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Unit7 Coll ege Life


Listening 1

Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Long time no see!

Dave: Hi Maria. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop by. Maria: Come in. Have a seat. Would you like something to drink I have Sprite and orange juice.

Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been

Maria: Oh, not bad. And you

Dave: Oh, I’m doing OK, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven’t had time to relax.

Maria: What’s your major anyway

Dave: Hotel management.

Maria: Well, what do you want to do after graduation

Dave: Uh… I haven’t decided for sure, but I think I’d like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this area. How about you

Maria: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but then I realized I might have a hard time finding a job, so I changed to computer science. With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn’t be as difficult.

Dave: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school Maria: Well, fortunately I received a four-year academic scholarship that pays for all my tuition and books.

Dave: Wow, that’s great.

Maria: Yeah. How about you Are you working your way through school Dave: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near campus.

Maria: Oh, what do you do there

Dave: I’m a cook.

Maria: How do you like your job

Dave: It’s OK. People there are friendly, and the pay isn’t bad. Answers


2.1. neighborhood drop by 2. hectic relax

3. for sure agency


landing a job as difficult 5. working your way through

Listening 2

1. Do you need a place where you can juggle without breaking furniture Our club offers a place to practice your skills and has equipment members can use. No experience is necessary to join.

2. If you play or just love listening to jazz, this is the club for you. Membership includes free entry to jazz concerts. The club also offers classes with well-known musicians for members who want to improve their playing.

3. A good cave exploration trip includes all those things your mother didn’t l ike you to do when you were small—getting wet and dirty, jumping off things, and swinging on ropes. Our members explore dark and mysterious caves with underground rivers and noisy waterfalls. The club explores new caves in Britain and travels to other countries such as Spain.

4. The Food and Wine Club offers a variety of social events every year, including holiday parties, wine tastings, and our annual Oktoberfest trip to Munich. One of our past dinners has been described as “the best meal I’ve ever had.”



2.1. Jazz Society 2. Cave Club

3. Juggling Club

4. The Food and Wine

Club 5. Open

Listening 3

Well, I think first of all for first-time students, coming and living on campus in dormitories can provide a certain level of security as well as convenience because it’s close to campus facilities and commuting without a car can be quite an experience, especially when you have to commute long distances. Also meals are usually provided on campus so students can devote more time to their studies, rather than to housekeeping. But, of course, students should also be aware that they’ll have to obey the rules and regulations relating to student conduct. This is part of the contract with the university for living on campus. Another option is living off campus in apartments. Like living in dormitories, living in an apartment requires little or no maintenance mainly because that is usually handled by the owner or someone else. Also, if you live off campus, there might be a great amount of flexibility in choosing roommates that you might not have when living on campus. But you should be aware that tenants may be responsible for furnishing their own apartments.

Well, of course, the choice is up to you, but be careful to review both the advantages and disadvantages of living on and off campus. Good luck. Answers


1.which of the following is mentioned as an advantage of living on campus

2.What should students remember about on-campus living

3.Which of the following is mentioned as an advantage off living off


4.What should students living off campus be prepared to do




Listening 4

The following is a conversation between one woman, Grace, and two men, Martin and Curtis.

Grace: Martin, what do you remember most about our college days Martin: What do I remember most

Grace: Curtis’s hair; it was down to his waist.

Curtis: I remember how Grace looked. She always had a flower painted on her face. Do you remember that

Martin: Oh, yes.

Grace: Now wait. Let’s not forget Martin’s air-conditioned blue jeans.

I never saw anybody with more holes in their jeans.

Martin: They’re a classic now. I still have those blue jeans! Grace: You still have them I don’t believe it. That’s incredible! Martin: And I still wear them, too.

Curtis: You know, I was just thinking about the most important thing that happened in college.

Martin: The most important thing Do you mean the time we got arrested

Curtis: Mmm.

Grace: Yeah. You know, that’s my best memory, going on that peace demonstration. You know, somehow getting arrested for something you believe in isn’t scary at all.

Curtis: No, it isn’t at all. But it did help that there were 500 other students getting arrested along with us.

Martin: That’s true.

Curtis: That was a great day, though.

Grace: Hey, you all remember our last day of college

Curtis: Graduation What’s to remember None of us went to graduation. Martin: Do you regret now, after all these years, that we skipped the ceremony

Grace: Not me. I don’t think we missed anything that day.

Curtis: No, noting at all. And that picnic that the three of us had by the stream, remember

Grace: That was great.

Curtis: Drinking wine, playing the guitar, singing. Oh, that was worth more to me than any graduation ceremony.

Martin: That was the best graduation ceremony there could have been. Curtis: Mm-hmm.





1.had a flower painted on her face

2.wore air-conditioned blue jeans/jeans with lot of holes in them

3.has his hair down to his waist

Part 4

Further listening

Listening 1

Justin is twenty, and studying away from home in the north of England. He never writes home, but often calls his parents on Sunday evenings. Mother: Hello. Bedford 21698.

Justin: Hello, Mom. It’s me, Justin.

Mother: Hello, love. How are you

Justin: I’m fine, but I’m really tired.

Mother: Oh—what have you been doing

Justin: Well, we’ve just started exams, so I’ve been staying up late, erm, it was three o’clock last night. Yeah, I’ve been studying really hard.

Mother: Of course, it’s exam time. When did they start

Justin: Last Thursday. We had our first one on Thursday morning. It was terrible. I don’t want to talk about it.

Mother: OK. What else have you been doing

Justin: Not a lot. I’ve been working too hard. Sometimes I go round to Lucinda’s place and we study together.

Mother: Lucinda I haven’t hear d about her before. Who is she

Justin: You know, Lucinda, I’m sure I’ve told you about her. She’s doing the same courses as I am. I’ve known her for ages. We often help each other with work. Sometimes we go to the pub or cook a meal together. Today,

we’ve been testing each other on economics and marketing. She’s just gone out to get a Chinese takeaway.

Mother: Oh, yes. When exactly are you going home

Justin: In two weeks. Term ends on the 30th. Oh—Mom, would it be OK if Lucinda came to stay for the holiday Erm, we have to do a project together. Mother: That’s fine, love. She’s very welcome to stay. We’d like to meet her.

Justin: Thanks Mum. Lucinda’s just come back with the food. I’ll ring again before I come home. Love to Dad.

Mother: Bye, love. And good luck in the exams.

Justin: Thanks. I need all the luck I can get. Bye.

Mother: Take care of yourself and work hard. Bye.


college Sunday ringing/calling end exams staying last/on

terribly/badly/poorly courses help testing Marketing two stay holiday project

Listening 2

College students must be mature enough to assume responsibilities for their own education. First, they must make themselves attend class. Many college instructors do not take roll, and many others don’t penalize students for not going to class. A student who would rather sit in the bar than go to class has the option to do so. A student must be mature enough to realize that he needs to go to class. Second, college student have to motivate themselves to do their assignments. Many students are away from home, so the old enforcers, their parents, aren’t there to ask

if their reading is finished. No college teacher hounds a student for his homework. He simply puts down a zero and says nothing. It’s up to the student to get the work done. Finally, college student are responsible for taking the required exams. A student who misses a test can’t expect a professor even to mention it. It is totally his responsibility to arrange to make up the exam. Only students mature enough to accept these responsibilities are ready for college.


1.what is the passage mainly about

2.Which of the following is relevant to the maturity of college students

3.How would the professor respond if the student didn’t do his


4.Who ids the expected audience for this passage


Listening 3

Man: So you were studying for how long—let me see—for four years altogether Can you tell me a little about that course

Woman: Well, it was a very difficult, very tough course. I did English for the entire four years, so by the end, I was quite good. As for the Business Correspondence part, which I did in the second year and third year, it was really mostly English too. I also did one year of French, in the fourth year, learning to meet people, or answer the telephone. Then there were three years of Secretarial Practice, starting in the second year; and three years of Shorthand, though I never got very good at it. And, well, I suppose the other subjects just fitted around that: Accounting in year three and four, Economics in the first and second and

Bookkeeping in the third… no, no, in the second year, before we started Accounting.


Year 1 2 3 4

English √√√√

Business Corr…√√

French √


Shorthand √√√

Accounting √√

Economic √√

Bookkeeping √

Listening 4

The Bully Asleep

By John Walsh

One afternoon, when grassy

Scents through the classroom crept,

Bill Craddock laid his head

Down on his desk, and slept.

The children came round him:

Jimmy, Roger, and Jane;

They lifted his head timidly

And let it sink again.

“Look, he’s gone sound asleep, Miss,”Said Jimmy Adair;

“He stays up all the night, you see.

His mother doesn’t care.”

“Stand away from him, children.”

Miss Andrews stopped to see.

“Yes, he’s asleep; go on

With your writing, and let him be.”

“Now’s a good chance!” whispered Jimmy; And he snatched Bill’s pen and hid it.“Kick him under the desk hard;

He won’t know who did it.”

“Fill all his pockets with rubbish—Paper, apple-cores, chalk.”

So they plotted, while Jane

Sat wide-eyed at their talk.

Not caring, not hearing,

Bill Craddock he slept on;

Lips parted, eyes closed—

Their cruelty gone.

“Stick him with pins!” muttered Roger.“Ink down his neck!” said Jim.

But Jane, tearful and foolish,

Wanted to comfort him.

Answer: laid slept lifted sink sound stays up care

let him be chance




wide-eyed parted cruelty Stick comfort


新标准大学英语视听说 教程听力原文U n i t+ Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

Unit 1-Conversation 1**(1)Janet: So this is the Cherwell Boathouse — it's lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy. Mark: I'm not so sure about that! Janet, there's something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We've decided to get involved. Janet: Raising money for charity Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don't usually do that. Mark: Students often do that here. Anyway, we're thinking of doing sponsored punting. Janet: Sponsored punting! What's that Kate: Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something — like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt. Janet: What a great idea! I'd love to join you! Mark: That's why we're telling you about it. So that's decided then. Let's make a list of things we need to do. Kate: I'll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity. Mark: Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I've got one here. Kate: That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that Mark: I'll do that. What have we got so far Kate: Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form... Um ...


Unit 1 Listen1_Ex1 Interviewer:Angela, you were born in Korea but you've been living in Canada for a long time, haven't you? Angela:Yes, I was 10 years old when my parents immigrated to Canada and I've been living here for 20 years now. Interviewer:Do you think that belonging to two different cultures has affected your personality? Angela:Yes, definitely. There are times when I think that I have two personalities. Depending on where I am and who I'm with, I'm Korean or I'm Canadian. Interviewer:That sounds complicated. Could you explain what you mean? Angela:Well, growing up in Canada when I was going to high school, for example, I was known as Angela to the outside world, and as Sun-Kyung at home. I would wave hello to my teachers, but bow to my parents' Korean friends when they visited our home. Interviewer:Do different cultures have different ideas as to what is polite? Angela:Yes, definitely. In high school, I was expected to look straight in the eyes of my teachers and to talk openly with them. But when Koreans spoke to me, I was expected to look at my feet and to be shy and silent. Interviewer:Do you think that having two personalities makes you a richer person? Angela:Yes, but sometimes I don't know who I am. 1.Angela immigrated from Canada to Korea.(F ) 2.Angela is about 20 years old now.(F ) 3.Angela had two different personalities,one at school and one at home.(T ) 4.Sun-Kyung is Anglela's gilefriend at school.(F ) 5.Angela agrees that culture affects personality.(T ) 6.Being expected to two different cultures is sometimes confusing.(T) 1) outside world 2) at home 3) wave hello 4) bow 5) look straight in the eyes of 6) openly 7) look at my feet 8) shy and silent Listen2_Ex1 I am a very sensitive person, and that's good to a point. I feel everyone should be able to feel or understand what others are going through. But when you hurt, cry, or are unhappy for people you don't know, or for a movie that is not real, then I think that's a little too sensitive. That's the way I am. I am a very independent person. I must do things for myself. I don't like people doing things for me, or helping me, or giving me things. It's not that I don't appreciate it, because I do. I just feel that when someone does something for you, you owe them, and if there is one thing I don't like to feel, it's that I owe anyone anything. I think I would be a good friend. I would do almost anything for someone I like, and would share or give anything I have. I'm very caring and understanding. People


Unit 4 Fresh Start In-Class Reading Fresh Start 新的开端 1当我父母开车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场上时,我开始寻思我在校园里该做什么。我决定我最想做的就是平安无事地回到宿舍。我感到似乎校园里的每个人都在看着我。我打定主意:竖起耳朵,闭上嘴巴,但愿别人不知道我是新生。 2第二天早上我找到了上第一堂课的教室,大步走了进去。然而,进了教室,我又碰到了一个难题。坐哪儿呢?犹豫再三,我挑了第一排边上的一个座位。3“欢迎你们来听生物101 课,”教授开始上课。天哪,我还以为这里是文学课呢!我的脖子后面直冒冷汗,摸出课程表核对了一下教室——我走对了教室,却走错了教学楼。 4怎么办?上课途中就站起来走出去?教授会不会生气?大家肯定会盯着我看。算了吧。我还是稳坐在座位上,尽量使自己看起来和生物专业的学生一样认真。 5下了课我觉得有点饿,便赶忙去自助食堂。我往托盘里放了些三明治就朝座位走去,就在这时,我无意中踩到了一大滩番茄酱。手中的托盘倾斜了,我失去了平衡。就在我屁股着地的刹那间,我看见自己整个人生在眼前一闪而过,然后终止在大学上课的第一天。 6摔倒后的几秒钟里,我想要是没有人看见我刚才的窘相该有多好啊。但是,食堂里所有的学生都站了起来,鼓掌欢呼,我知道他们不仅看见了刚才的情景,而且下决心要我永远都不会忘掉这一幕。 7接下来的三天里,我独自品尝羞辱,用以果腹的也只是些从宿舍外的售货机上买来的垃圾食品。到了第四天,我感到自己极需补充一些真正意义上的食物。也许三天时间已经足以让校园里的人把我忘在脑后了。于是我去了食堂。 8我好不容易排队取了食物,踮脚走到一张桌子前坐下。突然我听到一阵熟悉的“哗啦”跌倒声。抬头看见一个可怜的家伙遭遇了和我一样的命运。当人们开始像对待我那样鼓掌欢呼的时候,我对他满怀同情。他站起身,咧嘴大笑,双手紧握高举在头顶上,做出胜利的姿势。我料想他会像我一样溜出食堂,可他却转身重新盛一盘食物。就在那一刻,我意识到我把自己看得太重了。

新编大学英语1综合教程练习unit 5

Unit 5 Romance I.Key Words & Expressions absorb broaden correspond delicate disgust fertile glow grateful grip hesitate overseas previous locate margin schedule sensible slim split straighten sustain thoughtful thrust be grateful to sb. for sth. go sb’s way in response to make one’s way more than a little take a chance on sth. Additional V ocabulary live up to one’s expectation 不辜负某人的期望 A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post. 干部要能上能下。 provocative smile 撩人的微笑 more than a little overweight 体重偏胖,体态臃肿 warm and kindly glow 热情善良的光芒 Ill news travels fast. 恶事传千里。 Every man has a fool in his sleeves. 人人都有糊涂的时候。 II. V ocabulary &Structure 1. As you have seen, the value of a nation’s currency is a of its economy. A. reaction B. reflection C. response D. revelation 2. During the process, great care has been taken to protect the silk from damage. A. sensitive B. tender C. delicate D. sensible 3. She was so in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door, A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated 4. Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on . A. list B. plan C. arrangement D. schedule 5. We haven' t reserved a table, b ut we will take a chance its not being full. A. at B. on C. about D. of


Unit 6-Conversation 1 Janet: What are you reading, Kate Kate:Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Do you know it Janet: I've heard of it, yes, but I've never read it. It's a 19th century children's story, isn't it K a te: That's right. It's very famous. It's set in Oxford. It starts with this young girl sitting on a river bank. The interesting thing is, the author, Lewis Carroll, he was an Oxford professor and he used to have tea with the girl's family on this river bank. Ja net: Oh, that's fascinating! I'll put it into my diary. Kate: Is that what you're writing I know you've been keeping a diary all the year. Janet: It's been a great year. I've had such a good time — so lucky to have Mark and Kate as friends. Feel I've been doing well with work. Much happier about asking questions in tutorials. Janet: My screen's gone dark. Mark: You're using the battery, remember. It's run out, obviously. Janet: It can't be the battery. It's still charged. Oh no it's still black. Oh dear, I hope it's nothing serious. I haven't backed anything up recently. Kate: That's not like you, Janet. Janet:I know, but I lost my memory stick. I really should have backed things up. How stupid of me not to do that! Supposing I've lost everything! Mark: Let me take a look. The power is still on. And also the operating system still seems to be working ... I think it has to be the graphics card ... But maybe that's not the problem ... Janet: If only I'd backed things up! Kate: Relax, Janet! We'll take it to the computer shop this afternoon. I'm sure it'll be OK. Janet: I hope so. Unit 6-Conversation 2 Janet: Tell me about Alice in Wonderland. Kate: I tell you what, I'll read it to you. Kate: Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and having nothing to do: Once or twice, she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversation" So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid) ... Janet: Kate, Mark, where are you going You've got my laptop! Kate: It's all right, Janet, we're taking it to the computer shop. We'll be back soon. Mark: It's not like Janet to forget to back up her work. Kate: She should have been more careful. Janet: It was stupid of me, I know! Stupid, stupid! Janet: Oh! It was a dream! What a relief! Kate: You were talking in your sleep. Janet: What was I saying Kate: "Stupid, stupid." M ark: I've sorted out your computer. Janet: Have you Oh, thank goodness! What was the problem Mark:It was the graphics card, as I predicted ... Janet: Is that what it was! I'm so relieved! Thanks, Mark. Kate: He's great, isn't he Janet: Yes. So are you, Kate. Kate: You're such a good friend. Unit 6-Outside view Computers are a very important part of our lives. They tell us about delays to transport. They drive trains, analyze evidence and control buildings. Did you know that 60 per cent of homes in Britain have got a PC (a personal computer) For many young people, playing computer games is their favorite way of spending spare time. Computers are a very important part of most areas of life in Britain-libraries, the police and in school. But they are becoming more important in our homes as well. They’ll even control the way we live-in “smart homes” or computer-controlled houses. The smart home is now a real possibility. It will become very common. A central computer will adjust the temperature, act as a burglar alarm and switch on lights, ready for you to come back home. And of course you will be able to give new instructions to the computer from your mobile phone. So if your plans change, your home will react to match. Many homes have got lots of televisions and several computers. The smart home will provide TV and Internet sockets in every room, so you’ll be able to do what you want whenever you want. If the temperature outside changes, the smart home will adjust the temperature levels inside. The computer will also close the blinds when it gets dark or to stop so much sun from entering a room. And if you want to eat when you get home, the computer will turn the oven on for you! Are computers taking over our lives In a survey, 44 per cent of young people between 11 and 16 said their PC was a trusted friend. Twenty per cent said they were happier at their computer than spending time with family or friends. Another survey found that people in Britain spend so much time on the phone, texting and reading emails that they no longer have time for conversation. What do you think about that Unit 6-Listening in


Unit 1 Part 1 Listening I 1.1-5 FTFTT 2. 1-5 776-2235,65, 11,loud, quieter Listening II 1. 1-5 ABBDA 2. 1-5 old, torn/ blue, by the hand, holiday, children Listening III 1.1-5 181st,very tired, take hold of; for her trouble, never/ again Listening IV 1.1-5 CDBDB 2.. R: fulfills my every need./stay home, cook, clean, and watch the kids. E: open-minded/ something interesting to say. Part 2 1. ACDEGIJ 2. 1-8 in a mess, my turn, a hand, work on, expectations of, how about, too much, what we have Part 3 1. 1)-15) nicer, excited, promises, married, first, lasted, kids, enough, changes, loves, mad, care about, boy friend, get better, help Part 4 Listening I 1. CEFGKL 2. 1-5 personality/ background, good sense of humor, terrible, different environments, looks Listening II 1. 1-5 FTFTT 2. 1-5 gone by, no sign, taken over, enough, limits Listening III 1. 1-5 TFFTT 2. 1-5 seventies, selfish, unnatural, husband, surrounded Listening IV 1.1-5 ABDCD 2.c: done his part of the housework h: high priority with w: responsibility Unit 2 Part 1 Listening I 1. 1-5 TFTFT 2. 1 He moved to Newton. 2 She wrote down the new address on it. 3 It was thrown away. / The professor threw it away.


1. Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in brackets. 1. (attention) Correct answer inattention 2. (qualify) Correct answer qualified Correct answer Navigation 4. Correct answer participants 5. Correct answer unconscious 6. Correct answer competence 7. Correct answer inequalities 8. morning. (request) Correct answer

requested 9. Correct answer varied 10. Correct answer partners 2. Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate preposition or adverb. 11. Correct answer in 12. Correct answer of 13. Correct answer to 14. accident. Correct answer at 15. Correct answer beyond 16.

Your answer Correct answer from from 17. Your answer Correct answer to to 18. Your answer Correct answer on on 19. Your answer Correct answer in in Your answer Correct answer On On 3. Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best answer from the choices given. 21. The buses, ___________ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. A. most of which B. both of which C. few of them D. those of which 22. There's only one man ____________ the job. A. qualified for


新编大学英语课后答案 Unit 1 Part One PREPARATION 1. Different Kinds of Personal Relationships STEP ONE parent—child employer—employee clerk—customer husband—wife write—reader driver—passenger teacher—student host—guest buyer—seller doctor—patient boyfriend—girlfriend performer—audience STEP TWO co-workers,colleagues,classmates,roommates,schoolmates,seatmates,playmates,lovers,supervisor,neighbors,co-author... Part Two Post-reading Reading Comprehension 1. 1. 1) A 2) B 3)A 4)A 5) B 6) C 7) A 8) C 2. 1) killed 2) wounded 3) arrived 4) girl 5) badly/seriously 6) blood 7) none 8) American 9) type 10) orphans 11) French 12) difficulty 13) frightened 14) would 15) cried 16) Vietnamese 17) dying 18) understand 19) willing 20) friend 3.(略) Vocabulary 1. 1) reply 2) land 3) pat 4) supplied 5) wound 6) pat 7) replied 8) signed 9) wounded 10) supplies 11) sign 12) balance 13) land 14) balance 2. run: 1) D 2) A 3)C 4)E 5) F 6) B match: 1) E 2) B 3)G 4)D 5) C 6) F 7) A 3. 1) Insert 2) in the balance 3) requests 4) relief 5) let out 6) tiny 7) steady 8) stiff 9) occasional 10) misunderstood 11) limited 12) action Translation 1) I'm tired. I should not have gone to bed so late last night. 2) I don't/didn't know Bob very well, but we go/went out for an occasional drink together. 3) We are supposed to meet her at the train station. 4) You could clearly see people drowning, but/and yet you took no action to save them. 5) Including weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents. 6) Without immediate action, many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger. Part Three FURTHER Development 1Grammar Review


Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. A: How are you getting along, Julie B: After the vacation Much refreshed. A.It is interesting. B.It is tiring. C.It is exciting. D.It is refreshing. A: Why are you so cheerful while I'm so stressed all day B: Well, you should work off your stress. A.work not so hard B.work on easier problems C.eat healthy D.get rid of her stress I see you laughing all the time. B: Oh Eric. I'm ... reading a comic book. A: Comic book I didn't know you are interested in it. B: Well, it's a recent interest. When I was low in spirit three months ago, a friend gave me a comic book to read. And I became instantly addicted to such books. You know ... the pictures are so funny ... now I feel much better. A: I didn't know that. No wonder you are always in good spirits these days. B: Yes, and maybe you should read them, too, Eric. A: I ... I don't know. I'm just too busy with my thesis. It's for my master's degree and time is running out ... Ah, pretty much stress on me. B: Now you see Eric That's why you need to give yourself a break to read something amusing. It helps, I promise. A: Really Can reading comic books reduce your stress B: Of course. I'm a living example. Actually I'm having stress too ... you know, the tests, the job, things like that. But when reading the fun stuff, I just forgot all my worries. Later I find myself more powerful to deal with the issues in my life. A: That sounds magical. I'd like to try. Er ... what are you reading now B: Garfields, the cat. It's good. There's another one and you can borrow it. A: Oh, thank you, Penny. You're very helpful. Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard. months ago, a friend gave Penny _____ when she was in low spirits. (岭师分享群4发布) A.a flower B.a comic book C.a comic DVD


Unit 1 Personal Relationship In-Class Reading The Gift of Life 以生命相赠 1 炸弹落在了这个小村庄里。在可怕的越南战争期间,谁也不知道这些炸弹要轰炸什么目标,而它们却落在了一所由传教士办的小孤儿院内。 2 传教士和一两个孩子已经丧生,还有几个孩子受了伤,其中有一个小女孩,8岁左右,双腿被炸伤了。 3 几小时后,医疗救援小组到了。医疗小组由一名年轻的美国海军医生和一名同样年轻的海军护士组成。他们很快发现有个小女孩伤势严重。显然,如果不立即采取行动,她就会因失血过多和休克而死亡。 4 他们明白必须给小女孩输血,但是他们的医药用品很有限,没有血浆,因此需要匹配的血型。快速的血型测定显示两名美国人的血型都不合适。而几个没有受伤的孤儿却有匹配的血型。 5 医生会讲一点越南语,护士会讲一点法语,但只有中学的法语水平。孩子们不会说英语,只会说一点法语。医生和护士用少得可怜的一点共同语言,结合大量的手势,努力向这些受惊吓的孩子们解释说,除非他们能输一些血给自己的小伙伴,否则她将必死无疑。然后他们问孩子们是否有人愿意献血来救小女孩。 6 对医生和护士的请求,孩子们瞪大眼睛,一声不吭。此时小病人生命垂危。然而,只有这些受惊吓的孩子中有人自愿献血,他们才能够得到血。过了好一会儿,一只小手慢慢地举了起来,然后垂了下去,一会儿又举了起来。 7 “噢,谢谢,”护士用法语说。“你叫什么名字?” 8 “兴,”小男孩回答道。 9 兴很快被抱到一张床上,手臂用酒精消毒后,针就扎了进去。在整个过程中,兴僵直地躺着,没有出声。 10 过了一会儿,他发出了一声长长的抽泣,但立即用那只可以活动的手捂住了自己的脸。 11 “兴,疼吗?”医生问。 12 兴默默地摇了摇头,但一会儿忍不住又抽泣起来,并又一次试图掩饰自己的哭声。医生又问是不是插在手臂上的针弄疼了他,兴还是摇了摇头。 13 但现在,偶尔的抽泣变成了持续无声的哭泣。他紧紧地闭着眼睛,用拳头堵住嘴,想竭力忍住哭泣。 14 医疗小组此时非常担忧,因为针不会使他们的小输血者一直感到疼痛。一定是哪里出了问题。恰好这时,一名越南护士前来帮忙。看到小男孩在哭,她用越南话很快地问他原因。听了小男孩的回答后,又立即作了回答。护士一边说,一边俯身轻轻拍着小男孩的头,她的声音亲切柔和。 15 一会儿,小男孩不再哭了,他睁开眼睛,用质疑的目光看着越南护士。护士点了点头,小男孩的脸上马上露出了宽慰的神色。 16 越南护士抬起头平静地对两名美国人说: “他以为自己快死了。他误解了你们。以为你们要他献出所有的血,小女孩才能活下来。” 17 “那他为什么还愿意这么做呢?”海军护士问。 18 越南护士把这个问题向小男孩重复了一遍。小男孩简单地回答道: “她是我的朋友。” 19 他为了朋友甘愿献出自己的生命,没有比这更伟大的爱了。

新编大学英语视听说答案Unit 7

Unit6Culture Part 1 listening Ⅰ 1: 1-5:FFTTT 6-8:FFF 2: 1、cold open outgoing 2、overpowering friendly 3、long time for life 4、accent country loud behavior language 5、closer distance Listening Ⅱ1: 1-5:CADCC 2: 1、lost 2、India 3、settle/stay 4、compare

5、water 6、spoil 7、sugar 8、stay Listening Ⅲ1: EBGADFC 2: 1、European 2、1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 3、Brown 4、Party 5、stand Listen Ⅳ1: 4,7,6,1,3,8,2,5 2: 1-5:FTTFF

Part 2 1: 1-5:TTFTF 6-8:TTF 2: 1、stupid mistakes 2、lovely ones make 3、entirely 4、finished fixes 5、symbol of death 6、on time alone 7、remind in front of 8、what we do right away Part 3 1: 1-6:ACBDCB 2: 1、culture 2、nation

3、mix 4、ceremonies 5、celebrations 6、recognized 7、worn 8、distinctive 9、everyday wear 10、varies Part 4 Listening Ⅰ 1: 1、walk 2、matter 3、both 4、leave 5、share 6、shake 7、offer 8、Promptness is important both in Britain and in America 9、There is an old story about a man who gave a normal

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