开放大学专科起点本科专业的学生必须参加网络统考。网络统考的科目包括()。 选择一项或多项: a. 《大学英语》 b. 邓论 c. 《计算机应用基础》 d. 《大学语文》 e. 《高等数学》 正确答案是:《大学英语》, 《计算机应用基础》, 《大学语文》, 《高等数学》题目7 按是否开卷进行分类,一般又可分为()。 选择一项或多项: a. 开卷 b. 闭卷 c. 半闭卷 d. 半开卷 正确答案是:开卷, 半开卷, 闭卷

题目8 参加考试时必须要携带的证件有()。 选择一项或多项: a. 准考证 b. 课程资格证 c. 身份证 d. 学生证 e. 工作证 正确答案是:身份证, 学生证, 准考证 三、判断题(每题2分,共计12分) 题目9 已具有国民教育系列本科以上学历(含本科)的学生,可免考全部统考科目。选择一项: 对 错 正确的答案是“对”。 题目10 在入学注册时年龄满40周岁的非英语专业学生可免考“大学英语”。 选择一项:


国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论试题(开卷) 论述题:建设什么样的党、怎样建设党是一个重大现实问题,直接关系到我们党和国家的前途命运。党的建设是中国革命取得胜利的三大法宝之一,试述在新民主主义革命时期,党是如何总结历史经验,加强党的思想理论建设的?(100分) 答:中国共产党要领导革命取得胜利,必须不断加强党的思想建设、组织建设和作风建设。半殖民地半封建的中国,是一个以农民为主体的国度,无产阶级人数很少,农民和其他小资产阶级占人口的大多数,农民和小资产阶綬出身的党员占多数。各种非无产阶级思想,特别是小资产阶级思想必然反映到党内来党内无产阶级思想和非无产阶级思想之间的矛盾成为党内思想上的主要矛盾。“有许多党员,在组织上入了党,思想上并没有完全入党,甚至完全没有入党。”加之党长期在农村发展,且处于战争环境之中,如果不加强党的组织建设、作风建设,党就会组织松散、軟弱涣散,不可能成为坚强有力的战斗堡垒,不可能具备优良的作风,更不可能赢得人民群众的支持并取得革命胜利。这些情况决定了要建设一个广大群众性的、马克思主义的无产阶级政党,是一项艰巨的任务,必须不断地结合革命形势的发展需要加强党的建设。 中国共产党在加强自身建设中积累了丰富的经验,归纳起来主要

有:第一,必须把思想建设始终放在党的建设的首位。加强党的思想建设,关键是要以无产阶级思想克服和改造各种非无产阶级思想。第二,必须在任何时候都重视党的组织建设。加强党的组织建设,根本的是要贯彻民主集中制这一根本组织原则,坚持在民主基础上的集中和在集中指导下的民主相结合,个人服从组织,少数服从多数,下级服从上级,全党服从中央。第三,必须重视党的作风建设。党在领导新民主主义革命的过程中,把党的建设作为一项“伟大的工程”,逐步形成了理论联系实际,密切联系群众、批评与自我批评相结合的三大优良作风,这是中国共产党区别于其他任何政党的显著标志。第四、必须联系党的政治路线加强党的建设。党的政治路线是党的纲领在一定历史时期的具体体现,是完成党在一定历史阶段的政治任务的总政策,为全党的团结统一奠定政治基础。加强党的建设,必须同党的政治路线紧密联系起来,在贯彻执行党的政治纲领和路线中推进党的建设。 中国共产党对统一战线、武装斗争和党的建设这三个基本问题的认识是透步明确的。大革命时期,处于幼年时期的党对于中国的历史状况和社会状况、中国革命的特点、中国革命的规律都懂得不多,在统一战线、武装斗争和党的建设三个基本问题上都没有经验。因此党在这一阶极的紧要关头,没有能够巩固革命的胜利;党的组织虽然有过很大的发展,但是没有现固;党的手里有了一批革命武装,但是没有掌握住。 大革命失败后,党对武装斗争的认识有了提高,发动了武装起义,


任务一 一、单项选择(每题 5 分,共计10 分) 题目 1 题干 请将你认为不适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来。()选择一项: a.国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 b.国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资源 c.国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别与普通高校的新型大学 d.国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式完全相同的大学 反馈正确答案是:国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式完全相同的大学 题目 2 正确 题干 请将不能客观地描述国家开放大学学习方式的选项选择出来。() 选择一项: a.在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论 b.在网络上阅读和学习课程教学资源 c.只有在面对面教学的课堂上才能完成学习任务 d.利用 pad 、手机等设备随时随地学习 反馈正确答案是:只有在面对面教学的课堂上才能完成学习任务 信息文本

二、判断题(每题 2 分,共计10 分) 题目 3 题干 制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策 略。() 选择一项: 对 错 反馈正确的答案是“对”。 题目4 题干 远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。( ) 选择一项: 对 错 反馈正确的答案是“错”。 题目5 题干 在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,可以通过发email 、 QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。()

对 错 反馈正确的答案是“对”。 题目 6 题干 在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。()选择一项: 对 错 反馈正确的答案是“错”。 题目 7 题干 纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。() 选择一项: 对 错 反馈正确的答案是“错”。 任务二 一、单选题(每题 2 分,共 5 题,共计10 分) 题目 1

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