剑桥商务英语 第8课

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adj. 有错误的,不完善的
• 1 the agreement was that you’d like let us have three sets of documents, but we only seem to have been sent one, could you do sth about this right away, please? • 2 we asked you to send us all the necessary documentation, but we’ve been invoiced for three sets. As far as I can tell we only need one set, and there should be no charge for this, according to your letter. • 3 hello, listen I’m terribly sorry, but I thought I’d be able to make it in good time for our meeting this afternoon. The trouble is that there’s been a terrible hold-up on the motorway. I’ve been sitting in a queue for two hours so I don’t think I’ll be able to get to you till quarter to two. Will you still be available then?
n.[C] 环行;巡回 It takes a year for the earth to make its circuit of the sun. 地球绕太阳循环一周需时一年。 n.[C] 电路 The electric circuit consists of a battery, a switch, a conductor and a lamp. 这个电路由电池、开关、导线和灯组成。
• 4 sorry about this but, there’s been a problem with air traffic control and my flight has been re-timed to quarter to two. This means that it wont arrive in time for our lunch appointment. I’m terribly sorry about this. Will you still be in the office later in the afternoon, say about quarter to five? I know this is very late, but I won’t be able to make it till then. • 5 the thing is that there are some scratches on the front panel of 15 of the consignment. Now I realize this wont affect the operation of the units but obviously we cant sell them to our customers unless they’re in perfect condition, so what we want you to do is to include an extra 15 in next month’s order and we’ll send the faculty ones back to you. Is that agreeable? Oh, and if in the meantime we discover any more with the same fault, we’ll let you know and perhaps we can have our money back on those.
• 8 it ’s happened again, the feed roller mechanism has jammed again, I called the service engineer, but he says we’ve been using the wrong grade of paper and that we should be using 60 gram. Well, we cant replace our entire stock of 85 gram just to make it work in one machine. Now I’d like you to know that we want the complete feed and transport mechanism replaced straight away. The last time the engineer serviced it he informed us that the problem was caused by a faulty circuit board, even though this was obviously not what was wrong with it. Anyway, he replaced it and we were charged for it. And by the way, we’d like a refund for this charge, too.
• 6 we examined the packages when they were delivered and they seemed to be in good order, but when we opened the packages, we discover that 15 out of 20 packages were water-stained on the inside, some of this water seems to have soaked through the inner packaging and the contents are wet inside. They’ve obviously been left out in the rain in transit and your inner packaging was inadequate. Anyway, I’ve been asked to tell you that we’ll be withholding payment on the entire consignment until you arrange to have the faulty items collected and replaced. • 7 look, the blessed thing has broken down again, and yes, we have switched it off so that it can cool down. Yes, I suppose to be capable of operating 24 hours a day, no, I want you to get someone out here today to look at it and putting things right. Assuming it’s not a design fault, there must be something an engineer can do to stop this happening every time the temperature rises over 25 degrees
panel roller
vt. 沾污;沾染;玷污 The pen stained the cloth with ink. 钢笔里的墨水把衣服沾污了。 The clothes are stained with oil. 衣服被油弄脏了。
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
n.[C] 拥挤;塞满;阻塞 We were delayed by a traffic jam on the highway this morning. 今天早上我们给公路上交通阻塞耽搁了。 n.[U] 果酱 I'd like some jam on my bread, please. 劳驾,我要些果酱抹在面包上。
• Mix up
把某物搅匀,拌和 (2) 搞混,混淆 (3) 使卷入,使牵连进
8.2 D
To:Piero Conti, Uniplex srl,Pisa From :Zenith International Re:Our order for MCL88 cable We regret that we shall have to cancel this order. Unfortunately ,a temporary member of our staff placed the order by mistake while I am on holiday. However, we are still very interested in you products. We do hope that we may be able to do business with you in future. Perhaps you could contact us to discuss this soon? We are very sorry about the inconvenience this may have caused. Regards. Zenith international
Unit 8
Dealing with problems
• This unit looks at some of the problems that may arise between customers and suppliers. There are a series of integrated activities and case studies where students have to resolve a variety of problems connected with delivery and after-sales. The functions of complaining and apologizing are also covered.
vt. 不给与[人等] <承诺、支付、权利等> ,暂缓,保留 [from] I have nothing to withhold from you. 我没有什么事要对你隐瞒。 They withheld the truth from the police vt. 抑制,压住,扣住 withhold one's laughter
circuit board 线路板
v. 抓;划 I'm not going. Please scratch my name off the list. 我不去了。请把我的名字从名单上划掉。
v. 浸;泡;浸透 Put the clothes in water and let them soak for several hours. 将衣服在水中浸几个小时。 v. 使湿;使浸透 The rain soaked us. 雨使我们湿透了。